        private void Equal()
            var first  = string.Join("", _firstStack.ToArray().Reverse());
            var second = string.Join("", _secondStack.ToArray().Reverse());
            var result = 0m;

            if (first.Length > 0 && second.Length > 0)
                result = _strategy.Exec(Decimal.Parse(first), Decimal.Parse(second));
                StackHelper.Insert(_firstStack, result.ToString());
            _lastResult = result.ToString();
            label1.Text = result.ToString();
        public void It_Should_Find_A_Variable_On_The_Top_Of_The_Stack()
            // Arrange
            var stack = StackHelper.CreateSymbolTableStack();

            stack.Define("hello", LiquidString.Create("HELLO"));

            bool found = false;

            // Act
            stack.FindVariable("hello", (st, v) => found = true, () => { throw new Exception("This shouldn't happen"); });

            // Assert
            Assert.That(found, Is.True);
        public void It_Should_Retrieve_A_Defined_Local_Registry_Value()
            // Arrange
            const string str             = "This is a test.";
            var          templateContext = new TemplateContext();

            templateContext.DefineLocalRegistryVariable("test", str);
            var stack = StackHelper.CreateSymbolTableStack(templateContext);

            // Act
            var result = stack.ReferenceLocalRegistryVariable("test");

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(str, result);
        public void It_Should_Retrieve_A_Defined_Value()
            // Arrange
            const string str             = "This is a test.";
            var          templateContext = new TemplateContext();

            templateContext.DefineLocalVariable("test", LiquidString.Create(str));
            var stack = StackHelper.CreateSymbolTableStack(templateContext);

            // Act
            var result = stack.Reference("test");

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(str, result.SuccessValue <LiquidString>().StringVal);
        public void A_Parent_Scope_Should_Be_Consulted_When_Child_Scope_Has_No_Reference()
            // Arrange
            var stack = StackHelper.CreateSymbolTableStack();

            stack.Define("hello", LiquidString.Create("HELLO"));
            var localScope = new SymbolTable();


            // Act
            var result = stack.Reference("hello");

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal("HELLO", result.SuccessValue <LiquidString>().StringVal);
        public void A_Locally_Scoped_Variable_Should_Override_A_Global_Variable()
            // Arrange
            var stack = StackHelper.CreateSymbolTableStack();

            stack.Define("hello", LiquidString.Create("HELLO"));
            var localScope = new SymbolTable();

            stack.Define("hello", LiquidString.Create("HI"));

            // Act
            var result = stack.Reference("hello");

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal("HI", result.SuccessValue <LiquidString>().StringVal);
        public void It_Should_Find_A_Variable_Nested()
            // Arrange
            var stack = StackHelper.CreateSymbolTableStack();

            stack.Define("hello", LiquidString.Create("HELLO"));
            var localScope = new SymbolTable();

            bool found = false;

            // Act
            stack.FindVariable("hello", (st, v) => found = true, () => { throw new Exception("This shouldn't happen"); });

            // Assert
        public void A_Global_Variable_Should_Reemerge_When_Scope_Override_Removed()
            // Arrange
            const string varname = "hello";
            var          stack   = StackHelper.CreateSymbolTableStack();

            stack.Define(varname, LiquidString.Create("HELLO"));
            var localScope = new SymbolTable();

            stack.Define(varname, LiquidString.Create("HI"));

            // Act
            var result = stack.Reference(varname);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal("HELLO", result.SuccessValue <LiquidString>().StringVal);
        public static void TestSortAStackAscending()
            // Create an populate unsorted stack
            StackViaLinkedList <int> unsortedStack = StackHelper.CreateAStack(10);

            Console.WriteLine("The unsorted stack is as shown below:");

            // Get the sorted stack
            StackViaLinkedList <int> sortedStack = SortAStack.SortAStackAscendingOrDescending(unsortedStack, SortingOrder.Ascending);

            Console.WriteLine("The sorted stack in ascending order is as shown below:");

            // Create an populate unsorted stack
            unsortedStack = StackHelper.CreateAStack(10);

            // Get the sorted stack
            sortedStack = SortAStack.SortAStackAscendingOrDescending(unsortedStack, SortingOrder.Descending);

            Console.WriteLine("The sorted stack in desending order is as shown below:");
            static bool TryAnalyze(RegexNode node, AnalysisResults results, bool isAtomicByAncestor, bool isInLoop)
                if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())

                // Track whether we've seen any nodes with various options set.
                results._hasIgnoreCase  |= (node.Options & RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) != 0;
                results._hasRightToLeft |= (node.Options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) != 0;

                // Track whether this node is inside of a loop.
                if (isInLoop)
                    (results._inLoops ??= new HashSet <RegexNode>()).Add(node);

                if (isAtomicByAncestor)
                    // We've been told by our parent that we should be considered atomic, so add ourselves
                    // to the atomic collection.
                    // Certain kinds of nodes incur backtracking logic themselves: add them to the backtracking collection.
                    // We may later find that a node contains another that has backtracking; we'll add nodes based on that
                    // after examining the children.
                    switch (node.Kind)
                    case RegexNodeKind.Alternate:
                    case RegexNodeKind.Loop or RegexNodeKind.Lazyloop when node.M != node.N:
                    case RegexNodeKind.Oneloop or RegexNodeKind.Notoneloop or RegexNodeKind.Setloop or RegexNodeKind.Onelazy or RegexNodeKind.Notonelazy or RegexNodeKind.Setlazy when node.M != node.N:
                        (results._mayBacktrack ??= new HashSet <RegexNode>()).Add(node);

                // Update state for certain node types.
                bool isAtomicBySelf = false;

                switch (node.Kind)
                // Some node types add atomicity around what they wrap.  Set isAtomicBySelfOrParent to true for such nodes
                // even if it was false upon entering the method.
                case RegexNodeKind.Atomic:
                case RegexNodeKind.NegativeLookaround:
                case RegexNodeKind.PositiveLookaround:
                    isAtomicBySelf = true;

                // Track any nodes that are themselves captures.
                case RegexNodeKind.Capture:

                // Track whether we've recurred into a loop
                case RegexNodeKind.Loop:
                case RegexNodeKind.Lazyloop:
                    isInLoop = true;

                // Process each child.
                int childCount = node.ChildCount();

                for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                    RegexNode child = node.Child(i);

                    // Determine whether the child should be treated as atomic (whether anything
                    // can backtrack into it), which is influenced by whether this node (the child's
                    // parent) is considered atomic by itself or by its parent.
                    bool treatChildAsAtomic = (isAtomicByAncestor | isAtomicBySelf) && node.Kind switch
                        // If the parent is atomic, so is the child.  That's the whole purpose
                        // of the Atomic node, and lookarounds are also implicitly atomic.
                        RegexNodeKind.Atomic or RegexNodeKind.NegativeLookaround or RegexNodeKind.PositiveLookaround => true,

                        // Each branch is considered independently, so any atomicity applied to the alternation also applies
                        // to each individual branch.  This is true as well for conditionals.
                         RegexNodeKind.Alternate or RegexNodeKind.BackreferenceConditional or RegexNodeKind.ExpressionConditional => true,

                        // Captures don't impact atomicity: if the parent of a capture is atomic, the capture is also atomic.
                         RegexNodeKind.Capture => true,

                        // If the parent is a concatenation and this is the last node, any atomicity
                        // applying to the concatenation applies to this node, too.
                         RegexNodeKind.Concatenate => i == childCount - 1,

                        // For loops with a max iteration count of 1, they themselves can be considered
                        // atomic as can whatever they wrap, as they won't ever iterate more than once
                        // and thus we don't need to worry about one iteration consuming input destined
                        // for a subsequent iteration.
                         RegexNodeKind.Loop or RegexNodeKind.Lazyloop when node.N == 1 => true,

                        // For any other parent type, give up on trying to prove atomicity.
                         _ => false,

                    // Now analyze the child.
                    if (!TryAnalyze(child, results, treatChildAsAtomic, isInLoop))

                    // If the child contains captures, so too does this parent.
                    if (results._containsCapture.Contains(child))

                    // If the child might require backtracking into it, so too might the parent,
                    // unless the parent is itself considered atomic.  Here we don't consider parental
                    // atomicity, as we need to surface upwards to the parent whether any backtracking
                    // will be visible from this node to it.
                    if (!isAtomicBySelf && (results._mayBacktrack?.Contains(child) == true))
                        (results._mayBacktrack ??= new HashSet <RegexNode>()).Add(node);

                // Successfully analyzed the node.
            // Processes the node, adding any prefix text to the builder.
            // Returns whether processing should continue with subsequent nodes.
            static bool Process(RegexNode node, ref ValueStringBuilder vsb)
                if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
                    // If we're too deep on the stack, just give up finding any more prefix.

                // We don't bother to handle reversed input, so process at most one node
                // when handling RightToLeft.
                bool rtl = (node.Options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) != 0;

                switch (node.Type)
                // Concatenation
                case RegexNode.Concatenate:
                    int childCount = node.ChildCount();
                    for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                        if (!Process(node.Child(i), ref vsb))

                // Alternation: find a string that's a shared prefix of all branches
                case RegexNode.Alternate:
                    int childCount = node.ChildCount();

                    // Store the initial branch into the target builder
                    int  initialLength = vsb.Length;
                    bool keepExploring = Process(node.Child(0), ref vsb);
                    int  addedLength   = vsb.Length - initialLength;

                    // Then explore the rest of the branches, finding the length
                    // a prefix they all share in common with the initial branch.
                    if (addedLength != 0)
                        var alternateSb = new ValueStringBuilder(64);

                        // Process each branch.  If we reach a point where we've proven there's
                        // no overlap, we can bail early.
                        for (int i = 1; i < childCount && addedLength != 0; i++)
                            alternateSb.Length = 0;

                            // Process the branch.  We want to keep exploring after this alternation,
                            // but we can't if either this branch doesn't allow for it or if the prefix
                            // supplied by this branch doesn't entirely match all the previous ones.
                            keepExploring &= Process(node.Child(i), ref alternateSb);
                            keepExploring &= alternateSb.Length == addedLength;

                            addedLength = Math.Min(addedLength, alternateSb.Length);
                            for (int j = 0; j < addedLength; j++)
                                if (vsb[initialLength + j] != alternateSb[j])
                                    addedLength   = j;
                                    keepExploring = false;


                        // Then cull back on what was added based on the other branches.
                        vsb.Length = initialLength + addedLength;

                    return(!rtl && keepExploring);

                // One character
                case RegexNode.One when(node.Options& RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) == 0:


                // Multiple characters
                case RegexNode.Multi when(node.Options& RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) == 0:


                // Loop of one character
                case RegexNode.Oneloop or RegexNode.Oneloopatomic or RegexNode.Onelazy when node.M > 0 && (node.Options & RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) == 0:
                    const int SingleCharIterationLimit = 32;     // arbitrary cut-off to avoid creating super long strings unnecessarily
                    int       count = Math.Min(node.M, SingleCharIterationLimit);
                    vsb.Append(node.Ch, count);
                    return(count == node.N && !rtl);

                // Loop of a node
                case RegexNode.Loop or RegexNode.Lazyloop when node.M > 0:
                    const int NodeIterationLimit = 4;         // arbitrary cut-off to avoid creating super long strings unnecessarily
                    int       limit = Math.Min(node.M, NodeIterationLimit);
                    for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
                        if (!Process(node.Child(0), ref vsb))
                    return(limit == node.N && !rtl);

                // Grouping nodes for which we only care about their single child
                case RegexNode.Atomic:
                case RegexNode.Capture:
                    return(Process(node.Child(0), ref vsb));

                // Zero-width anchors and assertions
                case RegexNode.Bol:
                case RegexNode.Eol:
                case RegexNode.Boundary:
                case RegexNode.ECMABoundary:
                case RegexNode.NonBoundary:
                case RegexNode.NonECMABoundary:
                case RegexNode.Beginning:
                case RegexNode.Start:
                case RegexNode.EndZ:
                case RegexNode.End:
                case RegexNode.Empty:
                case RegexNode.UpdateBumpalong:
                case RegexNode.Require:
                case RegexNode.Prevent:

                // Give up for anything else
 public IRoutingManager Add(string routeName, string routeUrl, string url, bool checkPhysicalUrlAccess, List <RoutingDictonaryInfo> defaults, List <RoutingDictonaryInfo> constraints, List <RoutingDictonaryInfo> dataTokens)
     if (RoutingInfoList.Any(p => p.routeName == routeName))
         if (Log != null)
             Log.LogFormat(LoggerLevels.Warn, "Route已存在。 routeName:{0} routeUrl:{1} url:{2} by:{3}", routeName, routeUrl, url, StackHelper.GetCallingType().FullName);
     if (Log != null)
         Log.LogFormat(LoggerLevels.Info, "AddRoute routeName:{0} routeUrl:{1} url:{2} by:{3}", routeName, routeUrl, url, StackHelper.GetCallingType().FullName);
     #region 填充路由键值
     RouteValueDictionary defaultsRouteValueDictionary = null;
     if (defaults != null)
         defaultsRouteValueDictionary = new RouteValueDictionary();
         defaults.Each(p => { defaultsRouteValueDictionary.Add(p.Key, p.Value); });
     RouteValueDictionary constraintsRouteValueDictionary = null;
     if (constraints != null)
         constraintsRouteValueDictionary = new RouteValueDictionary();
         constraints.Each(p => { constraintsRouteValueDictionary.Add(p.Key, p.Value); });
     RouteValueDictionary dataTokensRouteValueDictionary = null;
     if (dataTokens != null)
         dataTokensRouteValueDictionary = new RouteValueDictionary();
         dataTokens.Each(p => { dataTokensRouteValueDictionary.Add(p.Key, p.Value); });
     RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute(routeName, routeUrl, url, checkPhysicalUrlAccess, defaultsRouteValueDictionary, constraintsRouteValueDictionary, dataTokensRouteValueDictionary);
 public void OrderTest7()
     Assert.AreEqual(StackHelper.IsPopOrder(null, null, 0), false);
        public IRoutingManager Add <T>(string routeName, string url) where T : IWebHandler
            var fullName = typeof(T).FullName;
            var handler  = GlobalApplicationObject.Current.ApplicationContext.WebHandlerList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.FullName == fullName);

            if (handler == null)
                Log.LogFormat(LoggerLevels.Error, "Handler不存在。 routeName:{0} url:{1} WebHandler:{2} by:{3}", routeName, url, fullName, StackHelper.GetCallingType().FullName);
            else if (handler != null && !RouteWebHandlerInfoList.Any(p => p.routeName == routeName))
                var routeWebHandlerInfo = new RouteWebHandlerInfo()
                    routeName      = routeName,
                    routeUrl       = url,
                    WebHandlerInfo = handler
                Log.LogFormat(LoggerLevels.Info, "AddRoute routeName:{0} url:{1} WebHandler:{2} by:{3}", routeName, url, fullName, StackHelper.GetCallingType().FullName);
                Log.LogFormat(LoggerLevels.Warn, "Route已存在。 routeName:{0} url:{1} WebHandler:{2} by:{3}", routeName, url, fullName, StackHelper.GetCallingType().FullName);