static void Main() { Sc sc = new Sc(); int[] s = sc.Ia; int[][] a = new int[s[1] + 1][]; int[] h = new int[s[0] + 2]; St st = new St(1, s[0]); for (int i = 1; i <= s[1]; i++) { a[i] = sc.Ia; h[a[i][0]]++; h[a[i][1] + 1]--; } for (int i = 1; i <= s[0]; i++) { h[i] += h[i - 1]; st.Ud(i, h[i]); } List <int> li = new List <int>(); for (int i = 1; i <= s[1]; i++) { if (st.Get(a[i][0], a[i][1]).d > 1) { li.Add(i); } } Console.WriteLine(li.Count); if (li.Count != 0) { Console.WriteLine(String.Join("\n", li)); } }
public static List <User> Get() { List <User> list = UnicornCache.Get <List <User> >(CacheKey.User); if (list == null) { list = new List <User>(); string sql = "select Id,UserName,Password,RealName,RoleType,Status,LeaveTime,bugzillaid from Users"; DataTable dt = ProjectDB.GetDt(sql); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { User o = new User(); o.Id = St.ToInt32(row["Id"], 0); o.UserName = row["UserName"].ToString(); o.Password = row["Password"].ToString(); o.RealName = row["RealName"].ToString(); o.RoleType = St.ToInt32(row["RoleType"], 0); o.Status = St.ToInt32(row["Status"], 0); o.LeaveTime = St.ToDateTime(row["LeaveTime"].ToString()); o.BugzillaId = St.ToInt32(row["bugzillaid"], 0); list.Add(o); } UnicornCache.Add(CacheKey.User, list); } return(list); }
public Club(string ClubName, string StreetAddress, Ci City, St State) { this.ClubName = ClubName; this.StreetAddress = StreetAddress; this.City = City; this.State = State; }
static void Main(string[] args) { string test = @"C:\Users\dotnet\Downloads\torr.torrent"; Console.WriteLine("Torrent file path:"); String torrentfile = test; TorrentFile torrent = Bencode.DecodeTorrentFile(torrentfile); Console.WriteLine("Info in torrentfile:"); Console.WriteLine(torrent.Announce); foreach (var St in torrent.AnnounceList) { Console.WriteLine(St.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(torrent.Comment); Console.WriteLine(torrent.CreatedBy); Console.WriteLine(torrent.CreationDate); Console.WriteLine(torrent.Encoding); BDictionary info = (BDictionary)torrent["info"]; BList files = (BList)info["files"]; foreach (BDictionary v in files) { BList path = (BList)v["path"]; Console.WriteLine("Path: {0}, length: {1}", path[0], v["length"]); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public static List <Server> Get() { List <Server> list = new List <Server>(); string sql = "SELECT [Id] ,[ServerName],[UserName] ,[Password],[IISVersion],[SqlVersion],[ProjectId],[AddTime],[OSName],[ServerType] FROM [dbo].[Servers]"; DataTable dt = ProjectDB.GetDt(sql); List <Project> lp = ProjectRule.Get(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { Server o = new Server(); o.Id = St.ToInt32(row["Id"], 0); o.ServerName = row["ServerName"].ToString(); o.UserName = row["UserName"].ToString(); o.Password = row["Password"].ToString(); o.IISVersion = row["IISVersion"].ToString(); o.SqlVersion = row["SqlVersion"].ToString(); o.ProjectId = row["ProjectId"].ToString(); o.ProjectName = o.ProjectId == ""?"":string.Join(",", lp.Where(a => Array.IndexOf(o.ProjectId.Split(','), a.Id.ToString()) >= 0).Select(a => a.Name).ToArray()); o.AddTime = St.ToDateTime(row["AddTime"].ToString()); o.OSName = row["OSName"].ToString(); o.ServerType = row["ServerType"].ToString(); list.Add(o); } return(list); }
public static List <Project> Get() { List <Project> list = UnicornCache.Get <List <Project> >(CacheKey.Project); if (list == null) { list = new List <Project>(); string sql = "select Id,Name,ParentId,Url,TestUrl,SiteFileName,DatabaseName,TestUserName,TestPassword,Remark,IsShow from Projects order by Id desc"; DataTable dt = ProjectDB.GetDt(sql); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { Project o = new Project(); o.Id = St.ToInt32(row["Id"], 0); o.Name = row["Name"].ToString(); o.Url = row["Url"].ToString(); o.ParentId = St.ToInt32(row["ParentId"], 0); o.TestUrl = row["TestUrl"].ToString(); o.SiteFileName = row["SiteFileName"].ToString(); o.DatabaseName = row["DatabaseName"].ToString(); o.TestUserName = row["TestUserName"].ToString(); o.TestPassword = row["TestPassword"].ToString(); o.Remark = row["Remark"].ToString(); o.IsShow = St.ToInt32(row["IsShow"], 0); list.Add(o); } UnicornCache.Add(CacheKey.Project, list); } return(list); }
static void Main() { Sc sc = new Sc(); int n = sc.I; int[] a = sc.Ia; long ans = 0; long[] h = new long[n + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { h[a[i]] = i; } St stmax = new St(0, n - 1, 0); St stmin = new St(0, n - 1, 1); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { long q = stmax.Get(0, (int)h[i]).n; long p = stmin.Get((int)h[i], n - 1).n; p = p == -1?n:p; ans += (h[i] - q) * (p - h[i]) * i; stmax.Ud((int)h[i], h[i]); stmin.Ud((int)h[i], h[i]); } Console.WriteLine(ans); }
//Лице на трапец private void Trap() { instr.text = "Намерете лицето"; Tra.SetActive(true); int a; int b; int hb; int S; int Sf; int St; do { a = Random.Range(2, 10); b = Random.Range(2, 10); hb = Random.Range(2, 10); S = (a + b) * hb; St = S / 2; Sf = Random.Range(St - 10, St + 10); }while (St == Sf && Sf <= 0 && S % 2 != 0); quest.text = "b=" + b + "; \n" + "a=" + a + "; hb=" + hb; tr.text = St.ToString(); fal.text = Sf.ToString(); }
private void St_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e) { var r = Rand.Next(AllSayings.Length); Message.Text = AllSayings[r]; St.Begin(Message); }
public void EnterRolling(bool GameOver) { State = St.Rolling; Dx = -.005; Dy = 0; Ax = 0; Ay = 0; H = 0; Rx = 3; OverBarrier = false; AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutFlags(this, AbsoluteLayoutFlags.All); AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutBounds(this, new Rectangle(1.2, 0.99, MainPage.BALLSIZE / MainPage.SCRRATIO, MainPage.BALLSIZE)); if (GameOver) { Dy = MainPage.rnd.NextDouble() * -0.6; Dx *= 1 + Dy; State = St.Demo; Dx *= 1.5; Rx *= 1.5; } //AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutBounds(b, new Rectangle(.5, 1, MainPage.BALLSIZE / MainPage.SCRRATIO , MainPage.BALLSIZE)); b.Dx = 0; AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutFlags(Shadow, AbsoluteLayoutFlags.All); }
public static List <Dic> Get() { List <Dic> list = UnicornCache.Get <List <Dic> >(CacheKey.Dic); if (list == null) { list = new List <Dic>(); string sql = "select Id,Code,Name,Type,Remark,AddTime from Dics"; DataTable dt = ProjectDB.GetDt(sql); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { Dic o = new Dic(); o.Id = St.ToInt32(row["Id"], 0); o.Code = row["Code"].ToString(); o.Name = row["Name"].ToString(); o.Type = St.ToInt32(row["Type"].ToString(), 0); o.Remark = row["Remark"].ToString(); o.AddTime = St.ToDateTime(row["AddTime"].ToString()); list.Add(o); } UnicornCache.Add(CacheKey.Dic, list); } return(list); }
private static List <WeekReport> GetList(DataTable dt) { List <WeekReport> list = new List <WeekReport>(); List <User> lu = UserRule.Get(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { WeekReport o = new WeekReport(); o.Id = St.ToInt32(row["Id"], 0); o.ProjectName = row["ProjectName"].ToString(); o.WorkContent = row["WorkContent"].ToString(); o.WorkType = St.ToInt32(row["WorkType"], 0); o.WorkTypeStr = GetWorkType(o.WorkType); o.PlanDateStart = St.ToDateTime(row["PlanDateStart"].ToString()); o.PlanDateEnd = St.ToDateTime(row["PlanDateEnd"].ToString()); o.PlanDay = St.ToInt32(row["PlanDay"], 0); o.RealDay = St.ToInt32(row["RealDay"], 0); o.RealWorkContent = row["RealWorkContent"].ToString(); o.Status = St.ToInt32(row["Status"], 0); o.StatusStr = o.Status == 0 ? "未完成" : "完成"; o.UserId = St.ToInt32(row["UserId"], 0); o.User = o.UserId == 0 ? new User() : lu.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == o.UserId); o.Remark = row["Remark"].ToString(); o.AddTime = St.ToDateTime(row["AddTime"].ToString()); list.Add(o); } return(list); }
public static User Get(string username) { string sql = "select Id,UserName,Password,RealName,RoleType,Status,bugzillaid from Users where UserName=@UserName"; SqlParam p = new SqlParam(); p.AddParam("@UserName", username, SqlDbType.VarChar, 100); DataTable dt = ProjectDB.GetDt(sql, p); if (St.CheckDt(dt)) { User o = new User(); o.Id = St.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["Id"], 0); o.UserName = dt.Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString(); o.Password = dt.Rows[0]["Password"].ToString(); o.RealName = dt.Rows[0]["RealName"].ToString(); o.RoleType = St.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["RoleType"], 0); o.Status = St.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["Status"], 0); o.BugzillaId = St.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["bugzillaid"], 0); return(o); } else { return(new User()); } }
protected DataTable GetList() { string start = St.ToDateTime(txtStart.Value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00"); string end = St.ToDateTime(txtEnd.Value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59"); string sql = "select reporter,count(bug_id) as cc from bugs where creation_ts between '" + start + "' and '" + end + "' and resolution in('DUPLICATE','FIXED','LATER','MOVED','REMIND','WONTFIX','WORKSFORME') group by reporter"; var dt = Common.DB.MySqlHelper.GetDataSet(System.Data.CommandType.Text, sql).Tables[0]; return(dt); }
protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var bugsurl = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BugzillaUrl"]; string start = St.ToDateTime(txtStart.Value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string end = St.ToDateTime(txtEnd.Value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); var urlformat = bugsurl + "/buglist.cgi?chfield=%5BBug%20creation%5D&chfieldfrom=" + start + "&chfieldto=" + end + "&f1=reporter_realname&o1=equals&query_format=advanced&resolution=FIXED&resolution=WONTFIX&resolution=LATER&resolution=REMIND&resolution=DUPLICATE&resolution=WORKSFORME&resolution=MOVED&v1="; rpt.DataSource = GetList().AsEnumerable().Select(a => new { Name = GetBugzillaUserName(a.Field <int>("reporter")), CC = a.Field <Int64>("cc"), Link = urlformat + GetBugzillaUserName(a.Field <int>("reporter")) }).Where(a => a.Name != ""); rpt.DataBind(); }
public static void Update(int id, string username, string password) { string sql = @"update Users set Password=@Password where Id=@id"; SqlParam p = new SqlParam(); p.AddParam("@id", id, SqlDbType.Int, 0); p.AddParam("@Password", St.GetMd5(username + password), SqlDbType.VarChar, 100); ProjectDB.SqlExecute(sql, p); UnicornCache.Remove(CacheKey.User); }
public bool EnterOut(Rectangle r) { State = St.Out; Dx = r.X < .5 ? -.025 : .025; Dy = 0; if ((r.X < .2 && r.X > .17) || (r.X > .8 && r.X < .83)) { return(true); } return(false); }
public void EnterShoot(double diff, double diffY) { State = St.Shoot; Ax = Math.Abs(diff) > .1 ? diff / 25 : 0; var r = AbsoluteLayout.GetLayoutBounds(this); Dx = (.5 - r.X) * .015; Dy = -.02; Ay = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(0.005, 0.001 - diffY / 100)); Rx = 2; }
/// <summary> /// function to get list of suspended student /// </summary> /// <returns>suspendedStudent</returns> public List <Student> ListofSuspendedStudents() { List <Student> suspendedStudent = new List <Student>(); foreach (Student St in studentList) { if (St.getCGPA() < 2.0) { suspendedStudent.Add(St); } } return(suspendedStudent); }
public void PosLaunch(int pos) { FixedPos = pos; State = St.Rolling; TimePos = DateTime.Now.Ticks; Dx = 0; Dy = 0; Ax = 0; Ay = 0; H = 0; Rx = 3; OverBarrier = false; AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutFlags(this, AbsoluteLayoutFlags.All); AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutBounds(this, new Rectangle(.02 + pos * 0.96 / 3.0, 0.99, MainPage.BALLSIZE / MainPage.SCRRATIO, MainPage.BALLSIZE)); AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutFlags(Shadow, AbsoluteLayoutFlags.All); }
public static void Add(string username, string realname, int userrole, DateTime leavetime, int bugzillaid) { string sql = @" if exists(select Id from Users where UserName=@UserName) update Users set RealName=@RealName,RoleType=@RoleType,LeaveTime=@LeaveTime,bugzillaid=@bugzillaid where UserName=@UserName else insert into Users(UserName,Password,RealName,RoleType,Status,LeaveTime,bugzillaid) values(@UserName,@Password,@RealName,@RoleType,1,@LeaveTime,@bugzillaid)" ; SqlParam p = new SqlParam(); p.AddParam("@UserName", username, SqlDbType.VarChar, 100); p.AddParam("@RealName", realname, SqlDbType.VarChar, 500); p.AddParam("@RoleType", userrole, SqlDbType.Int, 0); p.AddParam("@Password", St.GetMd5(username + "123456"), SqlDbType.VarChar, 100); p.AddParam("@LeaveTime", leavetime, SqlDbType.DateTime, 0); p.AddParam("@bugzillaid", bugzillaid, SqlDbType.Int, 0); ProjectDB.SqlExecute(sql, p); UnicornCache.Remove(CacheKey.User); }
protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string username = UserName.Value.Trim(); string password = Password.Value; Model.User u = DAL.UserRule.Get(username); if (u.Password == St.GetMd5(username + password) && u.Status == 1) { Session["user"] = u; St.SetCookie("user", u.UserName, DateTime.Now.AddYears(1)); St.SetCookie("user2", u.Password, DateTime.Now.AddYears(1)); Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { divError.Visible = true; } }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (ActionId != 0) { hash ^= ActionId.GetHashCode(); } if (UserId != 0L) { hash ^= UserId.GetHashCode(); } if (MsgId != 0) { hash ^= MsgId.GetHashCode(); } if (Token.Length != 0) { hash ^= Token.GetHashCode(); } if (St != 0L) { hash ^= St.GetHashCode(); } if (Content.Length != 0) { hash ^= Content.GetHashCode(); } if (Sign.Length != 0) { hash ^= Sign.GetHashCode(); } if (ErrorCode != 0) { hash ^= ErrorCode.GetHashCode(); } if (ErrorInfo.Length != 0) { hash ^= ErrorInfo.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
public static List <Attentions> Get() { List <Attentions> list = new List <Attentions>(); string sql = "SELECT [Id] ,[Remark],[ProjectId],[AddTime] FROM [dbo].[Attentions] order by Id desc"; DataTable dt = ProjectDB.GetDt(sql); List <Project> lp = ProjectRule.Get(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { Attentions o = new Attentions(); o.Id = St.ToInt32(row["Id"], 0); o.Remark = row["Remark"].ToString(); o.ProjectId = row["ProjectId"].ToString(); o.ProjectName = o.ProjectId == "" ? "" : string.Join(",", lp.Where(a => Array.IndexOf(o.ProjectId.Split(','), a.Id.ToString()) >= 0).Select(a => a.Name).ToArray()); o.AddTime = St.ToDateTime(row["AddTime"].ToString()); list.Add(o); } return(list); }
static void Main() { Sc sc = new Sc(); int[] s = sc.Ia; int[][] a = new int[s[0]][]; if (s[1] == 1) { Console.WriteLine(s[0]); return; } int[] h = new int[s[0]]; bool[] b = new bool[s[1] + 1]; St st = new St(1, s[1], true); for (int i = 0; i < s[0]; i++) { a[i] = sc.Ia; st.Ud(a[i][0], 1); } long ans = Math.Min(s[0], st.Get(1, s[1]).d); for (int k = 0; k < s[1] - 1; k++) { int q = st.Get(1, s[1]).n; st.Ud(q, -st.Get(1, s[1]).d); b[q] = true; for (int i = 0; i < s[0]; i++) { if (a[i][h[i]] == q) { while (b[a[i][h[i]]]) { h[i]++; } st.Ud(a[i][h[i]], 1); } } ans = Math.Min(ans, st.Get(1, s[1]).d); } Console.WriteLine(ans); }
public static List <WorkPlanFile> GetList(int workplanid) { string sql = "select Id,WorkPlanId,FileName,FilePath from WorkPlanFiles where WorkPlanId = @workplanid order by Id desc"; SqlParam p = new SqlParam(); p.AddParam("@workplanid", workplanid, SqlDbType.Int, 0); DataTable dt = ProjectDB.GetDt(sql, p); List <WorkPlanFile> list = new List <WorkPlanFile>(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { WorkPlanFile o = new WorkPlanFile(); o.Id = St.ToInt32(row["Id"], 0); o.WorkPlanId = St.ToInt32(row["WorkPlanId"], 0); o.FileName = row["FileName"].ToString(); o.FilePath = row["FilePath"].ToString(); list.Add(o); } return(list); }
public static WorkPlanFile Get(int id) { string sql = "select Id,WorkPlanId,FileName,FilePath from WorkPlanFiles where Id = @Id"; SqlParam p = new SqlParam(); p.AddParam("@Id", id, SqlDbType.Int, 0); DataTable dt = ProjectDB.GetDt(sql, p); WorkPlanFile o = new WorkPlanFile(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { var row = dt.Rows[0]; o.Id = St.ToInt32(row["Id"], 0); o.WorkPlanId = St.ToInt32(row["WorkPlanId"], 0); o.FileName = row["FileName"].ToString(); o.FilePath = row["FilePath"].ToString(); } return(o); }
static void Main() { Sc sc = new Sc(); int n = sc.I; int[][] a = new int[n][]; int[] g = new int[n]; int[] h = new int[n]; int ans = 0, m = 0; St st = new St(0, n - 1); st.Ud(0, 0); for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { a[i] = sc.Ia; int lb = -1, ub = m + 1, mid = 0; while (ub - lb > 1) { mid = (ub + lb) / 2; if (st.Get(0, mid).d < i - a[i][0]) { ub = mid; } else { lb = mid; } } g[i] = ub; m = Math.Max(m, ub); h[g[i]] = i; st.Ud(g[i], i); if (a[i][1] % 2 == 1) { ans ^= g[i]; } } Console.WriteLine("{0}", ans != 0?"First":"Second"); }
public PatientInformationRecord() { log.Debug("PatientInformationRecord:ctor"); _type = (string)RecordId.PatientInformationRecord; _sequence = 0; _practice = String.Empty; _laboratory = String.Empty; _patient = String.Empty; _patient_name = String.Empty; _mothers_name = String.Empty; _birthdates = String.Empty; _sex = String.Empty; _race = String.Empty; _address = String.Empty; _reserved = String.Empty; _phone = String.Empty; _physician = String.Empty; _special = String.Empty; InitializeMemberList(); }
/// <summary> /// Get FileName according to specific formula /// </summary> /// <param name="Formula">Formula to make FileName</param> /// <returns>System.String contain FileName according to formula or String.Empty</returns> public string MakeFileName(string Formula) { string FileName = ""; Formula = Formula.Replace("<", "<;"); string ID; foreach (string St in Formula.Split('>', '<')) { if (St.StartsWith(";")) { ID = St.Remove(0, 1).ToUpper(); if (ID.StartsWith("TRCK")) { string TRCK = TrackNumber; if (ID.Length == 5) { int Digits = int.Parse(ID[4].ToString()); while (Digits-- > TrackNumber.Length) { FileName += "0"; } } FileName += TRCK; } else { FileName += GetTextFrame(ID); } } else { FileName += St; } } return(FileName + ".mp3"); }
public static void Save(string Output) { System.Windows.Media.Imaging.GifBitmapEncoder G = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.GifBitmapEncoder(); List <System.IO.FileStream> X = new List <System.IO.FileStream>(); foreach (string Fi in Directory.GetFiles(tempDir, "*.png", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)) { System.IO.FileStream TempStream = new System.IO.FileStream(Fi, System.IO.FileMode.Open); System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapFrame Frame = System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapFrame.Create(TempStream); X.Add(TempStream); G.Frames.Add(Frame); } System.IO.FileStream FS = new System.IO.FileStream(Output, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate); G.Save(FS); FS.Close(); foreach (System.IO.FileStream St in X) { St.Close(); } }
public RequestInformationRecord() { log.Debug("RequestInformationRecord:ctor"); _type = String.Empty; _sequence = 0; _starting_range = new Cm(); _endng_range = String.Empty; _universal_test = String.Empty; _nature_of_request = String.Empty; _beginning_request = String.Empty; _ending_request = String.Empty; _requestin_name = String.Empty; _requesting_phone = String.Empty; _user_1 = String.Empty; _user_2 = String.Empty; _request_information_status = String.Empty; InitializeCm("StartingRange", this.GetType(), _starting_range); InitializememberList(); }
private MessageHeaderRecord() { log.Debug("MessageHeaderRecord:ctor"); _type = (string)RecordId.MessageHeaderRecord; _delimiter = "\\^&"; _message_id = String.Empty; _password = String.Empty; _sender = new Cm(); _address = String.Empty; _reserved = String.Empty; _phone = String.Empty; _characteristics = String.Empty; _receiver = String.Empty; _comments = new Cm(); _processing = "P"; _version = 1; _timestamp = String.Empty; InitializeCm("Sender", this.GetType(), _sender); InitializeCm("Comments", this.GetType(), _comments); InitializeMemberList(); }
public ResultRecord() { log.Debug("RequestInformationRecord:ctor"); _type = (string)RecordId.ResultRecord; _sequence = 0; _test = new Cm(); _value = new Cm(); _units = String.Empty; _reference_ranges = String.Empty; _abnormal = String.Empty; _nature = String.Empty; _result_status = String.Empty; _normative_changed = String.Empty; _operator = String.Empty; _test_started = String.Empty; _test_completed = String.Empty; _instrument_identification = "E1"; InitializeCm("Test", this.GetType(), _test); InitializeCm("Value", this.GetType(), _value); InitializememberList(); }
public TestOrderRecord() { log.Debug("TestOrderRecord:ctor"); _type = (string)RecordId.TestOrderRecord; _sequence = 0; _sample_id = String.Empty; _instrument = new Cm(); _test = new Cm(); _priority = String.Empty; _created_at = String.Empty; _sampled_at = new DateTime(); _collected_at = String.Empty; _volume = String.Empty; _collector = String.Empty; _action_code = String.Empty; _danger_code = String.Empty; _clinical_info = String.Empty; _delivered_at = String.Empty; _biomaterial = 0; _physician = String.Empty; _physician_phone = String.Empty; _user_field_1 = String.Empty; _user_field_2 = String.Empty; _laboratory_field_1 = String.Empty; _laboratory_field_2 = String.Empty; _modified_at = new DateTime(); _instrument_charge = String.Empty; _instrument_section = String.Empty; _report_type = String.Empty; _reserved = String.Empty; _location_ward = String.Empty; _infection_flag = String.Empty; _specimen_service = String.Empty; _laboratory = String.Empty; InitializeCm("Instrument", this.GetType(), _instrument); //InitializeCm("Test", this.GetType(), _test); InitializememberList(); }