        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the state to the supplied observation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="z"></param>
        public void Initialize(Position3D z)
            SquareMatrix3D Hi = SquareMatrix3D.Invert(this.H);

            this.z = z.ToCartesianPoint(_ellipsoid);

            //s.x = inv(s.H)*s.z;
            this.x = Hi * this.z;

            //s.P = inv(s.H)*s.R*inv(s.H');
            this.P = Hi * this.R * SquareMatrix3D.Invert(SquareMatrix3D.Transpose(this.H));

            _lastObservation = DateTime.Now;
            _delay           = TimeSpan.Zero;
        internal KalmanSystemState(
            Position3D gpsPosition, Distance deviceError,
            DilutionOfPrecision horizontalDOP, DilutionOfPrecision verticalDOP,
            Ellipsoid ellipsoid,
            CartesianPoint u, CartesianPoint x, CartesianPoint z,
            SquareMatrix3D A, SquareMatrix3D B, SquareMatrix3D H,
            SquareMatrix3D P, SquareMatrix3D Q, SquareMatrix3D R)
            this._deviceError   = deviceError.IsEmpty ? DilutionOfPrecision.CurrentAverageDevicePrecision.Value : deviceError.Value;
            this._horizontalDOP = horizontalDOP.IsEmpty ? DilutionOfPrecision.Good.Value : horizontalDOP.Value;
            this._verticalDOP   = verticalDOP.IsEmpty ? DilutionOfPrecision.Good.Value : verticalDOP.Value;
            this._ellipsoid     = ellipsoid == null ? Ellipsoid.Default : ellipsoid;

            double hCovariance = this._deviceError * this._horizontalDOP;
            double vCovariance = this._deviceError * this._verticalDOP;

            this.u = u.IsInvalid ? CartesianPoint.Empty : u;
            this.x = x;
            this.z = z.IsInvalid ? CartesianPoint.Empty : z;

            this.A = A == null ? new SquareMatrix3D() : A;
            this.B = B == null ? new SquareMatrix3D() : B;
            this.H = H == null ? new SquareMatrix3D() : H;
            this.P = P == null ? new SquareMatrix3D() : P;
            this.Q = Q == null?SquareMatrix3D.Default(0) : Q;

            this.R = R == null ? new SquareMatrix3D(
                hCovariance, 0, 0,
                0, hCovariance, 0,
                0, 0, vCovariance) : R;

            this._interval = 0;

            this._errorState = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(hCovariance, 2) + Math.Pow(vCovariance, 2));

            this._delay           = TimeSpan.MaxValue;
            this._lastObservation = DateTime.MinValue;

            if (!gpsPosition.IsEmpty)
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deviceError">The device error.</param>
        /// <param name="horizontalDOP">The horizontal DOP.</param>
        /// <param name="verticalDOP">The vertical DOP.</param>
        /// <param name="bearing">The bearing.</param>
        /// <param name="speed">The speed.</param>
        /// <param name="z">The z.</param>
        public void UpdateState(Distance deviceError, DilutionOfPrecision horizontalDOP, DilutionOfPrecision verticalDOP, Azimuth bearing, Speed speed, Position3D z)
            if (_x.IsInvalid)

            // More insanity
            double fail = horizontalDOP.Value * verticalDOP.Value * deviceError.Value;
            if (fail == 0 || double.IsNaN(fail) || double.IsInfinity(fail))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    "Covariance values are invalid. Parameters deviceError, horizontalDOP and verticalDOP must be greater than zero.");

            _deviceError = deviceError.Value;
            _horizontalDOP = horizontalDOP.Value;
            _verticalDOP = verticalDOP.Value;

            double hCovariance = _deviceError * _horizontalDOP;
            double vCovariance = _deviceError * _verticalDOP;

            // Setup the observation covariance (measurement error)
            _r = new SquareMatrix3D(
                hCovariance, 0, 0,
                0, hCovariance, 0,
                0, 0, vCovariance);

            #region Process Noise Estimation

            // Get the translation of the last correction
            CartesianPoint subX = _x.ToPosition3D(_ellipsoid)
                .TranslateTo(bearing, speed.ToDistance(_delay), _ellipsoid)

            // Get the vector of the translation and the last observation
            //CartesianPoint w = (subX - this.z);
            CartesianPoint w =
                new CartesianPoint(
                    Distance.FromMeters(subX.X.Value - _z.X.Value),   // Values are in meters
                    Distance.FromMeters(subX.Y.Value - _z.Y.Value),   // Values are in meters
                    Distance.FromMeters(subX.Z.Value - _z.Z.Value));  // Values are in meters

            // Setup the noise covariance (process error)
            _q = new SquareMatrix3D(
                Math.Abs(w.X.Value), 0, 0,
                0, Math.Abs(w.Y.Value), 0,
                0, 0, Math.Abs(w.Z.Value));

            #endregion Process Noise Estimation

            // Update the observation state
            _z = z.ToCartesianPoint(_ellipsoid);

            #region State vector prediction and covariance

            //s.x = s.A*s.x + s.B*s.u;
            //this.x = this.A * this.x + this.B * this.u;
            CartesianPoint ax = _a.TransformVector(_x);
            CartesianPoint bu = _b.TransformVector(_u);
            _x =
                new CartesianPoint(
                    Distance.FromMeters(ax.X.Value + bu.X.Value),
                    Distance.FromMeters(ax.Y.Value + bu.Y.Value),
                    Distance.FromMeters(ax.Z.Value + bu.Z.Value));

            //s.P = s.A * s.P * s.A' + s.Q;
            _p = _a * _p * SquareMatrix3D.Transpose(_a) + _q;

            #endregion State vector prediction and covariance

            #region Kalman gain factor

            //K = s.P*s.H'*inv(s.H*s.P*s.H'+s.R);
            SquareMatrix3D ht = SquareMatrix3D.Transpose(_h);
            SquareMatrix3D k = _p * ht * SquareMatrix3D.Invert(_h * _p * ht + _r);

            #endregion Kalman gain factor

            #region Observational correction

            //s.x = s.x + K*(s.z-s.H*s.x);
            //this.x = this.x + K * (this.z - this.H * this.x);
            CartesianPoint hx = _h.TransformVector(_x);
            CartesianPoint zHx = new CartesianPoint(
                Distance.FromMeters(_z.X.Value - hx.X.Value),
                Distance.FromMeters(_z.Y.Value - hx.Y.Value),
                Distance.FromMeters(_z.Z.Value - hx.Z.Value));
            CartesianPoint kzHx = k.TransformVector(zHx);
            _x =
                new CartesianPoint(
                    Distance.FromMeters(_x.X.Value + kzHx.X.Value),
                    Distance.FromMeters(_x.Y.Value + kzHx.Y.Value),
                    Distance.FromMeters(_x.Z.Value + kzHx.Z.Value));

            //s.P = s.P - K*s.H*s.P;
            _p = _p - k * _h * _p;

            #endregion Observational correction

            // Bump the state count

            // Calculate the average error for the system stste.
            _errorState = (_errorState + Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(hCovariance, 2) + Math.Pow(vCovariance, 2))) * .5f;

            // Calculate the interval between samples
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
            _delay = now.Subtract(_lastObservation);
            _lastObservation = now;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the state to the supplied observation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="z">The z.</param>
        public void Initialize(Position3D z)
            SquareMatrix3D hi = SquareMatrix3D.Invert(_h);

            _z = z.ToCartesianPoint(_ellipsoid);

            //s.x = inv(s.H)*s.z;
            _x = hi * _z;

            //s.P = inv(s.H)*s.R*inv(s.H');
            _p = hi * _r * SquareMatrix3D.Invert(SquareMatrix3D.Transpose(_h));

            _lastObservation = DateTime.Now;
            _delay = TimeSpan.Zero;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="KalmanSystemState"/> struct.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gpsPosition">The GPS position.</param>
        /// <param name="deviceError">The device error.</param>
        /// <param name="horizontalDOP">The horizontal DOP.</param>
        /// <param name="verticalDOP">The vertical DOP.</param>
        /// <param name="ellipsoid">The ellipsoid.</param>
        /// <param name="u">The u.</param>
        /// <param name="x">The x.</param>
        /// <param name="z">The z.</param>
        /// <param name="a">A.</param>
        /// <param name="b">The b.</param>
        /// <param name="h">The h.</param>
        /// <param name="p">The p.</param>
        /// <param name="q">The q.</param>
        /// <param name="r">The r.</param>
        internal KalmanSystemState(
    Position3D gpsPosition, Distance deviceError,
    DilutionOfPrecision horizontalDOP, DilutionOfPrecision verticalDOP,
    Ellipsoid ellipsoid,
    CartesianPoint u, CartesianPoint x, CartesianPoint z,
    SquareMatrix3D a, SquareMatrix3D b, SquareMatrix3D h,
    SquareMatrix3D p, SquareMatrix3D q, SquareMatrix3D r)
            _deviceError = deviceError.IsEmpty ? DilutionOfPrecision.CurrentAverageDevicePrecision.Value : deviceError.Value;
            _horizontalDOP = horizontalDOP.IsEmpty ? DilutionOfPrecision.Good.Value : horizontalDOP.Value;
            _verticalDOP = verticalDOP.IsEmpty ? DilutionOfPrecision.Good.Value : verticalDOP.Value;
            _ellipsoid = ellipsoid ?? Ellipsoid.Default;

            double hCovariance = _deviceError * _horizontalDOP;
            double vCovariance = _deviceError * _verticalDOP;

            _u = u.IsInvalid ? CartesianPoint.Empty : u;
            _x = x;
            _z = z.IsInvalid ? CartesianPoint.Empty : z;

            _a = a ?? new SquareMatrix3D();
            _b = b ?? new SquareMatrix3D();
            _h = h ?? new SquareMatrix3D();
            _p = p ?? new SquareMatrix3D();
            _q = q ?? SquareMatrix3D.Default(0);
            _r = r ?? new SquareMatrix3D(
                          hCovariance, 0, 0,
                          0, hCovariance, 0,
                          0, 0, vCovariance);

            _interval = 0;

            _errorState = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(hCovariance, 2) + Math.Pow(vCovariance, 2));

            _delay = TimeSpan.MaxValue;
            _lastObservation = DateTime.MinValue;

            if (!gpsPosition.IsEmpty)
        public void UpdateState(Distance deviceError, DilutionOfPrecision horizontalDOP, DilutionOfPrecision verticalDOP, Azimuth bearing, Speed speed, Position3D z)
            if (this.x.IsInvalid)

            // More insanity
            double fail = horizontalDOP.Value * verticalDOP.Value * deviceError.Value;

            if (fail == 0 || double.IsNaN(fail) || double.IsInfinity(fail))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "Covariance values are invalid. Parameters deviceError, horizontalDOP and verticalDOP must be greater than zero.");

            this._deviceError   = deviceError.Value;
            this._horizontalDOP = horizontalDOP.Value;
            this._verticalDOP   = verticalDOP.Value;

            double hCovariance = this._deviceError * this._horizontalDOP;
            double vCovariance = this._deviceError * this._verticalDOP;

            // Setup the observation covariance (measurement error)
            this.R = new SquareMatrix3D(
                hCovariance, 0, 0,
                0, hCovariance, 0,
                0, 0, vCovariance);

            #region Process Noise Estimation

            // Get the translation of the last correction
            CartesianPoint subX = this.x.ToPosition3D(_ellipsoid)
                                  .TranslateTo(bearing, speed.ToDistance(_delay), _ellipsoid)

            // Get the vector of the translation and the last observation
            //CartesianPoint w = (subX - this.z);
            CartesianPoint w =
                new CartesianPoint(
                    Distance.FromMeters(subX.X.Value - this.z.X.Value),   // Values are in meters
                    Distance.FromMeters(subX.Y.Value - this.z.Y.Value),   // Values are in meters
                    Distance.FromMeters(subX.Z.Value - this.z.Z.Value));  // Values are in meters

            // Setup the noise covariance (process error)
            this.Q = new SquareMatrix3D(
                Math.Abs(w.X.Value), 0, 0,
                0, Math.Abs(w.Y.Value), 0,
                0, 0, Math.Abs(w.Z.Value));


            // Update the observation state
            this.z = z.ToCartesianPoint(_ellipsoid);

            #region State vector prediction and covariance

            //s.x = s.A*s.x + s.B*s.u;
            //this.x = this.A * this.x + this.B * this.u;
            CartesianPoint Ax = this.A.TransformVector(x);
            CartesianPoint Bu = this.B.TransformVector(u);
            this.x =
                new CartesianPoint(
                    Distance.FromMeters(Ax.X.Value + Bu.X.Value),
                    Distance.FromMeters(Ax.Y.Value + Bu.Y.Value),
                    Distance.FromMeters(Ax.Z.Value + Bu.Z.Value));

            //s.P = s.A * s.P * s.A' + s.Q;
            this.P = this.A * this.P * SquareMatrix3D.Transpose(this.A) + this.Q;


            #region Kalman gain factor

            //K = s.P*s.H'*inv(s.H*s.P*s.H'+s.R);
            SquareMatrix3D Ht = SquareMatrix3D.Transpose(this.H);
            SquareMatrix3D K  = this.P * Ht * SquareMatrix3D.Invert(this.H * this.P * Ht + this.R);


            #region Observational correction

            //s.x = s.x + K*(s.z-s.H*s.x);
            //this.x = this.x + K * (this.z - this.H * this.x);
            CartesianPoint Hx  = this.H.TransformVector(x);
            CartesianPoint zHx = new CartesianPoint(
                Distance.FromMeters(this.z.X.Value - Hx.X.Value),
                Distance.FromMeters(this.z.Y.Value - Hx.Y.Value),
                Distance.FromMeters(this.z.Z.Value - Hx.Z.Value));
            CartesianPoint kzHx = K.TransformVector(zHx);
            this.x =
                new CartesianPoint(
                    Distance.FromMeters(this.x.X.Value + kzHx.X.Value),
                    Distance.FromMeters(this.x.Y.Value + kzHx.Y.Value),
                    Distance.FromMeters(this.x.Z.Value + kzHx.Z.Value));

            //s.P = s.P - K*s.H*s.P;
            this.P = this.P - K * this.H * this.P;


            // Bump the state count

            // Calculate the average error for the system stste.
            this._errorState = (this._errorState + Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(hCovariance, 2) + Math.Pow(vCovariance, 2))) * .5f;

            // Calculate the interval between samples
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
            this._delay           = now.Subtract(_lastObservation);
            this._lastObservation = now;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the state to the supplied observation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="z"></param>
        public void Initialize(Position3D z)
            SquareMatrix3D Hi = SquareMatrix3D.Invert(this.H);

            this.z = z.ToCartesianPoint(_ellipsoid);

            //s.x = inv(s.H)*s.z;
            this.x = Hi * this.z;

            //s.P = inv(s.H)*s.R*inv(s.H'); 
            this.P = Hi * this.R * SquareMatrix3D.Invert(SquareMatrix3D.Transpose(this.H));
            _lastObservation = DateTime.Now;
            _delay = TimeSpan.Zero;
        internal KalmanSystemState(
            Position3D gpsPosition, Distance deviceError,
            DilutionOfPrecision horizontalDOP, DilutionOfPrecision verticalDOP,
            Ellipsoid ellipsoid,
            CartesianPoint u, CartesianPoint x, CartesianPoint z,
            SquareMatrix3D A, SquareMatrix3D B, SquareMatrix3D H,
            SquareMatrix3D P, SquareMatrix3D Q, SquareMatrix3D R)
            this._deviceError = deviceError.IsEmpty ? DilutionOfPrecision.CurrentAverageDevicePrecision.Value : deviceError.Value;
            this._horizontalDOP = horizontalDOP.IsEmpty ? DilutionOfPrecision.Good.Value : horizontalDOP.Value;
            this._verticalDOP = verticalDOP.IsEmpty ? DilutionOfPrecision.Good.Value : verticalDOP.Value;
            this._ellipsoid = ellipsoid == null ? Ellipsoid.Default : ellipsoid;

            double hCovariance = this._deviceError * this._horizontalDOP;
            double vCovariance = this._deviceError * this._verticalDOP;

            this.u = u.IsInvalid ? CartesianPoint.Empty : u;
            this.x = x;
            this.z = z.IsInvalid ? CartesianPoint.Empty : z;

            this.A = A == null ? new SquareMatrix3D() : A;
            this.B = B == null ? new SquareMatrix3D() : B;
            this.H = H == null ? new SquareMatrix3D() : H;
            this.P = P == null ? new SquareMatrix3D() : P;
            this.Q = Q == null ? SquareMatrix3D.Default(0) : Q;
            this.R = R == null ? new SquareMatrix3D(
                hCovariance, 0, 0,
                0, hCovariance, 0,
                0, 0, vCovariance) : R;

            this._interval = 0;

            this._errorState = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(hCovariance, 2) + Math.Pow(vCovariance, 2));

            this._delay = TimeSpan.MaxValue;
            this._lastObservation = DateTime.MinValue;

            if (!gpsPosition.IsEmpty)