public override void ConvertToDatabase(string sqlServerConnectionString, SQLiteConnection sqliteConnection, SqlConversionHandler sqlConversionHandler, SqlTableSelectionHandler sqlTableSelectionHandler, FailedViewDefinitionHandler failedViewDefinitionHandler, bool createTriggers)
     using (SqlConnection sqlServerConnection = new SqlConnection(sqlServerConnectionString))
         ConvertToDatabase(sqlServerConnection, sqliteConnection, sqlConversionHandler, sqlTableSelectionHandler, failedViewDefinitionHandler, createTriggers);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method takes as input the connection string to an SQL Server database
        /// and creates a corresponding SQLite database file with a schema derived from
        /// the SQL Server database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sqlServerConnString">The connection string to the SQL Server database.</param>
        /// <param name="sqlitePath">The path to the SQLite database file that needs to get created.</param>
        /// <param name="password">The password to use or NULL if no password should be used to encrypt the DB</param>
        /// <param name="handler">A handler delegate for progress notifications.</param>
        /// <param name="selectionHandler">The selection handler that allows the user to select which
        /// tables to convert</param>
        /// <remarks>The method continues asynchronously in the background and the caller returned
        /// immediatly.</remarks>
        public static void ConvertSqlServerToSQLiteDatabase(string sqlServerConnString,
            string sqlitePath, string password, SqlConversionHandler handler, 
            SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandler,
            FailedViewDefinitionHandler viewFailureHandler,
            bool createTriggers)
            // Clear cancelled flag
            _cancelled = false;

            WaitCallback wc = new WaitCallback(delegate(object state)
                    _isActive = true;
                    ConvertSqlServerDatabaseToSQLiteFile(sqlServerConnString, sqlitePath, password, handler, selectionHandler, viewFailureHandler, createTriggers);
                    _isActive = false;
                    handler(true, true, 100, "Finished converting database");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _log.Error("Failed to convert SQL Server database to SQLite database", ex);
                    _isActive = false;
                    handler(true, false, 100, ex.Message);
                } // catch
        private void btnDownloadData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (tbnSQLitePath.Text == "")
                CommonHandler.ShowMessage(MessageType.Information, "请选择\"数据路径\"");

            string sqlConnString = GetSqlServerConnectionString("", "Toyota", "sa", "mxT1@mfb");
            string sqlitePath    = Path.Combine(tbnSQLitePath.Text.Trim(), "readonly.db");

            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            SqlConversionHandler handler = new SqlConversionHandler(delegate(bool done,
                                                                             bool success, int percent, string msg)
                Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate()
                    pbrProgress.Value = percent;

                    if (done)
                        this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;

                        if (success)
                            File.Copy(sqlitePath, Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(sqlitePath), "writeable.db"), true);
                            CommonHandler.ShowMessage(MessageType.Information, "下载成功");
                            pbrProgress.Value = 0;
                            CommonHandler.ShowMessage(MessageType.Information, "下载失败\r\n" + msg);
                            pbrProgress.Value = 0;
            SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandler = new SqlTableSelectionHandler(delegate(List <TableSchema> schema)

            FailedViewDefinitionHandler viewFailureHandler = new FailedViewDefinitionHandler(delegate(ViewSchema vs)

            string password = null;

            SqlServerToSQLite.ConvertSqlServerToSQLiteDatabase(sqlConnString, sqlitePath, password, handler,
                                                               selectionHandler, viewFailureHandler, false, false);
        private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ConversionConfiguration config = _manager.CurrentConfiguration;
            string sqlConnString           = config.ConnectionString;

            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            SqlConversionHandler        handler            = this.OnSqlConversionHandler;
            SqlTableSelectionHandler    selectionHandler   = this.OnSqlTableSelectionHandler;
            FailedViewDefinitionHandler viewFailureHandler = this.OnFailedViewDefinitionHandler;

            SqlServerToSQLite.ConvertSqlServerToSQLiteDatabase(sqlConnString, config.SqLiteDatabaseFilePath, config.EncryptionPassword, handler, selectionHandler, viewFailureHandler, config.CreateTriggersEnforcingForeignKeys, config.TryToCreateViews);
        private void btnDownloadDataForUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (tbnSQLitePathForUpdate.Text == "")
                CommonHandler.ShowMessage(MessageType.Information, "请选择\"数据路径\"");

            string sqlConnString = GetSqlServerConnectionString("", "XinHuaXin_YQ", "DSAT", "DSAT");
            string sqlitePath    = Path.Combine(tbnSQLitePathForUpdate.Text.Trim(), "readonly.db");

            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            SqlConversionHandler handler = new SqlConversionHandler(delegate(bool done,
                                                                             bool success, int percent, string msg)
                Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate()
                    pbrProgressForUpdate.Value = percent;

                    if (done)
                        this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;

                        if (success)
                            CommonHandler.ShowMessage(MessageType.Information, "下载成功");
                            pbrProgressForUpdate.Value = 0;
                            CommonHandler.ShowMessage(MessageType.Information, "下载失败\r\n" + msg);
                            pbrProgressForUpdate.Value = 0;
            SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandler = new SqlTableSelectionHandler(delegate(List <TableSchema> schema)

            FailedViewDefinitionHandler viewFailureHandler = new FailedViewDefinitionHandler(delegate(ViewSchema vs)

            string password = null;

            SqlServerToSQLite.ConvertSqlServerToSQLiteDatabase(sqlConnString, sqlitePath, password, handler,
                                                               selectionHandler, viewFailureHandler, false, false);
        private static void RunConversion(string sqlConnString)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlConnString))
                sqlConnString = Configuration.SqlServer;
            var sqlitePath       = Configuration.Sqlite;
            var password         = Configuration.Password;
            var generateTriggers = Configuration.ExportTriggers;
            var tableRegex       = new Regex(Configuration.Tables, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandler = allTables =>
                var tables = new List <TableSchema>();
                foreach (var table in allTables)
                    if (tableRegex.IsMatch(table.TableName))
                        Console.WriteLine("Exporting table " + table.TableName);


            SqlConversionHandler handler = (done, success, percent, msg) =>
                Console.WriteLine(percent + "% " + msg + (success ? "" : " - ERROR"));

                if (done)
                    Console.WriteLine("Conversion done");

            FailedViewDefinitionHandler viewFailureHandler = vs =>
                Console.WriteLine("Error on view " + vs.ViewName);


            SqlServerToSQLite.ConvertSqlServerToSQLiteDatabase(sqlConnString, sqlitePath, password, handler,
                                                               selectionHandler, viewFailureHandler, generateTriggers, false);
        private void dbConvert_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string text        = "";
            string appSettings = ConfigOperation.GetAppSettings("OLD_POS_DATABASE_NAME");

            text = ((!bool.Parse(ConfigOperation.GetAppSettings("OLD_POS_DATABASE_SSPI"))) ? string.Format("Data Source=(local)\\SQLExpress;Initial Catalog={0};User ID=sa;Password=1031", appSettings) : string.Format("Data Source=(local)\\SQLExpress;Initial Catalog={0};Integrated Security=SSPI;", appSettings));
            string sqlitePath = Program.DataPath + "\\Old_db.db3";

            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            SqlConversionHandler        handler            = new SqlConversionHandler(_003CdbConvert_Load_003Eb__1_0);
            SqlTableSelectionHandler    selectionHandler   = null;
            FailedViewDefinitionHandler viewFailureHandler = new FailedViewDefinitionHandler(_003CdbConvert_Load_003Eb__1_2);
            string password       = "******";
            bool   createViews    = false;
            bool   createTriggers = false;

            SqlServerToSQLite.ConvertSqlServerToSQLiteDatabase(text, sqlitePath, password, handler, selectionHandler, viewFailureHandler, createTriggers, createViews);
        protected override void ConvertSourceDatabaseToDestination(SqlConnection sqlConnection,
                                                                   SQLiteConnection sqliteConnection, SqlConversionHandler sqlConversionHandler,
                                                                   SqlTableSelectionHandler sqlTableSelectionHandler, FailedViewDefinitionHandler failedViewDefinitionHandler,
                                                                   bool createTriggers)
            // Read the schema of the SQL Server database into a memory structure
            DatabaseSchema ds = ReadSourceSchema(sqlConnection, sqlConversionHandler, sqlTableSelectionHandler);

            // Create the SQLite database and apply the schema
            CreateSQLiteDatabase(sqliteConnection, ds, sqlConversionHandler, failedViewDefinitionHandler);

            // Copy all rows from SQL Server tables to the newly created SQLite database
            CopySourceDatabaseRowsToDestination(sqlConnection, sqliteConnection, ds.Tables, sqlConversionHandler);

            // Add triggers based on foreign key constraints
            if (createTriggers)
                AddTriggersForForeignKeys(sqliteConnection, ds.Tables, sqlConversionHandler);
        private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!EnsureSaveLocationExists())
                MessageBox.Show("Specified save location is in a directory that does not exist!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            ConversionConfiguration config = _manager.CurrentConfiguration;
            string sqlConnString           = config.ConnectionString;

            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            SqlConversionProgressReportingHandler progressReportingHandler = OnSqlConversionProgressReportingHandler;
            SqlTableSelectionHandler    selectionHandlerDefinition         = OnSqlTableDefinitionSelectionHandler;
            SqlTableSelectionHandler    selectionHandlerRecords            = OnSqlTableRecordSelectionHandler;
            FailedViewDefinitionHandler viewFailureHandler = OnFailedViewDefinitionHandler;

            var filePathWithReplacedEnvironmentValues = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(config.SqLiteDatabaseFilePath);

            SqlServerToSQLite.ConvertSqlServerToSQLiteDatabase(sqlConnString, filePathWithReplacedEnvironmentValues, config.EncryptionPassword, progressReportingHandler, selectionHandlerDefinition, selectionHandlerRecords, viewFailureHandler, config.CreateTriggersEnforcingForeignKeys, config.TryToCreateViews);
        public override void ConvertToDatabase(SqlConnection sqlServerConnection, SQLiteConnection sqliteConnection, SqlConversionHandler sqlConversionHandler, SqlTableSelectionHandler sqlTableSelecttionHandler, FailedViewDefinitionHandler failedViewDefinitionHandler, bool createTriggers)
            // Clear cancelled flag
            _cancelled = false;

            //WaitCallback wc = new WaitCallback(delegate(object state)
                _isActive = true;
                ConvertSourceDatabaseToDestination(sqlServerConnection, sqliteConnection, sqlConversionHandler, sqlTableSelecttionHandler, failedViewDefinitionHandler, createTriggers);
                _isActive = false;
                sqlConversionHandler(true, true, 100, "Finished converting database");
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Error, string.Format("Failed to convert SQL Server database to SQLite database: {0}", FileLogger.GetInnerException(ex).Message));
                _isActive = false;
                sqlConversionHandler(true, false, 100, ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method takes as input the connection string to an SQL Server database
        /// and creates a corresponding SQLite database file with a schema as retrieved from
        /// the SQL Server database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sqlServerConnString">The connection string to the SQL Server database.</param>
        /// <param name="sqlitePath">The path to the SQLite database file that needs to get created.</param>
        /// <param name="password">The password to use or NULL if no password should be used to encrypt the DB</param>
        /// <param name="progressReportingHandler">A handler delegate for progress notifications.</param>
        /// <param name="selectionHandlerDefinition">The selection handler that allows the user to select which tables to include in the converted SQLite database.</param>
        /// /// <param name="selectionHandlerRecord">The selection handler that allows the user to select which tables to include the data of in the converted SQLite database.</param>
        /// <remarks>The method continues asynchronously in the background and the caller returns immediately.</remarks>
        public static Task ConvertSqlServerToSQLiteDatabase(string sqlServerConnString, string sqlitePath, string password, SqlConversionProgressReportingHandler progressReportingHandler, SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandlerDefinition, SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandlerRecord, FailedViewDefinitionHandler viewFailureHandler, Boolean createTriggers, Boolean createViews)
            // Clear cancelled flag
            _cancelled = false;

            var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    _isActive = true;
                    String sqlitePathResolved = TemplateToFilename(sqlitePath);
                    ConvertSqlServerDatabaseToSQLiteFile(sqlServerConnString, sqlitePathResolved, password, progressReportingHandler, selectionHandlerDefinition, selectionHandlerRecord, viewFailureHandler, createTriggers, createViews);
                    _isActive = false;
                    progressReportingHandler(true, true, 100, "Finished converting database");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _log.Error("Failed to convert SQL Server database to SQLite database", ex);
                    _isActive = false;
                    progressReportingHandler(true, false, 100, ex.ToString());
            return task;
        public override void ConvertToDatabase(SqlConnection sqlServerConnection, SQLiteConnection sqliteConnection, SqlConversionHandler sqlConversionHandler, SqlTableSelectionHandler sqlTableSelecttionHandler, FailedViewDefinitionHandler failedViewDefinitionHandler, bool createTriggers)
            // Clear cancelled flag
            _cancelled = false;

            //WaitCallback wc = new WaitCallback(delegate(object state)
                _isActive = true;
                ConvertSourceDatabaseToDestination(sqlServerConnection, sqliteConnection, sqlConversionHandler, sqlTableSelecttionHandler, failedViewDefinitionHandler, createTriggers);
                _isActive = false;
                sqlConversionHandler(true, true, 100, "Finished converting database");
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Error, string.Format("Failed to convert SQL Server database to SQLite database: {0}", FileLogger.GetInnerException(ex).Message));
                _isActive = false;
                sqlConversionHandler(true, false, 100, ex.Message);
 public override void ConvertToDatabase(string sqlServerConnectionString, SQLiteConnection sqliteConnection, SqlConversionHandler sqlConversionHandler, SqlTableSelectionHandler sqlTableSelectionHandler, FailedViewDefinitionHandler failedViewDefinitionHandler, bool createTriggers)
     using (SqlConnection sqlServerConnection = new SqlConnection(sqlServerConnectionString))
         ConvertToDatabase(sqlServerConnection, sqliteConnection, sqlConversionHandler, sqlTableSelectionHandler, failedViewDefinitionHandler, createTriggers);
        private void Iniciar()
            string sqlConnString;
            sqlConnString = this.txtSqlServer.Text;

            bool createViews = cbxCreateViews.Checked;

            string sqlitePath = txtSQLite.Text.Trim();
            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            SqlConversionHandler handler = new SqlConversionHandler(delegate(bool done,
                bool success, int percent, string msg)
                Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate()
                    lblMessage.Text = msg;
                    pbrProgress.Value = percent;

                    if (done)
                        btnStart.Enabled = true;
                        this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;

                        if (success)
                            pbrProgress.Value = 0;
                            lblMessage.Text = string.Empty;
                            if (!_shouldExit)
                                    "Conversion Failed",
                                pbrProgress.Value = 0;
                                lblMessage.Text = string.Empty;
            SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandler = new SqlTableSelectionHandler(delegate(List<TableSchema> schema)
                List<TableSchema> updated = null;
                Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                    updated = schema;
                return updated;

            FailedViewDefinitionHandler viewFailureHandler = new FailedViewDefinitionHandler(delegate(ViewSchema vs)
                string updated = null;
                Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                    ViewFailureDialog dlg = new ViewFailureDialog();
                    dlg.View = vs;
                    DialogResult res = dlg.ShowDialog(this);
                    if (res == DialogResult.OK)
                        updated = dlg.ViewSQL;
                        updated = null;

                return updated;

            string password = txtPassword.Text.Trim();
            if (!cbxEncrypt.Checked)
                password = null;
            SqlServerToSQLite.ConvertSqlServerToSQLiteDatabase(sqlConnString, sqlitePath, password, handler,
                selectionHandler, viewFailureHandler, cbxTriggers.Checked, createViews);
        private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string sqlConnString;

            if (cbxIntegrated.Checked)
                sqlConnString = GetSqlServerConnectionString(txtSqlAddress.Text, (string)cboDatabases.SelectedItem);
                sqlConnString = GetSqlServerConnectionString(txtSqlAddress.Text, (string)cboDatabases.SelectedItem, txtUserDB.Text, txtPassDB.Text);
            bool createViews = cbxCreateViews.Checked;

            string sqlitePath = txtSQLitePath.Text.Trim();

            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            SqlConversionHandler handler = new SqlConversionHandler(delegate(bool done,
                                                                             bool success, int percent, string msg) {
                Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() {
                    lblMessage.Text   = msg;
                    pbrProgress.Value = percent;

                    if (done)
                        btnStart.Enabled = true;
                        this.Cursor      = Cursors.Default;

                        if (success)
                                            "Conversion Finished",
                            pbrProgress.Value = 0;
                            lblMessage.Text   = string.Empty;
                            if (!_shouldExit)
                                                "Conversion Failed",
                                pbrProgress.Value = 0;
                                lblMessage.Text   = string.Empty;
            SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandler = new SqlTableSelectionHandler(delegate(List <TableSchema> schema)
                List <TableSchema> updated = null;
                Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                    // Allow the user to select which tables to include by showing him the
                    // table selection dialog.
                    TableSelectionDialog dlg = new TableSelectionDialog();
                    DialogResult res         = dlg.ShowTables(schema, this);
                    if (res == DialogResult.OK)
                        updated = dlg.IncludedTables;

            FailedViewDefinitionHandler viewFailureHandler = new FailedViewDefinitionHandler(delegate(ViewSchema vs)
                string updated = null;
                Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                    ViewFailureDialog dlg = new ViewFailureDialog();
                    dlg.View         = vs;
                    DialogResult res = dlg.ShowDialog(this);
                    if (res == DialogResult.OK)
                        updated = dlg.ViewSQL;
                        updated = null;


            string password = txtPassword.Text.Trim();

            if (!cbxEncrypt.Checked)
                password = null;
            SqlServerToSQLite.ConvertSqlServerToSQLiteDatabase(sqlConnString, sqlitePath, password, handler,
                                                               selectionHandler, viewFailureHandler, cbxTriggers.Checked, createViews);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method takes as input the connection string to an SQL Server database
        /// and creates a corresponding SQLite database file with a schema as retrieved from
        /// the SQL Server database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sqlServerConnString">The connection string to the SQL Server database.</param>
        /// <param name="sqlitePath">The path to the SQLite database file that needs to get created.</param>
        /// <param name="password">The password to use or NULL if no password should be used to encrypt the DB</param>
        /// <param name="progressReportingHandler">A handler delegate for progress notifications.</param>
        /// <param name="selectionHandlerDefinition">The selection handler that allows the user to select which tables to include in the converted SQLite database.</param>
        /// /// <param name="selectionHandlerRecord">The selection handler that allows the user to select which tables to include the data of in the converted SQLite database.</param>
        /// <remarks>The method continues asynchronously in the background and the caller returns immediately.</remarks>
        public static Task ConvertSqlServerToSQLiteDatabase(string sqlServerConnString, string sqlitePath, string password, SqlConversionProgressReportingHandler progressReportingHandler, SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandlerDefinition, SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandlerRecord, FailedViewDefinitionHandler viewFailureHandler, Boolean createTriggers, Boolean createViews)
            // Clear cancelled flag
            _cancelled = false;

            var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    _isActive = true;
                    String sqlitePathResolved = TemplateToFilename(sqlitePath);
                    ConvertSqlServerDatabaseToSQLiteFile(sqlServerConnString, sqlitePathResolved, password, progressReportingHandler, selectionHandlerDefinition, selectionHandlerRecord, viewFailureHandler, createTriggers, createViews);
                    _isActive = false;
                    progressReportingHandler(true, true, 100, "Finished converting database");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _log.Error("Failed to convert SQL Server database to SQLite database", ex);
                    _isActive = false;
                    progressReportingHandler(true, false, 100, ex.ToString());

 /// <summary>
 /// This method takes as input the connection to an SQL Server database
 /// and creates a corresponding SQLite database file with a schema derived from
 /// the SQL Server database.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sqlConnection">The SQL connection.</param>
 /// <param name="sqliteConnection">The SQLite connection.</param>
 /// <param name="sqlConversionHandler">The SQL conversion handler.</param>
 /// <param name="sqlTableSelectionHandler">The SQL table selection handler.</param>
 /// <param name="failedViewDefinitionHandler">The failed view definition handler.</param>
 /// <param name="createTriggers">if set to <c>true</c> [create triggers].</param>
 /// <remarks>The method continues asynchronously in the background and the caller returned
 /// immediatly.</remarks>
 public abstract void ConvertToDatabase(SqlConnection sqlConnection,
     SQLiteConnection sqliteConnection, SqlConversionHandler sqlConversionHandler,
     SqlTableSelectionHandler sqlTableSelectionHandler,
     FailedViewDefinitionHandler failedViewDefinitionHandler,
     bool createTriggers);
        private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        	string sqlConnString;
        	if (cbxIntegrated.Checked) {
        		sqlConnString = GetSqlServerConnectionString(txtSqlAddress.Text, (string)cboDatabases.SelectedItem);
        	} else {
        		sqlConnString = GetSqlServerConnectionString(txtSqlAddress.Text, (string)cboDatabases.SelectedItem, txtUserDB.Text, txtPassDB.Text);
            bool createViews = cbxCreateViews.Checked;
            string sqlitePath = txtSQLitePath.Text.Trim();
            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            SqlConversionHandler handler = new SqlConversionHandler(delegate(bool done,
                bool success, int percent, string msg) {
                    Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() {
                        lblMessage.Text = msg;
                        pbrProgress.Value = percent;

                        if (done)
                            btnStart.Enabled = true;
                            this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;

                            if (success)
                                    "Conversion Finished",
                                pbrProgress.Value = 0;
                                lblMessage.Text = string.Empty;
                                if (!_shouldExit)
                                        "Conversion Failed",
                                    pbrProgress.Value = 0;
                                    lblMessage.Text = string.Empty;
            SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandler = new SqlTableSelectionHandler(delegate(List<TableSchema> schema)
                List<TableSchema> updated = null;
                Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                    // Allow the user to select which tables to include by showing him the 
                    // table selection dialog.
                    TableSelectionDialog dlg = new TableSelectionDialog();
                    DialogResult res = dlg.ShowTables(schema, this);
                    if (res == DialogResult.OK)
                        updated = dlg.IncludedTables;
                return updated;

            FailedViewDefinitionHandler viewFailureHandler = new FailedViewDefinitionHandler(delegate(ViewSchema vs)
                string updated = null;
                Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                    ViewFailureDialog dlg = new ViewFailureDialog();
                    dlg.View = vs;
                    DialogResult res = dlg.ShowDialog(this);
                    if (res == DialogResult.OK)
                        updated = dlg.ViewSQL;
                        updated = null;

                return updated;

            string password = txtPassword.Text.Trim();
            if (!cbxEncrypt.Checked)
                password = null;
            SqlServerToSQLite.ConvertSqlServerToSQLiteDatabase(sqlConnString, sqlitePath, password, handler, 
                selectionHandler, viewFailureHandler, cbxTriggers.Checked, createViews);
    private static void ConvertSqlServerDatabaseToSQLiteFile(string sqlConnString, string sqlitePath, string password, SqlConversionHandler handler, SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandler, FailedViewDefinitionHandler viewFailureHandler, bool createTriggers, bool createViews)
        if (File.Exists(sqlitePath))
        DatabaseSchema databaseSchema = ReadSqlServerSchema(sqlConnString, handler, selectionHandler);

        CreateSQLiteDatabase(sqlitePath, databaseSchema, password, handler, viewFailureHandler, createViews);
        CopySqlServerRowsToSQLiteDB(sqlConnString, sqlitePath, databaseSchema.Tables, password, handler);
        if (createTriggers)
            AddTriggersForForeignKeys(sqlitePath, databaseSchema.Tables, password, handler);
        protected override DatabaseSchema ReadSourceSchema(SqlConnection sqlServerConnection, SqlConversionHandler handler,
            SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandler)
            // First step is to read the names of all tables in the database
            List<TableSchema> tables = new List<TableSchema>();


            //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "SQL Server Connection initialized");

            List<string> tableNames = new List<string>();
            List<string> tblschema = new List<string>();

            // Initialize in clause for schemas and tables.
            //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Intializing schemas and tables to load where clauses");
            string schemasToLoad = Utilities.ContainsSchemaInfo(TablesToLoad) ? Utilities.ConvertTableToLoadToInClause(TablesToLoad, true, "TABLE_SCHEMA").ToUpper() : string.Empty;
            //if (schemasToLoad != string.Empty) //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Debug, string.Format("Schemas IN clause: {0}", schemasToLoad));
            string tablesToLoad = TablesToLoad.Count > 0 ? Utilities.ConvertTableToLoadToInClause(TablesToLoad, false, "TABLE_NAME").ToUpper() : string.Empty;
            //if (tablesToLoad != string.Empty) //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Debug, string.Format("Tables IN clause: {0}", tablesToLoad));

            string whereClause = string.Empty;
            if (schemasToLoad != string.Empty && tablesToLoad != string.Empty)
                whereClause = string.Format(" AND {0} AND {1} ", schemasToLoad, tablesToLoad);
            else if (schemasToLoad != string.Empty && tablesToLoad == string.Empty)
                whereClause = string.Format(" AND {0} ", schemasToLoad);
            else if (schemasToLoad == string.Empty && tablesToLoad != string.Empty)
                whereClause = string.Format(" AND {0} ", tablesToLoad);

            //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Intializing SQL statement");
            // This command will read the names of all tables in the database
            string sqlQuery = string.Format(@"select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES  where TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE'{0}", whereClause);
            //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Debug, string.Format("Sql Server INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES query: \n\n{0}\n\n", sqlQuery));

            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery, sqlServerConnection);
            //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "SqlCommand initialized");
            using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                while (reader.Read())

            // Next step is to use ADO APIs to query the schema of each table.
            int count = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < tableNames.Count; i++)
                string tname = tableNames[i];
                string tschma = tblschema[i];
                string fullName = tschma + "." + tname;
                // Load only the tables in TablesToLoad.
                if (TablesToLoad.Count > 0 && !TablesToLoad.Exists(t => t.SqlServerFullName.ToLower() == fullName.ToLower())) continue;

                TableSchema ts = CreateTableSchema(sqlServerConnection, tname, tschma);
                CreateForeignKeySchema(sqlServerConnection, ts);
                handler(false, true, (int)(count * 50.0 / tableNames.Count), "Parsed table " + tname);

                //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "parsed table schema for [" + tname + "]");

            //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "finished parsing all tables in SQL Server schema");

            // Allow the user a chance to select which tables to convert, only if the TablesToLoad list isn't defined.
            if (selectionHandler != null && TablesToLoad.Count > 0)
                List<TableSchema> updated = selectionHandler(tables);
                if (updated != null)
                    tables = updated;

            Regex removedbo = new Regex(@"dbo\.", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            // Continue and read all of the views in the database
            List<ViewSchema> views = new List<ViewSchema>();

            cmd = new SqlCommand(@"SELECT TABLE_NAME, VIEW_DEFINITION  from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS", sqlServerConnection);
            using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                count = 0;
                while (reader.Read())
                    ViewSchema vs = new ViewSchema();
                    vs.ViewName = (string)reader["TABLE_NAME"];
                    vs.ViewSQL = (string)reader["VIEW_DEFINITION"];

                    // Remove all ".dbo" strings from the view definition
                    vs.ViewSQL = removedbo.Replace(vs.ViewSQL, string.Empty);


                    handler(false, true, 50 + (int)(count * 50.0 / views.Count), "Parsed view " + vs.ViewName);

                    //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "parsed view schema for [" + vs.ViewName + "]");

            DatabaseSchema ds = new DatabaseSchema();
            ds.Tables = tables;
            ds.Views = views;
            return ds;
        static void Main(String[] args)
            _options = new Options();
            var result = CommandLine.Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, _options);

            if (!result)
                AddMessage("Invalid Arguments");

            String logFilePath = _options.LogFile;

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(logFilePath))
                if (File.Exists(logFilePath))
                _logFileStream = new StreamWriter(File.OpenWrite(logFilePath));

            String  filename = _options.ConfigFile;
            Boolean success  = SerializationHelper.TryXmlDeserialize(filename, out _config);

            if (!success)
                AddMessage("The selected file was not a valid configuration file for this application.");

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_options.DatabaseName))
                // Allow user to override database name.
                AddMessage(String.Format("A database name was supplied as an argument.  Configured database will not be used."));
                _config.DatabaseName = _options.DatabaseName;

            AddMessage(String.Format("Converting database: {0}", _config.DatabaseName));

            String sqlConnString = _config.ConnectionString;

            SqlConversionProgressReportingHandler progressReportingHandler = OnSqlConversionProgressReportingHandler;
            SqlTableSelectionHandler    selectionHandlerDefinition         = OnSqlTableDefinitionSelectionHandler;
            SqlTableSelectionHandler    selectionHandlerRecords            = OnSqlTableRecordSelectionHandler;
            FailedViewDefinitionHandler viewFailureHandler = OnFailedViewDefinitionHandler;

            var filePathWithReplacedEnvironmentValues = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(_config.SqLiteDatabaseFilePath);
            var task = SqlServerToSQLite.ConvertSqlServerToSQLiteDatabase(sqlConnString, filePathWithReplacedEnvironmentValues, _config.EncryptionPassword, progressReportingHandler, selectionHandlerDefinition, selectionHandlerRecords, viewFailureHandler, _config.CreateTriggersEnforcingForeignKeys, _config.TryToCreateViews);


            if (task.Exception != null)
                AddMessage("An error has occurred.  Details:");
                var exception = task.Exception;

                AddMessage(exception.ToString(), false);

                foreach (var innerException in exception.InnerExceptions)
                    AddMessage(innerException.ToString(), false);

            if (_logFileStream != null)
    private static DatabaseSchema ReadSqlServerSchema(string connString, SqlConversionHandler handler, SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandler)
        List <TableSchema> list = new List <TableSchema>();

        using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connString))
            List <string> list2 = new List <string>();
            List <string> list3 = new List <string>();
            using (SqlDataReader sqlDataReader = new SqlCommand("select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES  where TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE'", sqlConnection).ExecuteReader())
                while (sqlDataReader.Read())
                    if (sqlDataReader["TABLE_NAME"] != DBNull.Value && sqlDataReader["TABLE_SCHEMA"] != DBNull.Value)
            int num = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < list2.Count; i++)
                string      text        = list2[i];
                string      tschma      = list3[i];
                TableSchema tableSchema = CreateTableSchema(sqlConnection, text, tschma);
                CreateForeignKeySchema(sqlConnection, tableSchema);
                handler(done: false, success: true, (int)((double)num * 50.0 / (double)list2.Count), "解析資料表: " + text);
                _log.Debug("parsed table schema for [" + text + "]");
        _log.Debug("finished parsing all tables in SQL Server schema");
        if (selectionHandler != null)
            List <TableSchema> list4 = selectionHandler(list);
            if (list4 != null)
                list = list4;
        Regex             regex = new Regex("dbo\\.", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
        List <ViewSchema> list5 = new List <ViewSchema>();

        using (SqlConnection sqlConnection2 = new SqlConnection(connString))
            using (SqlDataReader sqlDataReader2 = new SqlCommand("SELECT TABLE_NAME, VIEW_DEFINITION  from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS", sqlConnection2).ExecuteReader())
                int num2 = 0;
                while (sqlDataReader2.Read())
                    ViewSchema viewSchema = new ViewSchema();
                    if (sqlDataReader2["TABLE_NAME"] != DBNull.Value && sqlDataReader2["VIEW_DEFINITION"] != DBNull.Value)
                        viewSchema.ViewName = (string)sqlDataReader2["TABLE_NAME"];
                        viewSchema.ViewSQL  = (string)sqlDataReader2["VIEW_DEFINITION"];
                        viewSchema.ViewSQL  = regex.Replace(viewSchema.ViewSQL, string.Empty);
                        handler(done: false, success: true, 50 + (int)((double)num2 * 50.0 / (double)list5.Count), "解析View: " + viewSchema.ViewName);
                        _log.Debug("parsed view schema for [" + viewSchema.ViewName + "]");
        return(new DatabaseSchema
            Tables = list,
            Views = list5
    private void dbConvert_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string text        = "";
        string appSettings = ConfigOperation.GetAppSettings("OLD_POS_DATABASE_NAME");

        text = ((!bool.Parse(ConfigOperation.GetAppSettings("OLD_POS_DATABASE_SSPI"))) ? $"Data Source=(local)\\SQLExpress;Initial Catalog={appSettings};User ID=sa;Password=1031" : $"Data Source=(local)\\SQLExpress;Initial Catalog={appSettings};Integrated Security=SSPI;");
        string sqlitePath = Program.DataPath + "\\Old_db.db3";

        Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
        SqlConversionHandler handler = delegate(bool done, bool success, int percent, string msg)
            dbConvert dbConvert = this;
            Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate
                dbConvert.lblMessage.Text   = msg;
                dbConvert.pbrProgress.Value = percent;
                if (done)
                    dbConvert.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                    if (success)
                        MessageBox.Show(dbConvert, msg, "資料移轉成功", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk);
                        MessageBox.Show(dbConvert, msg, "資料移轉失敗", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);
                        dbConvert.pbrProgress.Value = 0;
                        dbConvert.lblMessage.Text   = string.Empty;
        SqlTableSelectionHandler    selectionHandler   = null;
        FailedViewDefinitionHandler viewFailureHandler = delegate(ViewSchema vs)
            dbConvert owner   = this;
            string    updated = null;
            Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate
                ViewFailureDialog viewFailureDialog = new ViewFailureDialog
                    View = vs
                if (viewFailureDialog.ShowDialog(owner) == DialogResult.OK)
                    updated = viewFailureDialog.ViewSQL;
                    updated = null;
        string password       = "******";
        bool   createViews    = false;
        bool   createTriggers = false;

        SqlServerToSQLite.ConvertSqlServerToSQLiteDatabase(text, sqlitePath, password, handler, selectionHandler, viewFailureHandler, createTriggers, createViews);
        protected override void ConvertSourceDatabaseToDestination(SqlConnection sqlConnection,
            SQLiteConnection sqliteConnection, SqlConversionHandler sqlConversionHandler,
            SqlTableSelectionHandler sqlTableSelectionHandler, FailedViewDefinitionHandler failedViewDefinitionHandler,
            bool createTriggers)
            // Read the schema of the SQL Server database into a memory structure
            DatabaseSchema ds = ReadSourceSchema(sqlConnection, sqlConversionHandler, sqlTableSelectionHandler);

            // Create the SQLite database and apply the schema
            CreateSQLiteDatabase(sqliteConnection, ds, sqlConversionHandler, failedViewDefinitionHandler);

            // Copy all rows from SQL Server tables to the newly created SQLite database
            CopySourceDatabaseRowsToDestination(sqlConnection, sqliteConnection, ds.Tables, sqlConversionHandler);

            // Add triggers based on foreign key constraints
            if (createTriggers)
                AddTriggersForForeignKeys(sqliteConnection, ds.Tables, sqlConversionHandler);
 public static void ConvertSqlServerToSQLiteDatabase(string sqlServerConnString, string sqlitePath, string password, SqlConversionHandler handler, SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandler, FailedViewDefinitionHandler viewFailureHandler, bool createTriggers, bool createViews)
     _cancelled = false;
             _isActive = true;
             ConvertSqlServerDatabaseToSQLiteFile(sqlServerConnString, sqlitePath, password, handler, selectionHandler, viewFailureHandler, createTriggers, createViews);
             _isActive = false;
             handler(done: true, success: true, 100, "資料移轉成功");
         catch (SqlException exception)
             _log.Error("資料移轉失敗", exception);
             _isActive = false;
             handler(done: true, success: false, 100, "查無原先POS系統資料庫,請洽客服人員");
         catch (Exception ex)
             _log.Error("資料移轉失敗", ex);
             _isActive = false;
             handler(done: true, success: false, 100, ex.Message);
 /// <summary>
 /// Reads the entire SQL Server DB schema using the specified connection string.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sqlConnection">The SQL connection.</param>
 /// <param name="sqlConversionHandler">The SQL conversion handler.</param>
 /// <param name="sqlTableSelectionHandler">The SQL table selection handler.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// Database schema objects for every table/view in the SQL Server database.
 /// </returns>
 protected abstract DatabaseSchema ReadSourceSchema(SqlConnection sqlConnection, SqlConversionHandler sqlConversionHandler,
     SqlTableSelectionHandler sqlTableSelectionHandler);
        /// <summary>
        /// Do the entire process of first reading the SQL Server schema, creating a corresponding
        /// SQLite schema, and copying all rows from the SQL Server database to the SQLite database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sqlConnString">The SQL Server connection string</param>
        /// <param name="sqlitePath">The path to the generated SQLite database file</param>
        /// <param name="password">The password to use or NULL if no password should be used to encrypt the DB</param>
        /// <param name="progressReportingHandler">A handler to handle progress notifications.</param>
        /// <param name="selectionHandlerDefinition">The selection handler which allows the user to select which tables to convert.</param>
        /// <param name="selectionHandlerRecord">The selection handler which allows the user to select which tables to convert.</param>
        /// <param name="viewFailureHandler">The selection handler which allows the user to select which views to convert.</param>
        /// <param name="createTriggers">Whether or not triggers should be converted</param>
        /// <param name="createViews">Whether or not views should be converted</param>
        private static void ConvertSqlServerDatabaseToSQLiteFile(String sqlConnString, String sqlitePath, String password, SqlConversionProgressReportingHandler progressReportingHandler, SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandlerDefinition, SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandlerRecord, FailedViewDefinitionHandler viewFailureHandler, Boolean createTriggers, Boolean createViews)
            // Delete the destination file (only if it exists)
            if (DeleteFile(sqlitePath))
                throw new Exception("File could not be deleted!");

            SqlServerSchemaReader schemaReader = new SqlServerSchemaReader(sqlConnString, Log);

            schemaReader.TableSchemaReaderProgressChanged += (sender, args) =>
                int    total      = args.TablesProcessed + args.TablesRemaining;
                int    percentage = (int)((args.TablesProcessed / (Double)total) * 100);
                String msg        = String.Format("Parsed table {0}", args.LastProcessedTable.TableName);
                progressReportingHandler(false, false, percentage, msg);

            schemaReader.ViewSchemaReaderProgressChanged += (sender, args) =>
                int    total      = args.ViewsProcessed + args.ViewsRemaining;
                int    percentage = (int)((args.ViewsProcessed / (Double)total) * 100);
                String msg        = String.Format("Parsed view {0}", args.LastProcessedView.ViewName);
                progressReportingHandler(false, false, percentage, msg);


            var includeSchema = selectionHandlerDefinition(schemaReader.Tables);

            schemaReader.TablesIncludeSchema = includeSchema;

            var includeData = selectionHandlerRecord(includeSchema);

            schemaReader.TablesIncludeData = includeData;

            // Read the schema of the SQL Server database into a memory structure
            DatabaseSchema ds = schemaReader.GetDatabaseSchema();

            // Create the SQLite database and apply the schema
            CreateSQLiteDatabase(sqlitePath, ds, password, progressReportingHandler, viewFailureHandler, createViews);

            // Copy all rows from SQL Server tables to the newly created SQLite database
            var tablesToCopy = ds.Tables.Where(obj => includeData.Any(include => include.TableName == obj.TableName)).ToList();

            CopySqlServerRowsToSQLiteDB(sqlConnString, sqlitePath, tablesToCopy, password, progressReportingHandler);

            // Add triggers based on foreign key constraints
            if (createTriggers)
                AddTriggersForForeignKeys(sqlitePath, ds.Tables, password, progressReportingHandler);
        /// <summary>
        /// Do the entire process of first reading the SQL Server schema, creating a corresponding
        /// SQLite schema, and copying all rows from the SQL Server database to the SQLite database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sqlConnString">The SQL Server connection string</param>
        /// <param name="sqlitePath">The path to the generated SQLite database file</param>
        /// <param name="password">The password to use or NULL if no password should be used to encrypt the DB</param>
        /// <param name="handler">A handler to handle progress notifications.</param>
        /// <param name="selectionHandler">The selection handler which allows the user to select which tables to 
        /// convert.</param>
        private static void ConvertSqlServerDatabaseToSQLiteFile(
            string sqlConnString, string sqlitePath, string password, SqlConversionHandler handler, 
            SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandler,
            FailedViewDefinitionHandler viewFailureHandler,
            bool createTriggers)
            // Delete the target file if it exists already.
            if (File.Exists(sqlitePath))

            // Read the schema of the SQL Server database into a memory structure
            DatabaseSchema ds = ReadSqlServerSchema(sqlConnString, handler, selectionHandler);

            // Create the SQLite database and apply the schema
            CreateSQLiteDatabase(sqlitePath, ds, password, handler, viewFailureHandler);

            // Copy all rows from SQL Server tables to the newly created SQLite database
            CopySqlServerRowsToSQLiteDB(sqlConnString, sqlitePath, ds.Tables, password, handler);

            // Add triggers based on foreign key constraints
            if (createTriggers)
                AddTriggersForForeignKeys(sqlitePath, ds.Tables, password, handler);

 /// <summary>
 /// This method takes as input the connection string to an SQL Server database
 /// and creates a corresponding SQLite database file with a schema derived from
 /// the SQL Server database.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sqlServerConnectionString">The connection string to the SQL Server database.</param>
 /// <param name="sqliteConnectionString">The connection string to the SQLite database.</param>
 /// <param name="sqlConversionHandler">The SQL conversion handler.</param>
 /// <param name="sqlTableSelecttionHandler">The SQL table selection handler.</param>
 /// <param name="failedViewDefinitionHandler">The failed view definition handler.</param>
 /// <param name="createTriggers">if set to <c>true</c> [create triggers].</param>
 /// <remarks>The method continues asynchronously in the background and the caller returned
 /// immediatly.</remarks>
 public abstract void ConvertToDatabase(string sqlServerConnectionString, string sqliteConnectionString,
     SqlConversionHandler sqlConversionHandler,
     SqlTableSelectionHandler sqlTableSelectionHandler,
     FailedViewDefinitionHandler failedViewDefinitionHandler, bool createTriggers);
        protected override DatabaseSchema ReadSourceSchema(SqlConnection sqlServerConnection, SqlConversionHandler handler,
                                                           SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandler)
            // First step is to read the names of all tables in the database
            List <TableSchema> tables = new List <TableSchema>();


            //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "SQL Server Connection initialized");

            List <string> tableNames = new List <string>();
            List <string> tblschema  = new List <string>();

            // Initialize in clause for schemas and tables.
            //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Intializing schemas and tables to load where clauses");
            string schemasToLoad = Utilities.ContainsSchemaInfo(TablesToLoad) ? Utilities.ConvertTableToLoadToInClause(TablesToLoad, true, "TABLE_SCHEMA").ToUpper() : string.Empty;
            //if (schemasToLoad != string.Empty) //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Debug, string.Format("Schemas IN clause: {0}", schemasToLoad));
            string tablesToLoad = TablesToLoad.Count > 0 ? Utilities.ConvertTableToLoadToInClause(TablesToLoad, false, "TABLE_NAME").ToUpper() : string.Empty;
            //if (tablesToLoad != string.Empty) //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Debug, string.Format("Tables IN clause: {0}", tablesToLoad));

            string whereClause = string.Empty;

            if (schemasToLoad != string.Empty && tablesToLoad != string.Empty)
                whereClause = string.Format(" AND {0} AND {1} ", schemasToLoad, tablesToLoad);
            else if (schemasToLoad != string.Empty && tablesToLoad == string.Empty)
                whereClause = string.Format(" AND {0} ", schemasToLoad);
            else if (schemasToLoad == string.Empty && tablesToLoad != string.Empty)
                whereClause = string.Format(" AND {0} ", tablesToLoad);

            //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Intializing SQL statement");
            // This command will read the names of all tables in the database
            string sqlQuery = string.Format(@"select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES  where TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE'{0}", whereClause);
            //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Debug, string.Format("Sql Server INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES query: \n\n{0}\n\n", sqlQuery));

            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery, sqlServerConnection);

            //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "SqlCommand initialized");
            using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                while (reader.Read())

            // Next step is to use ADO APIs to query the schema of each table.
            int count = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < tableNames.Count; i++)
                string tname    = tableNames[i];
                string tschma   = tblschema[i];
                string fullName = tschma + "." + tname;
                // Load only the tables in TablesToLoad.
                if (TablesToLoad.Count > 0 && !TablesToLoad.Exists(t => t.SqlServerFullName.ToLower() == fullName.ToLower()))

                TableSchema ts = CreateTableSchema(sqlServerConnection, tname, tschma);
                CreateForeignKeySchema(sqlServerConnection, ts);
                handler(false, true, (int)(count * 50.0 / tableNames.Count), "Parsed table " + tname);

                //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "parsed table schema for [" + tname + "]");

            //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "finished parsing all tables in SQL Server schema");

            // Allow the user a chance to select which tables to convert, only if the TablesToLoad list isn't defined.
            if (selectionHandler != null && TablesToLoad.Count > 0)
                List <TableSchema> updated = selectionHandler(tables);
                if (updated != null)
                    tables = updated;

            Regex removedbo = new Regex(@"dbo\.", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            // Continue and read all of the views in the database
            List <ViewSchema> views = new List <ViewSchema>();

            cmd = new SqlCommand(@"SELECT TABLE_NAME, VIEW_DEFINITION  from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS", sqlServerConnection);
            using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                count = 0;
                while (reader.Read())
                    ViewSchema vs = new ViewSchema();
                    vs.ViewName = (string)reader["TABLE_NAME"];
                    vs.ViewSQL  = (string)reader["VIEW_DEFINITION"];

                    // Remove all ".dbo" strings from the view definition
                    vs.ViewSQL = removedbo.Replace(vs.ViewSQL, string.Empty);


                    handler(false, true, 50 + (int)(count * 50.0 / views.Count), "Parsed view " + vs.ViewName);

                    //Logging.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "parsed view schema for [" + vs.ViewName + "]");

            DatabaseSchema ds = new DatabaseSchema();

            ds.Tables = tables;
            ds.Views  = views;
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the entire SQL Server DB schema using the specified connection string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connString">The connection string used for reading SQL Server schema.</param>
        /// <param name="handler">A handler for progress notifications.</param>
        /// <param name="selectionHandler">The selection handler which allows the user to select 
        /// which tables to convert.</param>
        /// <returns>database schema objects for every table/view in the SQL Server database.</returns>
        private static DatabaseSchema ReadSqlServerSchema(string connString, SqlConversionHandler handler,
            SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandler)
            // First step is to read the names of all tables in the database
            List<TableSchema> tables = new List<TableSchema>();
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString))

                List<string> tableNames = new List<string>();
                List<string> tblschema = new List<string>();

                // This command will read the names of all tables in the database
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(@"select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES  where TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE'", conn);
                using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                   } // while
                } // using

                // Next step is to use ADO APIs to query the schema of each table.
                int count = 0;
                for (int i=0; i<tableNames.Count; i++)
                   string tname = tableNames[i];
                   string tschma = tblschema[i];
                   TableSchema ts = CreateTableSchema(conn, tname, tschma);
                	CreateForeignKeySchema(conn, ts);
                    handler(false, true, (int)(count * 50.0 / tableNames.Count), "Parsed table " + tname);

                    _log.Debug("parsed table schema for [" + tname + "]");
                } // foreach
            } // using

            _log.Debug("finished parsing all tables in SQL Server schema");

            // Allow the user a chance to select which tables to convert
            if (selectionHandler != null)
                List<TableSchema> updated = selectionHandler(tables);
                if (updated != null)
                    tables = updated;
            } // if

            Regex removedbo = new Regex(@"dbo\.", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            // Continue and read all of the views in the database
            List<ViewSchema> views = new List<ViewSchema>();
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString))

                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(@"SELECT TABLE_NAME, VIEW_DEFINITION  from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS", conn);
                using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    int count = 0;
                    while (reader.Read())
                        ViewSchema vs = new ViewSchema();
                        vs.ViewName = (string)reader["TABLE_NAME"];
                        vs.ViewSQL = (string)reader["VIEW_DEFINITION"];

                        // Remove all ".dbo" strings from the view definition
                        vs.ViewSQL = removedbo.Replace(vs.ViewSQL, string.Empty);


                        handler(false, true, 50+(int)(count * 50.0 / views.Count), "Parsed view " + vs.ViewName);

                        _log.Debug("parsed view schema for [" + vs.ViewName + "]");
                    } // while
                } // using

            } // using

            DatabaseSchema ds = new DatabaseSchema();
            ds.Tables = tables;
            ds.Views = views;
            return ds;
        private void btnSQLiteSqlServer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string tempFilePath  = string.Empty;
            string SqlServerPath = string.Empty;
            string sqlConnString;
            string dbname;

            string tempDirPath = Path.GetTempPath() + @"\SqlConverter";

            if (Directory.Exists(tempDirPath))
                Directory.Delete(tempDirPath, true);
            DirectoryInfo     tempDirInfo     = new DirectoryInfo(tempDirPath);
            DirectorySecurity tempDirSecurity = tempDirInfo.GetAccessControl();

            tempDirSecurity.AddAccessRule(new FileSystemAccessRule("everyone", FileSystemRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow));

            string SQLitePath = Path.GetFullPath(txtSQLitePath.Text);

            if (!File.Exists(SQLitePath))
                MessageBox.Show("Input file " + SQLitePath + " not found.", "File not found", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

            if (txtSqlServerPath.Text != string.Empty)
                tempFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(tempDirPath + @"\" + Path.GetFileName(txtSqlServerPath.Text));

                SqlServerPath = Path.GetFullPath(txtSqlServerPath.Text);
                if (cboWhatToCopy.SelectedIndex == 2)       //  ie if we are copying into an existing database
                    if (!File.Exists(SqlServerPath))
                        MessageBox.Show("Output file '" + SqlServerPath + "' not found.", "File not found", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                    System.IO.File.Copy(SqlServerPath, tempFilePath);
                    if (File.Exists(SqlServerPath))
                        DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Replace existing file '" + SqlServerPath + "'?", "Confirm replace file", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                        if (result != DialogResult.OK)

                string constr;
                if (cbxIntegrated.Checked)
                    constr = GetSqlServerConnectionString(txtSqlAddress.Text, "master");
                    constr = GetSqlServerConnectionString(txtSqlAddress.Text, "master", txtUserDB.Text, txtPassDB.Text);

                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(constr))
                    string queryString = "CREATE DATABASE SqlConverter on (NAME=N'" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(txtSqlServerPath.Text) + "',FILENAME=N'" + tempFilePath + "')";
                    if (cboWhatToCopy.SelectedIndex == 2)       //  ie if we are copying into an existing database
                        queryString += " FOR ATTACH";

                    SqlCommand query = new SqlCommand(queryString, conn);
                    dbname = "SqlConverter";
                dbname = (string)cboDatabases.SelectedItem;

            if (cbxIntegrated.Checked)
                sqlConnString = GetSqlServerConnectionString(txtSqlAddress.Text, dbname);
                sqlConnString = GetSqlServerConnectionString(txtSqlAddress.Text, dbname, txtUserDB.Text, txtPassDB.Text);

            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            SqlConversionHandler handler = new SqlConversionHandler(delegate(bool done,
                                                                             bool success, int percent, string msg)
                Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate()
                    lblMessage.Text   = msg;
                    pbrProgress.Value = percent;

                    if (done)
                        if (txtSqlServerPath.Text != string.Empty)
                            if (success)
                                System.IO.File.Copy(tempFilePath, SqlServerPath, true);
                            Directory.Delete(tempDirPath, true);
                        if (success)
                                            "Conversion Finished",
                            pbrProgress.Value = 0;
                            lblMessage.Text   = string.Empty;
                            if (!_shouldExit)
                                                "Conversion Failed",
                                pbrProgress.Value = 0;
                                lblMessage.Text   = string.Empty;
                        btnSQLiteSqlServer.Enabled = true;
                        this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
            SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandler = new SqlTableSelectionHandler(delegate(List <TableSchema> schema)
                List <TableSchema> updated = null;
                Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                    // Allow the user to select which tables to include by showing him the
                    // table selection dialog.
                    TableSelectionDialog dlg = new TableSelectionDialog();
                    DialogResult res         = dlg.ShowTables(schema, this);
                    if (res == DialogResult.OK)
                        updated = dlg.IncludedTables;

            FailedViewDefinitionHandler viewFailureHandler = new FailedViewDefinitionHandler(delegate(ViewSchema vs)
                string updated = null;
                Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                    ViewFailureDialog dlg = new ViewFailureDialog();
                    dlg.View         = vs;
                    DialogResult res = dlg.ShowDialog(this);
                    if (res == DialogResult.OK)
                        updated = dlg.ViewSQL;
                        updated = null;


            string password = txtPassword.Text.Trim();

            if (!cbxEncrypt.Checked)
                password = null;

            bool copyStructure = (cboWhatToCopy.SelectedIndex != 2);
            bool copyData      = (cboWhatToCopy.SelectedIndex != 1);

            SQLiteToSqlServer.ConvertSQLiteToSqlServerDatabase(sqlConnString, SQLitePath, password, handler,
                                                               selectionHandler, viewFailureHandler, copyStructure, copyData);
        /// <summary>
        /// Do the entire process of first reading the SQL Server schema, creating a corresponding
        /// SQLite schema, and copying all rows from the SQL Server database to the SQLite database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sqlConnString">The SQL Server connection string</param>
        /// <param name="sqlitePath">The path to the generated SQLite database file</param>
        /// <param name="password">The password to use or NULL if no password should be used to encrypt the DB</param>
        /// <param name="progressReportingHandler">A handler to handle progress notifications.</param>
        /// <param name="selectionHandler">The selection handler which allows the user to select which tables to convert.</param>
        private static void ConvertSqlServerDatabaseToSQLiteFile(String sqlConnString, String sqlitePath, String password, SqlConversionProgressReportingHandler progressReportingHandler, SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandlerDefinition, SqlTableSelectionHandler selectionHandlerRecord, FailedViewDefinitionHandler viewFailureHandler, Boolean createTriggers, Boolean createViews)
            // Delete the destination file (only if it exists)
            if (DeleteFile(sqlitePath))
                throw new Exception("File could not be deleted!");

            SqlServerSchemaReader schemaReader = new SqlServerSchemaReader(sqlConnString, Log);

            schemaReader.TableSchemaReaderProgressChanged += (sender, args) =>
                int total = args.TablesProcessed + args.TablesRemaining;
                int percentage = (int) ((args.TablesProcessed/(Double) total)*100);
                String msg = String.Format("Parsed table {0}", args.LastProcessedTable.TableName);
                progressReportingHandler(false, false, percentage, msg);

            schemaReader.ViewSchemaReaderProgressChanged += (sender, args) =>
                int total = args.ViewsProcessed + args.ViewsRemaining;
                int percentage = (int) ((args.ViewsProcessed/(Double) total)*100);
                String msg = String.Format("Parsed view {0}", args.LastProcessedView.ViewName);
                progressReportingHandler(false, false, percentage, msg);


            var includeSchema = selectionHandlerDefinition(schemaReader.Tables);
            schemaReader.TablesIncludeSchema = includeSchema;

            var includeData = selectionHandlerRecord(includeSchema);
            schemaReader.TablesIncludeData = includeData;

            // Read the schema of the SQL Server database into a memory structure
            DatabaseSchema ds = schemaReader.GetDatabaseSchema();

            // Create the SQLite database and apply the schema
            CreateSQLiteDatabase(sqlitePath, ds, password, progressReportingHandler, viewFailureHandler, createViews);

            // Copy all rows from SQL Server tables to the newly created SQLite database
            var tablesToCopy = ds.Tables.Where(obj => includeData.Any(include => include.TableName == obj.TableName)).ToList();
            CopySqlServerRowsToSQLiteDB(sqlConnString, sqlitePath, tablesToCopy, password, progressReportingHandler);

            // Add triggers based on foreign key constraints
            if (createTriggers)
                AddTriggersForForeignKeys(sqlitePath, ds.Tables, password, progressReportingHandler);
 /// <summary>
 /// Do the entire process of first reading the SQL Server schema, creating a corresponding
 /// SQLite schema, and copying all rows from the SQL Server database to the SQLite database.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sqlConnection">The SQL connection.</param>
 /// <param name="sqliteConnection">The SQLite connection.</param>
 /// <param name="sqlConversionHandler">The SQL conversion handler.</param>
 /// <param name="sqlTableSelectionHandler">The SQL table selection handler.</param>
 /// <param name="failedViewDefinitionHandler">The failed view definition handler.</param>
 /// <param name="createTriggers">if set to <c>true</c> [create triggers].</param>
 protected abstract void ConvertSourceDatabaseToDestination(SqlConnection sqlConnection,
     SQLiteConnection sqliteConnection, SqlConversionHandler sqlConversionHandler,
     SqlTableSelectionHandler sqlTableSelectionHandler,
     FailedViewDefinitionHandler failedViewDefinitionHandler,
     bool createTriggers);