public IPagesStorageProviderV30 GetProvider()
            SqlServerPagesStorageProvider prov = new SqlServerPagesStorageProvider();

            prov.Init(MockHost(), ConnString + InitialCatalog);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the instance of the index to test.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The instance of the index.</returns>
        protected override IIndex GetIndex()
            SqlServerPagesStorageProvider prov = GetProvider() as SqlServerPagesStorageProvider;

        public override IPagesStorageProviderV40 GetProvider()
            SqlServerPagesStorageProvider prov = new SqlServerPagesStorageProvider();

            prov.SetUp(MockHost(), ConnString + InitialCatalog);
            prov.Init(MockHost(), ConnString + InitialCatalog, null);

 public IPagesStorageProviderV30 GetProvider()
     SqlServerPagesStorageProvider prov = new SqlServerPagesStorageProvider();
     prov.Init(MockHost(), ConnString + InitialCatalog);
     return prov;
        public void Init_Upgrade( )
            FixtureTearDown( );

            SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(ConnString);

            cn.Open( );

            SqlCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand( );

            cmd.CommandText = "create database [ScrewTurnWikiTest];";
            cmd.ExecuteNonQuery( );
            cn.Close( );

            cn = new SqlConnection(ConnString + InitialCatalog);
            cn.Open( );

            cmd             = cn.CreateCommand( );
            cmd.CommandText =
                @"CREATE TABLE [PagesProviderVersion] (
	[Version] varchar(12) PRIMARY KEY
INSERT INTO [PagesProviderVersion] ([Version]) VALUES ('Irrelevant');
create table [Page] (
	[Name] nvarchar(128) primary key,
	[Status] char not null default ('N'), -- (P)ublic, N(ormal), (L)ocked
	[CreationDateTime] datetime not null

create table [PageContent] (
	[Page] nvarchar(128) references [Page]([Name]) on update cascade on delete cascade,
	[Revision] int not null default ((-1)), -- -1 for Current Revision
	[Title] nvarchar(256) not null,
	[DateTime] datetime not null,
	[Username] nvarchar(64) not null,
	[Content] ntext not null,
	[Comment] nvarchar(128) not null,
	primary key ([Page], [Revision])

create table [Category] (
	[Name] nvarchar(128) primary key

create table [CategoryBinding] (
	[Category] nvarchar(128) references [Category]([Name]) on update cascade on delete cascade,
	[Page] nvarchar(128) references [Page]([Name]) on update cascade on delete cascade,
	primary key ([Category], [Page])

create table [Message] (
	[ID] int primary key identity,
	[Page] nvarchar(128) references [Page]([Name]) on update cascade on delete cascade,
	[Parent] int not null, -- -1 for no parent
	[Username] nvarchar(64) not null,
	[DateTime] datetime not null,
	[Subject] nvarchar(128) not null,
	[Body] ntext not null

create table [Snippet] (
	[Name] nvarchar(128) primary key,
	[Content] ntext not null

create table [NavigationPath] (
	[Name] nvarchar(128) not null primary key

create table [NavigationPathBinding] (
	[NavigationPath] nvarchar(128) not null references [NavigationPath]([Name]) on delete cascade,
	[Page] nvarchar(128) not null references [Page]([Name]) on update cascade on delete cascade,
	[Number] int not null,
	primary key ([NavigationPath], [Page], [Number])

insert into [Page] ([Name], [Status], [CreationDateTime]) values ('Page1', 'N', '2008/12/31 12:12:12');
insert into [Page] ([Name], [Status], [CreationDateTime]) values ('Page2', 'L', '2008/12/31 12:12:12');
insert into [Page] ([Name], [Status], [CreationDateTime]) values ('Page.WithDot', 'P', '2008/12/31 12:12:12');

insert into [PageContent] ([Page], [Revision], [Title], [DateTime], [Username], [Content], [Comment]) values ('Page1', -1, 'Page1 Title', '2008/12/31 14:14:14', 'SYSTEM', 'Test Content 1', 'Comment 1');
insert into [PageContent] ([Page], [Revision], [Title], [DateTime], [Username], [Content], [Comment]) values ('Page1', 0, 'Page1 Title 0', '2008/12/31 12:12:12', 'SYSTEM', 'Test Content 0', '');
insert into [PageContent] ([Page], [Revision], [Title], [DateTime], [Username], [Content], [Comment]) values ('Page2', -1, 'Page2 Title', '2008/12/31 14:14:14', 'SYSTEM', 'Test Content 2', 'Comment 2');
insert into [PageContent] ([Page], [Revision], [Title], [DateTime], [Username], [Content], [Comment]) values ('Page.WithDot', -1, 'Page.WithDot Title', '2008/12/31 14:14:14', 'SYSTEM', 'Test Content 3', 'Comment 3');

insert into [Category] ([Name]) values ('Cat1');
insert into [Category] ([Name]) values ('Cat2');
insert into [Category] ([Name]) values ('Cat.WithDot');

insert into [CategoryBinding] ([Category], [Page]) values ('Cat1', 'Page1');
insert into [CategoryBinding] ([Category], [Page]) values ('Cat2', 'Page1');
insert into [CategoryBinding] ([Category], [Page]) values ('Cat1', 'Page2');
insert into [CategoryBinding] ([Category], [Page]) values ('Cat2', 'Page.WithDot');
insert into [CategoryBinding] ([Category], [Page]) values ('Cat.WithDot', 'Page.WithDot');

insert into [Message] ([Page], [Parent], [Username], [DateTime], [Subject], [Body]) values ('Page1', -1, 'SYSTEM', '2008/12/31 16:16:16', 'Test 1', 'Body 1');
insert into [Message] ([Page], [Parent], [Username], [DateTime], [Subject], [Body]) values ('Page1', 0, 'SYSTEM', '2008/12/31 16:16:16', 'Test 1.1', 'Body 1.1');
insert into [Message] ([Page], [Parent], [Username], [DateTime], [Subject], [Body]) values ('Page.WithDot', -1, 'SYSTEM', '2008/12/31 16:16:16', 'Test dot', 'Body dot');

insert into [Snippet] ([Name], [Content]) values ('Snip', 'Content');

insert into [NavigationPath] ([Name]) values ('Path');

insert into [NavigationPathBinding] ([NavigationPath], [Page], [Number]) values ('Path', 'Page1', 1);
insert into [NavigationPathBinding] ([NavigationPath], [Page], [Number]) values ('Path', 'Page2', 2);
insert into [NavigationPathBinding] ([NavigationPath], [Page], [Number]) values ('Path', 'Page.WithDot', 3);";

            bool done = false;

                cmd.ExecuteNonQuery( );
                done = true;
            catch (SqlException sqlex)
                cn.Close( );

            if (!done)
                throw new Exception("Could not generate v2 test database");

            MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository( );
            IHostV30       host  = mocks.DynamicMock <IHostV30>( );

            Expect.Call(host.UpgradePageStatusToAcl(null, 'L')).IgnoreArguments( ).Repeat.Twice( ).Return(true);


            SqlServerPagesStorageProvider prov = new SqlServerPagesStorageProvider( );

            prov.Init(host, ConnString + InitialCatalog);

            Snippet[] snippets = prov.GetSnippets( );
            Assert.AreEqual(1, snippets.Length, "Wrong snippet count");
            Assert.AreEqual("Snip", snippets[0].Name, "Wrong snippet name");
            Assert.AreEqual("Content", snippets[0].Content, "Wrong snippet content");

            PageInfo[] pages = prov.GetPages(null);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, pages.Length, "Wrong page count");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page_WithDot", pages[0].FullName, "Wrong page name");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page1", pages[1].FullName, "Wrong page name");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page2", pages[2].FullName, "Wrong page name");

            Assert.AreEqual("Test Content 3", prov.GetContent(pages[0]).Content, "Wrong content");
            Assert.AreEqual("Test Content 1", prov.GetContent(pages[1]).Content, "Wrong content");
            Assert.AreEqual("Test Content 0", prov.GetBackupContent(pages[1], 0).Content, "Wrong backup content");
            Assert.AreEqual("Test Content 2", prov.GetContent(pages[2]).Content, "Wrong content");

            Message[] messages = prov.GetMessages(pages[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, messages.Length, "Wrong message count");
            Assert.AreEqual("Test dot", messages[0].Subject, "Wrong message subject");

            CategoryInfo[] categories = prov.GetCategories(null);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, categories.Length, "Wrong category count");
            Assert.AreEqual("Cat_WithDot", categories[0].FullName, "Wrong category name");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, categories[0].Pages.Length, "Wrong page count");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page_WithDot", categories[0].Pages[0], "Wrong page");
            Assert.AreEqual("Cat1", categories[1].FullName, "Wrong category name");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page1", categories[1].Pages[0], "Wrong page");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page2", categories[1].Pages[1], "Wrong page");
            Assert.AreEqual("Cat2", categories[2].FullName, "Wrong category name");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page_WithDot", categories[2].Pages[0], "Wrong page");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page1", categories[2].Pages[1], "Wrong page");

            NavigationPath[] paths = prov.GetNavigationPaths(null);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, paths.Length, "Wrong navigation path count");
            Assert.AreEqual("Path", paths[0].FullName, "Wrong navigation path name");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page1", paths[0].Pages[0], "Wrong page");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page2", paths[0].Pages[1], "Wrong page");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page_WithDot", paths[0].Pages[2], "Wrong page");

        public void SetUp_InvalidConnString(string c)
            SqlServerPagesStorageProvider prov = new SqlServerPagesStorageProvider();

            prov.SetUp(MockHost(), c);
        public void Init_Upgrade()

            SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(ConnString);

            SqlCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand();
            cmd.CommandText = "create database [ScrewTurnWikiTest];";

            cn = new SqlConnection(ConnString + InitialCatalog);

            cmd = cn.CreateCommand();
            cmd.CommandText =
            @"CREATE TABLE [PagesProviderVersion] (
            [Version] varchar(12) PRIMARY KEY
            INSERT INTO [PagesProviderVersion] ([Version]) VALUES ('Irrelevant');
            create table [Page] (
            [Name] nvarchar(128) primary key,
            [Status] char not null default ('N'), -- (P)ublic, N(ormal), (L)ocked
            [CreationDateTime] datetime not null

            create table [PageContent] (
            [Page] nvarchar(128) references [Page]([Name]) on update cascade on delete cascade,
            [Revision] int not null default ((-1)), -- -1 for Current Revision
            [Title] nvarchar(256) not null,
            [DateTime] datetime not null,
            [Username] nvarchar(64) not null,
            [Content] ntext not null,
            [Comment] nvarchar(128) not null,
            primary key ([Page], [Revision])

            create table [Category] (
            [Name] nvarchar(128) primary key

            create table [CategoryBinding] (
            [Category] nvarchar(128) references [Category]([Name]) on update cascade on delete cascade,
            [Page] nvarchar(128) references [Page]([Name]) on update cascade on delete cascade,
            primary key ([Category], [Page])

            create table [Message] (
            [ID] int primary key identity,
            [Page] nvarchar(128) references [Page]([Name]) on update cascade on delete cascade,
            [Parent] int not null, -- -1 for no parent
            [Username] nvarchar(64) not null,
            [DateTime] datetime not null,
            [Subject] nvarchar(128) not null,
            [Body] ntext not null

            create table [Snippet] (
            [Name] nvarchar(128) primary key,
            [Content] ntext not null

            create table [NavigationPath] (
            [Name] nvarchar(128) not null primary key

            create table [NavigationPathBinding] (
            [NavigationPath] nvarchar(128) not null references [NavigationPath]([Name]) on delete cascade,
            [Page] nvarchar(128) not null references [Page]([Name]) on update cascade on delete cascade,
            [Number] int not null,
            primary key ([NavigationPath], [Page], [Number])

            insert into [Page] ([Name], [Status], [CreationDateTime]) values ('Page1', 'N', '2008/12/31 12:12:12');
            insert into [Page] ([Name], [Status], [CreationDateTime]) values ('Page2', 'L', '2008/12/31 12:12:12');
            insert into [Page] ([Name], [Status], [CreationDateTime]) values ('Page.WithDot', 'P', '2008/12/31 12:12:12');

            insert into [PageContent] ([Page], [Revision], [Title], [DateTime], [Username], [Content], [Comment]) values ('Page1', -1, 'Page1 Title', '2008/12/31 14:14:14', 'SYSTEM', 'Test Content 1', 'Comment 1');
            insert into [PageContent] ([Page], [Revision], [Title], [DateTime], [Username], [Content], [Comment]) values ('Page1', 0, 'Page1 Title 0', '2008/12/31 12:12:12', 'SYSTEM', 'Test Content 0', '');
            insert into [PageContent] ([Page], [Revision], [Title], [DateTime], [Username], [Content], [Comment]) values ('Page2', -1, 'Page2 Title', '2008/12/31 14:14:14', 'SYSTEM', 'Test Content 2', 'Comment 2');
            insert into [PageContent] ([Page], [Revision], [Title], [DateTime], [Username], [Content], [Comment]) values ('Page.WithDot', -1, 'Page.WithDot Title', '2008/12/31 14:14:14', 'SYSTEM', 'Test Content 3', 'Comment 3');

            insert into [Category] ([Name]) values ('Cat1');
            insert into [Category] ([Name]) values ('Cat2');
            insert into [Category] ([Name]) values ('Cat.WithDot');

            insert into [CategoryBinding] ([Category], [Page]) values ('Cat1', 'Page1');
            insert into [CategoryBinding] ([Category], [Page]) values ('Cat2', 'Page1');
            insert into [CategoryBinding] ([Category], [Page]) values ('Cat1', 'Page2');
            insert into [CategoryBinding] ([Category], [Page]) values ('Cat2', 'Page.WithDot');
            insert into [CategoryBinding] ([Category], [Page]) values ('Cat.WithDot', 'Page.WithDot');

            insert into [Message] ([Page], [Parent], [Username], [DateTime], [Subject], [Body]) values ('Page1', -1, 'SYSTEM', '2008/12/31 16:16:16', 'Test 1', 'Body 1');
            insert into [Message] ([Page], [Parent], [Username], [DateTime], [Subject], [Body]) values ('Page1', 0, 'SYSTEM', '2008/12/31 16:16:16', 'Test 1.1', 'Body 1.1');
            insert into [Message] ([Page], [Parent], [Username], [DateTime], [Subject], [Body]) values ('Page.WithDot', -1, 'SYSTEM', '2008/12/31 16:16:16', 'Test dot', 'Body dot');

            insert into [Snippet] ([Name], [Content]) values ('Snip', 'Content');

            insert into [NavigationPath] ([Name]) values ('Path');

            insert into [NavigationPathBinding] ([NavigationPath], [Page], [Number]) values ('Path', 'Page1', 1);
            insert into [NavigationPathBinding] ([NavigationPath], [Page], [Number]) values ('Path', 'Page2', 2);
            insert into [NavigationPathBinding] ([NavigationPath], [Page], [Number]) values ('Path', 'Page.WithDot', 3);";

            bool done = false;
            try {
                done = true;
            catch(SqlException sqlex) {
            finally {

            if(!done) throw new Exception("Could not generate v2 test database");

            MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository();
            IHostV30 host = mocks.DynamicMock<IHostV30>();
            Expect.Call(host.UpgradePageStatusToAcl(null, 'L')).IgnoreArguments().Repeat.Twice().Return(true);


            SqlServerPagesStorageProvider prov = new SqlServerPagesStorageProvider();
            prov.Init(host, ConnString + InitialCatalog);

            Snippet[] snippets = prov.GetSnippets();
            Assert.AreEqual(1, snippets.Length, "Wrong snippet count");
            Assert.AreEqual("Snip", snippets[0].Name, "Wrong snippet name");
            Assert.AreEqual("Content", snippets[0].Content, "Wrong snippet content");

            PageInfo[] pages = prov.GetPages(null);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, pages.Length, "Wrong page count");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page_WithDot", pages[0].FullName, "Wrong page name");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page1", pages[1].FullName, "Wrong page name");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page2", pages[2].FullName, "Wrong page name");

            Assert.AreEqual("Test Content 3", prov.GetContent(pages[0]).Content, "Wrong content");
            Assert.AreEqual("Test Content 1", prov.GetContent(pages[1]).Content, "Wrong content");
            Assert.AreEqual("Test Content 0", prov.GetBackupContent(pages[1], 0).Content, "Wrong backup content");
            Assert.AreEqual("Test Content 2", prov.GetContent(pages[2]).Content, "Wrong content");

            Message[] messages = prov.GetMessages(pages[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, messages.Length, "Wrong message count");
            Assert.AreEqual("Test dot", messages[0].Subject, "Wrong message subject");

            CategoryInfo[] categories = prov.GetCategories(null);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, categories.Length, "Wrong category count");
            Assert.AreEqual("Cat_WithDot", categories[0].FullName, "Wrong category name");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, categories[0].Pages.Length, "Wrong page count");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page_WithDot", categories[0].Pages[0], "Wrong page");
            Assert.AreEqual("Cat1", categories[1].FullName, "Wrong category name");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page1", categories[1].Pages[0], "Wrong page");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page2", categories[1].Pages[1], "Wrong page");
            Assert.AreEqual("Cat2", categories[2].FullName, "Wrong category name");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page_WithDot", categories[2].Pages[0], "Wrong page");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page1", categories[2].Pages[1], "Wrong page");

            NavigationPath[] paths = prov.GetNavigationPaths(null);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, paths.Length, "Wrong navigation path count");
            Assert.AreEqual("Path", paths[0].FullName, "Wrong navigation path name");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page1", paths[0].Pages[0], "Wrong page");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page2", paths[0].Pages[1], "Wrong page");
            Assert.AreEqual("Page_WithDot", paths[0].Pages[2], "Wrong page");
