/// <summary> Gets the reservations. </summary> /// <param name="moduleId"> The module identifier. </param> /// <param name="startDate"> The start date. </param> /// <param name="endDate"> The end date. </param> /// <returns> DataSet. </returns> public static DataSet GetReservations(int moduleId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { var sph = new SqlParameterHelper(ConnectionString.GetReadConnectionString(), "mp_Reservation_SelectByDate", 3); sph.DefineSqlParameter("@ModuleID", SqlDbType.Int, ParameterDirection.Input, moduleId); sph.DefineSqlParameter("@BeginDate", SqlDbType.DateTime, ParameterDirection.Input, startDate); sph.DefineSqlParameter("@EndDate", SqlDbType.DateTime, ParameterDirection.Input, endDate); return(sph.ExecuteDataset()); }
public DataSet GetAll() { DataSet ds; var sp = new SqlParameterHelper(StoredProcedure.GetAllUsers, StoredProcedure.GetAllUsersParameters); try { ds = sp.ExecuteDataset(); } catch (SqlException exception) { _logger.Error("ERROR IN CLASS =>> USERDAO, METHOD =>> GetAll, EXCEPTION MESSAGE =>> " + exception.Message); throw new Exception(exception.Message); } return(ds); }
public DataSet GetUserByUsername(string username) { DataSet ds; var sp = new SqlParameterHelper(StoredProcedure.CheckUsername, StoredProcedure.CheckUsernamePara); sp.DefineSqlParameter("@username", SqlDbType.VarChar, ParameterDirection.Input, username); try { ds = sp.ExecuteDataset(); } catch (SqlException exception) { _logger.Error("ERROR IN CLASS =>> USERDAO, METHOD =>> CheckUsername, EXCEPTION MESSAGE =>> " + exception.Message); throw new Exception(exception.Message); } return(ds); }
public DataSet GetById(int userId) { DataSet ds; var sp = new SqlParameterHelper(StoredProcedure.GetUserById, StoredProcedure.GetUserByIdPara); sp.DefineSqlParameter("@user_id", SqlDbType.Int, ParameterDirection.Input, userId); try { ds = sp.ExecuteDataset(); } catch (SqlException exception) { _logger.Error("ERROR IN CLASS =>> USERDAO, METHOD =>> GetById, EXCEPTION MESSAGE =>>" + exception.Message); throw new Exception(exception.Message); } return(ds); }