private void print_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tab_container.SelectedTab == payments_tab) { PaymentDataSet data = new PaymentDataSet(); String payment_query = "SELECT pay_id as 'id', pay_price as 'price' " + ", (SELECT COALESCE(SUM(ch_price), 0)" + " FROM checks WHERE bill_id=payments.pay_id) as 'checks'" + ", pay_date as 'date' , pay_note as 'note' " + " FROM payments WHERE cust_id='" + Id + "'" + " AND pay_date BETWEEN '" + FormatDate(datefrom_pic.Value) + "'" + " AND '" + FormatDate(dateto_pic.Value) + "' ORDER BY pay_id DESC"; db.selectPaymentprint(ref data, payment_query); PaymentPrintForm report = new PaymentPrintForm(data, cust_label.Text, total_paid_label.Text); report.Show(); } else { if (MessageBox.Show("هل تريد الطباعه؟", "تاكيد الطباعه", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { Finish(); CustBillDataSet data = new CustBillDataSet(); string teethe_query = "SELECT " + "COALESCE(GROUP_CONCAT(t.number SEPARATOR ','),'مثبت') " + "FROM teeth t WHERE"; string query = "SELECT,bill_id,b.bill_teethes,b.bill_price" + ", b.bill_delv_state" + ",DATE_FORMAT(b.bill_delv_date,'%d %m %Y') as 'bill_delv_date'" + ", (" + teethe_query + ") as 'teeth' " + "FROM bill b WHERE b.cust_id='" + Id + "'" + " AND b.bill_rec_date BETWEEN '" + FormatDate(datefrom_pic.Value) + "'" + " AND '" + FormatDate(dateto_pic.Value) + "'"; db.selectDBprint(ref data, query); CustPrintForm report = new CustPrintForm(data, total.Text, cust_label.Text , total_paid_label.Text, sale_label.Text , final_total_label.Text, debt_label.Text); report.Show(); } } }