private void Start()
        // = this.gameObject.GetInstanceID().ToString();
        spriterEnabled = false;

        if (boundsType == BoundsType.StaticBox)
            staticBoxBounds = this.GetComponentInChildren <BoxCollider>();

        playerCamera       = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent <Camera>();
        spriteWriteManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <SpriteWriteManager>();
        spriteCamera       = this.GetComponentInChildren <Camera>();
        spriteCameraPivot  = this.transform.Find("SpriteCameraPivot").gameObject;
        spriteOrigin       = this.transform.Find("SpriteOrigin").gameObject;
        spriteObj          = this.transform.Find("SpriteOrigin/SpriteObject").gameObject;
        BasePlane          = this.transform.Find("BasePlane").transform;
        spriteMaterial     = spriteObj.gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material;
        billBoardFace      = spriteOrigin.GetComponent <BillboardFace>();
        _renderer          = spriteObj.GetComponent <Renderer>();
        _propBlock         = new MaterialPropertyBlock();

        //Baseplane need not be renderered in game since it is only for positional reference.
        BasePlane.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false;

        rT                  = new RenderTexture(32, 32, 0);
        rT.useMipMap        = true;
        rT.autoGenerateMips = true;

        if (UMACharacter)

            //Invoke("GetRenderers", 0);
            subjectOrientation         = this.transform.eulerAngles;
            spriteCamera.targetTexture = rT;
            spriteMaterial.mainTexture = rT;
            frameClock         = 0.0f;
            frameClockOn       = true;
            allowUpdate        = true;
            farClipCameraPlane = spriteCamera.farClipPlane;
            spriterEnabled     = true;


    private void Awake()
        #region Singleton Stuff
        if (_instance != null && _instance != this)
            _instance      = this;
   = "SpriteWriteManager";

        //To avoid null reference exceptions, if the user didn't specify a camera, use the MainCamera.
        if (mainCamera == null)
            mainCamera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent <Camera>();

        #region More Culling Mask Stuff
        //Store the original culling mask. We will modify this by adding or subtracting
        // values from it to enable/disable the three Sprite Write layers.
        initialCullingMask = mainCamera.cullingMask;
        //The culling mask int is much easier to work with as binary representation:
        initialCullingMaskString = Convert.ToString(initialCullingMask, 2);
        initialCullingMaskLength = initialCullingMaskString.Length;

        //Initiate our change to this culling mask to be zero.
        changeLayers = 0;

        //Pass the three Sprite Write culling masks into a function to get their values.
        //Add or subtract from the initial culling mask to toggle them on/off as needed.
        toggleLayerMask("3D Model");
        toggleLayerMask("2D Model");
