public void ChangeScreen(Screen screen) { _currentScreen = screen; switch (screen) { case Screen.HotelView: _hotelView.SetActive(true); _espaceView.SetActive(false); _mapView.SetActive(false); _hotelModel.SetActive(true); _hotelSprite.ChangeSprite(0); _espaceSprite.ChangeSprite(1); _mapSprite.ChangeSprite(1); break; case Screen.EspaceView: _hotelView.SetActive(false); _espaceView.SetActive(true); _mapView.SetActive(false); _hotelModel.SetActive(false); _hotelSprite.ChangeSprite(1); _espaceSprite.ChangeSprite(0); _mapSprite.ChangeSprite(1); break; case Screen.MapView: _hotelView.SetActive(false); _espaceView.SetActive(false); _mapView.SetActive(true); _hotelModel.SetActive(false); _hotelSprite.ChangeSprite(1); _espaceSprite.ChangeSprite(1); _mapSprite.ChangeSprite(0); break; default: break; } }
public void DealHand() { Hold1.gameObject.SetActive(true); Hold2.gameObject.SetActive(true); Hold3.gameObject.SetActive(true); Hold4.gameObject.SetActive(true); Hold5.gameObject.SetActive(true); //Sets each card in player hand to new card in deck PHand.hand[0] = StartingDeck[count]; SC.ChangeSprite(card1, 0); count++; CountCheck(); PHand.hand[1] = StartingDeck[count]; SC.ChangeSprite(card2, 1); count++; CountCheck(); PHand.hand[2] = StartingDeck[count]; SC.ChangeSprite(card3, 2); count++; CountCheck(); PHand.hand[3] = StartingDeck[count]; SC.ChangeSprite(card4, 3); count++; CountCheck(); PHand.hand[4] = StartingDeck[count]; SC.ChangeSprite(card5, 4); count++; CountCheck(); //Deactivate this button and set the draw button DealButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); DrawButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); }
public virtual IEnumerator Move(Transform transform) { isMoving = true; startPosition = transform.position; t = 0; if (gridOrientation == Orientation.Horizontal) { endPosition = new Vector3(startPosition.x + System.Math.Sign(input.x) * gridSize, startPosition.y + System.Math.Sign(input.y) * gridSize, startPosition.z); } else { endPosition = new Vector3(startPosition.x + System.Math.Sign(input.x) * gridSize, startPosition.y + System.Math.Sign(input.y) * gridSize, startPosition.z); } RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Linecast(startPosition, endPosition, finalMask); //Enemy Layer && wall layer if (hit.collider != null) { if (hit.collider.tag == "Enemy") //Should equal enemy or something { isMoving = false; coroutineDone = true; StopAllCoroutines(); } if (hit.collider.tag == "Wall") { isMoving = false; coroutineDone = true; StopAllCoroutines(); } yield return(null); } if (allowDiagonals && correctDiagonalSpeed && input.x != 0 && input.y != 0) { if (counter + 2 > moveRange) { isMoving = false; coroutineDone = true; StopAllCoroutines(); yield return(null); } factor = 0.7071f; yield return(null); } else { factor = 1f; } if (counter > moveRange) { isMoving = false; StopAllCoroutines(); } counter++; while (t < 1f) { spriteChanger.ChangeSprite(input); t += Time.deltaTime * (moveSpeed / gridSize) * factor; transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPosition, endPosition, t); yield return(null); } isMoving = false; coroutineDone = true; StopAllCoroutines(); yield return(0); }
public void Initialize(int number) { numberChanger.ChangeSprite(number); }
public virtual IEnumerator Move(Transform transform) { isMoving = true; startPosition = transform.position; Vector2 spriteMovement = new Vector2(input.x - startPosition.x, input.y - startPosition.y); t = 0; endPosition = input; RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Linecast(startPosition, endPosition, finalMask); if (hit.collider != null) { Debug.Log(; if (hit.collider.tag == "Player") { isMoving = false; coroutineDone = true; GetComponent <EnemyActions>().AttackPlayer(); StopAllCoroutines(); } yield return(null); } if (Mathf.Abs(startPosition.x - endPosition.x) == 1 && Mathf.Abs(startPosition.y - endPosition.y) == 1) { if (counter + 2 >= moveRange) { isMoving = false; coroutineDone = true; thisTurn.EndTurn(); StopAllCoroutines(); } counter++; factor = 0.7071f; yield return(null); } else { factor = 1f; } while (t < 1f) { spriteChanger.ChangeSprite(spriteMovement); t += Time.deltaTime * (moveSpeed / gridSize) * factor; transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPosition, endPosition, t); yield return(null); } counter++; if (counter >= moveRange) { isMoving = false; coroutineDone = true; thisTurn.EndTurn(); StopAllCoroutines(); } isMoving = false; coroutineDone = true; AttemptMove(); yield return(0); }