private static SpotifyWebAPI GetWebClient(SpotifyUser oSpotifyUser) { AutorizationCodeAuth oAuth = new AutorizationCodeAuth() { ClientId = _ClientPublic, RedirectUri = _RedirectUrl, Scope = Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.PlaylistReadPrivate | Scope.UserLibraryRead | Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.UserFollowRead }; //oAuth.StartHttpServer();//Not sure if this is needed or not but what the hell why not! if (oSpotifyUser.AccessToken.AccessExpired)//The user has authorized us and was tokenized but the temp access token has expired { Token oToken = oAuth.RefreshToken(oSpotifyUser.RefreshToken.Code, _ClientPrivate); if (oToken.Error == null) { oSpotifyUser.UpdateUserWithToken(oToken); } } //oAuth.StopHttpServer(); SpotifyWebAPI oWebClient = new SpotifyWebAPI() { AccessToken = oSpotifyUser.AccessToken.Code, TokenType = oSpotifyUser.AccessToken.TokenType, UseAuth = true }; return(oWebClient); }
/// <summary> /// fait l authentification pour Spotify, retourne True si l operation reussi /// et false sinon /// </summary> /// <returns>Task<bool></returns> public async Task <bool> RunAuthentication() { WebAPIFactory webApiFactory = new WebAPIFactory( "http://localhost", 7000, "8554a963221c499fa356f8b4a95e79f8", Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.UserReadEmail | Scope.PlaylistReadPrivate | Scope.UserLibraryRead | Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.UserFollowRead | Scope.UserReadBirthdate | Scope.UserTopRead | Scope.PlaylistReadCollaborative | Scope.UserReadRecentlyPlayed | Scope.UserReadPlaybackState | Scope.UserModifyPlaybackState); try { m_spotifyWebAPI = await webApiFactory.GetWebApi(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } if (m_spotifyWebAPI == null) { return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// This method for initialize spotify class. /// </summary> public static void Init() { var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(Const.TokenUrl); var body = "grant_type=client_credentials"; var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(body); request.Method = "POST"; request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; request.ContentLength = data.Length; request.Headers.Add("Authorization", Const.AuthHeader); using (var stream = request.GetRequestStream()) { stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); var responseString = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd(); var tokenResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TokenResponse>(responseString); _api = new SpotifyWebAPI { AccessToken = tokenResponse.access_token, TokenType = tokenResponse.token_type }; }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetSpotifyAlt(string title, string artist) { AzureServiceTokenProvider azureServiceTokenProvider = new AzureServiceTokenProvider(); var keyVaultClient = new KeyVaultClient( new KeyVaultClient.AuthenticationCallback(azureServiceTokenProvider.KeyVaultTokenCallback) ); var spotifyID = await keyVaultClient.GetSecretAsync("").ConfigureAwait(false); Console.Write(spotifyID); var spotifySecret = await keyVaultClient.GetSecretAsync("").ConfigureAwait(false); CredentialsAuth auth = new CredentialsAuth(spotifyID.Value, spotifySecret.Value); Token token = await auth.GetToken(); SpotifyWebAPI api = new SpotifyWebAPI() { TokenType = token.TokenType, AccessToken = token.AccessToken }; SearchItem searchItem = api.SearchItems(title, SearchType.Track); return(Ok(searchItem.Tracks.Items[1])); }
public Task AuthorizeAsync() { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); var auth = new ImplicitGrantAuth(ClientId, "http://localhost:4002", "http://localhost:4002", Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.PlaylistReadPrivate | Scope.UserLibraryRead | Scope.PlaylistModifyPrivate | Scope.PlaylistModifyPublic | Scope.PlaylistReadCollaborative); auth.AuthReceived += async(_, payload) => { auth.Stop(); spotify = new SpotifyWebAPI() { TokenType = payload.TokenType, AccessToken = payload.AccessToken }; IsAuthorized = true; var profile = await spotify.GetPrivateProfileAsync(); Profile = new Profile { Id = profile.Id, Username = profile.DisplayName }; tcs.SetResult(true); }; auth.Start(); auth.OpenBrowser(); return(tcs.Task); }
public async Task <ActionResult> GenerateTokens() { CredentialsAuth cred = new CredentialsAuth(Private.Private.Spotify_clientId, Private.Private.Spotify_clientSecret); Token token = await cred.GetToken(); string artistId = "5tWbDIXx7HTHSwBZNJrRgQ"; SpotifyWebAPI api = new SpotifyWebAPI { AccessToken = token.AccessToken, TokenType = token.TokenType }; var result = api.GetArtist(artistId); var result2 = api.GetArtistsTopTracks(artistId, "US"); int popularity = result2.Tracks[1].Popularity; foreach (var song in result2.Tracks) { } return(RedirectToAction("About")); }
public List <Disk> GetTop50ByGenre() { var auth = new CredentialsAuth(CLIENTID, SECRET); var token = auth.GetToken().Result; var api = new SpotifyWebAPI() { TokenType = token.TokenType, AccessToken = token.AccessToken }; var genres = Enum.GetValues(typeof(EDiskGenre)); List <Disk> disks = new List <Disk>(); //search the top 50 albums by genre and add in the disk list foreach (var g in genres) { SearchItem search = api.SearchItems(g.ToString(), SearchType.Album, 50); foreach (var sDisk in search.Albums.Items) { decimal value = Convert.ToDecimal(string.Format("{0:0.##}", new Random().NextDouble() * 10)); var description = $"Released Date: {sDisk.ReleaseDate} | URI: {sDisk.Uri} | Album Type: {sDisk.AlbumType} | Artists: {string.Join<string>(",", sDisk.Artists.Select(x=> x.Name).ToArray())}"; disks.Add(new Disk(sDisk.Name, description, value, (EDiskGenre)g, sDisk.Images.FirstOrDefault().Url)); } } return(disks); }
public async Task <SpotifyWebAPI> ConnectToSpotifyAsync(SpotifyWebAPI _spotify) { WebAPIFactory webApiFactory = new WebAPIFactory( "http://localhost", 44333, SPOTIFY_API_KEY, Scope.PlaylistModifyPrivate | Scope.PlaylistModifyPublic | Scope.Streaming | Scope.UserFollowModify | Scope.UserFollowRead | Scope.UserLibraryRead | Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.UserTopRead, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)); try { //This will open the user's browser and returns once //the user is authorized. _spotify = await webApiFactory.GetWebApi(); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.AuthError = ex.Message; } if (_spotify == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(); } return(await Task.FromResult <SpotifyWebAPI>(_spotify)); }
public AuthUtils() { _httpClient = new HttpClient(); _auth = new TokenSwapAuth("", "", Scope.PlaylistReadPrivate | Scope.UserReadRecentlyPlayed | Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.AppRemoteControl | Scope.UserReadCurrentlyPlaying | Scope.UserReadPlaybackState | Scope.Streaming | Scope.UserModifyPlaybackState) { ShowDialog = !Preferences.Get("AutoLogin", false) }; _auth.AuthReceived += async(sender, response) => { _lastToken = await _auth.ExchangeCodeAsync(response.Code); _api = new SpotifyWebAPI() { TokenType = _lastToken.TokenType, AccessToken = _lastToken.AccessToken }; }; _auth.OnAccessTokenExpired += async(sender, e) => _api.AccessToken = (await _auth.RefreshAuthAsync(_lastToken.RefreshToken)).AccessToken; ServerUri = _auth.GetUri(); _auth.Start(); }
public async void Init() { var webApiFactory = new WebAPIFactory( "http://localhost", 8000, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SpotifyClientID"], Scope.UserReadPrivate, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20) ); try { //This will open the user's browser and returns once //the user is authorized. _spotify = await webApiFactory.GetWebApi(); _user = _spotify.GetPrivateProfile(); tracksToDownload = new List <string>(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } if (_spotify == null) { return; } }
public SpotifyRunConfig(LavaRestClient lavaRest, SpotifyWebAPI api, SpotifyConfig config, SpotifyTrackConverter trackConverter) { this.LavaRest = lavaRest; this.Api = api; this.Config = config; this.TrackConverter = trackConverter; }
public async Task <string> Songs(string query) { var auth = new ClientCredentialsAuth { ClientId = "9d8c56fb47664994958f336728af9a6d", ClientSecret = "5da8736095c44009802957350d0aae62", Scope = Scope.UserModifyPlaybackState }; var token = await auth.DoAuthAsync(); var client = new SpotifyWebAPI { TokenType = token.TokenType, AccessToken = token.AccessToken, UseAuth = true }; var results = await client.SearchItemsAsync(query, SearchType.Track); var str = string.Empty; foreach (var track in results.Tracks.Items) { str += " " + track.Name; } return(str); }
private async void RunAuthentication() { WebAPIFactory webApiFactory = new WebAPIFactory( "http://localhost", 8000, "26d287105e31491889f3cd293d85bfea", Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.UserReadEmail | Scope.PlaylistReadPrivate | Scope.UserLibraryRead | Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.UserFollowRead | Scope.UserReadBirthdate | Scope.UserTopRead | Scope.PlaylistReadCollaborative); try { _spotify = await webApiFactory.GetWebApi(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } if (_spotify == null) { return; } InitialSetup(); }
public void AllLibraryToPlaylist(SpotifyWebAPI spotify) { //saves all track ids to list var tracksUri = HelperFunctions.GetSavedTracksUris(spotify); Console.WriteLine($"Number of tracks: {tracksUri.Count}"); // gets user id PrivateProfile user = spotify.GetPrivateProfile(); if (user.HasError()) { Console.WriteLine("\n\nProfileID not read properly. Cannot create playlist.\n\n"); } var userId = user.Id; //creates new empty playlist FullPlaylist playlist = spotify.CreatePlaylist(userId, "Library to Playlist"); //error notification Console.WriteLine(playlist.HasError() ? "/n/nError while creating playlist.\n\n" : "Playlist created and named \"Library to Playlist\""); //inserts playlist tracks to playlist HelperFunctions.InsertTracks(spotify, tracksUri, playlist.Id); Console.WriteLine("\nWarning: there may be less songs added to playlist than are present in library, because they might be not available"); Console.WriteLine("\nTask ended. Press any key to exit. . ."); }
public async Task ConnectWebApi(bool keepRefreshToken = true) { _securityStore = SecurityStore.Load(pluginDirectory); AuthorizationCodeAuth auth = new AuthorizationCodeAuth(_securityStore.ClientId, _securityStore.ClientSecret, "http://localhost:4002", "http://localhost:4002", Scope.PlaylistReadPrivate | Scope.PlaylistReadCollaborative | Scope.UserReadCurrentlyPlaying | Scope.UserReadPlaybackState | Scope.UserModifyPlaybackState | Scope.Streaming | Scope.UserFollowModify); if (_securityStore.HasRefreshToken && keepRefreshToken) { Token token = await auth.RefreshToken(_securityStore.RefreshToken); _spotifyApi = new SpotifyWebAPI() { TokenType = token.TokenType, AccessToken = token.AccessToken }; } else { auth.AuthReceived += async(sender, payload) => { auth.Stop(); Token token = await auth.ExchangeCode(payload.Code); _securityStore.RefreshToken = token.RefreshToken; _securityStore.Save(pluginDirectory); _spotifyApi = new SpotifyWebAPI() { TokenType = token.TokenType, AccessToken = token.AccessToken }; }; auth.Start(); auth.OpenBrowser(); } }
public static async Task <ServiceResult <string> > CurrentPlayingsong(SpotifyWebAPI api) { SimpleCurrentsong currentsong = await api.GetUserCurrentSong(); var songInfo = ""; if (currentsong.Item == null) { return(ServiceResult <string> .Failed("no playing song found")); } //If the ad was playing we will do nothing if (currentsong.currently_playing_type == "ad") { return(ServiceResult <string> .Failed(songInfo)); } //for finding lyrics the first Artist is enough songInfo += currentsong.Item.Artists.First().Name; //if song has something like 'Remasterd' or anything else at the end of it names the lyrics api can not find the actual Lyrics so we eliminate that part songInfo += $"- {currentsong.Item.Name.Split('-')[0].Trim()}"; return(ServiceResult <string> .Success(songInfo)); }
public SearchItem GetSongBySearch(string search, string accessToken) { SpotifyWebAPI _spotify = GetSpotifyResponseWithAccessToken(accessToken); SearchItem result = _spotify.SearchItems(search, SearchType.Track); return(result); }
public static void InsertTracks(SpotifyWebAPI spotify, List <string> tracksUri, string playlistId) { Console.WriteLine("Adding tracks to playlist..."); var position = 0; var howMany = tracksUri.Count; var iterationCounter = 1; if (howMany > 100) { howMany = 100; } while (true) { if (howMany * iterationCounter > tracksUri.Count) { howMany = tracksUri.Count - 100 * iterationCounter + 100; } if (position >= tracksUri.Count) { break; } var addTracks = spotify.AddPlaylistTracks(playlistId, tracksUri.GetRange(position, howMany), position); if (addTracks.HasError()) { Console.WriteLine("Error while processing. Breaking."); Console.WriteLine(addTracks.Error.Message); break; } position += howMany; iterationCounter++; } Console.WriteLine("Tracks added successfully."); }
//Authenticate the program public async Task Authenticate() { //The server side php code came from here: webApiFactory = new TokenSwapWebAPIFactory("") { Scope = Scope.UserReadCurrentlyPlaying, AutoRefresh = true, HostServerUri = "http://localhost:4002/auth", Timeout = 30 }; //If the user denied the request webApiFactory.OnAuthFailure += (sender, e) => { //Let the user know they must accept in order to use the program with Spotify MessageBox.Show("You must accept the authentication request in order to use this program with Spotify."); authorized = false; }; //If the user accepted the request webApiFactory.OnAuthSuccess += (sender, e) => { authorized = true; }; try { api = await webApiFactory.GetWebApiAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Spotify failed to load: " + ex.Message); } }
public static PlaylistStatus PlaylistPresenceCheck(SpotifyWebAPI spotify) //returns ID of playlist named "Library to Playlist" { Console.WriteLine("Checking playlist \"Library to Playlist\" presence..."); var playlistStatus = new PlaylistStatus(); var userId = spotify.GetPrivateProfile().Id; var offset = 0; while (true) { var userPlaylists = spotify.GetUserPlaylists(userId, 50, offset); userPlaylists.Items.ForEach(playlist => { if (playlist.Name == "Library to Playlist" && playlist.Owner.Id == userId) { playlistStatus.PlaylistId = playlist.Id; playlistStatus.IsPresent = true; } }); if (!userPlaylists.HasNextPage()) { break; } } return(playlistStatus); }
public async Task <SpotifyWebAPI> GetApi(string absoultUrl) { _code = GetBetween(absoultUrl, "?", "&"); if (_code.Contains("code=")) { if (!passed) { passed = true; _token = await SetToken(_code); } if (_token != null) { _api = new SpotifyWebAPI() { TokenType = _token.TokenType, AccessToken = _token.AccessToken, }; return(_api); //CAUSAVA NULL POINTER INIZIALE //if (_api.AccessToken.Length > 1) //{ // return _api; //} } } return(default);
private static List <string> TracksUriList(SpotifyWebAPI spotify, string playlistId) { Console.WriteLine("Generating list of playlist tracks uris..."); var offset = 0; var tracksUri = new List <string>(); while (true) { var playlistTracks = spotify.GetPlaylistTracks(playlistId, "next,items(track(uri))", 100, offset); if (!playlistTracks.HasError()) { playlistTracks.Items.ForEach(track => { tracksUri.Add(track.Track.Uri); }); offset += 100; if (!playlistTracks.HasNextPage()) { break; } } else { Console.WriteLine(playlistTracks.Error.Status); Console.WriteLine(playlistTracks.Error.Message); break; } } Console.WriteLine("Tracks uris generated successfully."); return(tracksUri); }
void Start() { Debug.Log("Testing SpotifyWebAPI Client..."); _spotify = new SpotifyWebAPI() { AccessToken = "BQCbA3-36RXsmkIW9OHVoCjRHrYyCIqTxIQR9E_If3NPw_McHQaFykPSOOEdDa5wjX-9dKIrdZ6SFwD3PDg", TokenType = "Bearer" }; Debug.Log("SpotifyWebInstance() successfully created and connected!"); AudioAnalysis analysis = _spotify.GetAudioAnalysis("3Hvu1pq89D4R0lyPBoujSv"); if (analysis == null || analysis.Bars == null) { Debug.Log("NO AnalysisResults RETURNED!"); return; } Debug.Log("AnalysisResults succesfully loaded!"); Debug.Log("Bars: " + analysis.Bars.Count.ToString()); //Yeay! We just printed a tracks name. Debug.Log("Beats: " + analysis.Beats.Count.ToString()); //Yeay! We just printed a tracks name. Debug.Log("Prueba Concluida con Exito!!"); }
public Spotify() { this._api = new SpotifyWebAPI(); var url = "http://localhost:4002"; var scopes = Scope.PlaylistReadPrivate | Scope.PlaylistReadCollaborative | Scope.UserReadPlaybackState | Scope.AppRemoteControl | Scope.UserModifyPlaybackState; this._auth = new AuthorizationCodeAuth( Encoding.Unicode.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String("MQAwADcAMgA4AGMAZgA0ADEAZgBhADEANAA3ADMAZgA4AGYANAA3AGMAOAAxADcAZABlAGUAZAAzAGMANQBhAA==")), Encoding.Unicode.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String("OQA4ADIANAAxAGUANABiADYAMwAxAGIANAAyAGEANABhADQAMgA2ADMAYwAwADQAMAAzAGQANwA4ADgAMABiAA==")), url, url, scopes); this._auth.AuthReceived += async(sender, payload) => { this._auth.Stop(); if (this._token.IsExpired()) { this._token = await this._auth.RefreshToken(this._token.RefreshToken); } this._token = await this._auth.ExchangeCode(payload.Code); this._api = new SpotifyWebAPI() { TokenType = this._token.TokenType, AccessToken = this._token.AccessToken }; }; this._auth.Start(); this._auth.OpenBrowser(); }
public async Task <bool> Login() { try { var url = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[@"Url"]; var porta = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[@"Porta"]); var clienteId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[@"ClienteIdSpotify"]; var webApiFactory = new WebAPIFactory( url, porta, clienteId, Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.UserReadEmail | Scope.PlaylistReadPrivate | Scope.UserLibraryRead | Scope.UserFollowRead | Scope.UserReadBirthdate | Scope.UserTopRead | Scope.PlaylistReadCollaborative | Scope.UserReadRecentlyPlayed | Scope.UserReadPlaybackState ); spotifyWebApi = await webApiFactory.GetWebApi(); } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } return(spotifyWebApi != null); }
private static async void TryConnect() { try { _spotify = await _spotifyApiFactory.GetWebApi(true); _watcher = new SpotifyWatcher(_spotify); //_watcher.PlayStateChanged += SpotifyLocalOnOnPlayStateChange; //_watcher.TrackChanged += SpotifyLocalOnOnTrackChange; //_watcher.TrackTimeChanged += SpotifyLocalOnOnTrackTimeChange; //_watcher.VolumeChanged += SpotifyLocalOnOnVolumeChange; _watcher.Tick += SpotifyLocalOnTick; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(@"Error authenticating to Spotify API"); throw; } if (_spotify == null) { return; } }
public IList <SpotifyImportListItemInfo> Fetch(SpotifyWebAPI api, string playlistId) { var result = new List <SpotifyImportListItemInfo>(); _logger.Trace($"Processing playlist {playlistId}"); var playlistTracks = _spotifyProxy.GetPlaylistTracks(this, api, playlistId, "next, items(track(name, artists(id, name), album(id, name, release_date, release_date_precision, artists(id, name))))"); while (true) { if (playlistTracks?.Items == null) { return(result); } foreach (var playlistTrack in playlistTracks.Items) { result.AddIfNotNull(ParsePlaylistTrack(playlistTrack)); } if (!playlistTracks.HasNextPage()) { break; } playlistTracks = _spotifyProxy.GetNextPage(this, api, playlistTracks); } return(result); }
public SpotifyService() { _spotify = new SpotifyWebAPI() { UseAuth = false, // This will disable Authentication }; }
public async Task <bool> SearchAlbums(string searchString) { SpotifyWebAPI api = new SpotifyWebAPI { AccessToken = BearerToken, TokenType = "Bearer" }; var searchResult = await api.SearchItemsAsync(searchString, SpotifyAPI.Web.Enums.SearchType.Album); Albums.Clear(); if (null != searchResult.Albums) { if (searchResult.Albums.Items.Count > 0) { foreach (var album in searchResult.Albums.Items) { if (album.Images.Count > 0) { if (album.Images[0] is Image) { Console.WriteLine(album.Images[0].Url); var addedAlbum = new MyAlbum { Url = album.Images[0].Url, Name = album.Name, ID = album.Id }; Albums.Add(addedAlbum); } } } } } return(true); }
public static IEnumerable <SpotifyPlaylist> GetUsersFollowedPlaylists(SpotifyUser oSpotifyUser) { List <SpotifyPlaylist> Playlists = new List <SpotifyPlaylist>(); using (SpotifyWebAPI oWebCLient = GetWebClient(oSpotifyUser)) { Paging <SimplePlaylist> oPaging = oWebCLient.GetUserPlaylists(oSpotifyUser.Name); foreach (SimplePlaylist oSimplePlaylist in oPaging.Items) { if (!oSimplePlaylist.Owner.Id.Equals(oSpotifyUser.Name)) { Dictionary <int, SpotifyTrack> oTracks = GetTracksForPlaylist(oWebCLient, oSimplePlaylist, oSpotifyUser); Playlists.Add(new SpotifyPlaylist(oSimplePlaylist, oTracks)); } } while (oPaging.Next != null) { oPaging = oWebCLient.DownloadData <Paging <SimplePlaylist> >(oPaging.Next); foreach (SimplePlaylist oSimplePlaylist in oPaging.Items) { if (!oSimplePlaylist.Owner.Id.Equals(oSpotifyUser.Name)) { Dictionary <int, SpotifyTrack> oTracks = GetTracksForPlaylist(oWebCLient, oSimplePlaylist, oSpotifyUser); Playlists.Add(new SpotifyPlaylist(oSimplePlaylist, oTracks)); } } } } return(Playlists); }
public SpotifyApi(string pluginDir = null) { var pluginDirectory = pluginDir ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); CacheFolder = Path.Combine(pluginDirectory, "Cache"); // Create the cache folder, if it doesn't already exist if (!Directory.Exists(CacheFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(CacheFolder); _localSpotify = new SpotifyLocalAPI(); _localSpotify.OnTrackChange += (o, e) => CurrentTrack = e.NewTrack; _localSpotify.OnPlayStateChange += (o, e) => IsPlaying = e.Playing; ConnectToSpotify(); _spotifyApi = new SpotifyWebAPI { UseAuth = false }; }
void _auth_OnResponseReceivedEvent(Token token, string state) { _auth.StopHttpServer(); if (state != "XSS") { MessageBox.Show("Wrong state received.", "SpotifyWeb API Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (token.Error != null) { MessageBox.Show("Error: " + token.Error, "SpotifyWeb API Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } _spotify = new SpotifyWebAPI { UseAuth = true, AccessToken = token.AccessToken, TokenType = token.TokenType }; InitialSetup(); }
private SpotifyWebAPI HandleSpotifyResponse(string state, Token token) { if (state != _xss) throw new SpotifyWebApiException($"Wrong state '{state}' received."); if (token.Error != null) throw new SpotifyWebApiException($"Error: {token.Error}"); var spotifyWebApi = new SpotifyWebAPI { UseAuth = true, AccessToken = token.AccessToken, TokenType = token.TokenType }; return spotifyWebApi; }
private void InitSpotifyWebAPI() { _spotify = new SpotifyWebAPI { UseAuth = true, AccessToken = Settings.Default.Token, TokenType = Settings.Default.TokenType, }; }
private void authenticate(Token token) { _spotifyWeb = new SpotifyWebAPI { UseAuth = true, AccessToken = token.AccessToken, TokenType = token.TokenType }; ConnectedWeb = true; }
private static SpotifyWebAPI GetWebClient(SpotifyUser oSpotifyUser) { AutorizationCodeAuth oAuth = new AutorizationCodeAuth() { ClientId = _ClientPublic, RedirectUri= _RedirectUrl, Scope = Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.PlaylistReadPrivate | Scope.UserLibraryRead | Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.UserFollowRead }; //oAuth.StartHttpServer();//Not sure if this is needed or not but what the hell why not! if (oSpotifyUser.AccessToken.AccessExpired)//The user has authorized us and was tokenized but the temp access token has expired { Token oToken = oAuth.RefreshToken(oSpotifyUser.RefreshToken.Code, _ClientPrivate); if (oToken.Error == null) { oSpotifyUser.UpdateUserWithToken(oToken); } } //oAuth.StopHttpServer(); SpotifyWebAPI oWebClient = new SpotifyWebAPI() { AccessToken = oSpotifyUser.AccessToken.Code, TokenType = oSpotifyUser.AccessToken.TokenType, UseAuth = true }; return oWebClient; }
private static Dictionary<int, SpotifyTrack> GetTracksForPlaylist(SpotifyWebAPI oWebCLient, SimplePlaylist oSimplePlaylist, SpotifyUser oSpotifyUser) { Dictionary<int, SpotifyTrack> oTracks = new Dictionary<int, SpotifyTrack>(); Paging<PlaylistTrack> oPagingPlaylistTracks = oWebCLient.GetPlaylistTracks(oSimplePlaylist.Owner.Id, oSimplePlaylist.Id, market:""); int iPos = 0; foreach (PlaylistTrack oPlaylistTrack in oPagingPlaylistTracks.Items) { List<SpotifyArtist> oArtists = new List<SpotifyArtist>(); oArtists.AddRange(GetArtistsForTrack(oPlaylistTrack)); if (oPlaylistTrack.Track.Id == null) { if (oPlaylistTrack.Track.Name != null && oPlaylistTrack.Track.Type != null) {//Issues with some tracks having null id properties and the only way to deal with that is to try to hash an id myself oPlaylistTrack.Track.Id = HashSlingingSlasher.HashString(oSimplePlaylist.Name + oSimplePlaylist.Type); } } oTracks.Add(iPos, new SpotifyTrack(oPlaylistTrack, oArtists)); iPos++; } while (oPagingPlaylistTracks.Next != null) { oPagingPlaylistTracks = oWebCLient.DownloadData<Paging<PlaylistTrack>>(oPagingPlaylistTracks.Next); foreach (PlaylistTrack oPlaylistTrack in oPagingPlaylistTracks.Items) { List<SpotifyArtist> oArtists = new List<SpotifyArtist>(); oArtists.AddRange(GetArtistsForTrack(oPlaylistTrack)); if (oPlaylistTrack.Track.Id == null) { if (oPlaylistTrack.Track.Name != null && oPlaylistTrack.Track.Type != null) {//Issues with some tracks having null id properties and the only way to deal with that is to try to hash an id myself oPlaylistTrack.Track.Id = HashSlingingSlasher.HashString(oSimplePlaylist.Name + oSimplePlaylist.Type); } } oTracks.Add(iPos, new SpotifyTrack(oPlaylistTrack, oArtists)); iPos++; } } return oTracks; }
public ActionResult Result(string Artist) { /* Most of this uses the Spotify-API */ var result = new Search(); // new authorization so we can search without restrictions var auth = new ClientCredentialsAuth() { //Your client Id ClientId = "c99b06725565434cab71dae37925376c", ClientSecret = "ccb0bc68f03647749a970bb8987b29b0", Scope = Scope.UserReadPrivate }; // get a token for the spotifywebapi object Token token = auth.DoAuth(); // create the new spotify web api object var spotify = new SpotifyWebAPI() { TokenType = token.TokenType, AccessToken = token.AccessToken, UseAuth = false }; // search for the artist specified by the user and get the results var artistResult = spotify.SearchItems(Artist, SearchType.Artist); string albumID; FullAlbum albumResult; // create a new empty sorted list result.sortedList = new System.Collections.Generic.SortedList<FullAlbum, int>(new AlbumPopularityComparer()); // make sure search returned results if (artistResult.Artists.Items.Count > 0) { // get the first artist returned var artistObj = artistResult.Artists.Items[0]; // search for the albums of that artist var albums = spotify.GetArtistsAlbums(artistObj.Id, limit: 300); bool albumInList = false; // since the album search only returns a simple album with no // popularity variable, we must search for the album by ID. This // gives us a FullAlbum object with the popularity variable. for (int i = 0; i < albums.Items.Count; ++i) { albumID = albums.Items[i].Id; albumResult = spotify.GetAlbum(albumID); // if list empty, go ahead and add the first album if(result.sortedList.Count > 0) { // check to see if the album is already in the list for (int j = 0; j < result.sortedList.Count; ++j) { // if it IS in the list if (albumResult.Name == result.sortedList.ElementAt(j).Key.Name) { // set to true albumInList = true; } } // now that we know if the album is in the list already or not // we can decide if we need to add the album if (albumInList != true) { // The code above was not perfect and this helps // double check that the album object is not already in the list if (result.sortedList.ContainsKey(albumResult) != true) { result.sortedList.Add(albumResult, albumResult.Popularity); } } // reset to false albumInList = false; } // if else { // add the first album result.sortedList.Add(albumResult, albumResult.Popularity); } } // for // set the artist object in the model to the artist object // from the search result.Artist = artistObj; } // if else { // no result found, go to error page return RedirectToAction("errorPage"); } return View(result); //return View(); }
public RedirectResult Authorized(string code, string error, string state) { if (error != null) { throw new Exception(error); } AutorizationCodeAuth oAutorizationCodeAuth = new AutorizationCodeAuth() { //Your client Id ClientId = this._oSCCManager.SCC_PUBLIC_ID, //Set this to localhost if you want to use the built-in HTTP Server RedirectUri = this._oSCCManager.RedirectUrl, //How many permissions we need? Scope = Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.PlaylistReadPrivate | Scope.UserLibraryRead | Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.UserFollowRead }; Token oToken; oToken = oAutorizationCodeAuth.ExchangeAuthCode(code, this._oSCCManager.SCC_PRIVATE_ID); //oToken = oAutorizationCodeAuth.RefreshToken(response.Code, SCC_PRIVATE_ID); SpotifyWebAPI oSpotifyWebApi = new SpotifyWebAPI() { AccessToken = oToken.AccessToken, TokenType = oToken.TokenType, UseAuth = true }; PrivateProfile oPrivateProfile = oSpotifyWebApi.GetPrivateProfile(); SpotifyUser oSpotifyUser = this._oSCCManager.AddSpotifyUser(oPrivateProfile, code, oToken); // ViewBag.RedirectUrl = string.Format("/SpotifyChangeControl/Change/Index?UserGuid={0}&SessionGuid={1}", oSpotifyUser.UserGuid, oSpotifyUser.SessionGuid); if (!this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Cookies.AllKeys.Contains("UserGuid")) { HttpCookie hcUserGuid = new HttpCookie("UserGuid"); hcUserGuid.Value = oSpotifyUser.UserGuid; this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Add(hcUserGuid); this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Add(hcUserGuid); } else { this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Cookies.Get("UserGuid").Value = oSpotifyUser.UserGuid; } if (!this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Cookies.AllKeys.Contains("SessionGuid")) { HttpCookie hcSessionGuid = new HttpCookie("SessionGuid"); hcSessionGuid.Value = oSpotifyUser.SessionGuid; this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Add(hcSessionGuid); } else { this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Cookies.Get("SessionGuid").Value = oSpotifyUser.SessionGuid; } return new RedirectResult(string.Format("/SpotifyChangeControl/Change/Index", oSpotifyUser.UserGuid, oSpotifyUser.SessionGuid)); }
private async void RunAuthentication() { WebAPIFactory webApiFactory = new WebAPIFactory( "http://localhost", 8000, "26d287105e31491889f3cd293d85bfea", Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.UserReadEmail | Scope.PlaylistReadPrivate | Scope.UserLibraryRead | Scope.UserReadPrivate | Scope.UserFollowRead | Scope.UserReadBirthdate | Scope.UserTopRead | Scope.PlaylistReadCollaborative); try { _spotify = await webApiFactory.GetWebApi(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } if (_spotify == null) return; InitialSetup(); }