public async Task Track(ICommand command) { try { var client = await GetClient(); var trackIdMatch = SpotifyTrackIdRegex.Match(command["Track"]); FullTrack track; if (!trackIdMatch.Success) { var sclient = await SpotifyClient.Create(_integrationOptions.Value.SpotifyId, _integrationOptions.Value.SpotifyKey); var trackId = await sclient.SearchTrackId(command["Track"]); if (trackId == null) { throw new AbortException($"Search for track `{command["Track"]}` returned no results. Consider passing a Spotify link instead."); } track = await client.GetTrackAsync(trackId); } else { var trackId = trackIdMatch.Groups.Values.Skip(1).First(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Value)).Value; track = await client.GetTrackAsync(trackId); if (track.HasError()) { throw new AbortException($"Search for track with ID `{trackId}` returned no results. Are you sure the ID is correct?"); } } var embed = await PrepareTrackEmbed(client, track, "Track analysis", true); await command.Reply(embed.Build()); } catch (WebException ex) when(ex.Response is HttpWebResponse r && r.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable) { await command.Reply($"Spotify API is currently unavailable. Please try again in a few seconds."); } }
public async Task NowPlayingSpotify(ICommand command) { try { var(settings, user) = await GetLastFmSettings(command["User"], (IGuildUser)command.Author); var lfm = new LastFmClient(settings.LastFmUsername, _integrationOptions.Value.LastFmKey); var nowPlayingTask = lfm.GetRecentTracks(count: 1); var spotify = await SpotifyClient.Create(_integrationOptions.Value.SpotifyId, _integrationOptions.Value.SpotifyKey); var nowPlaying = (await nowPlayingTask).FirstOrDefault(); if (nowPlaying == null) { await command.Reply(GetNoScrobblesMessage((await command["User"].AsGuildUserOrName)?.Item2)); return; } var url = await spotify.SearchTrackUrl($"{nowPlaying.Name} artist:{nowPlaying.Artist.Name}"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { await command.Reply($"Can't find this track on Spotify..."); return; } await command.Reply($"<:sf:621852106235707392> **{user} is now listening to...**\n" + url); } catch (WebException e) when((e.Response as HttpWebResponse)?.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden) { throw new CommandException("The bot can't access your recently listened tracks. \n\nPlease make sure you don't have `Hide recent listening information` checked in your settings (Settings -> Privacy -> Recent listening)."); } catch (WebException e) { await command.Reply($" is down (error {(e.Response as HttpWebResponse)?.StatusCode.ToString() ?? e.Status.ToString()}). Please try again in a few seconds."); } }