 public void StartATL(SplineLord_one splineLord_one)
     //_debugLineLord = GameObject.Find ("DebugLineLord");
     //take scroll speed off the accelerometer
     _offset = new Vector3(0.00025f, 0.0f, 0.00025f);         //offset 2nd text right and down from 1st
    public void UpdateATL(PlayerController_one player_one, SplineLord_one splineLord_one)
        for (int i = 0; i < _obstacles.Count; i++)
            _obstacles [i].UpdateATL();

            if (_obstacles[i].DidCollide(player_one.transform.position))
                print("collision");                  //collision happening multiple times

        //print (player.t);

        if (player_one.t > .15f && player_one.t <= .25f && _count < 1)
            _count++;             //create only one obstacle at this point ... would be easier to base this off markers in the text - TAGS - find what t will be at TAG

        timer += Time.deltaTime;

        if (timer > 5.0f)
            timer = 0.0f;
    // Update is called once per frame
    public void UpdateATL(SplineLord_one splineLord_one, BookController bookController)
        //print (Input.mouseScrollDelta.y);

        speed = -Input.mouseScrollDelta.y * _sensitivity;
        transform.position -= transform.up * _offset.y;
        _jumpTimer          = Mathf.Clamp01(_jumpTimer - Time.deltaTime);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && _jumpTimer <= 0.0f)           //getkeydown only true first frame down, getkeyup true first frame released, getkey is true if down and false if up
            _jumpTimer = 1.0f;
        _offset = new Vector3(0.0f, Mathf.Sin(AxKEasing.EaseOutQuad(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f - _jumpTimer) * Mathf.PI), 0.0f);

        CurvySpline curSpline = splineLord_one.GetSpline();

        //this way gets nearest point on spline to current position
        t  = curSpline.GetNearestPointTF(transform.position);
        t += (speed / curSpline.Length) * Time.deltaTime * 5.0f;
        transform.position = curSpline.Interpolate(t);

        //Vector3 sForward = curSpline.GetTangentToSpline( t );
        //Vector3 sNormal = curSpline.GetOrientationOnSpline (t);
        //Quaternion lookRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation (sForward, sNormal);

        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, curSpline.GetOrientationFast(t), Time.deltaTime * 5.0f);

        transform.position += transform.up * _offset.y;         //places player over spline

        int     indexOffset = 4;
        Vector3 v1          = curSpline.ControlPoints [0 + indexOffset].transform.position - curSpline.ControlPoints [1 + indexOffset].transform.position;
        Vector3 v2          = transform.position - curSpline.ControlPoints [1 + indexOffset].transform.position;
        float   dot         = Vector3.Dot(v1, v2);

        //print ( (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad % 2.0f).ToString( "F7" ) + "  " + ( Time.timeSinceLevelLoad ).ToString( "F5" ) + "  " + ( Time.timeSinceLevelLoad / 2.0f ).ToString( "F6") );
        if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad % 2.0f <= 0.1f)          // dot < -.2)
            //splineLord.CreateControlPoint ();

        if (t > .5)

         * if (t > .5)
         * {
         * splineLord.RegisterSpline() (next: get end pt from data stream)
         * delete last spline
         * }
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        splineLord_one = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <SplineLord_one> ();

        player_one = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerController_one> ();

        obstacleLord = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <ObstacleLord> ();

        cameraController_one = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <CameraController_one> ();

        bookController = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <BookController> ();
    public void UpdateATL(PlayerController_one player_one, SplineLord_one splineLord_one)
//		if (GameObject.Find ("DebugLineLord") != null)
//		{
//			_yInput += Input.mouseScrollDelta.y;
//			//print (_yInput);
//			_offset = new Vector3 (0.0f, _yInput * sensitivity, 0.0f);
//			//SplineLord splineLord = GameObject.FindObjectOfType< SplineLord > ();
//			CurvySpline curSpline = splineLord.GetSpline ();
//			float t = curSpline.GetNearestPointTF( player_one.transform.position ); //weird to get t back from the player
//			_debugLineLord.transform.position = curSpline.Interpolate (t + _lead) + _debugLineLord.transform.up * _offset.y;
//			_debugLineLord.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp( _debugLineLord.transform.rotation, curSpline.GetOrientationFast( t + _lead ), Time.deltaTime * 5.0f );
//		}

        if (splineLord_one.GetSpline().IsInitialized&& !_laidOutText)
            float tLineSpacing = 1.0F / _lines.Count;             // the height of a line
            _laidOutText = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < _lines.Count; i++)
                Vector3 upAtT          = splineLord_one.GetSpline().GetOrientationUpFast(tLineSpacing * i);
                Vector3 alongSplineAtT = splineLord_one.GetSpline().Interpolate(tLineSpacing * (i + 1.0f)) - splineLord_one.GetSpline().Interpolate(tLineSpacing * i);
                Vector3 right          = Vector3.Cross(alongSplineAtT, upAtT);
                Vector3 normal2        = Vector3.Cross(right, alongSplineAtT);

                Vector3 position = splineLord_one.GetSpline().Interpolate(tLineSpacing * i) + upAtT * _rise + right * .3f;
                Vector3 normal   = splineLord_one.GetSpline().GetOrientationUpFast(tLineSpacing * i);
                normal = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-50.0f, right) * normal;

                AxKDebugLines.AddText(_lines [i], position, normal, right, upAtT, fontSizeMult, tracking, lineLengthLimit, Color.white, 9999999999999);
                AxKDebugLines.AddText(_lines [i], position + _offset, normal, right, upAtT, fontSizeMult, tracking, lineLengthLimit, Color.white, 9999999999999);                  //to make the line thicker
                AxKDebugLines.AddText(_lines [i], position + _offset * 2.0f, normal, right, upAtT, fontSizeMult, tracking, lineLengthLimit, Color.white, 9999999999999);
                AxKDebugLines.AddText(_lines [i], position + _offset * 3.0f, normal, right, upAtT, fontSizeMult, tracking, lineLengthLimit, Color.white, 9999999999999);
                AxKDebugLines.AddText(_lines [i], position + _offset * 4.0f, normal, right, upAtT, fontSizeMult, tracking, lineLengthLimit, Color.white, 9999999999999);
    //note: 10-yr-old garbage collector in Unity will run randomly and halt code: boehem gc
    //solution: don't produce too much garbage OR allocate on stack versus heap OR clear the garbage often (which can also make issues)
    public void LoadText(SplineLord_one splineLord_one)
        string text = "";

        //use markdown? for tags: find a markdown parser
        text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Application.dataPath + "/Text/TextTest.xml");

        _xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

        _words = text.Split(' ', '\t', System.Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()[0]);

        System.Text.StringBuilder line = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

        for (int i = 0; i < _words.Length; i++)
            if (line.Length + _words [i].Length + 1 > lineLengthLimit)
                line.Remove(0, line.Length);

            line.Append(_words[i] + " ");

            //print (_words[ i ]);
            if (_words [i] == "{testing}")             //finds tag in text

        //if use <>= in text, use special character to escape that code
        //XmlNodeList pageBreak = _xmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName ("page");
        //child of page is text or whatever
        //monospace font so you can specify the line width

        //AxKDebugLines.AddText parameters: string text, Vector3 position, Vector3 normal, float size, float length, Color color, float life = 0.0f
        //to put in the whole chapter
        //AxKDebugLines.AddText( pageBreak[0].ChildNodes[0].InnerText, transform.position, fontSizeMult, lineLengthLimit, Color.white, 9999999999999 );