public async Task StartAsync() { MainViewModel viewModel = new MainViewModel(); viewModel.CloseRequested += viewModel_CloseRequested; EventHandler windowClosed = (sender, e) => { viewModel.RequestClose(); }; SplashScreen splashScreen = new SplashScreen(); //not disposable, but I'm keeping the same structure { splashScreen.Closed += windowClosed; //if user closes splash screen, let's quit splashScreen.Show(); await viewModel.InitializeAsync(); MainWindow mainForm = new MainWindow(); mainForm.Closed += windowClosed; mainForm.DataContext = viewModel; mainForm.Show(); splashScreen.Owner = mainForm; splashScreen.Closed -= windowClosed; splashScreen.Close(); } }
public static void RegisterSplashScreen(SplashScreen screen) { using (LockSplashScreenList(true)) { _splashScreens.Add(screen); } }
public CredentialsManagerForm() { SplashScreen splashScreen = new SplashScreen(Resources.Splash); Thread.CurrentThread.Name = " Main UI Thread"; m_DownloadCompletedEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); InitializeComponent(); m_ApplicationListView.SmallImageList = new ImageList(); m_ApplicationListView.SmallImageList.Images.Add(Resources.Application); m_UsersListView.SmallImageList = new ImageList(); m_UsersListView.SmallImageList.Images.Add(Resources.User); m_UsersToAssignListView.SmallImageList = new ImageList(); m_UsersToAssignListView.SmallImageList.Images.Add(Resources.User); m_RolesListView.SmallImageList = new ImageList(); m_RolesListView.SmallImageList.Images.Add(Resources.Role); m_UsersInRoleComboBox.SetImage(Resources.User); m_RolesForUserComboBox.SetImage(Resources.Role); ServiceAddress = Settings.Default.AspNetSqlProviderService; m_AddressTextbox.Text = ServiceAddress; RefreshServicePage(); RefreshApplicationsPage(); splashScreen.Close(); }
public static void UnregisterSplashScreen(SplashScreen screen) { using (LockSplashScreenList(true)) { _splashScreens.Remove(screen); } }
void SetSplash(SplashScreen splash) { _splashTint.a = 0.0f; _splashMaterial.color = _splashTint; _splashMaterial.mainTexture = splash.SplashTexture; }
public FormLogin() { InitializeComponent(); this.Load += new EventHandler(HandleFormLoad); this.splashScreen = new SplashScreen(); this.KeyPreview = true; }
public static void ShowSplash() { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate(object obj) { instance = new SplashScreen(); instance.ShowDialog(); }); }
void Start() { gameManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("GameManager"); splashScreen = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("SplashScreen"); audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource> (); sScreen = splashScreen.GetComponent<SplashScreen> (); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); FrameRate = 33; SplashScreen splash = new SplashScreen(); onChangeView( null, splash ); currentControl = splash; Application.Current.MainWindow.Closing += MainWindow_Closing; }
private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { Splash = new SplashScreen(); Splash.Show(); AppJumpList.CreateJumpList(); var loadtask = new Task(() => { //here to do long stuff; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; ThemeManager.DetectAppStyle(Application.Current); _accents = new Accent[] { ThemeManager.GetAccent("Red"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Green"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Blue"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Purple"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Orange"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Lime"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Emerald"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Teal"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Cyan"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Cobalt"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Indigo"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Violet"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Pink"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Magenta"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Crimson"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Amber"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Yellow"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Brown"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Olive"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Steel"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Mauve"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Taupe"), ThemeManager.GetAccent("Sienna") }; if (Settings.Default.WindowColor < 0 || Settings.Default.WindowColor > (_accents.Length - 1)) { var random = new Random(); _index = random.Next(0, _accents.Length); } else _index = Settings.Default.WindowColor; ThemeManager.ChangeAppStyle(Application.Current, _accents[_index], ThemeManager.GetAppTheme("BaseLight")); }); loadtask.ContinueWith(t => { Modules = new ModuleLoader(); Modules.LoadFromNameSpace("ECalc.Modules"); var mw = new MainWindow(); var left = Settings.Default.WindowLeft; var top = Settings.Default.WindowTop; MainWindow = mw; if (left > 0) MainWindow.Left = left; if (top > 0) MainWindow.Top = top; mw.Show(); }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); loadtask.Start(); }
private static void AddSplashEntry(JsonElementArray entries, SplashScreen splash) { if (Utils.CompareVersionNumbers(splash.minOsVersion, "7.0") <= 0) { AddSplashEntryForOSVersion(entries.AddDict(), splash, null); } if (splash.minOsVersion != null) { AddSplashEntryForOSVersion(entries.AddDict(), splash, splash.minOsVersion); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update () { if(asrc==null || ss == null){ asrc = Camera.current.GetComponent<AudioSource>(); ss = Camera.current.GetComponent<SplashScreen>(); } else { if(ss.CurrentStatus == SplashScreen.FadeStatus.FadeOut) { asrc.Play(); this.enabled=false; } } }
public static void ShowSplash(string title, string message) { Thread t = new Thread( delegate(object obj) { instance = new SplashScreen(title, message); instance.ShowDialog(); }); t.IsBackground = true; t.Start(); }
private void ShowSplash() { // Create the window Splash = new SplashScreen(); // Show it Splash.Show(); // Now that the window is created, allow the rest of the startup to run ResetSplashCreated.Set(); System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.Run(); }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); SplashScreen splash = new SplashScreen(); splash.ShowDialog(); Application.Run(new Main()); splash = null; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update () { if( a == null || ss == null) { a = this.gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>(); ss = Camera.current.GetComponent<SplashScreen>(); } else { if(!playedOnce) { if(ss.CurrentStatus == SplashScreen.FadeStatus.FadeOut) { a.Play(Animator.StringToHash("Fade out")); playedOnce=true; } } } }
public override async void RunGame() { using (var splashScreen = new SplashScreen(this, 3)) { splashScreen.LoadResource(Content); await this.Play(splashScreen); } using (var level = new Level_0(this)) { level.LoadResource(Content); await this.Play(level); } }
public MainClass() { //display the splash screen and determine network status splash = new SplashScreen(this); splash.ShowDialog(); try { game = new GameClass(fullScreen, gameFormSize, enableNetwork); } catch(DirectXException) { return; } if( game.CreateGraphicsSample() ) game.Run(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update () { if(ss == null || asrc == null) { ss = Camera.current.GetComponent<SplashScreen>(); asrc = this.gameObject.GetComponent<AudioSource>(); } else { if(ss.CurrentStatus == SplashScreen.FadeStatus.FadeOut) { ss.splashLogo = SplashAfter; if(!playedOnce) { asrc.Play (); playedOnce=true; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run. /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic /// related content. Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components /// and initialize them as well. /// </summary> protected override void Initialize() { // TODO: Add your initialization logic here _splashScreen = new SplashScreen(Content, graphics); _splashScreen.Current = true; _gameScreen = new GameScreen(Content, graphics); _menuScreen = new MenuScreen(Content, graphics); _gameOverScreen = new GameOverScreen(Content, graphics); _creditoScreen = new CreditoScreen(Content, graphics); _rankingScreen = new RankingScreen(Content, graphics); Pontuacao(); base.Initialize(); }
/// <summary> /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load /// all of your content. /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); IsMouseVisible = true; // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here SplashScreen Splashscreen = new SplashScreen(); Splashscreen.BackgroundImage = ScreenManager.CurrentGame.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Logo"); Splashscreen.ShowScreen = new MainScreen(); Splashscreen.Show(); if (ScreenManager.ActiveScreen != null) ScreenManager.ActiveScreen.LoadContent(); }
private static void AddSplashEntryForOSVersion(JsonElementDict entry, SplashScreen splash, string minOsVersion) { entry.SetString("orientation", !splash.isPortrait ? "landscape" : "portrait"); entry.SetString("idiom", FileUpdaterUtils.GetDeviceIdiomForJson(splash.deviceType)); entry.SetString("filename", splash.xcodeFile); if (minOsVersion != null) { entry.SetString("minimum-system-version", splash.minOsVersion); } if (splash.subtype != null) { entry.SetString("subtype", splash.subtype); } entry.SetString("extent", "full-screen"); entry.SetString("scale", string.Format("{0}x", splash.scale)); }
static async Task Init (SplashScreen splashScreen) { IProgressReport progress = splashScreen; try { bool haveCodecs = false; App.Current.DrawingToolkit = new CairoBackend (); App.Current.MultimediaToolkit = new MultimediaToolkit (); App.Current.GUIToolkit = GUIToolkit.Instance; App.Current.Navigation = GUIToolkit.Instance; App.Current.GUIToolkit.Register<IPlayerView, VASUi.PlayerView> (0); App.Current.Dialogs = VASUi.Dialogs.Instance; App.Current.KPIService.Init ("9dc114d23c6148719b4adbe585b811cc", "user", "email"); Task gstInit = Task.Factory.StartNew (() => InitGStreamer (progress)); App.Current.DependencyRegistry.Register<IFileStorage, LMDB.FileStorage> (0); InitAddins (progress); CoreServices.RegisterService (new UpdatesNotifier ()); CoreServices.Start (App.Current.GUIToolkit, App.Current.MultimediaToolkit); AddinsManager.LoadDashboards (App.Current.CategoriesTemplatesProvider); AddinsManager.LoadImportProjectAddins (CoreServices.ProjectsImporter); // Migrate the old databases now that the DB and Templates services have started DatabaseMigration dbMigration = new DatabaseMigration (progress); Task dbInit = Task.Factory.StartNew (dbMigration.Start); // Wait for Migration and the GStreamer initialization try { await Task.WhenAll (gstInit, dbInit); } catch (AggregateException ae) { throw ae.Flatten (); } if (!AddinsManager.RegisterGStreamerPlugins ()) { ShowCodecsDialog (); } splashScreen.Destroy (); ConfigureOSXApp (); (GUIToolkit.Instance.MainController as MainWindow).Initialize (); App.Current.StateController.SetHomeTransition ("Home", null); } catch (Exception ex) { ProcessExecutionError (ex); } }
public Form1(SplashScreen.SplashScreen splash) { mSplash = splash; //Set up auto detect of USB device plugged in. JoyConnectNotify = new DetectHIDDeviceConnect.JoystickConnectNotification(this); JoyConnectNotify.OnJoystickConnected += new DetectHIDDeviceConnect.JoystickConnectNotification.JoyConnectDel(JoyConnectNotify_OnJoystickConnected); InitializeComponent(); this.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(137, 138, 139); rockBandDrumControler1.DrumPadClicked += new RockBandDrumControler.DrumPadClickedEventHandler(DrumKit_DrumPadHit); mSplash.SetProgress("Enabling Midi Device", 0.4); //start midi engine MidiPlayer.OpenMidi(); }
public GameScreen OpeningSplashTwo() { //Create the base object to be built GameScreen gameScreen = new SplashScreen(); //Change the xmlGameManger in sceneManager to the correct type and then load the basic screen settings SceneManager.Instance.xmlGameScreenManager.Type = gameScreen.Type; gameScreen = SceneManager.Instance.xmlGameScreenManager.Load("Content/XML/GameScreens/SplashScreens/SplashTwo.xml"); //Load all events via the xml manager, the splash screen only has the one event //Event manager must be switched the correct child type fist, see if can change this gameScreen.xmlEventManager.Type = typeof(TimerEvent); gameScreen.Events.Add(gameScreen.xmlEventManager.Load("Content/XML/Events/SplashTimer.xml")); //Return fully built GameScreen return gameScreen; }
public static void Main (string [] args) { // Replace the current synchronization context with a GTK synchronization context // that continues tasks in the main UI thread instead of a random thread from the pool. SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext (new GtkSynchronizationContext ()); GLib.ExceptionManager.UnhandledException += HandleException; TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException += HandleUnobservedTaskException; App.Init (); CoreServices.Init (); InitGtk (); var splashScreen = new SplashScreen (Resources.LoadImage (Constants.SPLASH)); splashScreen.Show (); Application.Invoke (async (s, e) => await Init (splashScreen)); Application.Run (); try { AddinsManager.ShutdownMultimediaBackends (); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Exception (e); } }
public IGameUI NewGameUI() { IRandom random = new InjectableRandom(); IPlayer player = new Player(); SnailNameGenerator snailNameGenerator = new SnailNameGenerator(random); IBookie bookie = new Bookie(); IGame game = new Game ( player, CreateRaceLineup.DelegateCreateRaceLineup ( random, 40, CreateRace.DelegateCreateRace() ), AggregateSnails.DelegateAggregateSnails ( CreateSnail.DelegateCreateSnail(), snailNameGenerator ), bookie ); DelegateCreateOutputMethod standardOutput = CreateConsoleOutput.DelegateCreateConsoleOutput(); DelegateCreateOutputMethod bufferedOutput = CreateBufferedConsoleOutput.DelegateCreateBufferedConsoleOutput(); ISplashScreen splashScreen = new SplashScreen(standardOutput); IRaceViewer raceViewer = new RaceViewer(100, bufferedOutput); IBookieInput bookieInput = new BookieInput(CreateBet.DelegateCreateBet(), standardOutput); IPayoutDisplay payoutDisplay = new PayoutDisplay(standardOutput); return new GameUI( game, splashScreen, raceViewer, bookieInput, payoutDisplay ); }
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) { double splashDuration = 2000.0; #if DEBUG splashDuration = 100.0; #endif base.OnStartup(e); // start the main window hidden MainWindow mainWindow = new MainWindow(); // this is called after the Splash Screen timer expires Action showMain = delegate { Application.Current.MainWindow = mainWindow; mainWindow.Show(); }; SplashScreen splashScreen = new SplashScreen(splashDuration, showMain); Application.Current.MainWindow = splashScreen; splashScreen.Show(); }
public ExtendedSplash(SplashScreen Screen) { Initialize(Screen); }
public Splash(SplashScreen splashScreen) { InitializeComponent(); }
protected override void LoadContent() { var options = Services.GetService <IOptionsProvider>(); options.Load(); // DebugFont = (WrappedSpriteFont) Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Alex.Resources.DebugFont.xnb"); ResourceManager.BlockEffect = Content.Load <Effect>("Alex.Resources.Blockshader.xnb").Clone(); ResourceManager.LightingEffect = Content.Load <Effect>("Alex.Resources.Lightmap.xnb").Clone(); // ResourceManager.BlockEffect.GraphicsDevice = GraphicsDevice; _spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); InputManager = new InputManager(this); GuiRenderer = new GuiRenderer(); //GuiRenderer.Init(GraphicsDevice); GuiManager = new GuiManager(this, Services, InputManager, GuiRenderer, options); GuiManager.Init(GraphicsDevice, Services); options.AlexOptions.VideoOptions.UseVsync.Bind((value, newValue) => { SetVSync(newValue); }); if (options.AlexOptions.VideoOptions.UseVsync.Value) { SetVSync(true); } options.AlexOptions.VideoOptions.Fullscreen.Bind((value, newValue) => { SetFullscreen(newValue); }); if (options.AlexOptions.VideoOptions.Fullscreen.Value) { SetFullscreen(true); } options.AlexOptions.VideoOptions.LimitFramerate.Bind((value, newValue) => { SetFrameRateLimiter(newValue, options.AlexOptions.VideoOptions.MaxFramerate.Value); }); options.AlexOptions.VideoOptions.MaxFramerate.Bind((value, newValue) => { SetFrameRateLimiter(options.AlexOptions.VideoOptions.LimitFramerate.Value, newValue); }); if (options.AlexOptions.VideoOptions.LimitFramerate.Value) { SetFrameRateLimiter(true, options.AlexOptions.VideoOptions.MaxFramerate.Value); } options.AlexOptions.VideoOptions.Antialiasing.Bind((value, newValue) => { SetAntiAliasing(newValue > 0, newValue); }); options.AlexOptions.MiscelaneousOptions.Language.Bind((value, newValue) => { GuiRenderer.SetLanguage(newValue); }); GuiRenderer.SetLanguage(options.AlexOptions.MiscelaneousOptions.Language); options.AlexOptions.VideoOptions.SmoothLighting.Bind( (value, newValue) => { ResourcePackBlockModel.SmoothLighting = newValue; }); ResourcePackBlockModel.SmoothLighting = options.AlexOptions.VideoOptions.SmoothLighting.Value; SetAntiAliasing(options.AlexOptions.VideoOptions.Antialiasing > 0, options.AlexOptions.VideoOptions.Antialiasing.Value); GuiDebugHelper = new GuiDebugHelper(GuiManager); OnCharacterInput += GuiManager.FocusManager.OnTextInput; GameStateManager = new GameStateManager(GraphicsDevice, _spriteBatch, GuiManager); var splash = new SplashScreen(); GameStateManager.AddState("splash", splash); GameStateManager.SetActiveState("splash"); WindowSize = this.Window.ClientBounds.Size; // Log.Info($"Initializing Alex..."); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(() => { try { InitializeGame(splash); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, $"Could not initialize! {ex}"); } }); }
//--------------------------------------------------------Events:---------------------------------------------------------------------\\ #region --Events-- private async void SPLASH_SCREEN_Dismissed(SplashScreen sender, object args) { await SharedUtils.CallDispatcherAsync(async() => await LoadAppAsync()); }
private static void LoadCitiesFromXmlByXmlDocument(string fileName) { XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); List <Country_Region> regions = new List <Country_Region>(); List <Lishkat_Mana> lishkot = new List <Lishkat_Mana>(); List <Regional_Council> muacot = new List <Regional_Council>(); List <City> cities = new List <City>(); SplashScreen.SetStatus("Loading XML " + fileName); xmlDocument.Load(fileName); SplashScreen.SetStatus(fileName + " XML Loaded"); SplashScreen.SetStatus("Parsing XML"); foreach (XmlNode node in xmlDocument.DocumentElement) { //foreach (XmlNode child in node.ChildNodes) //{ // //} Country_Region region = new Country_Region { Country_Region_Code = int.Parse(node.ChildNodes[4].InnerText), Country_Region_Name = node.ChildNodes[5].InnerText.Trim() }; if (!regions.Exists(x => x.Country_Region_Code == region.Country_Region_Code)) { regions.Add(region); } Lishkat_Mana lishka = new Lishkat_Mana { Lishkat_Mana_Code = int.Parse(node.ChildNodes[6].InnerText), Lishkat_Mana_Name = node.ChildNodes[7].InnerText.Trim() }; if (!lishkot.Exists(x => x.Lishkat_Mana_Code == lishka.Lishkat_Mana_Code)) { lishkot.Add(lishka); } Regional_Council muaca = new Regional_Council { Regional_Council_Code = int.Parse(node.ChildNodes[8].InnerText), Regional_Council_Name = node.ChildNodes[9].InnerText.Trim() }; if (!muacot.Exists(x => x.Regional_Council_Code == muaca.Regional_Council_Code)) { muacot.Add(muaca); } City city = new City { //Table = node.ChildNodes[0].InnerText, City_Code = int.Parse(node.ChildNodes[1].InnerText), City_Name = node.ChildNodes[2].InnerText.Trim(), City_Name_En = node.ChildNodes[3].InnerText.Trim(), Country_Region_Code = int.Parse(node.ChildNodes[4].InnerText), //Region_name = node.ChildNodes[5].InnerText, Lishkat_Mana_Code = int.Parse(node.ChildNodes[6].InnerText), //Lishka_Name = node.ChildNodes[7].InnerText, Regional_Council_Code = int.Parse(node.ChildNodes[8].InnerText), //Muaca_Izorit_Name = node.ChildNodes[9].InnerText }; if (!cities.Exists(x => x.City_Code == city.City_Code)) { cities.Add(city); } /* * if (db.Country_Regions.Find(region.Country_Region_Code) == null) * db.Country_Regions.Add(region); * //db.SaveChanges(); * * if (db.Lishkot_Mana.Find(lishka.Lishkat_Mana_Code) == null) * db.Lishkot_Mana.Add(lishka); * //db.SaveChanges(); * * if (muaca.Regional_Council_Code != 0 || db.Regional_Councils.Find(muaca.Regional_Council_Code) == null) * db.Regional_Councils.Add(muaca); * //db.SaveChanges(); * * if (db.Cities.Find(city.City_Code) == null) * db.Cities.Add(city); * //db.SaveChanges(); */ } SplashScreen.SetStatus("XML Parsed"); SplashScreen.SetStatus("Conecting to db"); using (WorldGeoDataDB db = new WorldGeoDataDB()) { SplashScreen.SetStatus("Ading data to DB"); SplashScreen.SetStatus("Ading regions"); db.Country_Regions.AddRange(regions); db.SaveChanges(); SplashScreen.SetStatus("Country_Regions Added"); SplashScreen.SetStatus("Ading lishkot"); db.Lishkot_Mana.AddRange(lishkot); db.SaveChanges(); SplashScreen.SetStatus("Lishkot_Mana Added"); SplashScreen.SetStatus("Ading muacot"); db.Regional_Councils.AddRange(muacot); db.SaveChanges(); SplashScreen.SetStatus("Muacot Added"); SplashScreen.SetStatus("Ading cities"); db.Cities.AddRange(cities); db.SaveChanges(); SplashScreen.SetStatus("Cities Added"); } }
/// <summary> /// Invoked when the application is launched normally by the end user. Other entry points /// will be used when the application is launched to open a specific file, to display /// search results, and so forth. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">Details about the launch request and process.</param> protected override void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs args) { splashScreen = args.SplashScreen; InitializeUnity(args.Arguments); }
protected override void DidActivate(bool firstActivation, bool addedToHierarchy, bool screenSystemEnabling) { if (firstActivation) { //Set up UI SetTitle("Game Room", ViewController.AnimationType.None); showBackButton = true; _playerDataModel = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <PlayerDataModel>().First(); _menuLightsManager = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <MenuLightsManager>().First(); _soloFreePlayFlowCoordinator = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <SoloFreePlayFlowCoordinator>().First(); _resultsViewController = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <ResultsViewController>().First(); _scoreLights = _soloFreePlayFlowCoordinator.GetField <MenuLightsPresetSO>("_resultsClearedLightsPreset"); _defaultLights = _soloFreePlayFlowCoordinator.GetField <MenuLightsPresetSO>("_defaultLightsPreset"); _songSelection = BeatSaberUI.CreateViewController <SongSelection>(); _songSelection.SongSelected += songSelection_SongSelected; _splashScreen = BeatSaberUI.CreateViewController <SplashScreen>(); _songDetail = BeatSaberUI.CreateViewController <SongDetail>(); _songDetail.PlayPressed += songDetail_didPressPlayButtonEvent; _songDetail.DifficultyBeatmapChanged += songDetail_didChangeDifficultyBeatmapEvent; _playerList = BeatSaberUI.CreateViewController <PlayerList>(); } if (addedToHierarchy) { TournamentMode = Match == null; if (TournamentMode) { _splashScreen.StatusText = $"Connecting to \"{Host.Name}\"..."; ProvideInitialViewControllers(_splashScreen); } else { //If we're not in tournament mode, then a client connection has already been made //by the room selection screen, so we can just assume Plugin.client isn't null //NOTE: This is *such* a hack. Oh my god. isHost = Match.Leader == Plugin.client.Self; _songSelection.SetSongs(SongUtils.masterLevelList); _playerList.Players = Match.Players; _splashScreen.StatusText = "Waiting for the host to select a song..."; if (isHost) { ProvideInitialViewControllers(_songSelection, _playerList); } else { ProvideInitialViewControllers(_splashScreen, _playerList); } } } //The ancestor sets up the server event listeners //It would be possible to recieve an event that does a ui update after this call //and before the rest of the ui is set up, if we did this at the top. //So, we do it last base.DidActivate(firstActivation, addedToHierarchy, screenSystemEnabling); }
private async void DismissedEventHandler(SplashScreen sender, object args) { dismissed = true; // Complete app setup operations here... await InitializeAsync(); }
/// <summary> /// By default, we are configured to use MEF /// </summary> protected override void Configure() { try { var splashScreen = new SplashScreen(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(AppBootstrapper)), "daxstudio-splash.png"); splashScreen.Show(true); // Tell Caliburn Micro how to find controls in Fluent Ribbon /* * defaultElementLookup = BindingScope.GetNamedElements; * BindingScope.GetNamedElements = new Func<System.Windows.DependencyObject, IEnumerable<System.Windows.FrameworkElement>>( * k => * { * List<FrameworkElement> namedElements = new List<FrameworkElement>(); * namedElements.AddRange(defaultElementLookup(k)); * Fluent.Ribbon ribbon = LookForRibbon(k); * if (null != ribbon) * AppendRibbonNamedItem(ribbon, namedElements); * return namedElements; * } * ); */ ConventionManager.AddElementConvention <Fluent.Spinner>(Fluent.Spinner.ValueProperty, "Value", "ValueChanged"); // TODO - do I need to replace these conventions ?? //ConventionManager.AddElementConvention<NumericUpDownLib.DoubleUpDown>(NumericUpDownLib.DoubleUpDown.ValueProperty, "Value", "ValueChanged"); //ConventionManager.AddElementConvention<Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.DoubleUpDown>(Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.DoubleUpDown.ValueProperty, "Value", "ValueChanged"); //ConventionManager.AddElementConvention<Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.IntegerUpDown>(Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.IntegerUpDown.ValueProperty, "Value", "ValueChanged"); //ConventionManager.AddElementConvention<Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.WatermarkTextBox>(Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.WatermarkTextBox.TextProperty, "Text", "TextChanged"); // Add Fluent Ribbon resovler BindingScope.AddChildResolver <Fluent.Ribbon>(FluentRibbonChildResolver); // Fixes the default datetime format in the results listview // from: FrameworkElement.LanguageProperty.OverrideMetadata( typeof(FrameworkElement), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(XmlLanguage.GetLanguage(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.IetfLanguageTag))); var catalog = new AggregateCatalog( AssemblySource.Instance.Select(x => new AssemblyCatalog(x)).OfType <ComposablePartCatalog>() ); //_container = new CompositionContainer(catalog,true); _container = new CompositionContainer(catalog); var batch = new CompositionBatch(); batch.AddExportedValue <IWindowManager>(new WindowManager()); batch.AddExportedValue <IEventAggregator>(new EventAggregator()); batch.AddExportedValue <Func <DocumentViewModel> >(() => _container.GetExportedValue <DocumentViewModel>()); batch.AddExportedValue <Func <IWindowManager, IEventAggregator, DocumentViewModel> >( (w, e) => _container.GetExportedValue <DocumentViewModel>()); batch.AddExportedValue(_container); batch.AddExportedValue(catalog); var settingFactory = new SettingsProviderFactory(); ISettingProvider settingProvider = settingFactory.GetSettingProvider(); batch.AddExportedValue <ISettingProvider>(settingProvider); _container.Compose(batch); // Add AvalonDock binding convetions AvalonDockConventions.Install(); //var settingFactory = _container.GetExport<Func<ISettingProvider>>(); ConfigureKeyBindingConvention(); // TODO - not working //VisibilityBindingConvention.Install(); // Enable Caliburn.Micro debug logging //LogManager.GetLog = type => new DebugLogger(type); // Add Application object to MEF catalog _container.ComposeExportedValue <Application>("System.Windows.Application", Application.Current); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e); } }
internal void DismissedEventHandler(SplashScreen sender, object e) { }
public MainWindow(SplashScreen splashScreen) { _splashScreen = splashScreen; _manager = new AnalyticsManager(); InitializeComponent(); }
// Include code to be executed when the system has transitioned from the splash screen to the extended splash screen (application's first view). void DismissedEventHandler(SplashScreen sender, object e) { dismissed = true; // Complete app setup operations here... }
public MyApp(Platform platform, StatusBar statusBar, SplashScreen splashScreen) { }
private static void Main(string[] args) { // Parse command line arguments bool recover = false; foreach (string a in args) { if (a == "debug") { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch(); } else if (a == "recover") { recover = true; } } // Culture setup Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; // Set up file logging StreamWriter logfileWriter = null; TextWriterLogOutput logfileOutput = null; try { // If there is an existing logfile, preserve it under a different name if (File.Exists(DualityEditorApp.EditorLogfilePath)) { if (File.Exists(DualityEditorApp.EditorPrevLogfilePath)) { File.Delete(DualityEditorApp.EditorPrevLogfilePath); } File.Move(DualityEditorApp.EditorLogfilePath, DualityEditorApp.EditorPrevLogfilePath); } // Create a new logfile logfileWriter = new StreamWriter(DualityEditorApp.EditorLogfilePath); logfileWriter.AutoFlush = true; logfileOutput = new TextWriterLogOutput(logfileWriter); Log.AddGlobalOutput(logfileOutput); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Core.WriteWarning("Text Logfile unavailable: {0}", Log.Exception(e)); } // Winforms Setup Application.CurrentCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.ThreadException += Application_ThreadException; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; { PackageManager packageManager = new PackageManager(); // On the first install startup, display a generic license agreement for Duality if (packageManager.IsFirstInstall) { LicenseAcceptDialog licenseDialog = new LicenseAcceptDialog { DescriptionText = GeneralRes.LicenseAcceptDialog_FirstStartGeneric, LicenseUrl = new Uri(DualityMainLicenseUrl) }; DialogResult result = licenseDialog.ShowDialog(); if (result != DialogResult.OK) { Application.Exit(); return; } } // Perform the initial package update - even before initializing the editor if (packageManager.IsPackageSyncRequired) { Log.Editor.Write("Updating Packages..."); Log.Editor.PushIndent(); ProcessingBigTaskDialog setupDialog = new ProcessingBigTaskDialog( GeneralRes.TaskInstallPackages_Caption, GeneralRes.TaskInstallPackages_Desc, SynchronizePackages, packageManager); setupDialog.ShowInTaskbar = true; setupDialog.MainThreadRequired = false; setupDialog.ShowDialog(); Log.Editor.PopIndent(); } // Restart to apply the update if (packageManager.ApplyUpdate()) { Application.Exit(); return; } // If we have nothing to apply, but still require a sync, something went wrong. // Should this happen on our first start, we'll remind the user that the install // requires an internet connection and refuse to start. else if (packageManager.IsPackageSyncRequired && packageManager.IsFirstInstall) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show( GeneralRes.Msg_ErrorFirstDualityInstall_Desc, GeneralRes.Msg_ErrorFirstDualityInstall_Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); Application.Exit(); return; } } // Run the editor SplashScreen splashScreen = new SplashScreen(recover); splashScreen.Show(); Application.Run(); // Clean up the log file if (logfileWriter != null) { Log.RemoveGlobalOutput(logfileOutput); logfileWriter.Flush(); logfileWriter.Close(); logfileWriter = null; logfileOutput = null; } }
public void OnExplore(object sender, EventArgs e) { Cursor currentCursor = Cursor.Current; Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; m_ExploreToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = m_ExploreButton.Enabled = false; string serviceNamespace = m_NamespaceTextBox.Text; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(serviceNamespace)) { MessageBox.Show("You need to provide a service namespace", "Service Bus Explorer", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); m_ExploreToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = m_ExploreButton.Enabled = true; Cursor.Current = currentCursor; return; } if (Graphs.ContainsKey(serviceNamespace.ToLower()) == false) { LogonDialog dialog = new LogonDialog(m_NamespaceTextBox.Text, DefaultIssuer); dialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialog.Secret == null) { m_ExploreToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = m_ExploreButton.Enabled = true; Cursor.Current = currentCursor; return; } try { Graphs[serviceNamespace.ToLower()] = new ServiceBusGraph(serviceNamespace, dialog.Issuer, dialog.Secret); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid namespace name: " + exception.Message, "Service Bus Explorer", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); m_ExploreToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = m_ExploreButton.Enabled = true; Cursor.Current = currentCursor; return; } } SplashScreen splash = new SplashScreen(Resources.Progress); try { Application.DoEvents(); ServiceBusNode[] nodes = Graphs[serviceNamespace.ToLower()].Discover(); AddNodesToTree(m_ServiceBusTree, nodes); DisplayNamespaceControl(serviceNamespace); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("Some error occurred discovering the service namespace: " + exception.Message, "Service Bus Explorer", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); for (int index = 0; index < m_ServiceBusTree.Nodes.Count; index++) { if (m_ServiceBusTree.Nodes[index].Text == serviceNamespace) { m_ServiceBusTree.Nodes.Add(new NamespaceTreeNode(this, serviceNamespace, ServiceError)); m_ServiceBusTree.Nodes.RemoveAt(index); break; } } } finally { splash.Close(); m_ExploreToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = m_ExploreButton.Enabled = true; Cursor.Current = currentCursor; } }
/// <summary> /// Invoked when this page is about to be displayed in a Frame. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">Event data that describes how this page was reached. The Parameter /// property is typically used to configure the page.</param> protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { splash = (SplashScreen)e.Parameter; OnResize(); }
public Splash(SplashScreen splashScreen) { InitializeComponent(); Window.Current.SizeChanged += (s, e) => Resize(splashScreen); Resize(splashScreen); }
//private float m_duration1 = 4.0f; //private float m_duration2 = 5.0f; public Splash_MAINBACKGROUND(Patterns.FiniteStateMachine fsm, int id, SplashScreen menu) : base(fsm, id, menu) { Name = "Splash_MAINBACKGROUND"; }
public PlayAudio(FSM fsm, SplashScreen splash) : base(fsm) { m_splash = splash; }
public Splash_FADEIN(Patterns.FiniteStateMachine fsm, int id, SplashScreen menu) : base(fsm, id, menu) { Name = "Splash_FADEIN"; }
/// <summary> /// Bootstraps this instance. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Bootstrap flow: /// splash /// ui setup /// loader/core update /// tos /// auth /// update webservice /// compile /// remoting/injection /// </remarks> /// <returns></returns> private async Task Bootstrap() { try { var splash = new SplashScreen("resources/splash.png"); this.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; splash.Show(false, true); this.Browser.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; this.TosBrowser.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; this.GeneralSettingsItem.IsSelected = true; PropertyDescriptor pd = DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty( DataGridColumn.ActualWidthProperty, typeof(DataGridColumn)); foreach (var column in this.InstalledAssembliesDataGrid.Columns) { pd.AddValueChanged(column, this.ColumnWidthPropertyChanged); } this.ColumnCheck.Width = Config.Instance.ColumnCheckWidth; this.ColumnName.Width = Config.Instance.ColumnNameWidth; this.ColumnType.Width = Config.Instance.ColumnTypeWidth; this.ColumnVersion.Width = Config.Instance.ColumnVersionWidth; this.ColumnLocation.Width = Config.Instance.ColumnLocationWidth; this.NewsTabItem.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; this.AssembliesTabItem.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; this.SettingsTabItem.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; this.AssemblyDB.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; this.DevMenu.Visibility = Config.Instance.ShowDevOptions ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; this.Config.PropertyChanged += (o, args) => { if (args.PropertyName == "ShowDevOptions") { this.DevMenu.Visibility = Config.Instance.ShowDevOptions ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; } }; await this.CheckForUpdates(true, true, false); if (!Config.Instance.TosAccepted) { splash.Close(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300)); this.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; this.RightWindowCommands.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.TosButton_OnClick(null, null); } else { this.AssemblyButton_OnClick(null, null); } // wait for tos accept await Task.Factory.StartNew( () => { while (Config.Instance.TosAccepted == false) { Thread.Sleep(100); } }); this.Config.PropertyChanged += this.ConfigOnSearchTextChanged; this.UpdateFilters(); // Try to login with the saved credentials. if (!WebService.IsAuthenticated) { splash.Close(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300)); this.Browser.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; this.TosBrowser.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; this.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; await this.ShowLoginDialog(); this.NewsButton_OnClick(null, null); } else { this.OnLogin(Config.Instance.Username); } if (Config.Instance.FirstRun) { Config.SaveAndRestart(); } this.RightWindowCommands.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; splash.Close(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300)); this.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; await Updater.UpdateRepositories(); await Updater.UpdateWebService(); await this.UpdateAccount(); Utility.Log(LogStatus.Info, "Update Complete"); var allAssemblies = new List <LeagueSharpAssembly>(); foreach (var profile in Config.Instance.Profiles) { allAssemblies.AddRange(profile.InstalledAssemblies); } allAssemblies = allAssemblies.Distinct().ToList(); GitUpdater.ClearUnusedRepos(allAssemblies); await this.PrepareAssemblies(allAssemblies, true, true); Utility.Log(LogStatus.Info, "Compile Complete"); // injection, randomizer, remoting this.InitSystem(); Utility.Log(LogStatus.Info, "System Initialisation Complete"); this.MainTabControl.SelectedIndex = TAB_ASSEMBLIES; } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.ToString(), "Bootstrap Error"); } }
public static void Show() { var splash = new SplashScreen(typeof(Splash).Assembly, "Splash.png"); splash.Show(true); }
void DismissedEventHandler(SplashScreen sender, object e) { dismissed = true; }
/// <summary> /// Load all XNA <see cref = "ContentManager" /> content /// </summary> /// <param name = "catalogue"></param> /// <param name = "manager">XNA content manage</param> public void LoadContent(IContentCatalogue catalogue, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager manager) { SplashScreen = new SplashScreen(); SplashScreen.ShowDuringDevelopment = _showDuringDevelopment; }
public App() { initialStartDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory; SplashScreen splashScreen = new SplashScreen("assets/markdownmonstersplash.png"); splashScreen.Show(true); if (mmApp.Configuration.UseSingleWindow) { bool isOnlyInstance = false; Mutex = new Mutex(true, @"MarkdownMonster", out isOnlyInstance); if (!isOnlyInstance) { string filesToOpen = " "; var args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); if (args != null && args.Length > 1) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++) { string file = args[i]; // check if file exists and fully qualify to // pass to named pipe if (!File.Exists(file)) { file = Path.Combine(initialStartDirectory, file); if (!File.Exists(file)) { file = null; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) { sb.AppendLine(Path.GetFullPath(file)); } } filesToOpen = sb.ToString(); } var manager = new NamedPipeManager("MarkdownMonster"); manager.Write(filesToOpen); splashScreen.Close(TimeSpan.MinValue); // this exits the application Environment.Exit(0); } } AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain; currentDomain.AssemblyResolve += CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve; #if !DEBUG //AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain; //currentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(GlobalErrorHandler); DispatcherUnhandledException += App_DispatcherUnhandledException; #endif mmApp.Started = DateTime.UtcNow; }
private void ApplicationStart(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { // unhandled exception events AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (s, exception) => LogUnhandledException((Exception)exception.ExceptionObject, "AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException"); DispatcherUnhandledException += (s, exception) => LogUnhandledException(exception.Exception, "Application.Current.DispatcherUnhandledException"); TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException += (s, exception) => LogUnhandledException(exception.Exception, "TaskScheduler.UnobservedException"); /* is the OS x64 or x86? */ // determine windows install drive letter string letter = Path.GetPathRoot(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System)); // test for /Program Files (x86) if (Directory.Exists(letter + @"Program Files (x86)")) { // assume this is x64 IsX86 = false; } else { // assume x86 IsX86 = true; } var splashScreen = new SplashScreen(@"Data\Graphics\mediconsplash-new.png"); splashScreen.Show(false); Current.ShutdownMode = ShutdownMode.OnExplicitShutdown; // show the initialisation window and begin checks ShowInitWindow(); Thread.Sleep(1000); // init should have completed - run MainWindow // instantiate GamesList object //GamesList = new GameListBuilder(); GamesLibrary = new GamesLibraryViewModel(); MainWindow mw = new MedLaunch.MainWindow(); Current.ShutdownMode = ShutdownMode.OnMainWindowClose; Application.Current.MainWindow = mw; //mw.DataContext = _GamesLibraryViewModel; mw.Show(); // instantiate GamesList object //GamesList = new GameListBuilder(); splashScreen.Close(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); // instantiate ScrapeDB //ScrapedData = new ScrapeDB(); ScrapeDB sdb = new ScrapeDB(); // set color scheme from database Tuple <AppTheme, Accent> appStyle = ThemeManager.DetectAppStyle(Application.Current); if (File.Exists(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"Data\Settings\MedLaunch.db")) { // database already exists var gs = GlobalSettings.GetGlobals(); ThemeManager.ChangeAppStyle(Application.Current, ThemeManager.GetAccent(gs.colorAccent), ThemeManager.GetAppTheme(gs.colorBackground)); } else { // database hasnt been generated yet - set default ThemeManager.ChangeAppStyle(Application.Current, ThemeManager.GetAccent("Emerald"), ThemeManager.GetAppTheme("BaseDark")); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "MPMain"; if (args.Length > 0) { foreach (string arg in args) { if (arg == "/fullscreen") { _fullscreenOverride = true; } if (arg == "/windowed") { _windowedOverride = true; } if (arg.StartsWith("/fullscreen=")) { string argValue = arg.Remove(0, 12); // remove /?= from the argument _fullscreenOverride |= argValue != "no"; _windowedOverride |= argValue.Equals("no"); } if (arg == "/crashtest") { _mpCrashed = true; } if (arg.StartsWith("/screen=")) { GUIGraphicsContext._useScreenSelector = true; string screenarg = arg.Remove(0, 8); // remove /?= from the argument if (!int.TryParse(screenarg, out _screenNumberOverride)) { _screenNumberOverride = -1; } } if (arg.StartsWith("/skin=")) { string skinOverrideArg = arg.Remove(0, 6); // remove /?= from the argument _strSkinOverride = skinOverrideArg; } if (arg.StartsWith("/config=")) { _alternateConfig = arg.Remove(0, 8); // remove /?= from the argument if (!Path.IsPathRooted(_alternateConfig)) { _alternateConfig = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Config, _alternateConfig); } } if (arg.StartsWith("/safelist=")) { _safePluginsList = arg.Remove(0, 10); // remove /?= from the argument } #if !DEBUG _avoidVersionChecking = false; if (arg.ToLowerInvariant() == "/avoidversioncheck") { _avoidVersionChecking = true; Log.Warn("Version check is disabled by command line switch \"/avoidVersionCheck\""); } #endif } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_alternateConfig)) { Log.BackupLogFiles(); } else { if (File.Exists(_alternateConfig)) { try { MPSettings.ConfigPathName = _alternateConfig; Log.BackupLogFiles(); Log.Info("Using alternate configuration file: {0}", MPSettings.ConfigPathName); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.BackupLogFiles(); Log.Error("Failed to change to alternate configuration file:"); Log.Error(ex); } } else { Log.BackupLogFiles(); Log.Info("Alternative configuration file was specified but the file was not found: '{0}'", _alternateConfig); Log.Info("Using default configuration file instead."); } } if (!Config.DirsFileUpdateDetected) { //check if mediaportal has been configured FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(MPSettings.ConfigPathName); if (!File.Exists(MPSettings.ConfigPathName) || (fi.Length < 10000)) { //no, then start configuration.exe in wizard form Log.Info("MediaPortal.xml not found. Launching configuration tool and exiting..."); try { Process.Start(Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, "configuration.exe"), @"/wizard"); } catch {} // no exception logging needed, since MP is now closed return; } bool autoHideTaskbar = true; bool watchdogEnabled = true; bool restartOnError = false; int restartDelay = 10; using (Settings xmlreader = new MPSettings()) { string MPThreadPriority = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("general", "ThreadPriority", "Normal"); if (MPThreadPriority == "AboveNormal") { Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal; Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.AboveNormal; } else if (MPThreadPriority == "High") { Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest; Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.High; } else if (MPThreadPriority == "BelowNormal") { Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal; Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.BelowNormal; } autoHideTaskbar = xmlreader.GetValueAsBool("general", "hidetaskbar", false); _startupDelay = xmlreader.GetValueAsBool("general", "delay startup", false) ? xmlreader.GetValueAsInt("general", "delay", 0) : 0; _waitForTvServer = xmlreader.GetValueAsBool("general", "wait for tvserver", false); watchdogEnabled = xmlreader.GetValueAsBool("general", "watchdogEnabled", true); restartOnError = xmlreader.GetValueAsBool("general", "restartOnError", false); restartDelay = xmlreader.GetValueAsInt("general", "restart delay", 10); GUIGraphicsContext._useScreenSelector |= xmlreader.GetValueAsBool("screenselector", "usescreenselector", false); } #if !DEBUG AddExceptionHandler(); if (watchdogEnabled) { //StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Application.StartupPath + "\\mediaportal.running", false); // BAV: fixing mantis bug 1216: Watcher process uses a wrong folder for integrity file using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Config, "mediaportal.running"), false)) { sw.WriteLine("running"); sw.Close(); } Log.Info("Main: Starting MPWatchDog"); string cmdargs = "-watchdog"; if (restartOnError) { cmdargs += " -restartMP " + restartDelay.ToString(); } Process mpWatchDog = new Process(); mpWatchDog.StartInfo.ErrorDialog = true; mpWatchDog.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true; mpWatchDog.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Application.StartupPath; mpWatchDog.StartInfo.FileName = "WatchDog.exe"; mpWatchDog.StartInfo.Arguments = cmdargs; mpWatchDog.Start(); } #endif //Log MediaPortal version build and operating system level FileVersionInfo versionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Application.ExecutablePath); Log.Info("Main: MediaPortal v" + versionInfo.FileVersion + " is starting up on " + OSInfo.OSInfo.GetOSDisplayVersion()); #if DEBUG Log.Info("Debug build: " + Application.ProductVersion); #else Log.Info("Build: " + Application.ProductVersion); #endif //Check for unsupported operating systems OSPrerequisites.OSPrerequisites.OsCheck(false); //Log last install of WindowsUpdate patches string LastSuccessTime = "NEVER !!!"; UIntPtr res = UIntPtr.Zero; int options = Convert.ToInt32(Reg.RegistryRights.ReadKey); if (OSInfo.OSInfo.Xp64OrLater()) { options = options | Convert.ToInt32(Reg.RegWow64Options.KEY_WOW64_64KEY); } UIntPtr rKey = new UIntPtr(Convert.ToUInt32(Reg.RegistryRoot.HKLM)); int lastError = 0; int retval = Reg.RegOpenKeyEx(rKey, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\WindowsUpdate\\Auto Update\\Results\\Install", 0, options, out res); if (retval == 0) { uint tKey; uint lKey = 100; System.Text.StringBuilder sKey = new System.Text.StringBuilder((int)lKey); retval = Reg.RegQueryValueEx(res, "LastSuccessTime", 0, out tKey, sKey, ref lKey); if (retval == 0) { LastSuccessTime = sKey.ToString(); } else { lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); Log.Debug("RegQueryValueEx retval=<{0}>, lastError=<{1}>", retval, lastError); } } else { lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); Log.Debug("RegOpenKeyEx retval=<{0}>, lastError=<{1}>", retval, lastError); } Log.Info("Main: Last install from WindowsUpdate is dated {0}", LastSuccessTime); //Disable "ghosting" for WindowsVista and up if (OSInfo.OSInfo.VistaOrLater()) { Log.Debug("Disabling process window ghosting"); NativeMethods.DisableProcessWindowsGhosting(); } //Start MediaPortal Log.Info("Main: Using Directories:"); foreach (Config.Dir option in Enum.GetValues(typeof (Config.Dir))) { Log.Info("{0} - {1}", option, Config.GetFolder(option)); } FileInfo mpFi = new FileInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); Log.Info("Main: Assembly creation time: {0} (UTC)", mpFi.LastWriteTimeUtc.ToUniversalTime()); using (ProcessLock processLock = new ProcessLock(mpMutex)) { if (processLock.AlreadyExists) { Log.Warn("Main: MediaPortal is already running"); Win32API.ActivatePreviousInstance(); } Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); //Set current directory string applicationPath = Application.ExecutablePath; applicationPath = Path.GetFullPath(applicationPath); applicationPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(applicationPath); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(applicationPath); Log.Info("Main: Set current directory to: {0}", applicationPath); //Localization strings for new splashscreen and for MediaPortal itself LoadLanguageString(); // Initialize the skin and theme prior to beginning the splash screen thread. This provides for the splash screen to be used in a theme. string strSkin = ""; try { using (Settings xmlreader = new MPSettings()) { strSkin = _strSkinOverride.Length > 0 ? _strSkinOverride : xmlreader.GetValueAsString("skin", "name", "Default"); } } catch (Exception) { strSkin = "Default"; } Config.SkinName = strSkin; GUIGraphicsContext.Skin = strSkin; SkinSettings.Load(); // Send a message that the skin has changed. GUIMessage msg = new GUIMessage(GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_SKIN_CHANGED, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null); GUIGraphicsContext.SendMessage(msg); Log.Info("Main: Skin is {0} using theme {1}", strSkin, GUIThemeManager.CurrentTheme); #if !DEBUG string version = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["version"]; //ClientApplicationInfo clientInfo = ClientApplicationInfo.Deserialize("MediaPortal.exe.config"); splashScreen = new SplashScreen(); splashScreen.Version = version; splashScreen.Run(); //clientInfo=null; #endif Application.DoEvents(); if (_waitForTvServer) { Log.Debug("Main: Wait for TV service requested. Checking if installed..."); ServiceController ctrl = null; try { ctrl = new ServiceController("TVService"); string name = ctrl.ServiceName; } catch (Exception) { ctrl = null; Log.Debug("Main: TV service not installed - proceeding..."); } if (ctrl != null) { Log.Debug("Main: TV service found. Checking status..."); if (splashScreen != null) { splashScreen.SetInformation(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(60)); // Waiting for startup of TV service... } if (ctrl.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.StartPending || ctrl.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped) { if (ctrl.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.StartPending) { Log.Info("Main: TV service start is pending. Waiting..."); } if (ctrl.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped) { Log.Info("Main: TV service is stopped, so we try start it..."); try { ctrl.Start(); } catch (Exception) { Log.Info("TvService seems to be already starting up."); } } try { ctrl.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Running, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 45)); } catch (Exception) {} if (ctrl.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Running) { Log.Info("Main: The TV service has started successfully."); } else { Log.Info("Main: Startup of the TV service failed - current status: {0}", ctrl.Status.ToString()); } } Log.Info("Main: TV service is in status {0} - proceeding...", ctrl.Status.ToString()); ctrl.Close(); } } Application.DoEvents(); if (_startupDelay > 0) { Log.Info("Main: Waiting {0} second(s) before startup", _startupDelay); for (int i = _startupDelay; i > 0; i--) { if (splashScreen != null) { splashScreen.SetInformation(String.Format(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(61), i.ToString())); // Waiting {0} second(s) before startup... } Application.DoEvents(); Thread.Sleep(1000); } } Log.Debug("Main: Checking prerequisites"); try { // CHECK if DirectX 9.0c if installed Log.Debug("Main: Verifying DirectX 9"); if (!DirectXCheck.IsInstalled()) { string strLine = "Please install a newer DirectX 9.0c redist!\r\n"; strLine = strLine + "MediaPortal cannot run without DirectX 9.0c redist (August 2008)\r\n"; strLine = strLine + ""; #if !DEBUG if (splashScreen != null) { splashScreen.Stop(); splashScreen = null; } #endif MessageBox.Show(strLine, "MediaPortal", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } Application.DoEvents(); // CHECK if Windows MediaPlayer 11 is installed string WMP_Main_Ver = "11"; Log.Debug("Main: Verifying Windows Media Player"); Version aParamVersion; if (FilterChecker.CheckFileVersion(Environment.SystemDirectory + "\\wmp.dll", WMP_Main_Ver + ".0.0000.0000", out aParamVersion)) { Log.Info("Main: Windows Media Player version {0} installed", aParamVersion); } else { #if !DEBUG if (splashScreen != null) { splashScreen.Stop(); splashScreen = null; } #endif string strLine = "Please install Windows Media Player " + WMP_Main_Ver + "\r\n"; strLine = strLine + "MediaPortal cannot run without Windows Media Player " + WMP_Main_Ver; MessageBox.Show(strLine, "MediaPortal", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); //return; } #if !DEBUG // Check TvPlugin version string MpExe = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; string tvPlugin = Config.GetFolder(Config.Dir.Plugins) + "\\Windows\\TvPlugin.dll"; if (File.Exists(tvPlugin) && !_avoidVersionChecking) { string tvPluginVersion = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(tvPlugin).ProductVersion; string MpVersion = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(MpExe).ProductVersion; if (MpVersion != tvPluginVersion) { string strLine = "TvPlugin and MediaPortal don't have the same version.\r\n"; strLine += "Please update the older component to the same version as the newer one.\r\n"; strLine += "MediaPortal Version: " + MpVersion + "\r\n"; strLine += "TvPlugin Version: " + tvPluginVersion; if (splashScreen != null) { splashScreen.Stop(); splashScreen = null; } MessageBox.Show(strLine, "MediaPortal", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Log.Info(strLine); return; } } #endif } catch (Exception) {} //following crashes on some pc's, dunno why //Log.Info(" Stop any known recording processes"); //Utils.KillExternalTVProcesses(); #if !DEBUG try { #endif Application.DoEvents(); if (splashScreen != null) { splashScreen.SetInformation(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(62)); // Initializing DirectX... } MediaPortalApp app = new MediaPortalApp(); Log.Debug("Main: Initializing DirectX"); if (app.CreateGraphicsSample()) { IMessageFilter filter = new ThreadMessageFilter(app); Application.AddMessageFilter(filter); // Initialize Input Devices if (splashScreen != null) { splashScreen.SetInformation(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(63)); // Initializing input devices... } InputDevices.Init(); try { //app.PreRun(); Log.Info("Main: Running"); GUIGraphicsContext.BlankScreen = false; Application.Run(app); app.Focus(); Debug.WriteLine("after Application.Run"); } //#if !DEBUG catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex); Log.Error("MediaPortal stopped due to an exception {0} {1} {2}", ex.Message, ex.Source, ex.StackTrace); _mpCrashed = true; } //#endif finally { Application.RemoveMessageFilter(filter); } app.OnExit(); } #if !DEBUG } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex); Log.Error("MediaPortal stopped due to an exception {0} {1} {2}", ex.Message, ex.Source, ex.StackTrace); _mpCrashed = true; } #endif #if !DEBUG if (splashScreen != null) { splashScreen.Stop(); splashScreen = null; } #endif Settings.SaveCache(); if (autoHideTaskbar) { // only re-show the startbar if MP is the one that has hidden it. Win32API.EnableStartBar(true); Win32API.ShowStartBar(true); } if (useRestartOptions) { Log.Info("Main: Exiting Windows - {0}", restartOptions); if (File.Exists(Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Config, "mediaportal.running"))) { File.Delete(Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Config, "mediaportal.running")); } WindowsController.ExitWindows(restartOptions, false); } else { if (!_mpCrashed) { if (File.Exists(Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Config, "mediaportal.running"))) { File.Delete(Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Config, "mediaportal.running")); } } } } } else { string msg = "The file MediaPortalDirs.xml has been changed by a recent update in the MediaPortal application directory.\n\n"; msg += "You have to open the file "; msg += Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + @"\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortalDirs.xml"; msg += " with an editor, update it with all changes and SAVE it at least once to start up MediaPortal successfully after this update.\n\n"; msg += "If you are not using windows user profiles for MediaPortal's configuration management, "; msg += "just delete the whole directory mentioned above and reconfigure MediaPortal."; string msg2 = "\n\n\nDo you want to open your local file now?"; Log.Error(msg); #if !DEBUG if (splashScreen != null) { splashScreen.Stop(); splashScreen = null; } #endif DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(msg + msg2, "MediaPortal - Update Conflict", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); try { if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { Process.Start("notepad.exe", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + @"\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortalDirs.xml"); } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show( "Error opening file " + Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + @"\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortalDirs.xml using notepad.exe", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } Environment.Exit(0); }
public LoadingSplash() { _splash = new SplashScreen(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(LoadingSplash)), "loading.png"); _splash.Show(false, true); }
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) { if (e.Args.Contains("WAIT")) { Thread.Sleep(5000); } SplashScreen appSplash = null; Fap.Foundation.SafeObservableStatic.Dispatcher = System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher; SafeObservingCollectionManager.Start(); this.DispatcherUnhandledException += new System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventHandler(App_DispatcherUnhandledException); FrameworkElement.LanguageProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(FrameworkElement), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(XmlLanguage.GetLanguage(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.IetfLanguageTag))); base.OnStartup(e); if (Compose()) { if (e.Args.Length == 1 && e.Args[0] == "WAIT") { //Delay the application starting up, used when restarting. Thread.Sleep(3000); } ApplicationCore core = container.Resolve <ApplicationCore>(); if (!core.CheckSingleInstance()) { //An instance of fap is already running. //If we got a download url then forward onto the runing instance of FAP if (e.Args.Length == 2 && e.Args[0] == "-url") { Model model = new Model(); model.Load(); Client client = new Client(model.LocalNode); AddDownload verb = new AddDownload(); verb.URL = e.Args[1]; if (client.Execute(verb, model.LocalNode)) { //Download sent successfully Shutdown(0); return; } else { //Unsuccessful - Notify user WPFMessageBox.Show("FAP", "Failed to add download via RPC!"); Shutdown(1); return; } } else { //Inform the user they cannot run multiple instances WPFMessageBox.Show("FAP", "An instance of FAP is already running"); Shutdown(1); return; } } string img = GetImage(); appSplash = new SplashScreen(img); appSplash.Show(true); if (core.Load(false)) { core.StartClient(); core.StartGUI(!(e.Args.Contains("STARTUP"))); //Was a url passed on startup? if (e.Args.Length == 2 && e.Args[0] == "-url") { core.AddDownloadUrlWhenConnected(e.Args[1]); } } else { Shutdown(1); } } else { Shutdown(1); } if (null != appSplash) { appSplash.Close(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0)); } }
private void OnSplashScreenDismissed(SplashScreen sender, object args) { splashScreen.Dismissed -= OnSplashScreenDismissed; dismissed = true; }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "MPMain"; #if !DEBUG // TODO: work on the handlers to take over more Watchdog capabilities, current use for Area51 builds as needed only //AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += OnUnhandledException; //Application.ThreadException += OnThreadException; #endif SkinOverride = string.Empty; WindowedOverride = false; FullscreenOverride = false; ScreenNumberOverride = -1; if (args.Length > 0) { foreach (string arg in args) { if (arg == "/fullscreen") { FullscreenOverride = true; } if (arg == "/windowed") { WindowedOverride = true; } if (arg.StartsWith("/fullscreen=")) { string argValue = arg.Remove(0, 12); // remove /?= from the argument FullscreenOverride |= argValue != "no"; WindowedOverride |= argValue.Equals("no"); } if (arg == "/crashtest") { _mpCrashed = true; } if (arg.StartsWith("/screen=")) { string screenarg = arg.Remove(0, 8); // remove /?= from the argument if (!int.TryParse(screenarg, out ScreenNumberOverride)) { ScreenNumberOverride = -1; } } if (arg.StartsWith("/skin=")) { string skinOverrideArg = arg.Remove(0, 6); // remove /?= from the argument SkinOverride = skinOverrideArg; } if (arg.StartsWith("/config=")) { _alternateConfig = arg.Remove(0, 8); // remove /?= from the argument if (!Path.IsPathRooted(_alternateConfig)) { _alternateConfig = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Config, _alternateConfig); } } if (arg.StartsWith("/safelist=")) { _safePluginsList = arg.Remove(0, 10); // remove /?= from the argument } #if !DEBUG _avoidVersionChecking = arg.ToLowerInvariant() == "/avoidversioncheck"; #endif } } // check if MediaPotal is already running using (var processLock = new ProcessLock(MPMutex)) { if (processLock.AlreadyExists) { Log.Warn("Main: MediaPortal is already running"); Win32API.ActivatePreviousInstance(); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_alternateConfig)) { Log.BackupLogFiles(); } else { if (File.Exists(_alternateConfig)) { try { MPSettings.ConfigPathName = _alternateConfig; Log.BackupLogFiles(); Log.Info("Using alternate configuration file: {0}", MPSettings.ConfigPathName); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.BackupLogFiles(); Log.Error("Failed to change to alternate configuration file:"); Log.Error(ex); } } else { Log.BackupLogFiles(); Log.Info("Alternative configuration file was specified but the file was not found: '{0}'", _alternateConfig); Log.Info("Using default configuration file instead."); } } if (!Config.DirsFileUpdateDetected) { // check if Mediaportal has been configured var fi = new FileInfo(MPSettings.ConfigPathName); if (!File.Exists(MPSettings.ConfigPathName) || (fi.Length < 10000)) { // no, then start configuration.exe in wizard form Log.Info("MediaPortal.xml not found. Launching configuration tool and exiting..."); try { Process.Start(Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, "configuration.exe"), @"/wizard"); } // ReSharper disable EmptyGeneralCatchClause catch {} // no exception logging needed, since MP is now closed // ReSharper restore EmptyGeneralCatchClause return; } // TODO: check if config is valid. If you create a config file > 10000 bytes full of spaces MP will crash as Utils.dll does nearly no error checking using (Settings xmlreader = new MPSettings()) { string threadPriority = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("general", "ThreadPriority", "Normal"); switch (threadPriority) { case "AboveNormal": Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal; Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.AboveNormal; break; case "High": Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest; Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.High; break; case "BelowNormal": Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal; Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.BelowNormal; break; } _startupDelay = xmlreader.GetValueAsBool("general", "delay startup", false) ? xmlreader.GetValueAsInt("general", "delay", 0): 0; _waitForTvServer = xmlreader.GetValueAsBool("general", "wait for tvserver", false); } #if !DEBUG bool watchdogEnabled; bool restartOnError; int restartDelay; using (Settings xmlreader = new MPSettings()) { watchdogEnabled = xmlreader.GetValueAsBool("general", "watchdogEnabled", true); restartOnError = xmlreader.GetValueAsBool("general", "restartOnError", false); restartDelay = xmlreader.GetValueAsInt("general", "restart delay", 10); } AddExceptionHandler(); if (watchdogEnabled) { using (var sw = new StreamWriter(Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Config, "mediaportal.running"), false)) { sw.WriteLine("running"); sw.Close(); } Log.Info("Main: Starting MPWatchDog"); string cmdargs = "-watchdog"; if (restartOnError) { cmdargs += " -restartMP " + restartDelay.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } var mpWatchDog = new Process { StartInfo = { ErrorDialog = true, UseShellExecute = true, WorkingDirectory = Application.StartupPath, FileName = "WatchDog.exe", Arguments = cmdargs } }; mpWatchDog.Start(); } #endif // Log MediaPortal version build and operating system level FileVersionInfo versionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Application.ExecutablePath); Log.Info("Main: MediaPortal v" + versionInfo.FileVersion + " is starting up on " + OSInfo.OSInfo.GetOSDisplayVersion()); #if DEBUG Log.Info("Debug Build: " + Application.ProductVersion); #else Log.Info("Build: " + Application.ProductVersion); #endif // setting minimum worker threads int minWorker, minIOC; ThreadPool.GetMinThreads(out minWorker, out minIOC); ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(minWorker * 2, minIOC * 1); ThreadPool.GetMinThreads(out minWorker, out minIOC); Log.Info("Main: Minimum number of worker threads to {0}/{1}", minWorker, minIOC); // Check for unsupported operating systems OSPrerequisites.OSPrerequisites.OsCheck(false); // Log last install of WindowsUpdate patches string lastSuccessTime = "NEVER !!!"; UIntPtr res; int options = Convert.ToInt32(Reg.RegistryRights.ReadKey); if (OSInfo.OSInfo.Xp64OrLater()) { options = options | Convert.ToInt32(Reg.RegWow64Options.KEY_WOW64_64KEY); } var rKey = new UIntPtr(Convert.ToUInt32(Reg.RegistryRoot.HKLM)); int lastError; int retval = Reg.RegOpenKeyEx(rKey, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\WindowsUpdate\\Auto Update\\Results\\Install", 0, options, out res); if (retval == 0) { uint tKey; uint lKey = 100; var sKey = new StringBuilder((int)lKey); retval = Reg.RegQueryValueEx(res, "LastSuccessTime", 0, out tKey, sKey, ref lKey); if (retval == 0) { lastSuccessTime = sKey.ToString(); } else { lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); Log.Debug("RegQueryValueEx retval=<{0}>, lastError=<{1}>", retval, lastError); } } else { lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); Log.Debug("RegOpenKeyEx retval=<{0}>, lastError=<{1}>", retval, lastError); } Log.Info("Main: Last install from WindowsUpdate is dated {0}", lastSuccessTime); Log.Debug("Disabling process window ghosting"); DisableProcessWindowsGhosting(); // Start MediaPortal Log.Info("Main: Using Directories:"); foreach (Config.Dir option in Enum.GetValues(typeof (Config.Dir))) { Log.Info("{0} - {1}", option, Config.GetFolder(option)); } var mpFi = new FileInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); Log.Info("Main: Assembly creation time: {0} (UTC)", mpFi.LastWriteTimeUtc.ToUniversalTime()); #pragma warning disable 168 using (var processLock = new ProcessLock(MPMutex)) #pragma warning restore 168 { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); // Set current directory string applicationPath = Application.ExecutablePath; applicationPath = Path.GetFullPath(applicationPath); applicationPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(applicationPath); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(applicationPath)) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(applicationPath); Log.Info("Main: Set current directory to: {0}", applicationPath); } else { Log.Error("Main: Cannot set current directory to {0}", applicationPath); } // log about available displays foreach (var screen in Screen.AllScreens) { Log.Debug("Display: {0} - IsPrimary: {1} - BitsPerPixel: {2} - Bounds: {3}x{4} @ {5},{6} - WorkingArea: {7}x{8} @ {9},{10}", GetCleanDisplayName(screen), screen.Primary, screen.BitsPerPixel, screen.Bounds.Width, screen.Bounds.Height, screen.Bounds.X, screen.Bounds.Y, screen.WorkingArea.Width, screen.WorkingArea.Height, screen.WorkingArea.X, screen.WorkingArea.Y); } // log information about available adapters var enumeration = new D3DEnumeration(); enumeration.Enumerate(); foreach (GraphicsAdapterInfo ai in enumeration.AdapterInfoList) { Log.Debug("Adapter #{0}: {1} - Driver: {2} ({3}) - DeviceName: {4}", ai.AdapterOrdinal, ai.AdapterDetails.Description, ai.AdapterDetails.DriverName, ai.AdapterDetails.DriverVersion, ai.AdapterDetails.DeviceName); } // Localization strings for new splash screen and for MediaPortal itself LoadLanguageString(); // Initialize the skin and theme prior to beginning the splash screen thread. This provides for the splash screen to be used in a theme. string skin; try { using (Settings xmlreader = new MPSettings()) { skin = string.IsNullOrEmpty(SkinOverride) ? xmlreader.GetValueAsString("skin", "name", "Default") : SkinOverride; } } catch (Exception) { skin = "Default"; } Config.SkinName = skin; GUIGraphicsContext.Skin = skin; SkinSettings.Load(); // Send a message that the skin has changed. var msg = new GUIMessage(GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_SKIN_CHANGED, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null); GUIGraphicsContext.SendMessage(msg); Log.Info("Main: Skin is {0} using theme {1}", skin, GUIThemeManager.CurrentTheme); // Start Splash Screen string version = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["version"]; SplashScreen = new SplashScreen {Version = version}; #if !DEBUG SplashScreen.Run(); #endif Application.DoEvents(); // process message queue if (_waitForTvServer) { Log.Debug("Main: Wait for TV service requested"); ServiceController ctrl; try { ctrl = new ServiceController("TVService"); } catch (Exception) { ctrl = null; Log.Debug("Main: Create ServiceController for TV service failed - proceeding..."); } if (ctrl != null) { //Sanity check for existance of TV service ServiceControllerStatus status = ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped; try { status = ctrl.Status; } catch (Exception) { Log.Debug("Main: Failed to retrieve TV service status"); ctrl.Close(); ctrl = null; } } if (ctrl != null) { Log.Debug("Main: TV service found. Checking status..."); UpdateSplashScreenMessage(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(60)); // Waiting for startup of TV service... if (ctrl.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.StartPending || ctrl.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped) { if (ctrl.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.StartPending) { Log.Info("Main: TV service start is pending. Waiting..."); } if (ctrl.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped) { Log.Info("Main: TV service is stopped, so we try start it..."); try { ctrl.Start(); } catch (Exception) { Log.Info("TvService seems to be already starting up."); } } try { ctrl.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Running, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 45)); } // ReSharper disable EmptyGeneralCatchClause catch (Exception) {} // ReSharper restore EmptyGeneralCatchClause if (ctrl.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Running) { Log.Info("Main: The TV service has started successfully."); } else { Log.Info("Main: Startup of the TV service failed - current status: {0}", ctrl.Status.ToString()); } } Log.Info("Main: TV service is in status {0} - proceeding...", ctrl.Status.ToString()); ctrl.Close(); } } Application.DoEvents(); // process message queue if (_startupDelay > 0) { Log.Info("Main: Waiting {0} second(s) before startup", _startupDelay); for (int i = _startupDelay; i > 0; i--) { UpdateSplashScreenMessage(String.Format(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(61), i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); Thread.Sleep(1000); Application.DoEvents(); } } Log.Debug("Main: Checking prerequisites"); try { // check if DirectX 9.0c if installed Log.Debug("Main: Verifying DirectX 9"); if (!DirectXCheck.IsInstalled()) { DisableSplashScreen(); string strLine = "Please install a newer DirectX 9.0c redist!\r\n"; strLine = strLine + "MediaPortal cannot run without DirectX 9.0c redist (August 2008)\r\n"; strLine = strLine + ""; // ReSharper disable LocalizableElement MessageBox.Show(strLine, "MediaPortal", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // ReSharper restore LocalizableElement return; } Application.DoEvents(); // process message queue #if !DEBUG // Check TvPlugin version string mpExe = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; string tvPlugin = Config.GetFolder(Config.Dir.Plugins) + "\\Windows\\TvPlugin.dll"; if (File.Exists(tvPlugin) && !_avoidVersionChecking) { string tvPluginVersion = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(tvPlugin).ProductVersion; string mpVersion = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(mpExe).ProductVersion; if (mpVersion != tvPluginVersion) { string strLine = "TvPlugin and MediaPortal don't have the same version.\r\n"; strLine += "Please update the older component to the same version as the newer one.\r\n"; strLine += "MediaPortal Version: " + mpVersion + "\r\n"; strLine += "TvPlugin Version: " + tvPluginVersion; DisableSplashScreen(); // ReSharper disable LocalizableElement MessageBox.Show(strLine, "MediaPortal", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // ReSharper restore LocalizableElement Log.Info(strLine); return; } } #endif } // ReSharper disable EmptyGeneralCatchClause catch (Exception) {} // ReSharper restore EmptyGeneralCatchClause Application.DoEvents(); // process message queue try { UpdateSplashScreenMessage(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(62)); Log.Debug("Main: Initializing DirectX"); var app = new MediaPortalApp(); if (app.Init()) { try { Log.Info("Main: Running"); GUIGraphicsContext.BlankScreen = false; Application.Run(app); app.Focus(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex); Log.Error("MediaPortal stopped due to an exception {0} {1} {2}", ex.Message, ex.Source, ex.StackTrace); _mpCrashed = true; } app.OnExit(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex); Log.Error("MediaPortal stopped due to an exception {0} {1} {2}", ex.Message, ex.Source, ex.StackTrace); _mpCrashed = true; } DisableSplashScreen(); Settings.SaveCache(); // only re-show the task bar if MP is the one that has hidden it. using (Settings xmlreader = new MPSettings()) { if (xmlreader.GetValueAsBool("general", "hidetaskbar", false)) { HideTaskBar(false); } } if (_useRestartOptions) { Log.Info("Main: Exiting Windows - {0}", _restartOptions); if (File.Exists(Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Config, "mediaportal.running"))) { File.Delete(Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Config, "mediaportal.running")); } WindowsController.ExitWindows(_restartOptions, false); } else { if (!_mpCrashed && File.Exists(Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Config, "mediaportal.running"))) { File.Delete(Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Config, "mediaportal.running")); } } } } else { DisableSplashScreen(); string msg = "The file MediaPortalDirs.xml has been changed by a recent update in the MediaPortal application directory.\n\n"; msg += "You have to open the file "; msg += Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + @"\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortalDirs.xml"; msg += " with an editor, update it with all changes and SAVE it at least once to start up MediaPortal successfully after this update.\n\n"; msg += "If you are not using windows user profiles for MediaPortal's configuration management, "; msg += "just delete the whole directory mentioned above and reconfigure MediaPortal."; msg += "\n\n\n"; msg += "Do you want to open your local file now?"; Log.Error(msg); // ReSharper disable LocalizableElement DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(msg, "MediaPortal - Update Conflict", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); // ReSharper restore LocalizableElement try { if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { Process.Start("notepad.exe", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + @"\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortalDirs.xml"); } } catch (Exception) { // ReSharper disable LocalizableElement MessageBox.Show( "Error opening file " + Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + @"\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortalDirs.xml using notepad.exe", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // ReSharper restore LocalizableElement } } Environment.Exit(0); }
public MainMenuState_FADEOUT(Patterns.FiniteStateMachine fsm, int id, SplashScreen menu) : base(fsm, id, menu) { Name = "MainMenuState_FADEOUT"; }