private MemoryLayer GetPoiLayer(Route route) { var layer = new MemoryLayer { DataSource = new MemoryProvider( route.Waypoints .OfType <PointOfInterest>() .ToList() .Select(poi => new Feature { Geometry = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(poi.Longitude, poi.Latitude) }) ), IsMapInfoLayer = true, Style = new SymbolStyle { BitmapId = GetBitmapIdForEmbeddedResource("FamilieWandelPad.RouteImager.Assets.Pin.svg"), SymbolScale = 1d, SymbolOffset = new Offset(0.0, 0.5, true), Enabled = true } }; return(layer); }
private void LocatorOnPositionChanged(object sender, PositionEventArgs positionEventArgs) { var position = positionEventArgs.Position; _deviceLocation.Geometry = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(position.Longitude, position.Latitude); OnDataChanged(new DataChangedEventArgs()); }
public void Update(Route route) { _memoryProvider.Clear(); _memoryProvider.ReplaceFeatures( route.Waypoints.Select(routePoint => { switch (routePoint) { case WayPoint wp: return(new WaypointFeature { RoutePoint = wp, Geometry = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(wp.Longitude, wp.Latitude) }); case PointOfInterest poi: return(new PointOfInterestFeature { RoutePoint = poi, Geometry = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(poi.Longitude, poi.Latitude) }); default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } }) ); DataHasChanged(); }
private ILayer LayerRouteW(Route route) { var p = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Point>(); foreach (Coordinate coordinate in route.Shape) { var spherical = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(coordinate.Longitude, coordinate.Latitude); p.Add(new Point(spherical.X, spherical.Y)); } var ls = new LineString(p); var f = new Feature { Geometry = ls, ["Name"] = "Line 1", Styles = new List <IStyle> { new VectorStyle { Line = new Pen(Color.Blue, 6) } } }; return(new MemoryLayer { Name = "Route", DataSource = new MemoryProvider(f), Style = null }); }
private static void NavigateToPoland(Map map) { map.NavigateTo(map.Resolutions[6]); var centerPoland = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(19.226, 52.039); map.NavigateTo(centerPoland); }
public MapsUiView() { Map = new Mapsui.Map { BackColor = Color.White, Home = n => n.NavigateTo(SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(52.22002, 4.55835), 0.2) }; IsMyLocationButtonVisible = false; IsNorthingButtonVisible = false; IsZoomButtonVisible = false; MyLocationEnabled = false; CancellationTokenSource cancelToken = null; TouchStarted += (sender, args) => _isPanning = true; TouchEnded += async(sender, args) => { cancelToken?.Cancel(); cancelToken = new CancellationTokenSource(); try { await Task.Delay(2000, cancelToken.Token); _isPanning = false; } catch (OperationCanceledException) {} }; Navigator = new AnimatedNavigatorWithRotation(Map, (IViewport)Viewport); }
public void AddPoint(double lat, double lon, double speed) { if (_positionLayer != null) { MemoryProvider dataSource = ((MemoryProvider)((MemoryLayer)_positionLayer).DataSource); dataSource.Features.Clear(); dataSource.Features.Add(new Feature() { Geometry = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(lon, lat) }); MapControl.RefreshData(); if (_track) { double offset = 0.05; if (speed < 30) { offset = 0.001; } else if (speed < 60) { offset = 0.005; } MoveToArea(lat, lon, offset); } } }
private static Features GetStops() { // Prepare a features variable, and build the data to populate it. var features = new Features(); List <StopsLocations> list = new List <StopsLocations>(); list.Add(new StopsLocations("someday", 115.85713, -31.95496)); list.Add(new StopsLocations("something", 115.859821, -31.958627)); // Add each stop as a feature to features. foreach (var stop in list) { // Get the coordinates for each stop. var coordinates = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(stop.X, stop.Y); List <Style> styles = new List <Style>(); // Styles are usefull for adding a group of elements to the map, you can add more than a label if you like. styles.Add(new LabelStyle { Text = stop.Name }); // Add the new Feature to Features. features.Add(new Feature { Geometry = coordinates, ["Label"] = stop.Name, Styles = styles.ToArray() }); } // Return the features. return(features); }
public MapView() { InitializeComponent(); var ubication = new Point(-3.7025600, 40.4165000); var sphericalMercatorCoordinate = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(ubication.X, ubication.Y); var mapControl = new MapsUIView(); mapControl.NativeMap.NavigateTo(sphericalMercatorCoordinate); mapControl.NativeMap.Layers.Add(OpenStreetMap.CreateTileLayer()); mapControl.NativeMap.NavigateTo(mapControl.NativeMap.Resolutions[9]); var layer = GenerateIconLayer(); mapControl.NativeMap.Layers.Add(layer); mapControl.NativeMap.InfoLayers.Add(layer); ContentGrid.Children.Add(mapControl); mapControl.NativeMap.Info += (sender, args) => { var layername = args.MapInfo?.Layer.Name; var featureLabel = args.MapInfo.Feature?["Label"]?.ToString(); var featureType = args.MapInfo.Feature?["Type"]?.ToString(); if (featureType != null && featureType.Equals("Point")) { ShowPopup(featureLabel); } }; }
private void DrawMarkers(IEnumerable <Land> landPieces) { if (landPieces == null) { return; } ClearGraphics(); foreach (var land in landPieces) { var sphericalMid = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(land.Longitude, land.Latitude); var feature = new Feature { Geometry = new Mapsui.Geometries.Point(sphericalMid.x, sphericalMid.y) }; var symbolStyle = new SymbolStyle { Symbol = GetSymbol("warning.png"), SymbolType = SymbolType.Rectangle }; feature.Styles.Add(symbolStyle); source.Features.Add(feature); } Current.Instance.MapControl.OnViewChanged(true); }
public static void ZoomToHexagon(MapControl mapcontrol, string geohex) { var zone = GeoHex.Decode(geohex); if (zone == null) { var ws = new WarningScreen("Sorry this land is not available"); ws.Show(); return; } var coordinates = zone.getHexCoords(); var sphericalTopLeft = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(coordinates[0].Longitude, coordinates[1].Latitude); var sphericalBottomRight = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(coordinates[3].Longitude, coordinates[4].Latitude); const int marge = 8000; mapcontrol.ZoomToBox(new Mapsui.Geometries.Point(sphericalTopLeft.x - marge, sphericalTopLeft.y - marge), new Mapsui.Geometries.Point(sphericalBottomRight.x + marge, sphericalBottomRight.y + marge)); //TODO: Blergh awfull dirty dirty hack to show hexagon after zoomToHexagon (problem = Extend is a center point after ZoomToBox) mapcontrol.ZoomIn(); mapcontrol.ZoomOut(); var hexLayer = (HexagonLayer)Current.Instance.LayerHelper.FindLayer(Constants.Hexagonlayername); hexLayer.UpdateHexagonsInView(); Current.Instance.MapControl.OnViewChanged(true); }
private void worker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { if (isTracking) { Array lines = data.ToArray(); parsed = ParseNmea(lines); ReceivedTextBox.Text = ""; //foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in parsed) //{ // ReceivedTextBox.AppendText(entry.Key + ": " + entry.Value + "\n"); // ReceivedTextBox.ScrollToEnd(); //} ReceivedTextBox.AppendText("time: " + parsed["time"]); ReceivedTextBox.AppendText("\nlongitude: " + parsed["lon_readable"]); ReceivedTextBox.AppendText("\nlatitude: " + parsed["lat_readable"]); ReceivedTextBox.AppendText("\nsatellites: " + parsed["sats"]); map = new Map(); map.Layers.Add(OpenStreetMap.CreateTileLayer()); var center = CalcPosition(); var sphericalMercatorCoordinate = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(center.X, center.Y); map.Home = n => n.NavigateTo(sphericalMercatorCoordinate, map.Resolutions[9]); MyMapControl.Map = map; worker.RunWorkerAsync(); } }
private void UpdateLayer_Points() { var newFeaturesNormalPoints = new List <IFeature>(); var selectedTour = _selectedTours.FirstOrDefault(); if ((selectedTour != null) && (_selectedTours.Count == 1)) { foreach (var actWaypoint in selectedTour.Waypoints) { // Create point var point = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat( actWaypoint.RawWaypointData.Longitude, actWaypoint.RawWaypointData.Latitude); var feature = new Feature(); feature.Geometry = point; feature.Styles.Add(new LabelStyle() { Text = actWaypoint.RawWaypointData.Name, Opacity = 0.8f, Offset = new Offset(0, 1.0, isRelative: true) }); newFeaturesNormalPoints.Add(feature); } } _layerPointsProvider.ReplaceFeatures(newFeaturesNormalPoints); _layerPoints.DataHasChanged(); }
public MapPage() { InitializeComponent(); SataticPoints = new List <Point>(); Point point = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(34.7609650, 32.0477280); SataticPoints.Add(point); mapView.MoveToCenter(new Position(32.0477280d, 34.7609650d)); mapView.PropertyChanged += (s, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(e.PropertyName); mapView.Map.Layers.Add(OpenStreetMap.CreateTileLayer()); SataticPoints.Add(new Point(mapView.Map.Envelope.Left, mapView.Map.Envelope.Bottom)); SataticPoints.Add(new Point(mapView.Map.Envelope.Right, mapView.Map.Envelope.Top)); //mapView.Map.Layers.Add(CreatePolygonLayer()); //mapView.Map.Layers.Add(CreateLayerWithStyleOnLayer(mapView.Map.Envelope, 10)); mapView.Map.Layers.Add(CreateLayerWithStyleOnFeature(mapView.Map.Envelope, 10)); //mapView.Map.Layers.Add(new TileLayer(KnownTileSources.Create(KnownTileSource.OpenStreetMap)) { Name = "Open Street Map" }); //mapView.Map.Widgets.Add(new ScaleBarWidget { mapView.Map.Viewport.ViewportChanged += (s, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(e.PropertyName); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); RouteController = new RouteController(this); UpdateRoute(RouteController.Route); // MapControl.Map.Layers.Add(GetKaagTileLayer()); MapControl.Map.Layers.Add(new TileLayer(KnownTileSources.Create(KnownTileSource.OpenStreetMap))); MapControl.Map.Layers.Add(RouteLayer); MapControl.Map.Layers.Add(RoutePointsLayer); MapControl.Map.Layers.Add(SectionsLayer); MapControl.Map.Layers.Add(SectionPointsLayer); MapControl.Map.Home = navigator => navigator.NavigateTo(SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(4.55835, 52.22002), 6); var wayPointEditor = new WaypointEditor(MapControl, RouteController); var sectionEditor = new SectionEditor(MapControl, RouteController); sectionEditor.OnDeselected(); WaypointModeOption.Checked += (sender, args) => SetEditor(wayPointEditor); SectionModeOption.Checked += (sender, args) => SetEditor(sectionEditor); ScreenshotButton.Click += (sender, args) => Screenshot(); WaypointModeOption.IsChecked = true; }
public ActionResult Index(int x, int y, int z) { var ymax = 1 << z; y = ymax - y - 1; var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(256, 256)) using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) using (var pen = new Pen(Color.Blue, 2.0f)) { g.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceOver; g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality; var boundsGeographyLL = GetBoundingBoxInLatLng(x, y, z); if (boundsGeographyLL.Bottom > 0) { var states = new GeometryDataSource().Query(boundsGeographyLL.ToSqlGeography(), "states"); var builder = new GraphicsPathBuilder(SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(boundsGeographyLL), new Size(256, 256)); foreach (var state in states) { var geography = (SqlGeography)state["geom"]; { using (var gp = builder.Build(geography)) { g.DrawPath(pen, gp); } } } } bitmap.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Png); } return(File(memoryStream.ToArray(), "image/png")); }
private IFeature CreateFeature() { var feature = new Feature(); var point = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(Location.X, Location.Y); feature.Geometry = point; return(feature); }
public static IMarker CreateCustomMarker(Context context) { return(new Marker(context) { GeoPosition = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(18.423889, -33.925278), View = CreateCustomView(context) }); }
public async Task <List <Marker> > GetAllMarkers() { Debug.WriteLine("MarkerService.GetAllMarkers() called."); List <MarkerDto> markerDtos = null; var json = string.Empty; try { json = await _client.GetStringAsync($"/?q=mobileapi/markersjson.json"); Debug.WriteLine("Loaded marker json:"); Debug.WriteLine(json); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Error fetching markersjson: " + e.ToString()); // TODO: Show error to user. } try { markerDtos = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <MarkerDto> >(json); } catch (JsonReaderException e) { Debug.WriteLine("Error parsing markersjson: " + e.ToString()); } List <Marker> markersList = new List <Marker>(); int tempNodeId = 1; foreach (MarkerDto markerDto in markerDtos) { string label = _htmlHelper.ExtractText(markerDto.title); try { double lat = Double.Parse(markerDto.Coordinates[0]); double longitude = Double.Parse(markerDto.Coordinates[1]); // Format (Long, Lat) // Zoom to marker location var currentMarker = new Mapsui.Geometries.Point(longitude, lat); // OSM uses spherical mercator coordinates. So transform the lon lat coordinates to spherical mercator Point sphericalMercatorCoordinate = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(currentMarker.X, currentMarker.Y); string description = "Marker is located in city of " + _htmlHelper.ExtractText(markerDto.City) + " and county: " + _htmlHelper.ExtractText(markerDto.County); var marker = new Marker(label, tempNodeId.ToString(), sphericalMercatorCoordinate, description); marker.Latitude = lat; marker.Longitude = longitude; markersList.Add(marker); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Ignoring marker with bad or missing GPS location data! GPS coordinates are in invalid format for this marker: " + label + " exception: " + e.ToString()); } } return(markersList); }
public PrimerMapa() { InitializeComponent(); var mapControl = new Mapsui.UI.Forms.MapControl(); mapControl.Map.Layers.Add(OpenStreetMap.CreateTileLayer()); mapControl.Map.Widgets.Add(new ScaleBarWidget(mapControl.Map) { TextAlignment = Alignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top }); mapControl.Map.Widgets.Add(new ZoomInOutWidget() { MarginX = 20, MarginY = 40 }); var gdl = lugares.First(x => x.Nombre == "Guadalajara"); var coordenada = new Point(gdl.Longitud, gdl.Latitud); var coordenadaMercator = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(coordenada.X, coordenada.Y); mapControl.Map.Home = n => n.NavigateTo(coordenadaMercator, mapControl.Map.Resolutions[9]); var layer = GenerateIconLayer(); layer.IsMapInfoLayer = true; mapControl.Map.Layers.Add(layer); mapControl.Info += (sender, args) => { var layername = args.MapInfo.Layer?.Name; var featureLabel = args.MapInfo.Feature?["Label"]?.ToString(); var featureType = args.MapInfo.Feature?["Type"]?.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(featureLabel)) { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { ShowPopup(featureLabel, featureType); }); } Debug.WriteLine("Info Event was invoked."); Debug.WriteLine("Layername: " + layername); Debug.WriteLine("Feature Label: " + featureLabel); Debug.WriteLine("Feature Type: " + featureType); Debug.WriteLine("World Position: {0:F4} , {1:F4}", args.MapInfo.WorldPosition?.X, args.MapInfo.WorldPosition?.Y); Debug.WriteLine("Screen Position: {0:F4} , {1:F4}", args.MapInfo.ScreenPosition?.X, args.MapInfo.ScreenPosition?.Y); }; ContentGrid.Children.Add(mapControl); }
private LineString RenderPath(Route route) { return(new LineString { Vertices = route.Waypoints .Select(wp => SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(wp.Longitude, wp.Latitude)) .ToList() }); }
public PointOfInterestLayer(IEnumerable <PointOfInterest> pointOfInterests) { DataSource = new MemoryProvider(pointOfInterests.Select(poi => new PointOfInterestFeature(poi) { Geometry = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(poi.Longitude, poi.Latitude) })); IsMapInfoLayer = true; Style = CreateSvgStyle("", 0.8); }
private void FocusOnLocation(Map map, Navigator navigator) { var center = NotableCoordinates.Volgograd; //convert to spherical mercator coordinates var osmCoordinates = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(center.X, center.Y); var mapResolutions = map.Resolutions; navigator.NavigateTo(osmCoordinates, mapResolutions[12]); }
public static Point OffsetMeters(this Point point, double dx, double dy) { const double EarthRadius = 6_371_000; Point lonLat = SphericalMercator.ToLonLat(point.X, point.Y); var newLon = lonLat.X + (dx / EarthRadius) * (180 / Math.PI) / Math.Cos(lonLat.Y * Math.PI / 180); var newLat = lonLat.Y + (dy / EarthRadius) * (180 / Math.PI); return(SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(newLon, newLat)); }
private void Button_Click_3(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var sphericalMercatorCoordinate = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(Convert.ToDouble(Longitude.Text), Convert.ToDouble(Latitude.Text)); MyMapControl.Map.NavigateTo(sphericalMercatorCoordinate); MyMapControl.Map.NavigateTo(MyMapControl.Map.Resolutions[18]); MyMapControl.Map.Layers.Add(OpenStreetMap.CreateTileLayer()); MyMapControl.Map.Layers.Add(Auxiliary.CreatePointLayer(sphericalMercatorCoordinate)); }
//TODO private static IEnumerable <IFeature> GenerateLinesAndMarkers(Route route) { var line = new LineString { Vertices = ( from c in route.Shape select SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(c.Longitude, c.Latitude)).ToList() }; var lineFeature = new Feature() { Geometry = line, Styles = new List <IStyle>() { new SymbolStyle() { Line = new Pen() { Color = Color.Blue, PenStyle = PenStyle.Solid, Width = 7, PenStrokeCap = PenStrokeCap.Round }, Opacity = 0.7f } } }; var markerStartFeature = new Feature() { Geometry = route.Stops[0].Coordinate.ToWorld(), Styles = new List <IStyle>() { new SymbolStyle() { BitmapId = GetBitmapIdForEmbeddedResource(MarkerAName), SymbolScale = 0.5 } } }; var markerFinishFeature = new Feature() { Geometry = route.Stops[1].Coordinate.ToWorld(), Styles = new List <IStyle>() { new SymbolStyle() { BitmapId = GetBitmapIdForEmbeddedResource(MarkerBName), SymbolScale = 0.5 } } }; return(new List <Feature> { lineFeature, markerStartFeature, markerFinishFeature }); }
void UpdateUserPosPoints() { var feature = new Feature(); var point = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(UserPosition.Longitude.Degrees, UserPosition.Latitude.Degrees); feature.Geometry = point; feature["name"] = "User"; UserPosPointsLayer.DataSource = new MemoryProvider(feature); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); var point = new Point(8.542693, 47.368659); var sphericalPoint = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(point.X, point.Y); MyMapControl.Map.NavigateTo(sphericalPoint); MyMapControl.Map.Viewport.Resolution = 12; }
public void ShowRoutes() { Routes.Clear(); List <QuestionList> questionLists = DBContext.Instance.QuestionLists.Where(x => x.Festival.Id == _festival.Id).ToList(); List <Inspection> inspections = new List <Inspection>(); foreach (QuestionList list in questionLists) { List <Inspection> listInspections = DBContext.Instance.Inspections.Where(x => x.QuestionList.Id == list.Id).ToList(); foreach (Inspection add in listInspections) { inspections.Add(add); } } foreach (Inspection inspection in inspections) { Employee employee = inspection.Employee; try { var responseRoute = _geodan.FindRoute($"&from={employee.City}%20{employee.Street}%20{employee.HouseNumber}&to={_festival.City}%20{_festival.Street}%20{_festival.HouseNumber}&srs=epsg:28992&returntype=coords&outputformat=json"); var geometry = responseRoute.features[0].geometry; string code = $"{geometry.type} ("; foreach (var coord in geometry.coordinates) { var i = coord[0]; var sm = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat((float)coord[0], (float)coord[1]); code += $"{sm.X} {sm.Y}".Replace(",", ".") + ", "; } code = code.Remove(code.Length - 2, 2) + ")"; var geoRoute = GeometryFromWKT.Parse(code); var routeLayer = new Layer { DataSource = new MemoryProvider(geoRoute), Style = new VectorStyle { Line = new Pen(Color.Black, 3), } }; MapControl.Map.Layers.Add(routeLayer); Routes.Add(new RouteData(routeLayer, employee, (double)responseRoute.features[0].properties.route_distance, (double)responseRoute.features[0].properties.route_duration)); } catch (NoRouteException) { //No valid route was found MessageBox.Show($"Geen route gevonden voor {employee.Name},\nControleer het adres van het festival en de medewerker.", "Geen route gevonden"); Routes.Add(new RouteData(null, employee, 999.9, 59940)); } } UpdateRouteColors(); }
public static Mapsui.Map CreateMap() { var map = new Mapsui.Map(); map.Layers.Add(OpenStreetMap.CreateTileLayer()); var b = CreateMbTilesLayer(mbpath); if (b != null) { map.Layers.Add(b); } var c = CreateMbTilesLayer(mbpath2); if (c != null) { map.Layers.Add(c); } // Get the lon lat coordinates from somewhere (Mapsui can not help you there) var centerOfLondonOntario = new Point(-81.2497, 42.9837); // OSM uses spherical mercator coordinates. So transform the lon lat coordinates to spherical mercator var sphericalMercatorCoordinate = SphericalMercator.FromLonLat(centerOfLondonOntario.X, centerOfLondonOntario.Y); // Set the center of the viewport to the coordinate. The UI will refresh automatically // Additionally you might want to set the resolution, this could depend on your specific purpose map.Layers.Add(CreatePointLayer()); map.Layers.Add(CreateLayer()); map.Layers.Add(CreateLineStringLayer()); map.Layers.Add(new RasterizingLayer(CreateRandomPointLayer()));//, pixelDensity: pixelDensity)); //map.Layers.Add(CreateMbTilesLayer()); //mapView.Map.Layers.Add(CreateLineStringLayer()); //mapView.Map.Viewport.Center = new Mapsui.Geometries.Point(-46.4, -23.2); //mapView.Rotation = false; // mapView.UnSnapRotationDegrees = 30; //mapView.ReSnapRotationDegrees = 5; //mapView.ev += OnPinClicked; //mapView.MapClicked += OnMapClicked; // UI.Forms.Position()); // mapView.Info += MapView_Info; //var abc = Task.Run(() => StartGPS()); //setup(mapView); //Clicker = c; map.Home = n => n.NavigateTo(sphericalMercatorCoordinate, map.Resolutions[9]); return(map); }