// Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        robot = GameObject.Find("baxter");
        snm   = GameObject.Find("TapForMoreSpheres").GetComponent <SphereNameManager>();

        try {
            int   num = snm.getSphereNum(this.transform.parent.gameObject);
            float xd  = this.transform.parent.transform.position.x - robot.transform.position.x;
            float yd  = this.transform.parent.transform.position.y - robot.transform.position.y;
            float zd  = this.transform.parent.transform.position.z - robot.transform.position.z;

            tm.text = "" + num + " " + xd + " " + yd + " " + zd;
        catch (Exception e) {
    public void OnInputClicked(InputClickedEventData eventData)
        // Increase the scale of the object just as a response.
        robot = GameObject.Find("baxter");
        gameObject.transform.localScale += 0.05f * gameObject.transform.localScale;

        string path = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "MyFile2.txt");

        using (TextWriter writer = File.CreateText(path)) {
            // TODO write text here
            //writer.WriteLine("hello here is a file i have made by eric");
            SphereNameManager            snm        = GameObject.Find("TapForMoreSpheres").GetComponent <SphereNameManager>();
            Dictionary <GameObject, int> sphereDict = snm.getDict();
            foreach (KeyValuePair <GameObject, int> sphere_num in sphereDict)
                //Now you can access the key and value both separately from this attachStat as:
                float  xd          = sphere_num.Key.transform.position.x - robot.transform.position.x;
                float  yd          = sphere_num.Key.transform.position.y - robot.transform.position.y;
                float  zd          = sphere_num.Key.transform.position.z - robot.transform.position.z;
                String sphere_name = sphere_num.Key.name;
                int    sphere_val  = sphere_num.Value;
                writer.WriteLine(sphere_val.ToString() + " " + sphere_name + " " + xd + " " + yd + " " + zd);

        string path2 = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "robot_test.txt");

        using (TextWriter writer = File.CreateText(path2)) {
            // TODO write text here
            //writer.WriteLine("hello here is a file i have made by eric");

            //Now you can access the key and value both separately from this attachStat as:
            float xd = robot.transform.position.x;
            float yd = robot.transform.position.y;
            float zd = robot.transform.position.z;

            float xr = robot.transform.rotation.x;
            float yr = robot.transform.rotation.y;
            float zr = robot.transform.rotation.z;
            writer.WriteLine(xd + " " + yd + " " + zd + " " + xr + " " + yr + " " + zr);

        eventData.Use(); // Mark the event as used, so it doesn't fall through to other handlers.