        public MainWindow()




            _world1.getForceRegistry().add(_particle1, _g);
            _world1.getForceRegistry().add(_particle2, _g);
            _world1.getForceRegistry().add(_particle3, _g);
            _world1.getForceRegistry().add(_particle4, _g);
            _world1.getForceRegistry().add(_particleUser, _g);
            _world1.getForceRegistry().add(_particleUser, _u);



            CompositionTarget.Rendering += UpdateChildren;
        public GameApplication(GameConfig game_cfg, GameWindow gameWindow)
            Config = game_cfg;

            _gameWindow = gameWindow;

            Width  = Config.WindowConfig.ScreenWidth;
            Height = Config.WindowConfig.ScreenHeight;

            _timer = new GameTimer();

            world1 = new ParticleWorld(300, 16);

            respawn = new ParticleRespawn(1, 3);
            //radialWind = new ParticleWind(new ge.Vec3(100.0f, 100.0f, 0.0f), 10000.0f, 10.0f);
            //radialWind2 = new ParticleWind(new ge.Vec3(500.0f, 300.0f, 0.0f), 6000.0f, 15.0f);

            particleArray = new Particle[particleCount + freeParticles];
            for (int i = 0; i < (particleCount + freeParticles); ++i)
                particleArray[i] = new Particle();

            particleGravityArray = new ParticleGravity[(particleCount + freeParticles)];
            //particleGravityArray2 = new ParticleGravity[(particleCount + freeParticles)];

            for (int i = 0; i < (particleCount + freeParticles); i++)

            groundContactGenerator = new GroundContact();

            particleRods = new ParticleRod[cablesCount];

            sphereContactGenerator = new SphereContact();

        private void Window_Initialized(object sender, EventArgs e)

            _pixelWidth  = (int)img.Width;
            _pixelHeight = (int)img.Height;

            int stride = (_pixelWidth * 32) / 8;

            lineTos = new lineToRender[] {
                new lineToRender()
                    from = 0, to = 16, buf = new byte[stride * 16]
                new lineToRender()
                    from = 16, to = 32, buf = new byte[stride * 16]
                new lineToRender()
                    from = 32, to = 48, buf = new byte[stride * 16]
                new lineToRender()
                    from = 48, to = 64, buf = new byte[stride * 16]
                new lineToRender()
                    from = 64, to = 80, buf = new byte[stride * 16]
                new lineToRender()
                    from = 80, to = 96, buf = new byte[stride * 16]
                new lineToRender()
                    from = 96, to = 112, buf = new byte[stride * 16]
                new lineToRender()
                    from = 112, to = 128, buf = new byte[stride * 16]
                new lineToRender()
                    from = 128, to = 144, buf = new byte[stride * 16]
                new lineToRender()
                    from = 144, to = 160, buf = new byte[stride * 16]
                new lineToRender()
                    from = 160, to = 176, buf = new byte[stride * 16]
                new lineToRender()
                    from = 176, to = 192, buf = new byte[stride * 16]
                new lineToRender()
                    from = 192, to = 200, buf = new byte[stride * 8]

            _wb     = new WriteableBitmap(_pixelWidth, _pixelHeight, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgra32, null);
            _rect   = new Int32Rect(0, 0, _pixelWidth, _pixelHeight);
            _pixels = new byte[_pixelWidth * _pixelHeight * _wb.Format.BitsPerPixel / 8];

            fillScreen(_pixels, new pBGRA(128, 128, 128, 255), _pixelWidth);
            printLine(_pixels, new pLine(0, 0, 64, 56), new pBGRA(195, 94, 65, 255), _pixelWidth);

            _stride = (_wb.PixelWidth * _wb.Format.BitsPerPixel) / 8;
            _wb.WritePixels(_rect, _pixels, _stride, 0);

            img.Source = _wb;

            // position, radius, surface color, reflectivity, transparency, emission color
            Sphere sphere1 = new Sphere(new Vec3f(0.0f, -10005, -20), 10000, new Vec3f(0.20f, 0.20f, 0.20f), 0, 0.0f);

            _particle1 = new Particlef(sphere1, new Vec3f(0.0f), INFINITY);

            Sphere sphere2 = new Sphere(new Vec3f(0.0f, 20, -20), 4.0f, new Vec3f(1.00f, 0.32f, 0.36f), 1, 0.9f);

            _particle2 = new Particlef(sphere2, new Vec3f(0.0f), 10.0f);

            Sphere sphere3 = new Sphere(new Vec3f(5.0f, 10, -15), 2, new Vec3f(0.90f, 0.76f, 0.46f), 1, 0.9f);

            _particle3 = new Particlef(sphere3, new Vec3f(0.0f), 10.0f);

            Sphere sphere4 = new Sphere(new Vec3f(5.0f, 10, -25), 3, new Vec3f(0.65f, 0.77f, 0.97f), 1, 0.9f);

            _particle4 = new Particlef(sphere4, new Vec3f(0.0f), 10.0f);

            Sphere sphere5 = new Sphere(new Vec3f(-5.5f, 10, -15), 3, new Vec3f(0.90f, 0.90f, 0.90f), 1, 0.0f);

            _particle5 = new Particlef(sphere5, new Vec3f(0.0f), 10.0f);

            Sphere sphere6 = new Sphere(new Vec3f(0.0f, 40, -21), 6.0f, new Vec3f(0.92f, 0.36f, 0.26f), 1, 0.9f);

            _particle6 = new Particlef(sphere6, new Vec3f(0.0f), 10.0f);

            Sphere sphere7 = new Sphere(new Vec3f(5.0f, 30, -15), 2, new Vec3f(0.76f, 0.72f, 0.36f), 1, 0.9f);

            _particle7 = new Particlef(sphere7, new Vec3f(0.0f), 10.0f);

            Sphere sphere8 = new Sphere(new Vec3f(5.0f, 30, -25), 3, new Vec3f(0.65f, 0.77f, 0.97f), 1, 0.9f);

            _particle8 = new Particlef(sphere8, new Vec3f(0.0f), 10.0f);

            Sphere sphere9 = new Sphere(new Vec3f(-5.5f, 30, -15), 3, new Vec3f(0.60f, 0.60f, 0.60f), 1, 0.9f);

            _particle9 = new Particlef(sphere9, new Vec3f(0.0f), 10.0f);

            // light
            _spheres.Add(new Sphere(new Vec3f(20.0f, 30, -40), 3, new Vec3f(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f), 0, 0.0f, new Vec3f(3.0f, 3.0f, 3.0f)));




            _world1.getForceRegistry().add(_particle1, _g);
            _world1.getForceRegistry().add(_particle2, _g);
            _world1.getForceRegistry().add(_particle3, _g);
            _world1.getForceRegistry().add(_particle4, _g);
            _world1.getForceRegistry().add(_particle5, _g);

            _world1.getForceRegistry().add(_particle6, _g);
            _world1.getForceRegistry().add(_particle7, _g);
            _world1.getForceRegistry().add(_particle8, _g);
            _world1.getForceRegistry().add(_particle9, _g);



            CompositionTarget.Rendering += UpdateChildren;