//<Snippet2> private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { IList dictionaries = SpellCheck.GetCustomDictionaries(richTextBox1); // customwords2.lex is included as a resource file dictionaries.Add(new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/WPFCustomDictionary;component/customwords2.lex")); }
public DictionaryForm() { CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; InitializeComponent(); //Initialize all Form components. spellingChecker = new SpellCheck(); //Create a new spell checker object. theHeadword = new Headword(); setupSQL(); // Create a SQL DATABASE if one doesn't exist; // Create a clock for the application. clockSetup(); // Initialize semantic and social fields by reading // in the values from the class and populating the ComboBoxes. semanticSocial = new SemanticSocial(); for (int i = 0; i < semanticSocial.ListCount; i++) { lb_Semantics.Items.Add(semanticSocial[i].Semantic); lb_SocialUsage.Items.Add(semanticSocial[i].Social); } // Set the first item to be selected/highlighted in the GUI. lb_Semantics.SelectedIndex = 0; lb_SocialUsage.SelectedIndex = 0; }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Application.Init(); //Create the Window Window myWin = new Window("GtkSpell# Sample App"); myWin.Resize(200,200); //Create a TextView TextView myTextView = new TextView(); SpellCheck mySpellCheck; //Bind GtkSpell to our textview if (args.Length > 0) mySpellCheck = new SpellCheck(myTextView, args[0]); else mySpellCheck = new SpellCheck(myTextView, "en-us"); //spellCheck.Detach(); //spellCheck.(); //Add the TextView to the form myWin.Add(myTextView); //Show Everything myWin.ShowAll(); myWin.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler(delete); Application.Run(); }
//Parametr int zawiera informację do jakiej zakladki będzie RTB ladowany. //I w zależności od tego będą różne funkcje przypisywane do przycisku BtnSave. //1 - Strona_RichTextBox ładowany do zakłdaki WIZYTA //2 - Strona_RichTextBox ładowany do zakłdaki HISTORIA //3 - Strona_RichTextBox ładowany do zakłdaki SKIEROWANIA #endregion public Strona_RichTextBox(StronaWizyta_Zestawienie page, int parametrStrony) { try { InitializeComponent(); stronaWizyta_Zestawienie = page; this.parametrStrony = parametrStrony; cmbFontFamily.ItemsSource = Fonts.SystemFontFamilies.OrderBy(f => f.Source); cmbFontFamily.FontSize = 16; cmbFontSize.ItemsSource = new List <double>() { 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72 }; cmbFontSize.FontSize = 16; SpellCheck.SetIsEnabled(rtbEditor, true); dictionaries = SpellCheck.GetCustomDictionaries(rtbEditor); dictionaries.Add(new Uri(adresSlownika)); rtbEditor.ContextMenu = GetContextMenu(); //Drag&Drop rtbEditor.AddHandler(RichTextBox.DragOverEvent, new DragEventHandler(RichTextBox_DragOver), true); rtbEditor.AddHandler(RichTextBox.DropEvent, new DragEventHandler(RichTextBox_Drop), true); rtbEditor.Padding = new Thickness(margines); rtbEditor.AllowDrop = true; gdZamien.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessage(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources. /// </summary> /// <param name="disposing"><c>true</c> to release both managed and unmanaged resources; <c>false</c> to release only unmanaged resources.</param> protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { // unsubscribe to the event where a user wishes to correct a // misspelled word via the context menu.. SpellCheck.UserWordReplace -= SpellCheck_UserWordReplace; // unsubscribe to the Scintilla text changed event.. Scintilla.TextChanged -= Scintilla_TextChanged; SpellCheck.WordAddDictionaryRequested -= SpellCheck_WordAddDictionaryOrIgnoreRequested; SpellCheck.WordIgnoreRequested -= SpellCheck_WordAddDictionaryOrIgnoreRequested; // save the user's dictionary to a file.. SpellCheck.SaveUserDictionaryToFile(UserDictionaryFile); // save the user's ignore word list to a file.. SpellCheck.SaveUserWordIgnoreListToFile(UserIgnoreWordFile); // dispose of the ScintillaSpellCheck class.. using (SpellCheck) { SpellCheck = null; // empty using clause is ugly :-( } } }
public DictionaryForm() { InitializeComponent(); //Initialize all Form components. spellingChecker = new SpellCheck(); //Create a new spell checker object. theHeadword = new Headword(); CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; // Create a clock for the application. timer = new Timer(); timer.Start(); // Start the timer. timer.Interval = 1000; // Set the interval to 1 second. timer.Tick += delegate // Add an event handler to the Tick event. { // Call getTime to get and format the time. // Also, change the display. string time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); l_clock.Text = time; // Set the time on the Form. }; // Initialize semantic and social fields by reading // in the values from the class and populating the ComboBoxes. semanticSocial = new SemanticSocial(); for (int i = 0; i < semanticSocial.ListCount; i++) { lb_Semantics.Items.Add(semanticSocial[i].Semantic); lb_SocialUsage.Items.Add(semanticSocial[i].Social); } // Set the first item to be selected/highlighted in the GUI. lb_Semantics.SelectedIndex = 0; lb_SocialUsage.SelectedIndex = 0; }
public WordLogic() { dataAccess = DatabaseFactory.CreateWordlistDatabase(); InitWordList(); spellCheck = new SpellCheck(WordList); wordNormalizer = new WordNormalizer(); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); //myTextBox.SpellCheck.IsEnabled = true; SpellCheck.SetIsEnabled(textBoxBase: myTextBox, value: true); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the SpellCheck attr. /// </summary> /// <param name="spellCheck">The spellCheck.</param> /// <returns> /// The VTag instance /// </returns> public VTag SetSpellCheckAttr(SpellCheck spellCheck) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(spellCheck.ToString())) { return this.AddAttribute(WellKnownXNames.SpellCheck, spellCheck.ToString()); } return this.RemoveAttribute(WellKnownXNames.SpellCheck); }
private void SpellCheckCheckBox_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { RibbonCheckBox checkbox = sender as RibbonCheckBox; if (checkbox != null && MainTextBox != null) // Can happen on initial XAML load. { SpellCheck.SetIsEnabled(MainTextBox, checkbox.IsChecked.Value); } }
void SetSpellCheck(Word word, SpellCheck check) { if (wordChecker.ContainsKey(word)) { wordChecker[word] = check; } else { wordChecker.Add(word, check); } }
public TextInput() { InitializeComponent(); // <TextBox SpellCheck.IsEnabled="True"/> // This is a special hack for Textbox only. //richTextBox.SpellCheck.IsEnabled = true; // This is how natuarally the ZAML synatax is interprested. SpellCheck.SetIsEnabled(richTextBox, true); }
public Window1() { InitializeComponent(); // Xaml: // <TextBox Width="300" SpellCheck.IsEnabled="True" /> //myTextBox.SpellCheck.IsEnabled = true; SpellCheck.SetIsEnabled(myTextBox, true); }
public DemonSpellRepository(Unit caster) { Spell corruption = new Spell("Corruption", 0.3 * caster.MaxMana); Spell shadowBlast = new Spell("Shadow Blast", 0.3 * caster.MaxMana); Spell eyeOfTheVoid = new Spell("Eye Of The Void", 0.2 * caster.MaxMana); Spell rippingHellFire = new Spell("Ripping Hell-Fire", 0.8 * caster.MaxMana); spells = new List <Spell>(); spellCheck = new SpellCheck(); spells.Add(corruption); spells.Add(shadowBlast); spells.Add(eyeOfTheVoid); spells.Add(rippingHellFire); }
public void _11_DescriptionTextBox_ShouldBeConfiguredCorrectly() { AssertHasFormControls(); Assert.That(_descriptionTextBox.TextWrapping, Is.EqualTo(TextWrapping.Wrap), "Text must be wrapped."); Assert.That(_descriptionTextBox.AcceptsReturn, Is.True, "It must be possible to type multiple lines of text."); var invalidLanguageMessage = "The language for spell checking should be flemish (belgian dutch)."; Assert.That(_descriptionTextBox.Language, Is.Not.Null, invalidLanguageMessage); Assert.That(_descriptionTextBox.Language.IetfLanguageTag, Is.EqualTo("nl-be").IgnoreCase, invalidLanguageMessage); Assert.That(SpellCheck.GetIsEnabled(_descriptionTextBox), Is.True, "Spell checking must be enabled."); }
public ShamanSpellRepository(Unit caster) { Spell thunderStrike = new Spell("Thunder Strike", 0.5 * caster.MaxMana); Spell earthStrike = new Spell("Earth Strike", 0.5 * caster.MaxMana); Spell flameStrike = new Spell("Flame Strike", 0.25 * caster.MaxMana); Spell waterStrike = new Spell("Water Strike", 0.25 * caster.MaxMana); spells = new List <Spell>(); spellCheck = new SpellCheck(); spells.Add(thunderStrike); spells.Add(earthStrike); spells.Add(flameStrike); spells.Add(waterStrike); }
public GryphonSpellRepository(Unit caster) { Spell divingClaw = new Spell("Diving Claw", 0.3 * caster.MaxMana); Spell petrifyingGaze = new Spell("Petryfying Gaze", 0.5 * caster.MaxMana); Spell gust = new Spell("Gust", 0.3 * caster.MaxMana); Spell peck = new Spell("Peck", 0.2 * caster.MaxMana); spells = new List <Spell>(); spellCheck = new SpellCheck(); spells.Add(divingClaw); spells.Add(petrifyingGaze); spells.Add(gust); spells.Add(peck); }
public WyrmSpellRepository(Unit caster) { Spell tidalSlash = new Spell("Tidal Slash", 0.15 * caster.MaxMana); Spell dive = new Spell("Dive", 0.3 * caster.MaxMana); Spell hyperSpeed = new Spell("Hyper Speed", 0.3 * caster.MaxMana); Spell thunder = new Spell("Thunder", 0.5 * caster.MaxMana); spells = new List <Spell>(); spellCheck = new SpellCheck(); spells.Add(tidalSlash); spells.Add(dive); spells.Add(hyperSpeed); spells.Add(thunder); }
public SkeletonSpellRepository(Unit caster) { Spell tombStone = new Spell("Tombstone", 0.3 * caster.MaxMana); Spell wrathOfTheNecropolis = new Spell("Wrath Of The Necropolis", 0.5 * caster.MaxMana); Spell suffocation = new Spell("Suffocation", 0.3 * caster.MaxMana); Spell horrifyingScream = new Spell("Horrifying Scream", 0.3 * caster.MaxMana); spells = new List <Spell>(); spellCheck = new SpellCheck(); spells.Add(tombStone); spells.Add(wrathOfTheNecropolis); spells.Add(suffocation); spells.Add(horrifyingScream); }
public GiantSpellRepository(Unit caster) { Spell overGrowth = new Spell("Overgrowth", 0.4 * caster.MaxMana); Spell calmingMind = new Spell("Calming Mind", 0.1 * caster.MaxMana); Spell ragingMind = new Spell("Raging Mind", 0.5 * caster.MaxMana); Spell overpoweringFist = new Spell("Overpowering Fist", 0.5 * caster.MaxMana); spells = new List <Spell>(); spellCheck = new SpellCheck(); spells.Add(overGrowth); spells.Add(calmingMind); spells.Add(ragingMind); spells.Add(overpoweringFist); }
public ZombieSpellRepository(Unit caster) { Spell infectingBite = new Spell("Infecting Bite", 0.4 * caster.MaxMana); Spell feed = new Spell("Feed", 0.5 * caster.MaxMana); Spell mutation = new Spell("Mutation", 0.5 * caster.MaxMana); Spell decay = new Spell("Decay", 0.1 * caster.MaxMana); spells = new List <Spell>(); spellCheck = new SpellCheck(); spells.Add(infectingBite); spells.Add(feed); spells.Add(mutation); spells.Add(decay); }
public SaintSpellRepository(Unit caster) { Spell sacredWords = new Spell("Sacred Words", 0.4 * caster.MaxMana); Spell illumination = new Spell("Illumination", 0.3 * caster.MaxMana); Spell holySmite = new Spell("Holy Smite", 0.15 * caster.MaxMana); Spell judgementDay = new Spell("Judgement Day", 0.5 * caster.MaxMana); spells = new List <Spell>(); spellCheck = new SpellCheck(); spells.Add(sacredWords); spells.Add(illumination); spells.Add(holySmite); spells.Add(judgementDay); }
public ReptileSpellRepository(Unit caster) { Spell poisonSpit = new Spell("Poison Spit", 0.3 * caster.MaxMana); Spell reflectingScales = new Spell("Reflelcting Scales", 0.3 * caster.MaxMana); Spell skinChange = new Spell("Skin Change", 0.4 * caster.MaxMana); Spell scratch = new Spell("Scratch", 0.15 * caster.MaxMana); spells = new List <Spell>(); spellCheck = new SpellCheck(); spells.Add(poisonSpit); spells.Add(reflectingScales); spells.Add(skinChange); spells.Add(scratch); }
public BeastSpellRepository(Unit caster) { Spell furiousRoar = new Spell("Furious Roar", 0.2 * caster.MaxMana); Spell bite = new Spell("Bite", 0.2 * caster.MaxMana); Spell thickHide = new Spell("Thick Hide", 0.5 * caster.MaxMana); Spell lickWounds = new Spell("Lick Wounds", 0.4 * caster.MaxMana); spells = new List <Spell>(); spellCheck = new SpellCheck(); spells.Add(furiousRoar); spells.Add(bite); spells.Add(thickHide); spells.Add(lickWounds); }
protected override void OnPropertyChanged(LimeProperty prop, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.PropertyName)) { wxValidation.Source = prop; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.PropertyName) || e.PropertyName == "Multiline") { if (prop != null && prop.Multiline) { wxMain.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; wxMain.MaxLines = 5; if (prop.Type == typeof(string)) { wxMain.SetBinding(SpellCheck.IsEnabledProperty, new Binding("SpellCheck") { Source = Global.User }); } else { SpellCheck.SetIsEnabled(wxMain, false); } ToolTip = null; } else { wxMain.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.NoWrap; SpellCheck.SetIsEnabled(wxMain, false); if (HeaderEnabled) { wxMain.SetBinding(ToolTipProperty, new Binding("Text") { RelativeSource = new RelativeSource(RelativeSourceMode.Self) }); } else { ToolTip = null; } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.PropertyName) || e.PropertyName == "ReadOnly") { wxMain.IsReadOnly = ReadOnly || (prop != null && prop.ReadOnly); } }
public void Exec() { Console.WriteLine("\nSlovník obsahuje: {0} slov.", SpellCheck.LoadWords(VocabularyPath).Count); Console.WriteLine(); string cmd = string.Empty; do { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.Write("> "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; cmd = Console.ReadLine(); ProcessCommand(cmd); } while (cmd != Manager._CMD_QUIT); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Manager manager = new Manager(); SpellCheck spellcheck = new SpellCheck(1, 1, 1); if (args.Length == 2) { manager.SetInput(args[1]); manager.SetVocabulary(args[0]); manager.Exec(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Program musí být spuštěn se dvěma parametry: program <slovník.txt> <text.txt>"); } }
public void TestIsValidWord() { SpellCheck spellChecker = new SpellCheck(); spellChecker.loadWords(@"C:\Users\brett\source\repos\Tweetcabulary\Tweetcabulary\English.dic"); Assert.IsTrue(spellChecker.IsValidWord("toast")); Assert.IsTrue(spellChecker.IsValidWord("platitudinous")); Assert.IsTrue(spellChecker.IsValidWord("Platitudinous")); Assert.IsTrue(spellChecker.IsValidWord("xylophone")); Assert.IsFalse(spellChecker.IsValidWord("")); Assert.IsFalse(spellChecker.IsValidWord(" ")); Assert.IsFalse(spellChecker.IsValidWord("fakeword")); Assert.IsFalse(spellChecker.IsValidWord("platitoodinous")); Assert.IsFalse(spellChecker.IsValidWord("toastt")); }
private void DialogCircuitLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ControlTemplate template = this.category.Template; if (template != null) { if (template.FindName("PART_EditableTextBox", this.category) is TextBox textBox) { SpellCheck spellCheck = textBox.SpellCheck; if (spellCheck != null) { spellCheck.IsEnabled = true; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of SmartTextBox. /// </summary> public SmartTextBox() { // Make sure that spellchecking is active for this TextBox. SpellCheck.SetIsEnabled(this, true); // Initialize the ListBox which displays suggestions. this.suggestionList = new ListBox(); ScrollViewer.SetVerticalScrollBarVisibility(this.suggestionList, ScrollBarVisibility.Hidden); this.suggestionList.IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged += suggestionList_IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged; this.suggestionList.ItemContainerGenerator.StatusChanged += suggestionList_ItemContainerGenerator_StatusChanged; this.suggestionList.MouseDoubleClick += suggestionList_MouseDoubleClick; this.suggestionList.PreviewKeyDown += suggestionList_PreviewKeyDown; // Initialize the adorner which shows the Listbox. this.adorner = new UIElementAdorner(this, this.suggestionList); }
public ChatSubpageBase() : base("FileFind.Meshwork.GtkClient.meshwork.glade", "ChatRoomWindow") { base.FocusGrabbed += base_FocusGrabbed; try { spellCheck = new SpellCheck(inputTextView, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name); } catch (Exception ex) { Core.LoggingService.LogWarning("Spell check is not avaliable because: " + ex.ToString()); } TextTag myBoldTag = new TextTag("Bold"); myBoldTag.Weight = Pango.Weight.Bold; TextTag nobodysTimeTag = new TextTag("NobodysTime"); nobodysTimeTag.SizePoints = 7; TextTag myTimeTag = new TextTag("MyTime"); myTimeTag.Foreground = "darkblue"; myTimeTag.SizePoints = 7; TextTag otherTimeTag = new TextTag("OtherTime"); otherTimeTag.Foreground = "darkred"; otherTimeTag.SizePoints = 7; TextTag myNickTag = new TextTag("MyNickname"); myNickTag.Foreground = "darkblue"; myNickTag.Weight = Pango.Weight.Bold; TextTag otherNickTag = new TextTag("OtherNickname"); otherNickTag.Foreground = "darkred"; otherNickTag.Weight = Pango.Weight.Bold; chatTextView.Buffer.TagTable.Add(myBoldTag); chatTextView.Buffer.TagTable.Add(nobodysTimeTag); chatTextView.Buffer.TagTable.Add(myTimeTag); chatTextView.Buffer.TagTable.Add(otherTimeTag); chatTextView.Buffer.TagTable.Add(myNickTag); chatTextView.Buffer.TagTable.Add(otherNickTag); }
private void OnApplyTemplate() { _passwordBox.ApplyTemplate(); TextBox = _passwordBox.GetTemplateChild <TextBox>(nameof(TextBox)); if (TextBox != null) { TextBox.IsUndoEnabled = false; SpellCheck.SetIsEnabled(TextBox, false); TextBox.CommandBindings.Add(TextBoxCutBinding); TextBox.CommandBindings.Add(TextBoxCopyBinding); TextBox.TextChanged += OnTextBoxTextChanged; UpdateTextBox(); } UpdateVisualState(false); }
public ChatSubpageBase() : base("FileFind.Meshwork.GtkClient.meshwork.glade", "ChatRoomWindow") { base.FocusGrabbed += base_FocusGrabbed; try { spellCheck = new SpellCheck (inputTextView, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogWarning("Spell check is not avaliable because: " + ex.ToString()); } TextTag myBoldTag = new TextTag ("Bold"); myBoldTag.Weight = Pango.Weight.Bold; TextTag nobodysTimeTag = new TextTag ("NobodysTime"); nobodysTimeTag.SizePoints = 7; TextTag myTimeTag = new TextTag ("MyTime"); myTimeTag.Foreground = "darkblue"; myTimeTag.SizePoints = 7; TextTag otherTimeTag = new TextTag ("OtherTime"); otherTimeTag.Foreground = "darkred"; otherTimeTag.SizePoints = 7; TextTag myNickTag = new TextTag ("MyNickname"); myNickTag.Foreground = "darkblue"; myNickTag.Weight = Pango.Weight.Bold; TextTag otherNickTag = new TextTag ("OtherNickname"); otherNickTag.Foreground = "darkred"; otherNickTag.Weight = Pango.Weight.Bold; chatTextView.Buffer.TagTable.Add (myBoldTag); chatTextView.Buffer.TagTable.Add (nobodysTimeTag); chatTextView.Buffer.TagTable.Add (myTimeTag); chatTextView.Buffer.TagTable.Add (otherTimeTag); chatTextView.Buffer.TagTable.Add (myNickTag); chatTextView.Buffer.TagTable.Add (otherNickTag); }