protected virtual void CalculateSegPos(ushort vehicleID, ref Vehicle vehicleData, PathUnit.Position position, uint laneID, byte offset, out Vector3 pos, out Vector3 dir, out float maxSpeed) { NetManager instance = Singleton <NetManager> .instance; instance.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)laneID)].CalculatePositionAndDirection((float)offset * 0.003921569f, out pos, out dir); NetInfo info = instance.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)position.m_segment].Info; if (info.m_lanes != null && info.m_lanes.Length > (int)position.m_lane) { var laneSpeedLimit = SpeedLimitManager.GetLockFreeGameSpeedLimit(position.m_segment, position.m_lane, laneID, info.m_lanes[position.m_lane]); maxSpeed = this.CalculateTargetSpeed(vehicleID, ref vehicleData, laneSpeedLimit, instance.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)laneID)].m_curve); } else { maxSpeed = this.CalculateTargetSpeed(vehicleID, ref vehicleData, 1f, 0f); } }
public void CustomCalculateSegmentPositionPathFinder(ushort vehicleId, ref Vehicle vehicleData, PathUnit.Position position, uint laneId, byte offset, out Vector3 pos, out Vector3 dir, out float maxSpeed) { var netManager = Singleton <NetManager> .instance; netManager.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)laneId)].CalculatePositionAndDirection(offset * 0.003921569f, out pos, out dir); var info = netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[position.m_segment].Info; if (info.m_lanes != null && info.m_lanes.Length > position.m_lane) { var laneSpeedLimit = SpeedLimitManager.GetLockFreeGameSpeedLimit(position.m_segment, position.m_lane, laneId, info.m_lanes[position.m_lane]); //info.m_lanes[position.m_lane].m_speedLimit; maxSpeed = CalculateTargetSpeed(vehicleId, ref vehicleData, laneSpeedLimit, netManager.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)laneId)].m_curve); } else { maxSpeed = CalculateTargetSpeed(vehicleId, ref vehicleData, 1f, 0f); } maxSpeed = CalcMaxSpeed(vehicleId, ref vehicleData, position, pos, maxSpeed, IsRecklessDriver(vehicleId, ref vehicleData)); }
public void CustomCalculateSegmentPosition(ushort vehicleId, ref Vehicle vehicleData, PathUnit.Position nextPosition, PathUnit.Position position, uint laneID, byte offset, PathUnit.Position prevPos, uint prevLaneID, byte prevOffset, int index, out Vector3 pos, out Vector3 dir, out float maxSpeed) { var netManager = Singleton <NetManager> .instance; //var vehicleManager = Singleton<VehicleManager>.instance; netManager.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)laneID)].CalculatePositionAndDirection(offset * 0.003921569f, out pos, out dir); bool isRecklessDriver = IsRecklessDriver(vehicleId, ref vehicleData); var lastFrameData = vehicleData.GetLastFrameData(); var lastFrameVehiclePos = lastFrameData.m_position; var camPos = Camera.main.transform.position; bool simulatePrioritySigns = (lastFrameVehiclePos - camPos).sqrMagnitude < FarLod && !isRecklessDriver; if (Options.simAccuracy <= 0) { if (vehicleData.Info.m_vehicleType == VehicleInfo.VehicleType.Car) { VehiclePosition vehiclePos = TrafficPriority.GetVehiclePosition(vehicleId); if (vehiclePos.Valid && simulatePrioritySigns) // TODO check if this should be !vehiclePos.Valid { try { CustomVehicleAI.HandleVehicle(vehicleId, ref Singleton <VehicleManager> .instance.m_vehicles.m_buffer[vehicleId], false, false); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("CarAI TmCalculateSegmentPosition Error: " + e.ToString()); } } } else { //Log._Debug($"TmCalculateSegmentPosition does not handle vehicles of type {vehicleData.Info.m_vehicleType}"); } } // I think this is supposed to be the lane position? // [VN, 12/23/2015] It's the 3D car position on the Bezier curve of the lane. // This crazy 0.003921569f equals to 1f/255 and prevOffset is the byte value (0..255) of the car position. var vehiclePosOnBezier = netManager.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)prevLaneID)].CalculatePosition(prevOffset * 0.003921569f); //ushort currentSegmentId = netManager.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)prevLaneID)].m_segment; ushort destinationNodeId; ushort sourceNodeId; if (offset < position.m_offset) { destinationNodeId = netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[position.m_segment].m_startNode; sourceNodeId = netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[position.m_segment].m_endNode; } else { destinationNodeId = netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[position.m_segment].m_endNode; sourceNodeId = netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[position.m_segment].m_startNode; } var previousDestinationNode = prevOffset == 0 ? netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[prevPos.m_segment].m_startNode : netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[prevPos.m_segment].m_endNode; // this seems to be like the required braking force in order to stop the vehicle within its half length. var crazyValue = 0.5f * lastFrameData.m_velocity.sqrMagnitude / m_info.m_braking + m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_size.z * 0.5f; // Essentially, this is true if the car has enough time and space to brake (e.g. for a red traffic light) if (destinationNodeId == previousDestinationNode) { if (Vector3.Distance(lastFrameVehiclePos, vehiclePosOnBezier) >= crazyValue - 1f) { var currentFrameIndex = Singleton <SimulationManager> .instance.m_currentFrameIndex; var num5 = (uint)((previousDestinationNode << 8) / 32768); var num6 = currentFrameIndex - num5 & 255u; var nodeFlags = netManager.m_nodes.m_buffer[destinationNodeId].m_flags; var prevLaneFlags = (NetLane.Flags)netManager.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)prevLaneID)].m_flags; var hasTrafficLight = (nodeFlags & NetNode.Flags.TrafficLights) != NetNode.Flags.None; var hasCrossing = (nodeFlags & NetNode.Flags.LevelCrossing) != NetNode.Flags.None; var isJoinedJunction = (prevLaneFlags & NetLane.Flags.JoinedJunction) != NetLane.Flags.None; bool checkSpace = !Flags.getEnterWhenBlockedAllowed(prevPos.m_segment, netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[prevPos.m_segment].m_startNode == destinationNodeId) && !isRecklessDriver; //TrafficLightSimulation nodeSim = TrafficLightSimulation.GetNodeSimulation(destinationNodeId); /*if (timedNode != null && timedNode.vehiclesMayEnterBlockedJunctions) { * checkSpace = false; * }*/ if (checkSpace) { // check if there is enough space if ((nodeFlags & (NetNode.Flags.Junction | NetNode.Flags.OneWayOut | NetNode.Flags.OneWayIn)) == NetNode.Flags.Junction && netManager.m_nodes.m_buffer[destinationNodeId].CountSegments() != 2) { var len = vehicleData.CalculateTotalLength(vehicleId) + 2f; if (!netManager.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)laneID)].CheckSpace(len)) { var sufficientSpace = false; if (nextPosition.m_segment != 0 && netManager.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)laneID)].m_length < 30f) { var flags3 = netManager.m_nodes.m_buffer[sourceNodeId].m_flags; if ((flags3 & (NetNode.Flags.Junction | NetNode.Flags.OneWayOut | NetNode.Flags.OneWayIn)) != NetNode.Flags.Junction || netManager.m_nodes.m_buffer[sourceNodeId].CountSegments() == 2) { var laneId2 = PathManager.GetLaneID(nextPosition); if (laneId2 != 0u) { sufficientSpace = netManager.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)laneId2)].CheckSpace(len); } } } if (!sufficientSpace) { maxSpeed = 0f; return; } } } } try { VehiclePosition globalTargetPos = TrafficPriority.GetVehiclePosition(vehicleId); if ((vehicleData.m_flags & Vehicle.Flags.Emergency2) == 0) { if (vehicleData.Info.m_vehicleType == VehicleInfo.VehicleType.Car) { if (hasTrafficLight && (!isJoinedJunction || hasCrossing)) { var destinationInfo = netManager.m_nodes.m_buffer[destinationNodeId].Info; if (globalTargetPos.CarState == VehicleJunctionTransitState.None) { globalTargetPos.CarState = VehicleJunctionTransitState.Enter; } RoadBaseAI.TrafficLightState vehicleLightState; RoadBaseAI.TrafficLightState pedestrianLightState; bool vehicles; bool pedestrians; CustomRoadAI.GetTrafficLightState(vehicleId, ref vehicleData, destinationNodeId, prevPos.m_segment, position.m_segment, ref netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[prevPos.m_segment], currentFrameIndex - num5, out vehicleLightState, out pedestrianLightState, out vehicles, out pedestrians); if (isRecklessDriver && (destinationInfo.GetConnectionClass().m_service & ItemClass.Service.PublicTransport) == ItemClass.Service.None) // no reckless driving at railroad crossings { vehicleLightState = RoadBaseAI.TrafficLightState.Green; } if (!vehicles && num6 >= 196u) { vehicles = true; RoadBaseAI.SetTrafficLightState(destinationNodeId, ref netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[prevPos.m_segment], currentFrameIndex - num5, vehicleLightState, pedestrianLightState, vehicles, pedestrians); } var stopCar = false; switch (vehicleLightState) { case RoadBaseAI.TrafficLightState.RedToGreen: if (num6 < 60u) { stopCar = true; } else { globalTargetPos.CarState = VehicleJunctionTransitState.Leave; } break; case RoadBaseAI.TrafficLightState.Red: stopCar = true; break; case RoadBaseAI.TrafficLightState.GreenToRed: if (num6 >= 30u) { stopCar = true; } else { globalTargetPos.CarState = VehicleJunctionTransitState.Leave; } break; } if ((vehicleLightState == RoadBaseAI.TrafficLightState.Green || vehicleLightState == RoadBaseAI.TrafficLightState.RedToGreen) && !Flags.getEnterWhenBlockedAllowed(prevPos.m_segment, netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[prevPos.m_segment].m_startNode == destinationNodeId)) { var hasIncomingCars = TrafficPriority.HasIncomingVehiclesWithHigherPriority(vehicleId, destinationNodeId); if (hasIncomingCars) { // green light but other cars are incoming and they have priority: stop stopCar = true; } } if (stopCar) { globalTargetPos.CarState = VehicleJunctionTransitState.Stop; maxSpeed = 0f; return; } } else if (simulatePrioritySigns) { #if DEBUG //bool debug = destinationNodeId == 10864; //bool debug = destinationNodeId == 13531; bool debug = false; #endif //bool debug = false; #if DEBUG if (debug) { Log._Debug($"Vehicle {vehicleId} is arriving @ seg. {prevPos.m_segment} ({position.m_segment}, {nextPosition.m_segment}), node {destinationNodeId} which is not a traffic light."); } #endif var prioritySegment = TrafficPriority.GetPrioritySegment(destinationNodeId, prevPos.m_segment); if (prioritySegment != null) { #if DEBUG if (debug) { Log._Debug($"Vehicle {vehicleId} is arriving @ seg. {prevPos.m_segment} ({position.m_segment}, {nextPosition.m_segment}), node {destinationNodeId} which is not a traffic light and is a priority segment."); } #endif if (prioritySegment.HasVehicle(vehicleId)) { #if DEBUG if (debug) { Log._Debug($"Vehicle {vehicleId}: segment target position found"); } #endif if (globalTargetPos.Valid) { #if DEBUG if (debug) { Log._Debug($"Vehicle {vehicleId}: global target position found. carState = {globalTargetPos.CarState.ToString()}"); } #endif var currentFrameIndex2 = Singleton <SimulationManager> .instance.m_currentFrameIndex; var frame = currentFrameIndex2 >> 4; if (globalTargetPos.CarState == VehicleJunctionTransitState.None) { globalTargetPos.CarState = VehicleJunctionTransitState.Enter; } if (globalTargetPos.CarState != VehicleJunctionTransitState.Leave) { bool hasIncomingCars; switch (prioritySegment.Type) { case SegmentEnd.PriorityType.Stop: #if DEBUG if (debug) { Log._Debug($"Vehicle {vehicleId}: STOP sign. waittime={globalTargetPos.WaitTime}, vel={lastFrameData.m_velocity.magnitude}"); } #endif if (globalTargetPos.WaitTime < MaxPriorityWaitTime) { globalTargetPos.CarState = VehicleJunctionTransitState.Stop; if (lastFrameData.m_velocity.magnitude < 0.5f || globalTargetPos.Stopped) { globalTargetPos.Stopped = true; globalTargetPos.WaitTime++; float minStopWaitTime = Random.Range(0f, 3f); if (globalTargetPos.WaitTime >= minStopWaitTime) { hasIncomingCars = TrafficPriority.HasIncomingVehiclesWithHigherPriority(vehicleId, destinationNodeId); #if DEBUG if (debug) { Log._Debug($"hasIncomingCars: {hasIncomingCars}"); } #endif if (hasIncomingCars) { maxSpeed = 0f; return; } globalTargetPos.CarState = VehicleJunctionTransitState.Leave; } else { maxSpeed = 0; return; } } else { maxSpeed = 0f; return; } } else { globalTargetPos.CarState = VehicleJunctionTransitState.Leave; } break; case SegmentEnd.PriorityType.Yield: #if DEBUG if (debug) { Log._Debug($"Vehicle {vehicleId}: YIELD sign. waittime={globalTargetPos.WaitTime}"); } #endif if (globalTargetPos.WaitTime < MaxPriorityWaitTime) { globalTargetPos.WaitTime++; globalTargetPos.CarState = VehicleJunctionTransitState.Stop; hasIncomingCars = TrafficPriority.HasIncomingVehiclesWithHigherPriority(vehicleId, destinationNodeId); #if DEBUG if (debug) { Log._Debug($"hasIncomingCars: {hasIncomingCars}"); } #endif if (hasIncomingCars) { if (lastFrameData.m_velocity.magnitude > 0) { maxSpeed = Math.Max(0f, lastFrameData.m_velocity.magnitude - globalTargetPos.ReduceSpeedByValueToYield); } else { maxSpeed = 0; } #if DEBUG /*if (TrafficPriority.Vehicles[vehicleId].ToNode == 8621) * Log.Message($"Vehicle {vehicleId} is yielding at node {destinationNodeId}. Speed: {maxSpeed}, Waiting time: {TrafficPriority.Vehicles[vehicleId].WaitTime}");*/ #endif return; } else { #if DEBUG /*if (TrafficPriority.Vehicles[vehicleId].ToNode == 8621) * Log.Message($"Vehicle {vehicleId} is NOT yielding at node {destinationNodeId}.");*/ #endif if (lastFrameData.m_velocity.magnitude > 0) { maxSpeed = Math.Max(1f, lastFrameData.m_velocity.magnitude - globalTargetPos.ReduceSpeedByValueToYield * 0.5f); } } globalTargetPos.CarState = VehicleJunctionTransitState.Leave; } else { globalTargetPos.CarState = VehicleJunctionTransitState.Leave; } break; case SegmentEnd.PriorityType.Main: #if DEBUG if (debug) { Log._Debug($"Vehicle {vehicleId}: MAIN sign. waittime={globalTargetPos.WaitTime}"); } #endif if (globalTargetPos.WaitTime < MaxPriorityWaitTime) { globalTargetPos.WaitTime++; globalTargetPos.CarState = VehicleJunctionTransitState.Stop; maxSpeed = 0f; hasIncomingCars = TrafficPriority.HasIncomingVehiclesWithHigherPriority(vehicleId, destinationNodeId); #if DEBUG if (debug) { Log._Debug($"hasIncomingCars: {hasIncomingCars}"); } #endif if (hasIncomingCars) { globalTargetPos.Stopped = true; return; } globalTargetPos.CarState = VehicleJunctionTransitState.Leave; globalTargetPos.Stopped = false; } var info3 = netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[position.m_segment].Info; if (info3.m_lanes != null && info3.m_lanes.Length > position.m_lane) { //maxSpeed = CalculateTargetSpeed(vehicleId, ref vehicleData, info3.m_lanes[position.m_lane].m_speedLimit, netManager.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)laneID)].m_curve) * 0.8f; maxSpeed = CalculateTargetSpeed(vehicleId, ref vehicleData, SpeedLimitManager.GetLockFreeGameSpeedLimit(position.m_segment, position.m_lane, laneID, info3.m_lanes[position.m_lane]), netManager.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)laneID)].m_curve); } else { maxSpeed = CalculateTargetSpeed(vehicleId, ref vehicleData, 1f, 0f); } return; } } else { globalTargetPos.CarState = VehicleJunctionTransitState.Leave; } } else { #if DEBUG if (debug) { Log._Debug($"globalTargetPos is null! {vehicleId} @ seg. {prevPos.m_segment} @ node {destinationNodeId}"); } #endif } } else { #if DEBUG if (debug) { Log._Debug($"targetPos is null! {vehicleId} @ seg. {prevPos.m_segment} @ node {destinationNodeId}"); } #endif } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error($"Error occured in TmCalculateSegmentPosition: {e.ToString()}"); } } } var info2 = netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[position.m_segment].Info; if (info2.m_lanes != null && info2.m_lanes.Length > position.m_lane) { var laneSpeedLimit = SpeedLimitManager.GetLockFreeGameSpeedLimit(position.m_segment, position.m_lane, laneID, info2.m_lanes[position.m_lane]); // info2.m_lanes[position.m_lane].m_speedLimit; #if DEBUG /*if (position.m_segment == 275) { * Log._Debug($"Applying lane speed limit of {laneSpeedLimit} to lane {laneID} @ seg. {position.m_segment}"); * }*/ #endif /*if (TrafficRoadRestrictions.IsSegment(position.m_segment)) { * var restrictionSegment = TrafficRoadRestrictions.GetSegment(position.m_segment); * * if (restrictionSegment.SpeedLimits[position.m_lane] > 0.1f) { * laneSpeedLimit = restrictionSegment.SpeedLimits[position.m_lane]; * } * }*/ maxSpeed = CalculateTargetSpeed(vehicleId, ref vehicleData, laneSpeedLimit, netManager.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)laneID)].m_curve); } else { maxSpeed = CalculateTargetSpeed(vehicleId, ref vehicleData, 1f, 0f); } maxSpeed = CalcMaxSpeed(vehicleId, ref vehicleData, position, pos, maxSpeed, isRecklessDriver); }
public void CustomSegmentSimulationStep(ushort segmentID, ref NetSegment data) { if (initDone) { try { TrafficPriority.segmentHousekeeping(segmentID); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error($"Error occured while housekeeping segment {segmentID}: " + e.ToString()); } if (!Options.isStockLaneChangerUsed()) { try { InStartupPhase = simStartFrame == 0 || simStartFrame >> 14 >= Singleton <SimulationManager> .instance.m_currentFrameIndex >> 14; // approx. 3 minutes // calculate traffic density uint curLaneId = data.m_lanes; int nextNumLanes = data.Info.m_lanes.Length; uint laneIndex = 0; bool firstWithTraffic = true; bool resetDensity = false; while (laneIndex < nextNumLanes && curLaneId != 0u) { uint buf = currentLaneTrafficBuffer[curLaneId]; uint currentDensities = currentLaneDensities[curLaneId]; //currentMeanDensity = (byte)Math.Min(100u, (uint)((currentDensities * 100u) / Math.Max(1u, maxDens))); // 0 .. 100 byte currentMeanSpeed = 25; // we use integer division here because it's faster if (buf > 0) { uint currentSpeeds = currentLaneSpeeds[curLaneId]; if (!InStartupPhase) { currentMeanSpeed = (byte)Math.Min(100u, ((currentSpeeds * 100u) / buf) / ((uint)(Math.Max(SpeedLimitManager.GetLockFreeGameSpeedLimit(segmentID, laneIndex, curLaneId, data.Info.m_lanes[laneIndex]) * 8f, 1f)))); // 0 .. 100, m_speedLimit of highway is 2, actual max. vehicle speed on highway is 16, that's why we use x*8 == x<<3 (don't ask why CO uses different units for velocity) } } else { if (!InStartupPhase) { currentMeanSpeed = 100; } } /*if (segmentID == 22980) { * Log._Debug($"Lane {curLaneId}: currentMeanSpeed={currentMeanSpeed} currentMeanDensity={currentMeanDensity}"); * }*/ if (currentMeanSpeed >= laneMeanSpeeds[curLaneId]) { laneMeanSpeeds[curLaneId] = (byte)Math.Min((int)laneMeanSpeeds[curLaneId] + 5, currentMeanSpeed); } else { laneMeanSpeeds[curLaneId] = (byte)Math.Max((int)laneMeanSpeeds[curLaneId] - 5, 0); } //laneMeanDensities[curLaneId] = currentMeanDensity; currentLaneTrafficBuffer[curLaneId] = 0; currentLaneSpeeds[curLaneId] = 0; if (currentLaneDensities[curLaneId] > 0 && firstWithTraffic) { resetDensity = (currentLaneDensities[curLaneId] > 1000000); firstWithTraffic = false; } if (resetDensity) { currentLaneDensities[curLaneId] /= 2u; } laneIndex++; curLaneId = Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_lanes.m_buffer[curLaneId].m_nextLane; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("Error occured while calculating lane traffic density: " + e.ToString()); } } } try { OriginalSimulationStep(segmentID, ref data); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Error in CustomRoadAI.SimulationStep: " + ex.ToString()); } }
public void CustomCalculateSegmentPosition(ushort vehicleId, ref Vehicle vehicleData, PathUnit.Position nextPosition, PathUnit.Position position, uint laneID, byte offset, PathUnit.Position prevPos, uint prevLaneID, byte prevOffset, int index, out Vector3 pos, out Vector3 dir, out float maxSpeed) { if (Options.simAccuracy <= 1) { try { VehicleStateManager.UpdateVehiclePos(vehicleId, ref vehicleData, ref prevPos, ref position); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("CarAI CustomCalculateSegmentPosition Error: " + e.ToString()); } } var netManager = Singleton <NetManager> .instance; //var vehicleManager = Singleton<VehicleManager>.instance; netManager.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)laneID)].CalculatePositionAndDirection(offset * 0.003921569f, out pos, out dir); Vehicle.Frame lastFrameData = vehicleData.GetLastFrameData(); Vector3 lastFrameVehiclePos = lastFrameData.m_position; var camPos = Camera.main.transform.position; #if DEBUG //bool isEmergency = VehicleStateManager._GetVehicleState(vehicleId).VehicleType == ExtVehicleType.Emergency; #endif // I think this is supposed to be the lane position? // [VN, 12/23/2015] It's the 3D car position on the Bezier curve of the lane. // This crazy 0.003921569f equals to 1f/255 and prevOffset is the byte value (0..255) of the car position. var vehiclePosOnBezier = netManager.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)prevLaneID)].CalculatePosition(prevOffset * 0.003921569f); //ushort currentSegmentId = netManager.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)prevLaneID)].m_segment; ushort targetNodeId; ushort nextTargetNodeId; if (offset < position.m_offset) { targetNodeId = netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[position.m_segment].m_startNode; nextTargetNodeId = netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[position.m_segment].m_endNode; } else { targetNodeId = netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[position.m_segment].m_endNode; nextTargetNodeId = netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[position.m_segment].m_startNode; } var prevTargetNodeId = prevOffset == 0 ? netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[prevPos.m_segment].m_startNode : netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[prevPos.m_segment].m_endNode; // this seems to be like the required braking force in order to stop the vehicle within its half length. var crazyValue = 0.5f * lastFrameData.m_velocity.sqrMagnitude / m_info.m_braking + m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_size.z * 0.5f; /*try { * VehicleStateManager.UpdateVehiclePos(vehicleId, ref vehicleData); * } catch (Exception e) { * Log.Error("CarAI TmCalculateSegmentPosition Error: " + e.ToString()); * }*/ bool isRecklessDriver = IsRecklessDriver(vehicleId, ref vehicleData); if (targetNodeId == prevTargetNodeId) { if (Vector3.Distance(lastFrameVehiclePos, vehiclePosOnBezier) >= crazyValue - 1f) { if (!CustomVehicleAI.MayChangeSegment(vehicleId, ref vehicleData, ref lastFrameData, isRecklessDriver, ref prevPos, prevTargetNodeId, prevLaneID, ref position, targetNodeId, laneID, ref nextPosition, nextTargetNodeId, out maxSpeed)) { return; } } } var info2 = netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[position.m_segment].Info; if (info2.m_lanes != null && info2.m_lanes.Length > position.m_lane) { var laneSpeedLimit = SpeedLimitManager.GetLockFreeGameSpeedLimit(position.m_segment, position.m_lane, laneID, info2.m_lanes[position.m_lane]); // info2.m_lanes[position.m_lane].m_speedLimit; #if DEBUG /*if (position.m_segment == 275) { * Log._Debug($"Applying lane speed limit of {laneSpeedLimit} to lane {laneID} @ seg. {position.m_segment}"); * }*/ #endif /*if (TrafficRoadRestrictions.IsSegment(position.m_segment)) { * var restrictionSegment = TrafficRoadRestrictions.GetSegment(position.m_segment); * * if (restrictionSegment.SpeedLimits[position.m_lane] > 0.1f) { * laneSpeedLimit = restrictionSegment.SpeedLimits[position.m_lane]; * } * }*/ maxSpeed = CalculateTargetSpeed(vehicleId, ref vehicleData, laneSpeedLimit, netManager.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)laneID)].m_curve); } else { maxSpeed = CalculateTargetSpeed(vehicleId, ref vehicleData, 1f, 0f); } maxSpeed = CalcMaxSpeed(vehicleId, ref vehicleData, position, pos, maxSpeed, isRecklessDriver); }
public void CustomCalculateSegmentPosition(ushort vehicleId, ref Vehicle vehicleData, PathUnit.Position nextPosition, PathUnit.Position position, uint laneID, byte offset, PathUnit.Position prevPos, uint prevLaneID, byte prevOffset, int index, out Vector3 pos, out Vector3 dir, out float maxSpeed) { if (Options.simAccuracy <= 1) { try { VehicleStateManager.UpdateVehiclePos(vehicleId, ref vehicleData, ref prevPos, ref position); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("TramAI CustomCalculateSegmentPosition Error: " + e.ToString()); } } NetManager netManager = Singleton <NetManager> .instance; netManager.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)laneID)].CalculatePositionAndDirection((float)offset * 0.003921569f, out pos, out dir); Vector3 b = netManager.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)prevLaneID)].CalculatePosition((float)prevOffset * 0.003921569f); Vehicle.Frame lastFrameData = vehicleData.GetLastFrameData(); Vector3 a = lastFrameData.m_position; Vector3 a2 = lastFrameData.m_position; Vector3 b2 = lastFrameData.m_rotation * new Vector3(0f, 0f, this.m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_wheelBase * 0.5f); a += b2; a2 -= b2; float crazyValue = 0.5f * lastFrameData.m_velocity.sqrMagnitude / this.m_info.m_braking; float a3 = Vector3.Distance(a, b); float b3 = Vector3.Distance(a2, b); if (Mathf.Min(a3, b3) >= crazyValue - 1f) { Segment3 segment; segment.a = pos; ushort targetNodeId; ushort nextTargetNodeId; if (offset < position.m_offset) { segment.b = pos + dir.normalized * this.m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_size.z; targetNodeId = netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)position.m_segment].m_startNode; nextTargetNodeId = netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)position.m_segment].m_endNode; } else { segment.b = pos - dir.normalized * this.m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_size.z; targetNodeId = netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)position.m_segment].m_endNode; nextTargetNodeId = netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)position.m_segment].m_startNode; } ushort prevTargetNodeId; if (prevOffset == 0) { prevTargetNodeId = netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)prevPos.m_segment].m_startNode; } else { prevTargetNodeId = netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)prevPos.m_segment].m_endNode; } if (targetNodeId == prevTargetNodeId) { if (!CustomVehicleAI.MayChangeSegment(vehicleId, ref vehicleData, ref lastFrameData, false, ref prevPos, prevTargetNodeId, prevLaneID, ref position, targetNodeId, laneID, ref nextPosition, nextTargetNodeId, out maxSpeed)) { return; } } } NetInfo info = netManager.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)position.m_segment].Info; if (info.m_lanes != null && info.m_lanes.Length > (int)position.m_lane) { //maxSpeed = this.CalculateTargetSpeed(vehicleID, ref vehicleData, info.m_lanes[(int)position.m_lane].m_speedLimit, instance.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)laneID)].m_curve); maxSpeed = CalculateTargetSpeed(vehicleId, ref vehicleData, SpeedLimitManager.GetLockFreeGameSpeedLimit(position.m_segment, position.m_lane, laneID, info.m_lanes[position.m_lane]), netManager.m_lanes.m_buffer[laneID].m_curve); } else { maxSpeed = this.CalculateTargetSpeed(vehicleId, ref vehicleData, 1f, 0f); } }
public void CustomCalculateSegmentPosition(ushort vehicleID, ref Vehicle vehicleData, PathUnit.Position nextPosition, PathUnit.Position position, uint laneID, byte offset, PathUnit.Position prevPos, uint prevLaneID, byte prevOffset, int index, out Vector3 pos, out Vector3 dir, out float maxSpeed) { NetManager instance = Singleton <NetManager> .instance; instance.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)laneID)].CalculatePositionAndDirection((float)offset * 0.003921569f, out pos, out dir); Vector3 b = instance.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)prevLaneID)].CalculatePosition((float)prevOffset * 0.003921569f); Vehicle.Frame lastFrameData = vehicleData.GetLastFrameData(); Vector3 a = lastFrameData.m_position; Vector3 a2 = lastFrameData.m_position; Vector3 b2 = lastFrameData.m_rotation * new Vector3(0f, 0f, this.m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_wheelBase * 0.5f); a += b2; a2 -= b2; float num = 0.5f * lastFrameData.m_velocity.sqrMagnitude / this.m_info.m_braking; float a3 = Vector3.Distance(a, b); float b3 = Vector3.Distance(a2, b); if (Mathf.Min(a3, b3) >= num - 1f) { Segment3 segment; segment.a = pos; ushort num2; ushort num3; if (offset < position.m_offset) { segment.b = pos + dir.normalized * this.m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_size.z; num2 = instance.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)position.m_segment].m_startNode; num3 = instance.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)position.m_segment].m_endNode; } else { segment.b = pos - dir.normalized * this.m_info.m_generatedInfo.m_size.z; num2 = instance.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)position.m_segment].m_endNode; num3 = instance.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)position.m_segment].m_startNode; } ushort num4; if (prevOffset == 0) { num4 = instance.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)prevPos.m_segment].m_startNode; } else { num4 = instance.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)prevPos.m_segment].m_endNode; } if (num2 == num4) { NetNode.Flags flags = instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[(int)num2].m_flags; NetLane.Flags flags2 = (NetLane.Flags)instance.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)prevLaneID)].m_flags; bool flag = (flags & NetNode.Flags.TrafficLights) != NetNode.Flags.None; bool flag2 = (flags & NetNode.Flags.LevelCrossing) != NetNode.Flags.None; bool flag3 = (flags2 & NetLane.Flags.JoinedJunction) != NetLane.Flags.None; bool checkSpace = !Options.allowEnterBlockedJunctions; // NON-STOCK CODE if (checkSpace && (flags & (NetNode.Flags.Junction | NetNode.Flags.OneWayOut | NetNode.Flags.OneWayIn)) == NetNode.Flags.Junction && instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[(int)num2].CountSegments() != 2) { float len = vehicleData.CalculateTotalLength(vehicleID) + 2f; if (!instance.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)laneID)].CheckSpace(len)) { bool flag4 = false; if (nextPosition.m_segment != 0 && instance.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)laneID)].m_length < 30f) { NetNode.Flags flags3 = instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[(int)num3].m_flags; if ((flags3 & (NetNode.Flags.Junction | NetNode.Flags.OneWayOut | NetNode.Flags.OneWayIn)) != NetNode.Flags.Junction || instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[(int)num3].CountSegments() == 2) { uint laneID2 = PathManager.GetLaneID(nextPosition); if (laneID2 != 0u) { flag4 = instance.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)laneID2)].CheckSpace(len); } } } if (!flag4) { maxSpeed = 0f; return; } } } if (flag && (!flag3 || flag2)) { uint currentFrameIndex = Singleton <SimulationManager> .instance.m_currentFrameIndex; uint num5 = (uint)(((int)num4 << 8) / 32768); uint num6 = currentFrameIndex - num5 & 255u; RoadBaseAI.TrafficLightState vehicleLightState; RoadBaseAI.TrafficLightState pedestrianLightState; bool flag5; bool pedestrians; /// NON-STOCK CODE START /// CustomRoadAI.GetTrafficLightState(vehicleID, ref vehicleData, num4, prevPos.m_segment, position.m_segment, ref instance.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)prevPos.m_segment], currentFrameIndex - num5, out vehicleLightState, out pedestrianLightState, out flag5, out pedestrians); /// NON-STOCK CODE END /// //RoadBaseAI.GetTrafficLightState(num4, ref instance.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)prevPos.m_segment], currentFrameIndex - num5, out vehicleLightState, out pedestrianLightState, out flag5, out pedestrians); if (!flag5 && num6 >= 196u) { flag5 = true; RoadBaseAI.SetTrafficLightState(num4, ref instance.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)prevPos.m_segment], currentFrameIndex - num5, vehicleLightState, pedestrianLightState, flag5, pedestrians); } switch (vehicleLightState) { case RoadBaseAI.TrafficLightState.RedToGreen: if (num6 < 60u) { maxSpeed = 0f; return; } break; case RoadBaseAI.TrafficLightState.Red: maxSpeed = 0f; return; case RoadBaseAI.TrafficLightState.GreenToRed: if (num6 >= 30u) { maxSpeed = 0f; return; } break; } } } } NetInfo info = instance.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)position.m_segment].Info; if (info.m_lanes != null && info.m_lanes.Length > (int)position.m_lane) { //maxSpeed = this.CalculateTargetSpeed(vehicleID, ref vehicleData, info.m_lanes[(int)position.m_lane].m_speedLimit, instance.m_lanes.m_buffer[(int)((UIntPtr)laneID)].m_curve); maxSpeed = CalculateTargetSpeed(vehicleID, ref vehicleData, SpeedLimitManager.GetLockFreeGameSpeedLimit(position.m_segment, position.m_lane, laneID, info.m_lanes[position.m_lane]), instance.m_lanes.m_buffer[laneID].m_curve); } else { maxSpeed = this.CalculateTargetSpeed(vehicleID, ref vehicleData, 1f, 0f); } }