        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> HR()
            var speechlet = new HRSpeechlet();

            var intent = new Intent()
                Name = "ServiceOfferingsIntent"
            var intentRequest = new IntentRequest("Apples", DateTime.Now, intent);

            var yx = await speechlet.OnIntentAsync(intentRequest, new Session());

            var x = new SpeechletResponseEnvelope()
                Version           = "1",
                Response          = yx,
                SessionAttributes = new Dictionary <string, string>()

            var httpResponseMessage2 = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
                Content = new StringContent(x, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")

        public void RenderTemplateDirective_BodyTemplate1()
            const string TestDataFile       = @"TestData\ResponseWithRenderTemplateDirectiveAndBodyTemplate1.json";
            var          expectedJSONObject = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(TestDataFile));

            var renderTemplateDirective = new RenderTemplateDirective();

            renderTemplateDirective.Template = new BodyTemplate1
                Title       = "Body Template Title",
                TextContent = new TextContent
                    PrimaryText = new TextContentItem
                        Text = "Hello world"

            var testResponse = new SpeechletResponse();


            var responseEnvelope = new SpeechletResponseEnvelope();

            responseEnvelope.Response = testResponse;
            var jsonResponse = responseEnvelope.ToJson();

            Assert.Equal(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expectedJSONObject), jsonResponse);
        public void RenderTemplateDirective_ListTemplate1()
            const string TestDataFile       = @"TestData\ResponseWithRenderTemplateDirectiveAndListTemplate1.json";
            var          expectedJSONObject = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(TestDataFile));

            var renderTemplateDirective = new RenderTemplateDirective();
            var listTemplate            = new ListTemplate1
                Title = "List Template 1 Title",
                Token = "listtemplate1token"

            AddListItemPlaceHolder(listTemplate, 1);
            AddListItemPlaceHolder(listTemplate, 2);
            AddListItemPlaceHolder(listTemplate, 3);
            renderTemplateDirective.Template = listTemplate;

            var testResponse = new SpeechletResponse();


            var responseEnvelope = new SpeechletResponseEnvelope();

            responseEnvelope.Response = testResponse;
            var jsonResponse = responseEnvelope.ToJson();

            Assert.Equal(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expectedJSONObject), jsonResponse);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestContent"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async virtual Task <string> DoProcessRequestAsync(SpeechletRequestEnvelope requestEnvelope)
            Session           session  = requestEnvelope.Session;
            SpeechletResponse response = null;

            // verify timestamp is within tolerance
            var diff = DateTime.UtcNow - requestEnvelope.Request.Timestamp;

            Debug.WriteLine("Request was timestamped {0:0.00} seconds ago.", diff.TotalSeconds);
            if (Math.Abs((decimal)diff.TotalSeconds) > Sdk.TIMESTAMP_TOLERANCE_SEC)

            // process launch request
            if (requestEnvelope.Request is LaunchRequest)
                var request = requestEnvelope.Request as LaunchRequest;
                if (requestEnvelope.Session.IsNew)
                    await OnSessionStartedAsync(
                        new SessionStartedRequest(request.RequestId, request.Timestamp), session);
                response = await OnLaunchAsync(request, session);

            // process intent request
            else if (requestEnvelope.Request is IntentRequest)
                var request = requestEnvelope.Request as IntentRequest;

                // Do session management prior to calling OnSessionStarted and OnIntentAsync
                // to allow dev to change session values if behavior is not desired
                DoSessionManagement(request, session);

                if (requestEnvelope.Session.IsNew)
                    await OnSessionStartedAsync(
                        new SessionStartedRequest(request.RequestId, request.Timestamp), session);
                response = await OnIntentAsync(request, session);

            // process session ended request
            else if (requestEnvelope.Request is SessionEndedRequest)
                var request = requestEnvelope.Request as SessionEndedRequest;
                await OnSessionEndedAsync(request, session);

            var responseEnvelope = new SpeechletResponseEnvelope {
                Version           = requestEnvelope.Version,
                Response          = response,
                SessionAttributes = session.Attributes

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestEnvelope"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string DoProcessRequest(SpeechletRequestEnvelope requestEnvelope)
            Session           session  = requestEnvelope.Session;
            Context           context  = requestEnvelope.Context;
            SpeechletResponse response = null;

            // process launch request
            if (requestEnvelope.Request is LaunchRequest)
                var request = requestEnvelope.Request as LaunchRequest;
                if (requestEnvelope.Session.IsNew)
                        new SessionStartedRequest(request.RequestId, request.Timestamp), session);
                response = OnLaunch(request, session);
            else if (requestEnvelope.Request is AudioPlayerRequest)
                var request = requestEnvelope.Request as AudioPlayerRequest;
                response = OnAudioIntent(request, context);
            // process intent request
            else if (requestEnvelope.Request is IntentRequest)
                var request = requestEnvelope.Request as IntentRequest;

                // Do session management prior to calling OnSessionStarted and OnIntentAsync
                // to allow dev to change session values if behavior is not desired
                DoSessionManagement(request, session);

                if (requestEnvelope.Session.IsNew)
                        new SessionStartedRequest(request.RequestId, request.Timestamp), session);
                response = OnIntent(request, session, requestEnvelope.Context);

            // process session ended request
            else if (requestEnvelope.Request is SessionEndedRequest)
                var request = requestEnvelope.Request as SessionEndedRequest;
                OnSessionEnded(request, session);

            var responseEnvelope = new SpeechletResponseEnvelope {
                Version           = requestEnvelope.Version,
                Response          = response,
                SessionAttributes = session?.Attributes ?? new Dictionary <string, string>()//requestEnvelope.Session?.Attributes

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestEnvelope"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task <string> DoProcessRequestAsync(SpeechletRequestEnvelope requestEnvelope)
            Session           session  = requestEnvelope.Session;
            SpeechletResponse response = null;

            // process launch request
            if (requestEnvelope.Request is LaunchRequest)
                var request = requestEnvelope.Request as LaunchRequest;
                if (requestEnvelope.Session.IsNew)
                    await OnSessionStartedAsync(
                        new SessionStartedRequest(request.RequestId, request.Timestamp), session);
                response = await OnLaunchAsync(request, session);

            // process intent request
            else if (requestEnvelope.Request is IntentRequest)
                var request = requestEnvelope.Request as IntentRequest;

                // Do session management prior to calling OnSessionStarted and OnIntentAsync
                // to allow dev to change session values if behavior is not desired
                DoSessionManagement(request, session);

                if (requestEnvelope.Session.IsNew)
                    await OnSessionStartedAsync(
                        new SessionStartedRequest(request.RequestId, request.Timestamp), session);
                response = await OnIntentAsync(request, session);

            // process session ended request
            else if (requestEnvelope.Request is SessionEndedRequest)
                var request = requestEnvelope.Request as SessionEndedRequest;
                await OnSessionEndedAsync(request, session);

            var responseEnvelope = new SpeechletResponseEnvelope {
                Version           = requestEnvelope.Version,
                Response          = response,
                SessionAttributes = session.Attributes

        public void RenderTemplateDirective_BodyTemplate3()
            const string TestDataFile       = @"TestData\ResponseWithRenderTemplateDirectiveAndBodyTemplate3.json";
            var          expectedJSONObject = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(TestDataFile));

            var renderTemplateDirective = new RenderTemplateDirective();

            renderTemplateDirective.Template = new BodyTemplate3
                Title       = "Body Template Title",
                TextContent = new TextContent
                    PrimaryText = new TextContentItem
                        Text = "Hello world"
                Image = new ImageContent
                    ContentDescription = "TestImageBodyTemplate3",
                    Sources            = new List <ImageItem>
                        new ImageItem
                            HeightPixels = 100,
                            WidthPixels  = 200,
                            Url          = "urlplaceholder"
                Token = "bodytemplate3token"

            var testResponse = new SpeechletResponse();


            var responseEnvelope = new SpeechletResponseEnvelope();

            responseEnvelope.Response = testResponse;
            var jsonResponse = responseEnvelope.ToJson();

            Assert.Equal(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expectedJSONObject), jsonResponse);
        public void HintDirective()
            const string TestDataFile       = @"TestData\ResponseWithHintDirective.json";
            var          expectedJSONObject = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(TestDataFile));

            var hintDirective = new HintDirective();

            hintDirective.Hint = new HintItem {
                Text = "your hint text"

            var testResponse = new SpeechletResponse();


            var responseEnvelope = new SpeechletResponseEnvelope();

            responseEnvelope.Response = testResponse;
            var jsonResponse = responseEnvelope.ToJson();

            Assert.Equal(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expectedJSONObject), jsonResponse);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestEnvelope"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <SpeechletResponseEnvelope> ProcessRequestAsync(SpeechletRequestEnvelope requestEnvelope)
            var session = requestEnvelope.Session;
            var context = requestEnvelope.Context;
            var request = requestEnvelope.Request;

            var response = !(request is ExtendedSpeechletRequest) ?
                           await HandleStandardRequestAsync(request, session, context) :
                           await HandleExtendedRequestAsync(request as ExtendedSpeechletRequest, context);

            if (response == null)
                response = new SpeechletResponse();

            var responseEnvelope = new SpeechletResponseEnvelope {
                Version           = requestEnvelope.Version,
                Response          = response,
                SessionAttributes = session?.Attributes

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestEnvelope"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task <string> DoProcessRequestAsync(SpeechletRequestEnvelope requestEnvelope)
            Session            session  = requestEnvelope.Session;
            var                context  = requestEnvelope.Context;
            var                request  = requestEnvelope.Request;
            ISpeechletResponse response = null;

            if (session != null)
                // Do session management prior to calling OnSessionStarted and OnIntentAsync
                // to allow dev to change session values if behavior is not desired
                DoSessionManagement(request as IntentRequest, session);

                if (session.IsNew)
                    await OnSessionStartedAsync(
                        new SessionStartedRequest(request.RequestId, request.Timestamp, request.Locale), session);

            // process launch request
            if (requestEnvelope.Request is LaunchRequest)
                response = await OnLaunchAsync(request as LaunchRequest, session);

            // process audio player request
            else if (requestEnvelope.Request is AudioPlayerRequest)
                response = await OnAudioPlayerAsync(request as AudioPlayerRequest, context);

            // process playback controller request
            else if (requestEnvelope.Request is PlaybackControllerRequest)
                response = await OnPlaybackControllerAsync(request as PlaybackControllerRequest, context);

            // process display request
            else if (requestEnvelope.Request is DisplayRequest)
                response = await OnDisplayAsync(request as DisplayRequest, context);

            // process system request
            else if (requestEnvelope.Request is SystemExceptionEncounteredRequest)
                await OnSystemExceptionEncounteredAsync(request as SystemExceptionEncounteredRequest, context);

            // process intent request
            else if (requestEnvelope.Request is IntentRequest)
                response = await OnIntentAsync(request as IntentRequest, session, context);

            // process session ended request
            else if (requestEnvelope.Request is SessionEndedRequest)
                await OnSessionEndedAsync(request as SessionEndedRequest, session);

            var responseEnvelope = new SpeechletResponseEnvelope {
                Version           = requestEnvelope.Version,
                Response          = response,
                SessionAttributes = session?.Attributes

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestEnvelope"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task <string> DoProcessRequestAsync(SpeechletRequestEnvelope requestEnvelope)
            Session           session  = requestEnvelope.Session;
            SpeechletResponse response = null;

            Trace.TraceInformation("In DoProcessRequestAsync");
            // process launch request
            if (requestEnvelope.Request is LaunchRequest)
                var request = requestEnvelope.Request as LaunchRequest;
                if (requestEnvelope.Session.IsNew)
                    await OnSessionStartedAsync(
                        new SessionStartedRequest(request.RequestId, request.Timestamp), session);
                Trace.TraceInformation("request is LaunchRquest--about to call OnLaunchAsync");

                response = await OnLaunchAsync(request, session);

            // process intent request
            else if (requestEnvelope.Request is IntentRequest)
                var request = requestEnvelope.Request as IntentRequest;
                Trace.TraceInformation("In DoProcessRequestAsync, request is IntentRequest");

                // Do session management prior to calling OnSessionStarted and OnIntentAsync
                // to allow dev to change session values if behavior is not desired
                DoSessionManagement(request, session);

                if (requestEnvelope.Session.IsNew)
                    await OnSessionStartedAsync(
                        new SessionStartedRequest(request.RequestId, request.Timestamp), session);
                Trace.TraceInformation("--about to call OnIntentAsync");

                response = await OnIntentAsync(request, session);

            // perform enqueue next audio request (to-do: others as well)
            else if (requestEnvelope.Request is AudioIntentRequest)
                var     request = requestEnvelope.Request as AudioIntentRequest;
                Context context = requestEnvelope.Context;
                response = await OnAudioIntentAsync(request, context);

                session = new Session();

            // perform enqueue next audio request (to-do: others as well)
            else if (requestEnvelope.Request is AudioPlayerRequest)
                var     request = requestEnvelope.Request as AudioPlayerRequest;
                Context context = requestEnvelope.Context;
                response = await OnAudioPlayerAsync(request, context);

                session = new Session();

            // process session ended request
            else if (requestEnvelope.Request is SessionEndedRequest)
                var request = requestEnvelope.Request as SessionEndedRequest;
                await OnSessionEndedAsync(request, session);

            var responseEnvelope = new SpeechletResponseEnvelope
                Version           = requestEnvelope.Version,
                Response          = response,
                SessionAttributes = session.Attributes

            Trace.TraceInformation($"Reached the bottom of DoProcessRequestAsync, requestEnvelope.Request is {requestEnvelope.Request.ToString()}");

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestEnvelope"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string DoProcessRequest(SpeechletRequestEnvelope requestEnvelope)
            Session           session  = requestEnvelope.Session;
            Context           context  = requestEnvelope.Context;
            SpeechletResponse response = null;

            switch (requestEnvelope.Request)
            case LaunchRequest request:
                if (requestEnvelope.Session.IsNew)
                response = OnLaunch(request, session, context);

            case AudioPlayerRequest request:
                response = OnAudioIntent(request, session, context);

            // process intent request
            case IntentRequest request:
                // Do session management prior to calling OnSessionStarted and OnIntentAsync
                // to allow dev to change session values if behavior is not desired
                DoSessionManagement(request, session);

                if (requestEnvelope.Session.IsNew)
                response = OnIntent(request, session, context);

            // process session ended request
            case SessionEndedRequest request:
                OnSessionEnded(request, session, context);

            if (response == null)
                return(new SpeechletResponseEnvelope
                    Version = requestEnvelope.Version,
                    Response = new SpeechletResponse()
                        ShouldEndSession = null

            var responseEnvelope = new SpeechletResponseEnvelope
                Version           = requestEnvelope.Version,
                Response          = response,
                SessionAttributes = requestEnvelope.Session?.Attributes ?? new Dictionary <string, string>()
