        /// <summary>
        /// Add information about the spectra input to the search
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="location"></param>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="spectrumIdFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="fileFormatCvid"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SpectraDataObj AddSpectraData(string location, string name, CV.CV.CVID spectrumIdFormat,
                                             CV.CV.CVID fileFormatCvid = CV.CV.CVID.CVID_Unknown)
            var dataFile = new SpectraDataObj
                Id               = "SD_" + specDataCounter++,
                Location         = location,
                Name             = name,
                SpectrumIDFormat = new SpectrumIDFormatObj()
                    CVParam = new CVParamObj(spectrumIdFormat),

            if (fileFormatCvid != CV.CV.CVID.CVID_Unknown)
                dataFile.FileFormat = new FileFormatInfo()
                    CVParam = new CVParamObj(fileFormatCvid),
            if (identData.DataCollection.Inputs == null)
                identData.DataCollection.Inputs = new InputsObj();
            if (identData.DataCollection.Inputs.SpectraDataList == null)
                identData.DataCollection.Inputs.SpectraDataList = new IdentDataList <SpectraDataObj>();

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a spectrum identification item for the mzid; scores, peptide, and peptideEvidences must be added. Calculated m/z can also be added.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spectraSource">source object for the spectrum, returned from <see cref="AddSpectraData"/></param>
        /// <param name="nativeId">native id of the spectrum</param>
        /// <param name="retentionTimeMinutes">retention time in minutes of the spectrum</param>
        /// <param name="expMz">experimental m/z of the peptide</param>
        /// <param name="charge">Charge of the peptide</param>
        /// <param name="rank">rank of result for a spectrum; may be the same as another result for the same spectrum if they score equally</param>
        /// <param name="calcMz">(optional) Calculated m/z of the peptide; default double.NaN (not added)</param>
        /// <returns>Object: Must populate PeptideEvidences and Peptide, as well as add score information to CVParams and UserParams</returns>
        public SpectrumIdentificationItemObj AddSpectrumIdentification(SpectraDataObj spectraSource, string nativeId, double retentionTimeMinutes, double expMz, int charge, int rank = 1, double calcMz = double.NaN)
            SpectrumIdentificationResultObj specResult;

            if (!identificationResults.TryGetValue(nativeId, out specResult))
                specResult = new SpectrumIdentificationResultObj()
                    SpectrumID  = nativeId,
                    SpectraData = spectraSource,
                    SpectrumIdentificationItems = new IdentDataList <SpectrumIdentificationItemObj>(),
                    CVParams   = new IdentDataList <CVParamObj>(),
                    UserParams = new IdentDataList <UserParamObj>(),
                identificationResults.Add(nativeId, specResult);

                var number = nativeId.Split('=').Last();
                specResult.Id = "SIR_" + number;
                var rt = new CVParamObj(CV.CV.CVID.MS_scan_start_time, retentionTimeMinutes.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                    UnitCvid = CV.CV.CVID.UO_minute,

            var specIdent = new SpectrumIdentificationItemObj()
                Id = specResult.Id + "_" + (specResult.SpectrumIdentificationItems.Count + 1),
                PeptideEvidences         = new IdentDataList <PeptideEvidenceRefObj>(),
                ChargeState              = charge,
                ExperimentalMassToCharge = expMz,
                Rank          = rank,
                PassThreshold = true,
                CVParams      = new IdentDataList <CVParamObj>(),
                UserParams    = new IdentDataList <UserParamObj>(),

            if (!calcMz.Equals(double.NaN))
                specIdent.CalculatedMassToCharge = calcMz;

