private void AddCirularInclusion(Range tempRange, Point center)
            var pointsInside = GetPointsInsideCircle(Size / 2, center);

            foreach (var point in pointsInside)
                if (point.X < tempRange.Width && point.X > 0 && point.Y < tempRange.Height && point.Y > 0)
                    if (!SpecialId.IsIdSpecial(tempRange.GrainsArray[point.X, point.Y].Id) || tempRange.GrainsArray[point.X, point.Y].Id == 0)
                        tempRange.GrainsArray[point.X, point.Y].Color = Color.Black;
                        tempRange.GrainsArray[point.X, point.Y].Id    = Convert.ToInt32(SpecialId.Id.Inclusion);
        private void AddSquareInclusion(Range tempRange, Point center)
            int halfA = (Size / 2);

            for (int x = center.X - halfA; (x <= center.X + halfA && x < tempRange.Width && x > 0); x++)
                for (int y = center.Y - halfA; (y <= center.Y + halfA && y < tempRange.Height && y > 0); y++)
                    if (!SpecialId.IsIdSpecial(tempRange.GrainsArray[x, y].Id) || tempRange.GrainsArray[x, y].Id == 0)
                        tempRange.GrainsArray[x, y].Color = Color.Black;
                        tempRange.GrainsArray[x, y].Id    = Convert.ToInt32(SpecialId.Id.Inclusion);
        public Range Grow(Range prevRange, MainProperties properties)
            var currRange = new Range(prevRange.Width, prevRange.Height, true);


            var isGrowthMoore2 = properties.NeighbourhoodType == NeighbourhoodType.Moore2 ? true : false;

            List <Grain> neighbourhood = new List <Grain>();

            for (int i = 1; i < prevRange.Width - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j < prevRange.Height - 1; j++)
                    if (prevRange.GrainsArray[i, j].Id != (int)SpecialId.Id.Empty)
                        // just init if there is already some color (not white)
                        currRange.GrainsArray[i, j] = prevRange.GrainsArray[i, j];
                        if (!isGrowthMoore2)
                            // ordinary types of growth - list of Moore or Neuman neighbourhood
                            switch (properties.NeighbourhoodType)
                            case NeighbourhoodType.Moore:
                                neighbourhood = TakeMooreNeighbourhood(i, j, prevRange.GrainsArray);

                            case NeighbourhoodType.Neumann:
                                neighbourhood = TakeNeumannNeighbourhood(i, j, prevRange.GrainsArray);

                            var most = neighbourhood.Where(g => (!SpecialId.IsIdSpecial(g.Id)))
                                       .GroupBy(g => g.Id);

                            if (most.Any())
                                // assign grain which are the most in the list of neighborhoods
                                currRange.GrainsArray[i, j] = most.OrderByDescending(g => g.Count())
                                                              .Select(g => g.First()).First();
                                currRange.GrainsArray[i, j] = new Grain()
                                    Id    = (int)SpecialId.Id.Empty,
                                    Color = Color.White
                                currRange.IsFull = false;
                            // MOORE 2

                            var grainGrowth = false;

                            // rule 1 - ordinary moore
                            neighbourhood = TakeMooreNeighbourhood(i, j, prevRange.GrainsArray);

                            var most = neighbourhood.Where(g => (!SpecialId.IsIdSpecial(g.Id)))
                                       .GroupBy(g => g.Id);

                            if (most.Any())
                                most = most.OrderByDescending(g => g.Count());

                                if (most.First().Count() >= 5 && most.First().Count() <= 8)
                                    currRange.GrainsArray[i, j] = most.Select(g => g.First()).First();
                                    grainGrowth = true;
                                    // rule 2 - nearest moore
                                    neighbourhood = TakeNearestMooreNeighbourhood(i, j, prevRange.GrainsArray);

                                    most = neighbourhood.Where(g => (!SpecialId.IsIdSpecial(g.Id)))
                                           .GroupBy(g => g.Id);

                                    if (most.Any())
                                        most = most.OrderByDescending(g => g.Count());
                                        if (most.First().Count() == 3)
                                            currRange.GrainsArray[i, j] = most.Select(g => g.First()).First();
                                            grainGrowth = true;
                                    if (!grainGrowth)
                                        // rule 3 - further moore
                                        neighbourhood = TakeFurtherMooreNeighbourhood(i, j, prevRange.GrainsArray);

                                        most = neighbourhood.Where(g => (!SpecialId.IsIdSpecial(g.Id)))
                                               .GroupBy(g => g.Id);

                                        if (most.Any())
                                            most = most.OrderByDescending(g => g.Count());
                                            if (most.First().Count() == 3)
                                                currRange.GrainsArray[i, j] = most.Select(g => g.First()).First();
                                                grainGrowth = true;
                                    if (!grainGrowth)
                                        // rule 4 - ordinary moore with probability
                                        neighbourhood = TakeMooreNeighbourhood(i, j, prevRange.GrainsArray);

                                        most = neighbourhood.Where(g => (!SpecialId.IsIdSpecial(g.Id)))
                                               .GroupBy(g => g.Id);

                                        var randomProbability = Random.Next(0, 100);
                                        if (most.Any() && (randomProbability <= properties.GrowthProbability))
                                            currRange.GrainsArray[i, j] = most.OrderByDescending(g => g.Count())
                                                                          .Select(g => g.First()).First();
                                            grainGrowth = true;
                            if (!grainGrowth)
                                // if grain not exist
                                currRange.GrainsArray[i, j] = new Grain()
                                    Id    = (int)SpecialId.Id.Empty,
                                    Color = Color.White
                                currRange.IsFull = false;
        public Range Grow(Range prevRange, MainProperties properties)
            var currRange = new Range(prevRange.Width, prevRange.Height);


            foreach (var p in StructureHandler.PointsArea)
                if (prevRange.GrainsArray[p.X, p.Y].Id != (int)SpecialId.Id.Empty)
                    // change if there is already some color (not white)
                    currRange.GrainsArray[p.X, p.Y].Id    = prevRange.GrainsArray[p.X, p.Y].Id;
                    currRange.GrainsArray[p.X, p.Y].Color = prevRange.GrainsArray[p.X, p.Y].Color;
                    if (properties.NeighbourhoodType != NeighbourhoodType.Moore2)
                        if (properties.NeighbourhoodType == NeighbourhoodType.Moore)
                            NeighborhoodList = TakeMooreNeighbourhood(p.X, p.Y, prevRange.GrainsArray);
                            NeighborhoodList = TakeNeumannNeighbourhood(p.X, p.Y, prevRange.GrainsArray);

                        var MostOfCells = NeighborhoodList.Where(g => !SpecialId.IsSpecialId(g.Id));

                        if (MostOfCells.Any())
                            // assign grain which are the most in the list of neighborhood
                            currRange.GrainsArray[p.X, p.Y] = MostOfCells.GroupBy(g => g.Id).OrderByDescending(g => g.Count())
                                                              .Select(g => g.First()).First();
                        // MOORE 2
                        IsGrainUpdate = false;

                        // rule 1 - ordinary Moore
                        NeighborhoodList = TakeMooreNeighbourhood(p.X, p.Y, prevRange.GrainsArray);

                        MostOfCells = NeighborhoodList.Where(g => !SpecialId.IsSpecialId(g.Id))
                                      .GroupBy(g => g.Id).OrderByDescending(g => g.Count());

                        if (MostOfCells.Any())
                            if (MostOfCells.First().Count() >= 5 && MostOfCells.First().Count() <= 8)
                                currRange.GrainsArray[p.X, p.Y] = MostOfCells.Select(g => g.First()).First();
                                // rule 2 - nearest Moore (Von Neumann)
                                NeighborhoodList = TakeNearestMooreNeighbourhood(p.X, p.Y, prevRange.GrainsArray);

                                MostOfCells = NeighborhoodList.Where(g => !SpecialId.IsSpecialId(g.Id))
                                              .GroupBy(g => g.Id).OrderByDescending(g => g.Count());

                                if (MostOfCells.Any())
                                    if (MostOfCells.First().Count() == 3)
                                        currRange.GrainsArray[p.X, p.Y] = MostOfCells.Select(g => g.First()).First();
                                        IsGrainUpdate = true;
                                if (!IsGrainUpdate)
                                    // rule 3 - further Moore
                                    NeighborhoodList = TakeFurtherMooreNeighbourhood(p.X, p.Y, prevRange.GrainsArray);

                                    MostOfCells = NeighborhoodList.Where(g => !SpecialId.IsSpecialId(g.Id))
                                                  .GroupBy(g => g.Id).OrderByDescending(g => g.Count());

                                    if (MostOfCells.Any())
                                        if (MostOfCells.First().Count() == 3)
                                            currRange.GrainsArray[p.X, p.Y] = MostOfCells.Select(g => g.First()).First();
                                            IsGrainUpdate = true;
                                    if (!IsGrainUpdate)
                                        // rule 4 - ordinary Moore with probability
                                        NeighborhoodList = TakeMooreNeighbourhood(p.X, p.Y, prevRange.GrainsArray);

                                        MostOfCells = NeighborhoodList.Where(g => !SpecialId.IsSpecialId(g.Id))
                                                      .GroupBy(g => g.Id).OrderByDescending(g => g.Count());

                                        if (MostOfCells.Any() && Random.Next(0, 100) <= properties.CurrGrowthProbability)
                                            currRange.GrainsArray[p.X, p.Y] = MostOfCells.Select(g => g.First()).First();
                                            IsGrainUpdate = true;
        public Range Grow(Range tempRange, InitNucleons nucleons)
            List <Grain> neighbourhood       = new List <Grain>();
            List <Point> pointsCoordinates   = new List <Point>();
            List <Point> neighbourhoodPoints = new List <Point>();
            Grain        centerGrain;
            int          EnergyAfter, EnergyBefore, EnergyDelta, randomNumberOfList;

            if (nucleons.IsEnable == true)
                for (int i = 1; i < tempRange.Width - 1; i++)
                    for (int j = 1; j < tempRange.Height - 1; j++)
                        neighbourhood = TakeNeumannNeighbourhood(i, j, tempRange.GrainsArray);
                        if (neighbourhood.Where(g => g.Id == -5).Select(g => g.Id).Count() > 0 && tempRange.GrainsArray[i, j].Id != -5)
                            pointsCoordinates.Add(new Point(i, j));

                pointsCoordinates.OrderBy(a => Random.Next());

                while (pointsCoordinates.Count > 0)
                    EnergyAfter = 0; EnergyBefore = 0; EnergyDelta = 0;

                    //step 1
                    centerGrain = tempRange.GrainsArray[pointsCoordinates.First().X, pointsCoordinates.First().Y];

                    //step 2
                    neighbourhood = TakeMooreNeighbourhood(pointsCoordinates.First().X, pointsCoordinates.First().Y, tempRange.GrainsArray);

                    EnergyBefore = neighbourhood.Where(g => !SpecialId.IsIdSpecial(g.Id) && g.Id != centerGrain.Id)
                                   .Select(g => g.Id).Count() + centerGrain.Energy_H;

                    //step 3
                    randomNumberOfList = Random.Next(InitStructures.AllGrainsTypes.Length);
                    centerGrain        = InitStructures.AllGrainsTypes[randomNumberOfList];

                    EnergyAfter = neighbourhood.Where(g => !SpecialId.IsIdSpecial(g.Id) && g.Id != centerGrain.Id)
                                  .Select(g => g.Id).Count();
                    //step 4
                    EnergyDelta = EnergyAfter - EnergyBefore;

                    //step 5
                    if (EnergyDelta <= 0)
                        tempRange.GrainsArray[pointsCoordinates.First().X, pointsCoordinates.First().Y] = neighbourhood.Where(g => g.Id == (int)SpecialId.Id.Nucleon).OrderBy(a => Random.Next()).First();

                for (int i = 1; i < tempRange.Width - 1; i++)
                    for (int j = 1; j < tempRange.Height - 1; j++)
                        pointsCoordinates.Add(new Point(i, j));

                pointsCoordinates.OrderBy(a => Random.Next());

                while (pointsCoordinates.Count > 0)
                    EnergyAfter = 0; EnergyBefore = 0; EnergyDelta = 0;

                    //step 1
                    centerGrain = tempRange.GrainsArray[pointsCoordinates.First().X, pointsCoordinates.First().Y];

                    //step 2
                    neighbourhood = TakeMooreNeighbourhood(pointsCoordinates.First().X, pointsCoordinates.First().Y, tempRange.GrainsArray);

                    neighbourhoodPoints = TakeMooreNeighbourhood(pointsCoordinates.First().X, pointsCoordinates.First().Y);

                    EnergyBefore = neighbourhood.Where(g => (g.Id != centerGrain.Id))
                                   .Select(g => g.Id).Count();

                    //step 3
                    randomNumberOfList = Random.Next(InitStructures.AllGrainsTypes.Length);
                    centerGrain        = InitStructures.AllGrainsTypes[randomNumberOfList];

                    EnergyAfter = neighbourhood.Where(g => (g.Id != centerGrain.Id))
                                  .Select(g => g.Id).Count();
                    //step 4
                    EnergyDelta = EnergyAfter - EnergyBefore;

                    //step 5
                    if (EnergyDelta <= 0 && !SpecialId.IsIdSpecial(tempRange.GrainsArray[pointsCoordinates.First().X, pointsCoordinates.First().Y].Id))
                        tempRange.GrainsArray[pointsCoordinates.First().X, pointsCoordinates.First().Y] = centerGrain;
