public override void Add(SourceUnit sourceUnit, string message, SourceSpan span, int errorCode, Severity severity) { if (severity == Severity.Warning && !ReportWarning(_context.Verbose, errorCode)) { return; } CountError(severity); string path; string codeLine; int line = span.Start.Line; if (sourceUnit != null) { path = sourceUnit.Path; codeLine = (line > 0) ? sourceUnit.GetCodeLine(line) : null; } else { path = null; codeLine = null; } if (severity == Severity.Error || severity == Severity.FatalError) { throw new SyntaxError(message, path, line, span.Start.Column, codeLine); } else { if (_WriteSite == null) { Interlocked.CompareExchange( ref _WriteSite, CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, object, object>>.Create(RubyCallAction.Make(_context, "write", 1)), null ); } message = RubyContext.FormatErrorMessage(message, "warning", path, line, span.Start.Column, null); _WriteSite.Target(_WriteSite, _context.StandardErrorOutput, MutableString.CreateMutable(message)); } }
internal Lexer(SourceUnit unit, HappyLanguageContext languageContext) { _reader = new InputReader(unit); _errorCollector = new ErrorCollector(languageContext.ErrorSink); PushState(LexerMode.LexingStatement); _keywords["if"] = HappyTokenKind.KeywordIf; _keywords["else"] = HappyTokenKind.KeywordElse; _keywords["while"] = HappyTokenKind.KeywordWhile; _keywords["for"] = HappyTokenKind.KeywordFor; _keywords["in"] = HappyTokenKind.KeywordIn; _keywords["between"] = HappyTokenKind.KeywordBetween; _keywords["where"] = HappyTokenKind.KeywordWhere; _keywords["lookup"] = HappyTokenKind.KeywordLookup; _keywords["default"] = HappyTokenKind.KeywordDefault; _keywords["true"] = HappyTokenKind.LiteralBool; _keywords["false"] = HappyTokenKind.LiteralBool; _keywords["return"] = HappyTokenKind.KeywordReturn; _keywords["def"] = HappyTokenKind.KeywordDef; _keywords["null"] = HappyTokenKind.LiteralNull; _keywords["load"] = HappyTokenKind.KeywordLoad; _keywords["use"] = HappyTokenKind.KeywordUse; _keywords["new"] = HappyTokenKind.KeywordNew; _keywords["function"] = HappyTokenKind.KeywordFunction; _keywords["break"] = HappyTokenKind.KeywordBreak; _keywords["continue"] = HappyTokenKind.KeywordContinue; _keywords["switch"] = HappyTokenKind.KeywordSwitch; _keywords["case"] = HappyTokenKind.KeywordCase; }
HappySourceLocation(SourceUnit unit, SourceSpan span) { //ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(unit, "unit"); ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(span, "span"); this.Unit = unit; this.Span = span; }
public LambdaFunctionExpr(SourceUnit/*!*/ sourceUnit, Position position, Position entireDeclarationPosition, ShortPosition headingEndPosition, ShortPosition declarationBodyPosition, Scope scope, NamespaceDecl ns, bool aliasReturn, List<FormalParam>/*!*/ formalParams, List<FormalParam> useParams, List<Statement>/*!*/ body) : base(position) { Debug.Assert(formalParams != null && body != null); // inject use parameters at the begining of formal parameters if (useParams != null && useParams.Count > 0) { if (formalParams.Count == 0) formalParams = useParams; // also we don't want to modify Parser.emptyFormalParamListIndex singleton. else formalParams.InsertRange(0, useParams); } //this.ns = ns; this.signature = new Signature(aliasReturn, formalParams); this.useParams = useParams; //this.typeSignature = new TypeSignature(genericParams); //this.attributes = new CustomAttributes(attributes); this.body = body; this.entireDeclarationPosition = entireDeclarationPosition; this.headingEndPosition = headingEndPosition; this.declarationBodyPosition = declarationBodyPosition; //QualifiedName qn = (ns != null) ? new QualifiedName(, ns.QualifiedName) : new QualifiedName(; //function = new PhpFunction(qn, memberAttributes, signature, typeSignature, isConditional, scope, sourceUnit, position); function = new PhpLambdaFunction(this.signature, sourceUnit, position); function.WriteUp(new TypeSignature(FormalTypeParam.EmptyList).ToPhpRoutineSignature(function)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a wrapper around a function which represents entry into a chunk of code /// </summary> public ExecutionContextExpression(CodeContext context, Expression scopeVariable, SourceUnit source, Expression body) { _context = context; _body = body; _scope = scopeVariable; _source = source; }
public void GeneratorTest(SourceUnit sourceUnit, bool useLua52) { var options = new LuaCompilerOptions() { SkipFirstLine = true, UseLua52Features = useLua52, }; var reader = TestUtils.OpenReaderOrIgnoreTest(sourceUnit.GetReader); TestUtils.AssertSyntaxError(() => { var tokenizer = new Tokenizer(ErrorSink.Default, options); tokenizer.Initialize(null, reader, sourceUnit, SourceLocation.MinValue); var parser = new Parser(tokenizer, tokenizer.ErrorSink, options); var ast = parser.Parse(); Assert.That(ast, Is.Not.Null); var codeContext = new CodeContext((LuaContext)sourceUnit.LanguageContext); var gen = new Generator(codeContext); var expr = gen.Compile(ast, sourceUnit); Assert.That(expr, Is.Not.Null); }); }
public override void Initialize(object state, TextReader textreader, SourceUnit sourceUnit, SS.SourceLocation initialLocation) { tokenizer = new Tokenizer (textreader.ReadToEnd ().ToCharArray (), new IdentifierTable ()); tokenizer.Position = ConvertToMJCSrcLocation(initialLocation); this.sourceUnit = sourceUnit; this.state = state; }
public OptimizedScriptCode(Scope optimizedScope, DlrMainCallTarget optimizedTarget, SourceUnit sourceUnit) : base(sourceUnit) { ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(optimizedScope, "optimizedScope"); _optimizedScope = optimizedScope; _optimizedTarget = optimizedTarget; }
internal SourceUnitReader(SourceUnit sourceUnit, TextReader textReader) { Assert.NotNull(sourceUnit, textReader); _textReader = textReader; _sourceUnit = sourceUnit; }
private SourceUnitTree Parse(SourceUnit sourceUnit, bool allowSingle, out bool isExpression) { isExpression = false; IronyParser parser = new IronyParser(allowSingle ? singleStatement : fullGrammar); parser.Context.Mode = ParseMode.CommandLine; scopes = new Stack<LexicalScopeBuilder>(); EnterTopLevelScope(); try { var parsedScript = parser.Parse(sourceUnit.GetCode()); if (parsedScript.HasErrors()) { sourceUnit.CodeProperties = ScriptCodeParseResult.Invalid; return null; } if (sourceUnit.Kind == SourceCodeKind.InteractiveCode && parser.Context.Status == ParserStatus.AcceptedPartial) { sourceUnit.CodeProperties = ScriptCodeParseResult.IncompleteStatement; return null; } sourceUnit.CodeProperties = ScriptCodeParseResult.Complete; return BuildSourceTree(parsedScript.Root, sourceUnit, allowSingle, out isExpression); } catch (Exception e) { throw; } finally { LeaveScope(); } }
internal LightExpression<Func<TotemEngine, IDynamicMetaObjectProvider, object>> ParseExprToLambda(SourceUnit sourceUnit) { bool isExpression; var ast = new Parser().ParseExpression(sourceUnit, out isExpression); if (ast == null) return null; var scope = new AnalysisScope.TopLevel( this, Expression.Parameter(typeof(TotemEngine), "totemRuntime"), Expression.Parameter(typeof(IDynamicMetaObjectProvider), "global")); var ret = Expression.Variable(typeof(object), "#__returnVariable"); List<Expression> body = new List<Expression>(); var b = AstGenerator.Generate(ast, scope); body.Add(Expression.Assign(ret, Expression.Convert(b, typeof(object)))); if (sourceUnit.Kind == SourceCodeKind.InteractiveCode) { if(isExpression) body.Add(Expression.Call(typeof(Console).GetMethod("WriteLine", new[] { typeof(object) }), ret)); body.Add(Expression.Call(typeof(Console).GetMethod("WriteLine", Type.EmptyTypes))); body.Add(ret); } var moduleFun = Utils.LightLambda<Func<TotemEngine, IDynamicMetaObjectProvider, object>>( typeof(object), Expression.Block(new ParameterExpression[] { ret }, body), "_snippet_", new List<ParameterExpression>() { scope.RuntimeExpr, scope.GlobalExpr } ); //var moduleFun = Expression.Lambda<Func<TotemEngine, IDynamicMetaObjectProvider, object>>( // Expression.Block(new ParameterExpression[] { ret }, body), // scope.RuntimeExpr, // scope.ModuleExpr //); return moduleFun; }
internal RubyScriptCode(ScriptCodeFunc/*!*/ target, SourceUnit/*!*/ sourceUnit, TopScopeFactoryKind kind) : base(sourceUnit) { Assert.NotNull(target); _target = target; _kind = kind; }
public LuaScriptCode(CodeContext context, SourceUnit sourceUnit, Expression<Func<IDynamicMetaObjectProvider, dynamic>> chunk) : base(sourceUnit) { Contract.Requires(chunk != null); Context = context; _exprLambda = chunk; }
public override ScriptCode CompileSourceCode(SourceUnit sourceUnit, CompilerOptions options, ErrorSink errorSink) { try { switch (sourceUnit.Kind) { case SourceCodeKind.SingleStatement: case SourceCodeKind.Expression: case SourceCodeKind.AutoDetect: case SourceCodeKind.InteractiveCode: return new TotemScriptCode( engine, engine.ParseExprToLambda(sourceUnit), sourceUnit); //case SourceCodeKind.Statements: //case SourceCodeKind.File: // return new TotemScriptCode( // engine, engine.ParseFileToLambda(sourceUnit.Path, sourceUnit.GetCode()), // sourceUnit); default: throw Assert.Unreachable; } } catch (Exception e) { // Real language implementation would have a specific type // of exception. Also, they would pass errorSink down into // the parser and add messages while doing tighter error // recovery and continuing to parse. errorSink.Add(sourceUnit, e.Message, SourceSpan.None, 0, Severity.FatalError); return null; } }
public RubyScriptCode(Expression<ScriptCodeFunc>/*!*/ code, SourceUnit/*!*/ sourceUnit, TopScopeFactoryKind kind) : base(sourceUnit) { Assert.NotNull(code); _code = code; _kind = kind; }
internal override Evaluation EvaluatePriorAnalysis(SourceUnit/*!*/ sourceUnit) { Evaluation left_eval = leftExpr.EvaluatePriorAnalysis(sourceUnit); Evaluation right_eval = leftExpr.EvaluatePriorAnalysis(sourceUnit); return Evaluation.ReadOnlyEvaluate(this, left_eval, right_eval); }
public LambdaFunctionExpr(SourceUnit/*!*/ sourceUnit, Text.Span span, Text.Span entireDeclarationPosition, int headingEndPosition, int declarationBodyPosition, Scope scope, NamespaceDecl ns, bool aliasReturn, List<FormalParam>/*!*/ formalParams, List<FormalParam> useParams, List<Statement>/*!*/ body) : base(span) { Debug.Assert(formalParams != null && body != null); // inject use parameters at the begining of formal parameters if (useParams != null && useParams.Count > 0) { if (formalParams.Count == 0) formalParams = useParams; // also we don't want to modify Parser.emptyFormalParamListIndex singleton. else formalParams.InsertRange(0, useParams); } //this.ns = ns; this.signature = new Signature(aliasReturn, formalParams); this.useParams = useParams; //this.typeSignature = new TypeSignature(genericParams); //this.attributes = new CustomAttributes(attributes); this.body = body; this.entireDeclarationPosition = entireDeclarationPosition; this.headingEndPosition = headingEndPosition; this.declarationBodyPosition = declarationBodyPosition; }
public HappyLambdaScriptCode Analyze(Module module, SourceUnit sourceUnit) { Dictionary<string, HappyNamespaceTracker> rootNamespaces = LoadAllAssemblies(module.LoadDirectives); AstVisitorBase[] visitors = { new BinaryExpressionFixerVisitor(), new BuildSymbolTablesVisitor(this, _errorCollector, rootNamespaces), new ResolveSymbolsVisitor(_errorCollector), new SemanticVisitor(_errorCollector) }; foreach (var v in visitors) module.Accept(v); prepareAssemblyGenerator(); module.Accept(this); Expression expression = _expressionStack.Pop(); DebugAssert.IsZero(_expressionStack.Count, "AstAnalyzer didn't consume all expressions on the stack"); var runtimeContextInitializer = (LambdaExpression)expression; return new HappyLambdaScriptCode(sourceUnit, compileDynamicAssembly(runtimeContextInitializer)); }
public override void Add(SourceUnit sourceUnit, string message, SourceSpan span, int errorCode, Severity severity) { if (severity == Severity.Warning) { PythonOps.SyntaxWarning(message, sourceUnit, span, errorCode); } else { throw PythonOps.SyntaxError(message, sourceUnit, span, errorCode); } }
public static Module ParseModule(SourceUnit sourceUnit, HappyLanguageContext languageContext) { Lexer lexer = new Lexer(sourceUnit, languageContext); Parser parser = new Parser(lexer, languageContext); Module retval = null; try { retval = parser.Parse(); } catch(AbortParseException) { //Left blank intentionally because AbortParseExceptions should never //be allowed to bubble up to the caller. } catch(SyntaxErrorException) { //We actually want to allow this exception to propogate as-is back //to the caller. This is needed because of the catch-all below throw; } catch(Exception e) { //All other exceptions are to be considered an internal error //We may not know the exact location of the error, but we'll just //take the next token out of the lexer to give *some* kind of //idea line might contain the error DebugAssert.IsNotNull(e); Token t = lexer.NextToken(); throw new InternalSourceException(e, t.Location, "The parser threw an unhandled exception. This is usually caused by a syntax error " + "in the script being parsed. The error ocurred at or before the this locaiton."); } return retval; }
public override void Add(SourceUnit sourceUnit, string message, SourceSpan span, int errorCode, Severity severity) { base.Add(sourceUnit, message, span, errorCode, severity); Console.Error.WriteLine("{0}({1}:{2}): {3}: RB{4}: {5}", sourceUnit.Name, span.Start.Line, span.Start.Column, severity, errorCode, message); }
public LightScriptCode(LambdaExpression lambda, SourceUnit sourceUnit, bool optimized) : base(lambda, sourceUnit) { //var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); EnsureCompiled(optimized); //sw.Stop(); //System.Console.WriteLine("{0} light compile", sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); }
internal static AST BuildAst(CodeContext context, SourceUnit sourceUnit, PythonCompilerOptions opts, string mode) { Parser parser = Parser.CreateParser( new CompilerContext(sourceUnit, opts, ThrowingErrorSink.Default), (PythonOptions)context.LanguageContext.Options); PythonAst ast = parser.ParseFile(true); return ConvertToAST(ast, mode); }
void CreateTokenizer(SourceUnit source) { PythonCompilerSink sink = new PythonCompilerSink(); PythonCompilerOptions options = new PythonCompilerOptions(); tokenizer = new Tokenizer(sink, options); tokenizer.Initialize(source); }
public LegacyScriptCode(LambdaExpression code, DlrMainCallTarget target, SourceUnit sourceUnit) : base(sourceUnit) { ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(sourceUnit, "sourceUnit"); _target = target; _code = code; }
public override void Add(SourceUnit source, string message, SourceSpan span, int errorCode, Severity severity) { this.ErrorCount++; message = FormatMessage(source != null ? source.Path : "<none>", span.Start.Line, span.Start.Column, message); _languageContext.ErrorOutput.WriteLine(message); base.Add(source, message, span, errorCode, severity); }
public MultiFileTokenizer(SourceUnit compilationUnit, Report report) { fileIndex = 0; this.compilationUnit = compilationUnit; = report; Initialize(); }
public static void SyntaxWarning(string message, SourceUnit sourceUnit, SourceSpan span, int errorCode) { throw new NotImplementedException(); //TotemContext pc = (TotemContext)sourceUnit.LanguageContext; //CodeContext context = pc.SharedContext; //ShowWarning(context, PythonExceptions.SyntaxWarning, message, sourceUnit.Path, span.Start.Line); }
private Func<CodeContext/*!*/, FunctionCode/*!*/, object>/*!*/ _target, _tracingTarget; // lazily compiled targets public PythonScriptCode(CompilerContext/*!*/ context, Expression<Func<CodeContext/*!*/, FunctionCode/*!*/, object>>/*!*/ lambda, SourceUnit/*!*/ sourceUnit, Dictionary<int, bool> handlerLocations, Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, bool>> loopAndFinallyLocations) : base(sourceUnit) { Assert.NotNull(lambda, context); _context = context; _lambda = lambda; _handlerLocations = handlerLocations; _loopAndFinallyLocations = loopAndFinallyLocations; }
public CompilerContext(SourceUnit sourceUnit, CompilerOptions options, ErrorSink errorSink, ParserSink parserSink) { Contract.RequiresNotNull(sourceUnit, "sourceUnit"); _sourceUnit = sourceUnit; _options = options ?? sourceUnit.Engine.GetDefaultCompilerOptions(); _errors = errorSink ?? sourceUnit.Engine.GetCompilerErrorSink(); _parserSink = parserSink ?? ParserSink.Null; }
private static PythonModule /*!*/ LoadPythonSource(PythonContext /*!*/ context, string /*!*/ name, PythonFile /*!*/ file, string /*!*/ fileName) { SourceUnit sourceUnit = context.CreateSnippet(, String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) ? null : fileName, SourceCodeKind.File); return(context.CompileModule(fileName, name, sourceUnit, ModuleOptions.Initialize)); }
public InterpretedScriptCode(LambdaExpression code, SourceUnit sourceUnit) : base(code, sourceUnit) { }
public BasicNodesFactory(SourceUnit sourceUnit) { _sourceUnit = sourceUnit; }
public static MSA.Expression <T> /*!*/ Transform <T>(SourceUnitTree /*!*/ ast, SourceUnit /*!*/ sourceUnit, RubyCompilerOptions /*!*/ options, int sourceId) { var siteNodes = new Dictionary <MSA.DynamicExpression, SourceSpan>(); var context = (RubyContext)sourceUnit.LanguageContext; context.CallSiteCreated = (expression, callSite) => siteNodes.Add(callSite, expression.Location); var generator = new AstGenerator(context, options, sourceUnit.Document, ast.Encoding, false); var lambda = ast.Transform <T>(generator); return((MSA.Expression <T>) new CallSiteTraceInjector(siteNodes, sourceId).Visit(lambda)); }
public override ScriptCode CompileSourceCode(SourceUnit sourceUnit, CompilerOptions options, ErrorSink errorSink) { // invariant language doesn't have a grammar: throw new NotSupportedException(); }
public TraceAstGenerator(Dictionary <MSA.DynamicExpression, SourceSpan> /*!*/ sites, RubyContext /*!*/ context, RubyCompilerOptions /*!*/ options, SourceUnit /*!*/ sourceUnit, Encoding /*!*/ encoding) : base((RubyBinder)context.Binder, options, sourceUnit, encoding, false, context.DomainManager.Configuration.DebugMode, false, false, false) { _sites = sites; }
public CompilerContext(SourceUnit sourceUnit, CompilerOptions options, ErrorSink errorSink) : this(sourceUnit, options, errorSink, ParserSink.Null) { }
public AstCounterFactory(SourceUnit sourceUnit) : base(sourceUnit) { }
public SymplCode(SymplContext symplContext, Expression <Func <CodeContext, IDynamicMetaObjectProvider, Object> > lambda, SourceUnit sourceUnit) : base( sourceUnit) { this.lambda = lambda; this.symplContext = symplContext; }
internal override Evaluation EvaluatePriorAnalysis(SourceUnit /*!*/ sourceUnit) { return(new Evaluation(this, Value)); }
ExecInModule(string code, PythonModule module) { SourceUnit script = this.python.CreateSnippet(code, SourceCodeKind.Statements); script.Execute(new Scope(new DictionaryWrapper((IDictionary <object, object>)module.Get__dict__()))); }
public static MSA.Expression <T> /*!*/ Transform <T>(SourceUnitTree /*!*/ ast, SourceUnit /*!*/ sourceUnit, RubyCompilerOptions /*!*/ options, int sourceId) { var context = (RubyContext)sourceUnit.LanguageContext; var siteNodes = new Dictionary <MSA.DynamicExpression, SourceSpan>(); var generator = new TraceAstGenerator(siteNodes, context, options, sourceUnit, ast.Encoding); var lambda = ast.Transform <T>(generator); return((MSA.Expression <T>) new CallSiteTraceInjector(siteNodes, sourceId).Visit(lambda)); }
public override void Add(SourceUnit source, string message, SourceSpan span, int errorCode, Severity severity) { span = Add(message, span, severity); }
/// <summary> /// Create naming context. /// </summary> /// <param name="ns">Current namespace declaration. In case it is <c>null</c>, context for global code is created.</param> /// <param name="unit">Global code used when <paramref name="ns"/> is <c>null</c>.</param> /// <returns>Naming context. Cannot be <c>null</c>.</returns> public static NamingContext GetNamingContext(NamespaceDecl ns, SourceUnit unit) { return((ns != null) ? ns.Naming : unit.Naming); }
public PythonSavableScriptCode(Expression <Func <CodeContext, FunctionCode, object> > code, SourceUnit sourceUnit, string[] names, string moduleName) : base(sourceUnit) { _code = code; _names = names; _moduleName = moduleName; }
/// <summary> /// Parses the source code within a specified compiler context. /// The source unit to parse is held on by the context. /// </summary> /// <returns><b>null</b> on failure.</returns> /// <remarks>Could also set the code properties and line/file mappings on the source unit.</remarks> public abstract ScriptCode CompileSourceCode(SourceUnit sourceUnit, CompilerOptions options, ErrorSink errorSink);
private PhpSyntaxTree(SourceUnit source) { Contract.ThrowIfNull(source); _source = source; }
public FunctionDefinition(string name, Parameter[] parameters, SourceUnit sourceUnit) : this(name, parameters, (Statement)null) { }
public FunctionDefinition(string name, Parameter[] parameters, Statement body, SourceUnit sourceUnit) : this(name, parameters, body) { }
public ResolvedFile(SourceUnit /*!*/ sourceUnit, string appendedExtension) { SourceUnit = sourceUnit; Path = sourceUnit.Path; AppendedExtension = appendedExtension; }
public override void Add(SourceUnit source, string message, SourceSpan span, int errorCode, Severity severity) { CountError(severity); _errors.Add(String.Format("{0}: {1}", severity, message)); }
public NodesFactory(SourceUnit sourceUnit) : base(sourceUnit) { }
internal TypeRefContext(SourceUnit sourceUnit, SourceTypeSymbol containingType) { _sourceUnit = sourceUnit; _typeRefs = new List <ITypeRef>(); _containingType = containingType; }
private static PythonModule /*!*/ LoadFromSourceUnit(CodeContext /*!*/ context, SourceUnit /*!*/ sourceCode, string /*!*/ name, string /*!*/ path) { Assert.NotNull(sourceCode, name, path); return(PythonContext.GetContext(context).CompileModule(path, name, sourceCode, ModuleOptions.Initialize | ModuleOptions.Optimized)); }
public override void Add(SourceUnit source, String message, SourceSpan span, Int32 errorCode, Severity severity) { Add(message, source.Path, source.GetCode(), source.GetCodeLine(span.Start.Line), span, errorCode, severity); }
internal override Evaluation EvaluatePriorAnalysis(SourceUnit /*!*/ sourceUnit) { return(expr.EvaluatePriorAnalysis(sourceUnit).ReadOnlyEvaluate(this)); }
public abstract void Initialize(object state, TextReader sourceReader, SourceUnit sourceUnit, SourceLocation initialLocation);
public TabException(string message, SourceUnit sourceUnit, SourceSpan span, int errorCode, Severity severity) : base(message, sourceUnit, span, errorCode, severity) { }
public override ScriptCode CompileSourceCode(SourceUnit sourceUnit, CompilerOptions options, ErrorSink errorSink) { return(new HelloScriptCode(sourceUnit)); }
public override ScriptCode CompileSourceCode(SourceUnit sourceUnit, CompilerOptions options, ErrorSink errorSink) { var sc = new QsScriptCode(sourceUnit); return(sc); }