static void Main(string[] args) { int mode = -1; string bnk = ""; string wem = ""; int wid = -1; string folder = ""; int playlist_id = -1; int argc = args.Length; if (argc < 2) { show_usage(); } bnk = args[1]; // preparing if (args[0] == "--merge-headers" || args[0] == "--music" || args[0] == "add-new-music" || args[0] == "--playlist-id-from-track" || args[0] == "--export-playlist" || args[0] == "reimport-playlist") { if (argc != 3) { show_usage(); } } else { if (args[0] == "--cue") { Console.WriteLine("Entering mode: cue given wav"); var wav = args[1]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wav)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid wem file"); Environment.Exit(0); } Console.WriteLine("Reading WAVE..."); var wavinput = new WemFile(); wavinput.LoadFromFile(wav, WwAudioFileType.Wav); Console.WriteLine("Done!\n"); Console.WriteLine("Preparing WAVE..."); wavinput.Generate(); wavinput.Calculate_Riff_Size(); wavinput.WriteToFile(wav + ".cued"); Console.WriteLine("Done!"); } else if (argc != 2) { show_usage(); } } if (args[0] == "--merge-headers") { if (argc != 3) { show_usage(); } var of = args[1]; var mf = args[2]; Console.WriteLine("Original file: " + of); Console.WriteLine("Modified file: " + mf); var input = new WemFile(); input.LoadFromFile(of, WwAudioFileType.Wem); var output = new WemFile(); output.LoadFromFile(mf, WwAudioFileType.Wem); Console.WriteLine("Files loaded!"); output.merge_headers(input); output.Merge_Datas(input); output.Calculate_Riff_Size(); output.WriteToFile(mf + ".wkitmerge"); Console.WriteLine("Merging completed!"); } else if (args[0] == "--music") { mode = Soundbank.MODE_BUILD_MUSIC; Console.WriteLine("Entering mode : Build music"); wem = args[2]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wem)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid wem file"); Environment.Exit(0); } } else if (args[0] == "--add-new-music") { mode = Soundbank.MODE_ADD_NEW_MUSIC; Console.WriteLine("Entering mode : Add new music"); wem = args[2]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wem)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid wem file"); Environment.Exit(0); } } else if (args[0] == "--playlist-id-from-track") { mode = Soundbank.MODE_PLAYLIST_ID; Console.WriteLine("Entering mode : Playlist from track"); if (!int.TryParse(args[2], out wid)) { Console.WriteLine("ID is not an integer"); Environment.Exit(0); } } else if (args[0] == "--export-playlist") { mode = Soundbank.MODE_EXPORT_PLAYLIST; Console.WriteLine("Entering mode : Export playlist"); if (!int.TryParse(args[2], out playlist_id)) { Console.WriteLine("Playlist ID is not an integer"); Environment.Exit(0); } } else if (args[0] == "--reimport-playlist") { mode = Soundbank.MODE_REIMPORT_PLAYLIST; Console.WriteLine("Entering mode : Reimport playlist"); if (!int.TryParse(args[2], out playlist_id)) { Console.WriteLine("Playlist ID is not an integer"); Environment.Exit(0); } } else if (args[0] == "--debug") { mode = Soundbank.MODE_DEBUG; Console.WriteLine("Entering mode : Debug mode"); } else { mode = Soundbank.MODE_BUILD; bnk = args[0]; folder = args[1]; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(bnk)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid bnk file"); Environment.Exit(0); } Console.WriteLine("Sound bank file is : " + bnk); Console.WriteLine("Reading soundbank started"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------"); Soundbank bank = new Soundbank(bnk); bank.readFile(); Console.WriteLine("Reading soundbank done"); if (mode == Soundbank.MODE_DEBUG) { // checked Console.WriteLine(""); bank.debugSound(); } else if (mode == Soundbank.MODE_BUILD_MUSIC) { Console.WriteLine("Rebuilding new music..."); bank.rebuild_music(wem); bank.build_bnk(bnk + ".rebuilt"); } else if (mode == Soundbank.MODE_ADD_NEW_MUSIC) { Console.WriteLine("Adding new music..."); } else if (mode == Soundbank.MODE_PLAYLIST_ID) { // checked if (wid != -1) { Console.WriteLine("Extracting playlist..."); bank.get_playlist_ids((uint)wid); } } else if (mode == Soundbank.MODE_EXPORT_PLAYLIST) { // checked if (playlist_id != -1) { Console.WriteLine("Exporting playlist..."); bank.export_playlist((uint)playlist_id); Console.WriteLine("Done!"); } } else if (mode == Soundbank.MODE_REIMPORT_PLAYLIST) { if (playlist_id != -1) { Console.WriteLine("Reimporting playlist..."); bank.reimport_playlist((uint)playlist_id); bank.build_bnk(bnk + ".rebuilt"); Console.WriteLine("Done!"); } } else { if (bank._dataIndex == null || !bank._dataIndex._isSet) { Console.WriteLine("Soundbank does not contains embedded files"); } Console.WriteLine("Rebuilding sounds..."); bank.read_wems(folder); bank.rebuild_data(); if (File.Exists(bnk + ".rebuilt")) { File.Delete(bnk + ".rebuilt"); } bank.build_bnk(bnk + ".rebuilt"); Console.WriteLine("Done!"); } }
public async override Task <bool> PackAndInstallProject() { var ActiveMod = MainController.Get().ActiveMod; var _logger = ServiceLocator.Default.ResolveType <ILoggerService>(); if (ActiveMod == null) { return(false); } if (Process.GetProcessesByName("Witcher3").Length != 0) { _logger.LogString("Please close The Witcher 3 before tinkering with the files!", Logtype.Error); return(false); } var packsettings = new WolvenKit.Common.Model.WitcherPackSettings(); if (packsettings != null) { MainController.Get().ProjectStatus = EProjectStatus.Busy; MainController.Get().StatusProgress = 0; //IsToolStripBtnPackEnabled = false; //SaveAllFiles(); //Create the dirs. So script only mods don't die. Directory.CreateDirectory(ActiveMod.PackedModDirectory); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ActiveMod.GetDlcName())) { Directory.CreateDirectory(ActiveMod.PackedDlcDirectory); } //------------------------PRE COOKING------------------------------------// // have a check if somehow users forget to add a dlc folder in their dlc :( // but have files inform them that it just not gonna work bool initialDlcCheck = true; if (ActiveMod.DLCFiles.Any() && string.IsNullOrEmpty(ActiveMod.GetDlcName())) { _logger.LogString("Files in your dlc directory need to have the following structure: dlc\\DLCNAME\\files. Dlc will not be packed.", Logtype.Error); initialDlcCheck = false; } #region Pre Cooking //Handle strings. //if (packsettings.Strings.Item1 || packsettings.Strings.Item2) { //m_windowFactory.RequestStringsGUI(); TODO } // Cleanup Directories WccHelper.CleanupDirectories(); // Create Virtial Links WccHelper.CreateVirtualLinks(); // analyze files in dlc int statusanalyzedlc = -1; var seedfile = Path.Combine(ActiveMod.ProjectDirectory, @"cooked", $"seed_dlc{ActiveMod.Name}.files"); if (initialDlcCheck) { if (Directory.GetFiles(ActiveMod.DlcDirectory, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Any()) { _logger.LogString($"======== Analyzing dlc files ======== \n", Logtype.Important); if (Directory.GetFiles(ActiveMod.DlcDirectory, "*.reddlc", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Any()) { var reddlcfile = Directory.GetFiles(ActiveMod.DlcDirectory, "*.reddlc", SearchOption.AllDirectories).FirstOrDefault(); var analyze = new Wcc_lite.analyze() { Analyzer = analyzers.r4dlc, Out = seedfile, reddlc = reddlcfile }; statusanalyzedlc *= await Task.Run(() => MainController.Get().WccHelper.RunCommand(analyze)); if (statusanalyzedlc == 0) { _logger.LogString("Analyzing dlc failed, creating fallback seedfiles. \n", Logtype.Error); WccHelper.CreateFallBackSeedFile(seedfile); } } else { _logger.LogString("No reddlc found, creating fallback seedfiles. \n", Logtype.Error); WccHelper.CreateFallBackSeedFile(seedfile); } } } #endregion MainController.Get().StatusProgress = 5; //------------------------- COOKING -------------------------------------// #region Cooking int statusCook = -1; // cook uncooked files var taskCookCol = Task.Run(() => WccHelper.Cook()); await taskCookCol.ContinueWith(antecedent => { //Logger.LogString($"Cooking Collision ended with status: {antecedent.Result}", Logtype.Important); statusCook = antecedent.Result; }); if (statusCook == 0) { _logger.LogString("Cooking collision finished with errors. \n", Logtype.Error); } #endregion MainController.Get().StatusProgress = 15; //------------------------- POST COOKING --------------------------------// #region Copy Cooked Files // copy mod files from Archive (cooked files) to \cooked if (Directory.GetFiles(ActiveMod.ModCookedDirectory, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Any()) { _logger.LogString($"======== Adding cooked mod files ======== \n", Logtype.Important); try { var di = new DirectoryInfo(ActiveMod.ModCookedDirectory); var files = di.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); _logger.LogString($"Found {files.Length} files in {di.FullName}. \n"); foreach (var fi in files) { string relpath = fi.FullName.Substring(ActiveMod.ModCookedDirectory.Length + 1); string newpath = Path.Combine(ActiveMod.CookedModDirectory, relpath); if (File.Exists(newpath)) { _logger.LogString($"Duplicate cooked file found {newpath}. Overwriting. \n", Logtype.Important); File.Delete(newpath); } fi.CopyToAndCreate(newpath); _logger.LogString($"Copied file to cooked directory: {fi.FullName}. \n", Logtype.Normal); } } catch (Exception) { _logger.LogString("Copying cooked mod files finished with errors. \n", Logtype.Error); } finally { _logger.LogString("Finished succesfully. \n", Logtype.Success); } } // copy dlc files from Archive (cooked files) to \cooked if (Directory.GetFiles(ActiveMod.DlcCookedDirectory, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Any()) { _logger.LogString($"======== Adding cooked dlc files ======== \n", Logtype.Important); try { var di = new DirectoryInfo(ActiveMod.DlcCookedDirectory); var files = di.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); _logger.LogString($"Found {files.Length} files in {di.FullName}. \n"); foreach (var fi in files) { string relpath = fi.FullName.Substring(ActiveMod.DlcCookedDirectory.Length + 1); string newpath = Path.Combine(ActiveMod.CookedDlcDirectory, relpath); if (File.Exists(newpath)) { _logger.LogString($"Duplicate cooked file found {newpath}. Overwriting. \n", Logtype.Important); File.Delete(newpath); } fi.CopyToAndCreate(newpath); _logger.LogString($"Copied file to cooked directory: {fi.FullName}. \n", Logtype.Normal); } } catch (Exception) { _logger.LogString("Copying cooked dlc files finished with errors. \n", Logtype.Error); } finally { _logger.LogString("Finished succesfully. \n", Logtype.Success); } } #endregion MainController.Get().StatusProgress = 20; //------------------------- PACKING -------------------------------------// #region Packing int statusPack = -1; //Handle bundle packing. if (packsettings.dlcPackBundles || packsettings.modPackBundles) { // packing //if (statusCookCol * statusCookTex != 0) { var t = WccHelper.Pack(packsettings.modPackBundles, packsettings.dlcPackBundles); await t.ContinueWith(antecedent => { //Logger.LogString($"Packing Bundles ended with status: {antecedent.Result}", Logtype.Important); statusPack = (int)antecedent.Status; }); if (statusPack == 0) { _logger.LogString("Packing bundles finished with errors. \n", Logtype.Error); } } //else // Logger.LogString("Cooking assets failed. No bundles will be packed!\n", Logtype.Error); } #endregion MainController.Get().StatusProgress = 40; //------------------------ METADATA -------------------------------------// #region Metadata //Handle metadata generation. int statusMetaData = -1; if (packsettings.modGenMetadata || packsettings.dlcGenMetadata) { if (statusPack == 1) { var t = WccHelper.CreateMetaData(packsettings.modGenMetadata, packsettings.dlcGenMetadata); await t.ContinueWith(antecedent => { statusMetaData = antecedent.Result; //Logger.LogString($"Creating metadata ended with status: {statusMetaData}", Logtype.Important); }); if (statusMetaData == 0) { _logger.LogString("Creating metadata finished with errors. \n", Logtype.Error); } } else { _logger.LogString("Packing bundles failed. No metadata will be created!\n", Logtype.Error); } } #endregion MainController.Get().StatusProgress = 50; //------------------------ POST COOKING ---------------------------------// //---------------------------- CACHES -----------------------------------// #region Buildcache int statusCol = -1; int statusTex = -1; //Generate collision cache if (packsettings.modGenCollCache || packsettings.dlcGenCollCache) { var t = WccHelper.GenerateCache(EArchiveType.CollisionCache, packsettings.modGenCollCache, packsettings.dlcGenCollCache); await t.ContinueWith(antecedent => { statusCol = antecedent.Result; //Logger.LogString($"Building collision cache ended with status: {statusCol}", Logtype.Important); }); if (statusCol == 0) { _logger.LogString("Building collision cache finished with errors. \n", Logtype.Error); } } //Handle texture caching if (packsettings.modGenTexCache || packsettings.dlcGenTexCache) { var t = WccHelper.GenerateCache(EArchiveType.TextureCache, packsettings.modGenTexCache, packsettings.dlcGenTexCache); await t.ContinueWith(antecedent => { statusTex = antecedent.Result; //Logger.LogString($"Building texture cache ended with status: {statusTex}", Logtype.Important); }); if (statusTex == 0) { _logger.LogString("Building texture cache finished with errors. \n", Logtype.Error); } } //Handle sound caching if (packsettings.modSound || packsettings.dlcSound) { if (packsettings.modSound) { var soundmoddir = Path.Combine(ActiveMod.ModDirectory, EArchiveType.SoundCache.ToString()); // We need to have the original soundcache's so we can rebuild them when packing the mod foreach (var wem in Directory.GetFiles(soundmoddir, "*.wem", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { // Get the file id so we can search for the parent soundcache var id = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(SoundCache.GetIDFromPath(wem)); // Find the parent bank foreach (var bnk in { if (bnk.IncludedFullFiles.Any(x => x.Id == id) || bnk.IncludedPrefetchFiles.Any(x => x.Id == id)) { if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(soundmoddir, bnk.Path))) { //TODO: Fix this somehow //var bytes = MainController.ImportFile(bnk.Path, MainController.Get().SoundManager); //File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(soundmoddir, bnk.Path), bytes[0].ToArray()); MainController.Get().Logger.LogString("Imported " + bnk.Path + " for rebuilding with the modded wem files!"); } break; } } } foreach (var bnk in Directory.GetFiles(soundmoddir, "*.bnk", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { Soundbank bank = new Soundbank(bnk); bank.readFile(); bank.read_wems(soundmoddir); bank.rebuild_data(); File.Delete(bnk); bank.build_bnk(bnk); _logger.LogString("Rebuilt modded bnk " + bnk, Logtype.Success); } //Create mod soundspc.cache if (Directory.Exists(soundmoddir) && new DirectoryInfo(soundmoddir) .GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Where(file => file.Name.ToLower().EndsWith("wem") || file.Name.ToLower().EndsWith("bnk")).Any()) { SoundCache.Write( new DirectoryInfo(soundmoddir) .GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Where(file => file.Name.ToLower().EndsWith("wem") || file.Name.ToLower().EndsWith("bnk")) .ToList().Select(x => x.FullName).ToList(), Path.Combine(ActiveMod.PackedModDirectory, @"soundspc.cache")); _logger.LogString("Mod soundcache generated!\n", Logtype.Important); } else { _logger.LogString("Mod soundcache wasn't generated!\n", Logtype.Important); } } if (packsettings.dlcSound) { var sounddlcdir = Path.Combine(ActiveMod.DlcDirectory, EArchiveType.SoundCache.ToString()); //Create dlc soundspc.cache if (Directory.Exists(sounddlcdir) && new DirectoryInfo(sounddlcdir) .GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Any(file => file.Name.ToLower().EndsWith("wem") || file.Name.ToLower().EndsWith("bnk"))) { SoundCache.Write( new DirectoryInfo(sounddlcdir) .GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Where(file => file.Name.ToLower().EndsWith("wem") || file.Name.ToLower().EndsWith("bnk")).ToList().Select(x => x.FullName).ToList(), Path.Combine(ActiveMod.PackedDlcDirectory, @"soundspc.cache")); _logger.LogString("DLC soundcache generated!\n", Logtype.Important); } else { _logger.LogString("DLC soundcache wasn't generated!\n", Logtype.Important); } } } #endregion MainController.Get().StatusProgress = 60; //---------------------------- SCRIPTS ----------------------------------// #region Scripts bool packscriptsMod = packsettings.modScripts; bool packscriptsdlc = packsettings.dlcScripts; //Handle mod scripts if (packscriptsMod && Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(ActiveMod.ModDirectory, "scripts")) && Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(ActiveMod.ModDirectory, "scripts"), "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Any()) { if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(ActiveMod.ModDirectory, "scripts"))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(ActiveMod.ModDirectory, "scripts")); } //Now Create all of the directories foreach (string dirPath in Directory.GetDirectories(Path.Combine(ActiveMod.ModDirectory, "scripts"), "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath.Replace(Path.Combine(ActiveMod.ModDirectory, "scripts"), Path.Combine(ActiveMod.PackedModDirectory, "scripts"))); } //Copy all the files & Replaces any files with the same name foreach (string newPath in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(ActiveMod.ModDirectory, "scripts"), "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { File.Copy(newPath, newPath.Replace(Path.Combine(ActiveMod.ModDirectory, "scripts"), Path.Combine(ActiveMod.PackedModDirectory, "scripts")), true); } } //Handle the DLC scripts if (packscriptsdlc && Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(ActiveMod.DlcDirectory, "scripts")) && Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(ActiveMod.DlcDirectory, "scripts"), "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Any()) { if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(ActiveMod.DlcDirectory, "scripts"))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(ActiveMod.DlcDirectory, "scripts")); } //Now Create all of the directories foreach (string dirPath in Directory.GetDirectories(Path.Combine(ActiveMod.DlcDirectory, "scripts"), "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath.Replace(Path.Combine(ActiveMod.DlcDirectory, "scripts"), Path.Combine(ActiveMod.PackedDlcDirectory, "scripts"))); } //Copy all the files & Replaces any files with the same name foreach (string newPath in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(ActiveMod.DlcDirectory, "scripts"), "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { File.Copy(newPath, newPath.Replace(Path.Combine(ActiveMod.DlcDirectory, "scripts"), Path.Combine(ActiveMod.PackedDlcDirectory, "scripts")), true); } } #endregion MainController.Get().StatusProgress = 80; //---------------------------- STRINGS ----------------------------------// #region Strings //Copy the generated w3strings if (packsettings.modStrings || packsettings.dlcStrings) { var files = Directory.GetFiles((ActiveMod.ProjectDirectory + "\\strings")).Where(s => Path.GetExtension(s) == ".w3strings").ToList(); if (packsettings.modStrings) { files.ForEach(x => File.Copy(x, Path.Combine(ActiveMod.PackedDlcDirectory, Path.GetFileName(x)))); } if (packsettings.dlcStrings) { files.ForEach(x => File.Copy(x, Path.Combine(ActiveMod.PackedModDirectory, Path.GetFileName(x)))); } } #endregion MainController.Get().StatusProgress = 90; //---------------------------- FINALIZE ---------------------------------// InstallMod(); //Report that we are done MainController.Get().StatusProgress = 100; MainController.Get().ProjectStatus = EProjectStatus.Ready; return(true); } else { return(false); } }