        /// <summary>
        /// Overridden Read function that returns samples processed with SoundTouch. Returns data in same format as
        /// WaveChannel32 i.e. stereo float samples.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Buffer where to return sample data</param>
        /// <param name="offset">Offset from beginning of the buffer</param>
        /// <param name="count">Number of bytes to return</param>
        /// <returns>Number of bytes copied to buffer</returns>
        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
                // Iterate until enough samples available for output:
                // - read samples from input stream
                // - put samples to SoundStretch processor
                while (st.NumSamples() < count)
                    int nbytes = inputStr.Read(bytebuffer, 0, bytebuffer.Length);
                    if (nbytes == 0)
                        // end of stream. flush final samples from SoundTouch buffers to output
                        if (endReached == false)
                            endReached = true;  // do only once to avoid continuous flushing

                    // binary copy data from "byte[]" to "float[]" buffer
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(bytebuffer, 0, floatbuffer, 0, nbytes);
                    st.PutSamples(floatbuffer, (uint)(nbytes / 8));

                // ensure that buffer is large enough to receive desired amount of data out
                if (floatbuffer.Length < count / 4)
                    floatbuffer = new float[count / 4];
                // get processed output samples from SoundTouch
                int numsamples = (int)st.ReceiveSamples(floatbuffer, (uint)(count / 8));
                // binary copy data from "float[]" to "byte[]" buffer
                Buffer.BlockCopy(floatbuffer, 0, buffer, offset, numsamples * 8);
                return(numsamples * 8);  // number of bytes
            catch (Exception exp)
                StatusMessage.Write("exception in WaveStreamProcessor.Read: " + exp.Message);