public void InitializeNote(GameObject thresholdSliderPanel, GameObject thresholdSliderParent, SoundAnalyzer soundAnalyzer, int minFramesBeforRegister, int minRetriggerTimeoutFrames, float minRetriggerLevel) { // This function is executed after loading or creating of notes this.thresholdSliderPanel = thresholdSliderPanel; this.thresholdSliderParent = thresholdSliderParent; this.soundAnalyzer = soundAnalyzer; this.numberOfValuesToAverage = minFramesBeforRegister; this.minRetriggerTimeoutFrames = minRetriggerTimeoutFrames; this.minRetriggerLevel = minRetriggerLevel; // The thresholdSliderParent has just been created, therefore set a usefull name = caption + " " + " Threshold Slider"; // Also set an initial position within the valid range SetThresholdSliderParentPosition(); // And get the references to the slider and the background that we use as sound level thresholdSlider = thresholdSliderParent.GetComponentInChildren <Slider>(); thresholdBackgroundPanelImage = thresholdSliderParent.transform.GetChild(0).transform.GetComponent <Image>(); // We need set the maxValue to thresholdValue * 1.5f that there is some way to increase the thresholdValue with the slider this.maxValue = thresholdValue * 1.5f; thresholdSlider.maxValue = thresholdValue * 1.5f; thresholdSlider.value = thresholdValue; // Also we need to attach a listener to the notes slider thresholdSlider.onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate { TresholdSliderValueChanged(thresholdSlider); }); values = new Queue <float>(); }
void Update() { // 基本周波数の取得 float freq = SoundAnalyzer.GetFundamentalFrequency(mic); // マイク秒数の取得 int now = (int)(mic.time * 100.0f); // 基本周波数の描画 int vertexCount = now % NumTimes; int beforeVertexCount = beforeTime % NumTimes; if (vertexCount < beforeVertexCount) { // 表示がループした時は、頂点0から描画を開始 beforeVertexCount = 0; } lineRenderer.SetVertexCount(vertexCount); for (int i = beforeVertexCount; i < vertexCount; i++) { float x = PositionTime + i * RateTime / NumTimes; float y = PositionHertz + freq * RateHertz / (AudioSettings.outputSampleRate / 2.0f); lineRenderer.SetPosition(i, mainCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(x, y, mainCamera.nearClipPlane))); } beforeTime = now; }
void Start() { buffer = new float[nSamples]; fs = AudioSettings.outputSampleRate; soundAnalyzer = new SoundAnalyzer(fs); SetMicrophone(); }
//IEnumerator DetectClap(bool result) //{ // while(true) // { // result = SAnalyzer.isClap; // yield return null; // } //} private void Awake() { _dataSet = FindObjectOfType <MetronomeDataSet>(); SAnalyzer = GetComponent <SoundAnalyzer>(); //decisionimage.color = new Color(1, 1, 1); defColor = new Color(1, 1, 1); correctColor = new Color(0, 1, 0); wrongColor = new Color(1, 0, 0); }
void Update() { List <KeyValuePair <float, float> > spectrum = SoundAnalyzer.GetSpectrumData(file); // 対数振幅スペクトルの描画 lineRenderer.SetVertexCount(spectrum.Count); for (int i = 0; i < spectrum.Count; i++) { float x = PositionHertz + i * RateHertz / spectrum.Count; float y = PositionPower + RatePower * (float)Math.Log(spectrum[i].Value + 1.0); lineRenderer.SetPosition(i, mainCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(x, y, mainCamera.nearClipPlane))); } Debug.Log(SoundAnalyzer.GetFundamentalFrequency(file)); }
public void SetThresholdSliderParentPosition() { // Update the notes threshold slider position according to the lower bound, the upper bound and the width of the parent container Vector3 localPosition = thresholdSliderParent.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition; float containerWidth = thresholdSliderPanel.GetComponent <RectTransform>().rect.width; // Map the lower and upper bounds to positions float lowerPos = SoundAnalyzer.MapRange(lowerBound, 0, 512, 0, containerWidth); float upperPos = SoundAnalyzer.MapRange(upperBound, 0, 512, 0, containerWidth); // Then calculate the center of these two positions localPosition.x = lowerPos + ((upperPos - lowerPos) / 2); // Finally set the slider to this center thresholdSliderParent.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = localPosition; }
void Update() { // 対数振幅スペクトルの描画 List <KeyValuePair <float, float> > spectrum = SoundAnalyzer.GetSpectrumData(mic); LineRenderer FFTRenderer = FFTObject.GetComponent <LineRenderer>(); FFTRenderer.SetVertexCount(spectrum.Count); for (int i = 0; i < spectrum.Count; i++) { float x = PositionTime + i * RateFFTHertz / spectrum.Count; float y = PositionHertz + RateFFTPower * (float)Math.Log(spectrum[i].Value + 1.0); FFTRenderer.SetPosition(i, mainCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(x, y, mainCamera.nearClipPlane))); } // 基本周波数の取得 float freq = SoundAnalyzer.GetFundamentalFrequency(mic); // マイク秒数の取得 int now = (int)(mic.time * 100.0f); // 基本周波数の描画 int vertexCount = now % NumTimes; int beforeVertexCount = beforeTime % NumTimes; if (vertexCount < beforeVertexCount) { // 表示がループした時は、頂点0から描画を開始 beforeVertexCount = 0; } lineRenderer.SetVertexCount(vertexCount); for (int i = beforeVertexCount; i < vertexCount; i++) { float x = PositionTime + i * RateTime / NumTimes; float y = PositionHertz + freq * RateHertz / (AudioSettings.outputSampleRate / 2.0f); lineRenderer.SetPosition(i, mainCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(x, y, mainCamera.nearClipPlane))); } beforeTime = now; }