        //Add functionality to the phonebook from the previous task to print all contacts ordered lexicographically when receive the
        //command “ListAll”.
        static void Main(string[] args)
            SortedSortedDictionery <string, string> phoneBook = new SortedSortedDictionery <string, string>();

            while (true)
                string value = Console.ReadLine();

                if (value == "END")

                List <string> tokens = value.Split(" ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();

                string command = tokens[0];
                if (command == "A")
                    string name   = tokens[1];
                    string number = tokens[2];

                    if (phoneBook.ContainsKey(name) == false)
                        phoneBook.Add(name, "");
                    phoneBook[name] = number;
                else if (command == "S")
                    string name = tokens[1];
                    if (phoneBook.ContainsKey(name))
                        string answer = phoneBook[name];
                        Console.WriteLine($"{name} -> {answer}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Contact {name} does not exist.");
                else if (command == "ListAll")
                    foreach (var item in phoneBook)
                        Console.WriteLine($"{item.Key} -> {item.Value}");
        //Marian is a famous system administrator. The person to overcome the security of his servers has not yet been born. However, there is a
        //new type of threat where users flood the server with messages and are hard to be detected since they change their IP address all the time.
        //Well, Marian is a system administrator and is not so into programming. Therefore, he needs a skillful programmer to track the user logs of
        //his servers. You are the chosen one to help him!
        //You are given an input in the format:
        //•	IP=(IP.Address) message = (A & sample & message) user=(username)
        //      Your task is to parse the IP and the username from the input and for every user, you have to display every IP from which the
        //corresponding user has sent a message and the count of the messages sent with the corresponding IP.In the output, the usernames must be
        //sorted alphabetically while their IP addresses should be displayed in the order of their first appearance.The output should be in the
        //following format:
        //IP => count, IP => count.
        //     For example, given the following input:
        //•	“IP= message= 'Hello&derps.' user= destroyer”,
        //     You will have to get the username destroyer and the IP and display it in the following format:
        // => 1.
        //The username destroyer has sent a message from IP once.
        //     Check the examples below. They will further clarify the assignment.

        static void Main(string[] args)
            SortedSortedDictionery <string, SortedDictionery <string, int> > answer = new SortedSortedDictionery <string, SortedDictionery <string, int> >();

            // SortedDictionery<string, int> toAdd = new SortedDictionery<string, int>();

            while (true)
                List <string> value = Console.ReadLine().Split(" ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Reverse().ToList();
                //на [0] стои user, на [1] стои messege и на [2] стои IP

                if (value[0] == "end")

                string tempUser = value[0];                          //тук ни се съдържа user
                string tempIP   = value[2];                          //тук ни е IP

                string[] tokensUser = tempUser.Split("=").ToArray(); //тук се съдържат поотделно разделени на [0] команда и [1] съдържание
                string[] tokensIP   = tempIP.Split("=").ToArray();   // тук ни се съдържа поотделно команда и съдържание

                string commandUser = tokensUser[0];
                string contentUser = tokensUser[1];

                string commandIP = tokensIP[0];
                string contentIP = tokensIP[1];

                // if (toAdd.ContainsKey(contentIP)==false)
                // {
                //     toAdd.Add(contentIP, 1);
                // }
                // else
                // {
                //     toAdd[contentIP]++;
                // }

                if (commandUser == "user")//проверка само за user
                    if (answer.ContainsKey(tokensUser[1]) == false)
                        answer.Add(contentUser, new SortedDictionery <string, int>());

                        answer[contentUser].Add(contentIP, 1);
                        if (answer[contentUser].ContainsKey(contentIP) == false)
                            answer[contentUser].Add(contentIP, 1);
            foreach (var item in answer)
                string user = item.Key;
                //SortedDictionery<string, int> final = new SortedDictionery<string, int>();
                List <string> toPrint = new List <string>();
                foreach (var token in item.Value)
                    string iP    = token.Key;
                    string sep   = " => ";
                    int    count = token.Value;
                    //final.Add(iP, count);
                    toPrint.Add(iP + sep + count);
                Console.WriteLine($"{user}: \n{string.Join(", ", toPrint)}.");