/// <summary> /// 下移 /// </summary> /// <returns>影响行数</returns> public int SetDown() { RowCount = RowIndex; int returnValue = 0; string targetId = ""; if (dataTableFlag) { targetId = SortLogic.GetNextId(this.dataView, this.EntityId); } else { targetId = SortLogic.GetNextIdDyn(this.lstT, this.EntityId); } if (targetId.Length > 0) { if (dataTableFlag) { returnValue = SortLogic.Swap(this.dataView.Table, this.EntityId, targetId); } else { returnValue = SortLogic.SwapDyn(this.lstT, this.EntityId, targetId); SetCRow(); } } else { if (SystemInfo.ShowInformation) { MessageBoxHelper.ShowInformationMsg(RDIFrameworkMessage.MSG0022); } } return(returnValue); }
/// <summary> /// 置底 /// </summary> /// <returns>影响行数</returns> public int SetBottom() { RowCount = RowIndex; int returnValue = 0; string targetId = ""; targetId = dataTableFlag ? SortLogic.GetNextId(this.dataView, this.EntityId) : SortLogic.GetNextIdDyn(this.lstT, this.EntityId); if (targetId.Length > 0) { var rdiFrameworkService = new RDIFrameworkService(); string sequence = rdiFrameworkService.SequenceService.GetSequence(UserInfo, dataTableFlag ? this.dataView.Table.TableName : tabelName); if (rdiFrameworkService.SequenceService is ICommunicationObject) { ((ICommunicationObject)rdiFrameworkService.SequenceService).Close(); } if (dataTableFlag) { returnValue = BusinessLogic.SetProperty(this.dataView.Table, this.EntityId, BusinessLogic.FieldSortCode, sequence); } else { returnValue = BusinessLogic.SetPropertyDyn(this.lstT, this.EntityId, BusinessLogic.FieldSortCode, sequence); SetCRow(); } } else { if (SystemInfo.ShowInformation) { MessageBoxHelper.ShowInformationMsg(RDIFrameworkMessage.MSG0022); } } return(returnValue); }
/// <summary> /// Datas the grid sorting. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param> /// <param name="e"> /// The <see cref="System.Windows.Controls.DataGridSortingEventArgs"/> /// instance containing the event data.</param> private void DataGridSorting(object sender, DataGridSortingEventArgs e) { e.Handled = true; var direction = (e.Column.SortDirection != ListSortDirection.Ascending) ? ListSortDirection.Ascending : ListSortDirection.Descending; e.Column.SortDirection = direction; var lcv = (ListCollectionView) CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(dataGrid.ItemsSource); var sortLogic = new SortLogic(direction, e.Column); lcv.CustomSort = sortLogic; }
public void SortByRating_Test() { actualList = new List <Restaurant>(); SortLogic sort = new SortLogic(); actualList.Add(restaurant1); actualList.Add(restaurant2); actualList.Add(restaurant3); actualList.Add(restaurant4); Restaurant actual = actualList[3]; List <Restaurant> expectedList /* = new List<Restaurant>(); * expectedList*/= (List <Restaurant>)sort.SortByRating(3, actualList); Restaurant expected = expectedList[0]; Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected, expected.CustomerRating + " " + actual.CustomerRating); }
public void SearchRestaurantByName_Test() { actualList = new List <Restaurant>(); SortLogic sort = new SortLogic(); actualList.Add(restaurant1); actualList.Add(restaurant2); actualList.Add(restaurant3); actualList.Add(restaurant4); Restaurant actual = actualList[0]; List <Restaurant> expectedList = new List <Restaurant>(); expectedList = (List <Restaurant>)sort.SearchRestaurantByName("M", actualList); Restaurant expected = expectedList[0]; Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected, expected.RestaurantName + " " + actual.RestaurantName); }
public void Sort_SortJaggedArrayWithFewSolutionsByDelegateToInterface(int[][] array, Func <int[], int[], int> func, int returnValue) { SortLogic.Sort(array, func); Assert.AreEqual(array[0][0], returnValue); }
public void Sort_SortJaggedArrayWithFewSolutionsByInterface(int[][] array, IComparer <int[]> sorter, int returnValue) { SortLogic.Sort(array, sorter); Assert.AreEqual(array[0][0], returnValue); }