        public async Task <bool> initialize()
            await Sonar.initialize();

            await ConnectToController();

            if (writer == null || reader == null)

            mavLink = new UwpMavLink();
            mavLink.connectToMavLink(writer, reader);

             * foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, 10 * 50))
             * {
             *  // This seems to be the best way to EKF to believe
             *  // we're using a different reference poin than the current hilGPS coordinate.
             *  synthesizeGPSPositionFromOrigin();
             *  await Task.Delay(20);
             * }

            controlLoopTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20);
            controlLoopTimer.Tick    += ControlLoopTimer_Tick;

        public void SonnarComPneuDeCouroDeDragaoGanha2DeVelocidade()
            var sonnar = new Sonar(new Corredor("Mario", NivelHabilidade.Noob));

            sonnar.Equipar(new PneusCouroDeDragao());
            Assert.AreEqual(10, sonnar.Velocidade);
        public void CriarKartSonarSemNenhumEquipamentoCorredorNoob()
            Corredor corredor = new Corredor("José", NivelHabilidadeCorredor.Noob);
            Sonar    kart     = new Sonar(corredor);

            Assert.AreEqual(6, kart.VelocidadeFinal());
 private void Awake()
     sonar = GetComponentInChildren <Sonar>();
     //foreach(GameObject friend in otherFriends)
     //    friend.GetComponent<AudioSource>().volume = 0f;
        public void RemoveWork(Inspector insp)
            BackgroundWorker work = Sonar[insp.InspectorId];


        public void CriarKartSonarComUmEquipamento()
            Corredor             corredor    = new Corredor("José", NivelHabilidadeCorredor.Mediano);
            Sonar                kart        = new Sonar(corredor);
            PneusDeCouroDeDragao equipamento = new PneusDeCouroDeDragao();

            Assert.AreEqual(12, kart.VelocidadeFinal());
        public void CriarKartSonarComDoisEquipamentosDiferentesCorredorProfissional()
            Corredor             corredor = new Corredor("José", NivelHabilidadeCorredor.Profissional);
            Sonar                kart     = new Sonar(corredor);
            PneusDeCouroDeDragao pneus    = new PneusDeCouroDeDragao();
            MotorABaseDeLava     motor    = new MotorABaseDeLava();

            Assert.AreEqual(18, kart.VelocidadeFinal());

    private Sonar SetInitialSonar()
        Debug.Log("SetIntialSonar");        // SonarDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Sonar>();

        var initsonar = new Sonar();

        initsonar = MasterData.Sonars["GreenSonar"];

        // Debug.Log("savedata.Sonarlist[0].name = " + savedata.SonarList[0].name);
    public Sonar PickSonarInSavedataList(string Name)
        Sonar TargetSonar = new Sonar();

        foreach (Sonar tempSonar in savedata.SonarList)
            if (tempSonar.name == Name)
                TargetSonar = tempSonar; break;
        private static void StartCheat()
            //We make the config if it dosen't exist.
            KeyUtils = new KeyUtils();

            PrintInfo("> Waiting for CSGO to start up...");
            while (!ProcUtils.ProcessIsRunning(GameProcess))

            _procUtils = new ProcUtils(GameProcess,
                                       WinAPI.ProcessAccessFlags.VirtualMemoryRead | WinAPI.ProcessAccessFlags.VirtualMemoryWrite |
            MemUtils = new MemUtils {
                Handle = _procUtils.Handle

            PrintInfo("> Waiting for CSGOs window to show up...");
            while ((_hWnd = WinAPI.FindWindowByCaption(_hWnd, GameTitle)) == IntPtr.Zero)

            ProcessModule clientDll, engineDll;

            PrintInfo("> Waiting for CSGO to load client.dll...");
            while ((clientDll = _procUtils.GetModuleByName(@"bin\client.dll")) == null)
            PrintInfo("> Waiting for CSGO to load engine.dll...");
            while ((engineDll = _procUtils.GetModuleByName(@"engine.dll")) == null)

            //will update everything we need.
            Memory = new Memory(engineDll, clientDll);

            _triggerBot = new TriggerBot();
            _rcs        = new Rcs();
            _bunnyJump  = new BunnyJump();
            _sonar      = new Sonar();

            Timer1.Elapsed += Timer1Elapsed;

            PrintSuccess("Cheat is now running.");
    private void RpcSonar()
        GameObject sonarPrefab = Instantiate(m_prefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

        GameObject spotLight = transform.Find("Spot_Light_For_Other_Players").gameObject;

        spotLight.SetActive(true); // Show the spotlight of the soldier that uses the sonar.
        spotLight.GetComponent <SpotLightScript>().SetLifeTime(Sonar.LIFETIME, true);

        Sonar   sonarScript = sonarPrefab.GetComponent <Sonar>();
        Soldier soldier     = GetComponent <Soldier>();

        m_audioSource.PlayOneShot(m_sonarSound, m_soundVolume);
/*--- 初期化関連 ---*/

    private void InitializeGame()

        _SelectedBomb = SaveData.PickBombInSavedataList(SaveData.savedata.MyBomb.name);
        BombGenerator.SelectedBomb = _SelectedBomb;
        _SelectedSonar             = SaveData.PickSonarInSavedataList(SaveData.savedata.MySonar.name);
        SonarManager.SelectedSonar = _SelectedSonar;

        // _numOre = SaveData.savedata.numberOfOre;
        _numOre = 0;
        _MaxHP  = SaveData.savedata.MaxHP;
        _HP     = _MaxHP;
        _maxmp  = SaveData.savedata.MaxMP;
        _mp     = _maxmp;
        private void btnConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String comPort = "COM" + txtCOM.Text;

                // if brick is already connected then disconnect it
                if (brick != null && brick.Connection.IsConnected)
                    MessageBox.Show("Robot is already connected", "Connect error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                // create brick object and connect it to robot
                brick = new Brick <Sensor, Sensor, Sensor, Sensor>(comPort);

                // light/colour sensor declaration and connect in port 3
                sensorLight   = new NXTLightSensor();
                brick.Sensor3 = sensorLight;

                // distance sensor declaration and connect in port 4
                sensorDistance = new Sonar();
                brick.Sensor4  = sensorDistance;

                // update form with brick details
                lblConnectStatus.Text = "Connected to NXT Robot " + brick.GetBrickName();

                // Set ports for synchronised motor vehicle
                brick.Vehicle.LeftPort  = MotorPort.OutC;
                brick.Vehicle.RightPort = MotorPort.OutA;

                // Update form buttons
                btnConnect.Enabled    = false;
                btnDisconnect.Enabled = true;
                MessageBox.Show("Error connecting to robot on " + comPort, "Connect error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                // call disconnect in case robot has already connected when error occured
        public void CriarKartSonarComSkyFusionEquipando()
            Corredor          corredor  = new Corredor("Zé", NivelHabilidadeCorredor.Profissional);
            Sonar             sonar     = new Sonar(corredor);
            SkyFusion         skyFusion = new SkyFusion(corredor);
            FogueteDePlutonio foguete   = new FogueteDePlutonio(5);
            UltraPack         ultraPack = new UltraPack(foguete);
            MotorABaseDeLava  motor     = new MotorABaseDeLava();



            Assert.AreEqual(49, sonar.VelocidadeFinal());
        /// <summary>
        /// check if sonar gives any nearby obstackles, and handle any results.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sonar"></param>
        private void CheckSonar(Sonar sonar)
            bool leftCollide, rightCollide, toClose;

            toClose = sonar.IsTooClose(out leftCollide, out rightCollide);
            if (toClose)
                Logger.Log(this, "I probably reached the marker");
                looking = false;
            else if (leftCollide || rightCollide)
                // turn a bit.
                float dir = (float)(leftCollide ? -0.2f * Math.PI : 0.2f * Math.PI);
        public void AddWork(Inspector insp)
            BackgroundWorker work = new BackgroundWorker();

            work.WorkerReportsProgress      = true;
            work.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;

            work.DoWork             += new DoWorkEventHandler(bw_DoWork);
            work.ProgressChanged    += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(bw_ProgressChanged);
            work.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(bw_RunWorkerCompleted);

            Sonar.Add(insp.InspectorId, work);

            if (SonarActivo)
        public override void Observation()
            Sonar.RelativeAngle = Angle;
            Sonar.Update(new PointF((float)X, (float)Y));

            double l = 0, r = 0;

            WheelRotationAmountCalculation(ref l, ref r);
            rotl = (Inertia) * rotl + (1 - Inertia) * l;
            rotr = (Inertia) * rotr + (1 - Inertia) * r;
            double n = Math.Sqrt(rotl * rotl + rotr * rotr);

            if (n > Rotmax)
                rotl /= n; rotr /= n;
            UpdateRotation(rotl, rotr);
    private void ChangeSelectedSonar()
        Sonar        TargetSonar = new Sonar();
        List <Sonar> TargetList  = SaveData.savedata.SonarList;
        int          IndexNum    = TargetList.IndexOf(_SelectedSonar);

        int ListCount = TargetList.Count;

        if (IndexNum > ListCount - 1)
             IndexNum = IndexNum - ListCount;  

        TargetSonar                = TargetList[IndexNum];
        _SelectedSonar             = TargetSonar;
        SonarManager.SelectedSonar = _SelectedSonar;

        public void LookForMarker()
            MarkerRecogniser rec   = MarkerRecogniser.Instance;
            Sonar            sonar = Sonar.Instance;
            ArrayList        markers;

            Logger.Log(this, "Look for marker");
            Call(() => Walk.Instance.StartWalking(speed, 0, 0));
            while (Running && looking)
                Thread.Sleep(1000);// update time of nao LandMarkDetection
                ArrayList data = rec.GetMarkerData();
                markers = data.Count == 0 ? data : (ArrayList)data[1];
                // dont check sensor when holding object, it will probably block the sonar.
                if (!NaoState.Instance.HoldingObject && markers.Count == 0)
            Logger.Log("Exit LookForMarker : " + Running);
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     _sonar = transform.Find("Sonar").GetComponent<Sonar>();
        public void SonnarSemEquipamentosTemVelocidadeNormal()
            var sonnar = new Sonar(new Corredor("Mario", NivelHabilidade.Noob));

            Assert.AreEqual(6, sonnar.Velocidade);
        public override IEnumerable <object> UpdateState()
            Character Controlled = Character.Controlled;

            if (Controlled == null)
                yield return(CoroutineStatus.Success);

            foreach (Item item in Item.ItemList)
                var wire = item.GetComponent <Wire>();
                if (wire != null && wire.Connections.Any(c => c != null))
                    wire.Locked = true;

            //remove all characters except the controlled one to prevent any unintended monster attacks
            var existingCharacters = Character.CharacterList.FindAll(c => c != Controlled);

            foreach (Character c in existingCharacters)

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(4.0f));

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Use WASD to move and the mouse to look around");

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(5.0f));


            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Open the door at your right side by highlighting the button next to it with your cursor and pressing E");

            Door tutorialDoor = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("tutorialdoor")).GetComponent <Door>();

            while (!tutorialDoor.IsOpen && Controlled.WorldPosition.X < tutorialDoor.Item.WorldPosition.X)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2.0f));


            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Hold W or S to walk up or down stairs. Use shift to run.", true);

            while (infoBox != null)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);


            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("At the moment the submarine has no power, which means that crucial systems such as the oxygen generator or the engine aren't running. Let's fix this: go to the upper left corner of the submarine, where you'll find a nuclear reactor.");

            Reactor reactor = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("tutorialreactor")).GetComponent <Reactor>();

            //reactor.MeltDownTemp = 20000.0f;

            while (Vector2.Distance(Controlled.Position, reactor.Item.Position) > 200.0f)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("The reactor requires fuel rods to generate power. You can grab one from the steel cabinet by walking next to it and pressing E.");

            while (Controlled.SelectedConstruction == null || Controlled.SelectedConstruction.Prefab.Identifier != "steelcabinet")
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Pick up one of the fuel rods either by double-clicking or dragging and dropping it into your inventory.");

            while (!HasItem("fuelrod"))
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Select the reactor by walking next to it and pressing E.");

            while (Controlled.SelectedConstruction != reactor.Item)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f));

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Load the fuel rod into the reactor by dropping it into any of the 5 slots.");

            while (reactor.AvailableFuel <= 0.0f)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("The reactor is now fueled up. Try turning it on by increasing the fission rate.");

            while (reactor.FissionRate <= 0.0f)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f));

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("The reactor core has started generating heat, which in turn generates power for the submarine. The power generation is very low at the moment,"
                                      + " because the reactor is set to shut itself down when the temperature rises above 500 degrees Celsius. You can adjust the temperature limit by changing the \"Shutdown Temperature\" in the control panel.", true);

            //TODO: reimplement

            /*while (infoBox != null)
             * {
             *  reactor.ShutDownTemp = Math.Min(reactor.ShutDownTemp, 5000.0f);
             *  yield return Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running;
             * }
             * yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f);
             * infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("The amount of power generated by the reactor should be kept close to the amount of power consumed by the devices in the submarine. "
             + "If there isn't enough power, devices won't function properly (or at all), and if there's too much power, some devices may be damaged."
             + " Try to raise the temperature of the reactor close to 3000 degrees by adjusting the fission and cooling rates.", true);
             + while (Math.Abs(reactor.Temperature - 3000.0f) > 100.0f)
             + {
             +  reactor.AutoTemp = false;
             +  reactor.ShutDownTemp = Math.Min(reactor.ShutDownTemp, 5000.0f);
             +  yield return Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running;
             + }
             + yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f);
             + infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Looks like we're up and running! Now you should turn on the \"Automatic temperature control\", which will make the reactor "
             + "automatically adjust the temperature to a suitable level. Even though it's an easy way to keep the reactor up and running most of the time, "
             + "you should keep in mind that it changes the temperature very slowly and carefully, which may cause issues if there are sudden changes in grid load.");
             + while (!reactor.AutoTemp)
             + {
             +  yield return Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running;
             + }*/
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f));

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("That's the basics of operating the reactor! Now that there's power available for the engines, it's time to get the submarine moving. "
                                      + "Deselect the reactor by pressing E and head to the command room at the right edge of the vessel.");

            Steering steering = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("tutorialsteering")).GetComponent <Steering>();
            Sonar    sonar    = steering.Item.GetComponent <Sonar>();

            while (Vector2.Distance(Controlled.Position, steering.Item.Position) > 150.0f)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);


            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Select the navigation terminal by walking next to it and pressing E.");

            while (Controlled.SelectedConstruction != steering.Item)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f));

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("There seems to be something wrong with the navigation terminal." +
                                      " There's nothing on the monitor, so it's probably out of power. The reactor must still be"
                                      + " running or the lights would've gone out, so it's most likely a problem with the wiring."
                                      + " Deselect the terminal by pressing E to start checking the wiring.");

            while (Controlled.SelectedConstruction == steering.Item)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f));

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("You need a screwdriver to check the wiring of the terminal."
                                      + " Equip a screwdriver by pulling it to either of the slots with a hand symbol, and then use it on the terminal by left clicking.");

            while (Controlled.SelectedConstruction != steering.Item ||
                   Controlled.SelectedItems.FirstOrDefault(i => i != null && i.Prefab.Identifier == "screwdriver") == null)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Here you can see all the wires connected to the terminal. Apparently there's no wire"
                                      + " going into the to the power connection - that's why the monitor isn't working."
                                      + " You should find a piece of wire to connect it. Try searching some of the cabinets scattered around the sub.");

            while (!HasItem("wire"))
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Head back to the navigation terminal to fix the wiring.");

            PowerTransfer junctionBox = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i != null && i.HasTag("tutorialjunctionbox")).GetComponent <PowerTransfer>();

            while ((Controlled.SelectedConstruction != junctionBox.Item &&
                    Controlled.SelectedConstruction != steering.Item) ||
                   Controlled.SelectedItems.FirstOrDefault(i => i != null && i.Prefab.Identifier == "screwdriver") == null)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            if (Controlled.SelectedItems.FirstOrDefault(i => i != null && i.GetComponent <Wire>() != null) == null)
                infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Equip the wire by dragging it to one of the slots with a hand symbol.");

                while (Controlled.SelectedItems.FirstOrDefault(i => i != null && i.GetComponent <Wire>() != null) == null)
                    yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("You can see the equipped wire at the middle of the connection panel. Drag it to the power connector.");

            var steeringConnection = steering.Item.Connections.Find(c => c.Name.Contains("power"));

            while (steeringConnection.Wires.FirstOrDefault(w => w != null) == null)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Now you have to connect the other end of the wire to a power source. "
                                      + "The junction box in the room just below the command room should do.");

            while (Controlled.SelectedConstruction != null)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2.0f));

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("You can now move the other end of the wire around, and attach it on the wall by left clicking or "
                                      + "remove the previous attachment by right clicking. Or if you don't care for neatly laid out wiring, you can just "
                                      + "run it straight to the junction box.");

            while (Controlled.SelectedConstruction == null || Controlled.SelectedConstruction.GetComponent <PowerTransfer>() == null)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Connect the wire to the junction box by pulling it to the power connection, the same way you did with the navigation terminal.");

            while (sonar.Voltage < 0.1f)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Great! Now we should be able to get moving.");

            while (Controlled.SelectedConstruction != steering.Item)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("You can take a look at the area around the sub by selecting the \"Active Sonar\" checkbox.");

            while (!sonar.IsActive)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f));

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("The blue rectangle in the middle is the submarine, and the flickering shapes outside it are the walls of an underwater cavern. "
                                      + "Try moving the submarine by clicking somewhere on the monitor and dragging the pointer to the direction you want to go to.");

            while (steering.TargetVelocity == Vector2.Zero && steering.TargetVelocity.Length() < 50.0f)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(4.0f));

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("The submarine moves up and down by pumping water in and out of the two ballast tanks at the bottom of the submarine. "
                                      + "The engine at the back of the sub moves it forwards and backwards.", true);

            while (infoBox != null)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Steer the submarine downwards, heading further into the cavern.");

            while (Submarine.MainSub.WorldPosition.Y > 32000.0f)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f));

            var moloch = Character.Create(
                steering.Item.WorldPosition + new Vector2(3000.0f, -500.0f), "");


            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f));

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Uh-oh... Something enormous just appeared on the sonar.");

            List <Structure> windows = new List <Structure>();

            foreach (Structure s in Structure.WallList)
                if (s.CastShadow || !s.HasBody)

                if (s.Rect.Right > steering.Item.CurrentHull.Rect.Right)

            float slowdownTimer = 1.0f;
            bool  broken        = false;

                steering.TargetVelocity = Vector2.Zero;

                slowdownTimer = Math.Max(0.0f, slowdownTimer - CoroutineManager.DeltaTime * 0.3f);
                Submarine.MainSub.Velocity *= slowdownTimer;

                Vector2 steeringDir = windows[0].WorldPosition - moloch.WorldPosition;
                if (steeringDir != Vector2.Zero)
                    steeringDir = Vector2.Normalize(steeringDir);

                moloch.AIController.SteeringManager.SteeringManual(CoroutineManager.DeltaTime, steeringDir * 100.0f);

                foreach (Structure window in windows)
                    for (int i = 0; i < window.SectionCount; i++)
                        if (!window.SectionIsLeaking(i))
                        broken = true;
                    if (broken)
                if (broken)

                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);
            } while (!broken);

            //fix everything except the command windows
            foreach (Structure w in Structure.WallList)
                bool isWindow = windows.Contains(w);

                for (int i = 0; i < w.SectionCount; i++)
                    if (!w.SectionIsLeaking(i))

                    if (isWindow)
                        //decrease window damage to slow down the leaking
                        w.AddDamage(i, -w.SectionDamage(i) * 0.48f);
                        w.AddDamage(i, -100000.0f);

            Submarine.MainSub.GodMode = true;

            var capacitor1 = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("capacitor1")).GetComponent <PowerContainer>();
            var capacitor2 = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("capacitor1")).GetComponent <PowerContainer>();

            CoroutineManager.StartCoroutine(KeepEnemyAway(moloch, new PowerContainer[] { capacitor1, capacitor2 }));

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("The hull has been breached! Close all the doors to the command room to stop the water from flooding the entire sub!");

            Door commandDoor1 = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("commanddoor1")).GetComponent <Door>();
            Door commandDoor2 = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("commanddoor2")).GetComponent <Door>();

            //wait until the player is out of the room and the doors are closed
            while (Controlled.WorldPosition.X > commandDoor1.Item.WorldPosition.X ||
                   (commandDoor1.IsOpen || commandDoor2.IsOpen))
                //prevent the hull from filling up completely and crushing the player
                steering.Item.CurrentHull.WaterVolume = Math.Min(steering.Item.CurrentHull.WaterVolume, steering.Item.CurrentHull.Volume * 0.9f);
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("You should quickly find yourself a diving mask or a diving suit. " +
                                      "There are some in the room next to the airlock.");

            bool divingMaskSelected = false;

            while (!HasItem("divingmask") && !HasItem("divingsuit"))
                if (!divingMaskSelected &&
                    Controlled.FocusedItem != null && Controlled.FocusedItem.Prefab.Identifier == "divingsuit")
                    infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("There can only be one item in each inventory slot, so you need to take off "
                                              + "the jumpsuit if you wish to wear a diving suit.");

                    divingMaskSelected = true;

                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            if (HasItem("divingmask"))
                infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("The diving mask will let you breathe underwater, but it won't protect from the water pressure outside the sub. " +
                                          "It should be fine for the situation at hand, but you still need to find an oxygen tank and drag it into the same slot as the mask." +
                                          "You should grab one or two from one of the cabinets.");
            else if (HasItem("divingsuit"))
                infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("In addition to letting you breathe underwater, the suit will protect you from the water pressure outside the sub " +
                                          "(unlike the diving mask). However, you still need to drag an oxygen tank into the same slot as the suit to supply oxygen. " +
                                          "You should grab one or two from one of the cabinets.");

            while (!HasItem("oxygentank"))
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(5.0f));

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Now you should stop the creature attacking the submarine before it does any more damage. Head to the railgun room at the upper right corner of the sub.");

            var railGun = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.GetComponent <Turret>() != null);

            while (Vector2.Distance(Controlled.Position, railGun.Position) > 500)
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f));

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("The railgun requires a large power surge to fire. The reactor can't provide a surge large enough, so we need to use the "
                                      + " supercapacitors in the railgun room. The capacitors need to be charged first; select them and crank up the recharge rate.");

            while (capacitor1.RechargeSpeed < 0.5f && capacitor2.RechargeSpeed < 0.5f)
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f));

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("The capacitors take some time to recharge, so now is a good " +
                                      "time to head to the room below and load some shells for the railgun.");

            var loader = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.Prefab.Identifier == "railgunloader").GetComponent <ItemContainer>();

            while (Math.Abs(Controlled.Position.Y - loader.Item.Position.Y) > 80)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Grab one of the shells. You can load it by selecting the railgun loader and dragging the shell to. "
                                      + "one of the free slots. You need two hands to carry a shell, so make sure you don't have anything else in either hand.");

            while (loader.Item.ContainedItems.FirstOrDefault(i => i != null && i.Prefab.Identifier == "railgunshell") == null)
                //TODO: reimplement
                //moloch.Health = 50.0f;

                capacitor1.Charge += 5.0f;
                capacitor2.Charge += 5.0f;
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Now we're ready to shoot! Select the railgun controller.");

            while (Controlled.SelectedConstruction == null || Controlled.SelectedConstruction.Prefab.Identifier != "railguncontroller")
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            moloch.AnimController.SetPosition(ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(Controlled.WorldPosition + Vector2.UnitY * 600.0f));

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Use the right mouse button to aim and wait for the creature to come closer. When you're ready to shoot, "
                                      + "press the left mouse button.");

            while (!moloch.IsDead)
                if (moloch.WorldPosition.Y > Controlled.WorldPosition.Y + 600.0f)
                    moloch.AIController.SteeringManager.SteeringManual(CoroutineManager.DeltaTime, Controlled.WorldPosition - moloch.WorldPosition);

                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            Submarine.MainSub.GodMode = false;

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("The creature has died. Now you should fix the damages in the control room: " +
                                      "Grab a welding tool from the closet in the railgun room.");

            while (!HasItem("weldingtool"))
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("The welding tool requires fuel to work. Grab a welding fuel tank and attach it to the tool " +
                                      "by dragging it into the same slot.");

                var weldingTool = Controlled.Inventory.Items.FirstOrDefault(i => i != null && i.Prefab.Identifier == "weldingtool");
                if (weldingTool != null &&
                    weldingTool.ContainedItems.FirstOrDefault(contained => contained != null && contained.Prefab.Identifier == "weldingfueltank") != null)

                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);
            } while (true);

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("You can aim with the tool using the right mouse button and weld using the left button. " +
                                      "Head to the command room to fix the leaks there.");

                broken = false;
                foreach (Structure window in windows)
                    for (int i = 0; i < window.SectionCount; i++)
                        if (!window.SectionIsLeaking(i))
                        broken = true;
                    if (broken)

                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f));
            } while (broken);

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("The hull is fixed now, but there's still quite a bit of water inside the sub. It should be pumped out "
                                      + "using the bilge pump in the room at the bottom of the submarine.");

            Pump pump = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("tutorialpump")).GetComponent <Pump>();

            while (Vector2.Distance(Controlled.Position, pump.Item.Position) > 100.0f)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("The two pumps inside the ballast tanks "
                                      + "are connected straight to the navigation terminal and can't be manually controlled unless you mess with their wiring, " +
                                      "so you should only use the pump in the middle room to pump out the water. Select it, turn it on and adjust the pumping speed " +
                                      "to start pumping water out.", true);

            while (infoBox != null)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            bool brokenMsgShown = false;

            Item brokenBox = null;

            while (pump.FlowPercentage > 0.0f || pump.CurrFlow <= 0.0f || !pump.IsActive)
                if (!brokenMsgShown && pump.Voltage < pump.MinVoltage && Controlled.SelectedConstruction == pump.Item)
                    brokenMsgShown = true;

                    infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Looks like the pump isn't getting any power. The water must have short-circuited some of the junction "
                                              + "boxes. You can check which boxes are broken by selecting them.");

                    while (true)
                        if (Controlled.SelectedConstruction != null &&
                            Controlled.SelectedConstruction.GetComponent <PowerTransfer>() != null &&
                            Controlled.SelectedConstruction.Condition == 0.0f)
                            brokenBox = Controlled.SelectedConstruction;

                            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Here's our problem: this junction box is broken. Luckily engineers are adept at fixing electrical devices - "
                                                      + "you just need to find a spare wire and click the \"Fix\"-button to repair the box.");

                        if (pump.Voltage > pump.MinVoltage)

                        yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

                if (brokenBox != null && brokenBox.ConditionPercentage > 50.0f && pump.Voltage < pump.MinVoltage)
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f));

                    if (pump.Voltage < pump.MinVoltage)
                        infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("The pump is still not running. Check if there are more broken junction boxes between the pump and the reactor.");
                    brokenBox = null;

                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("The pump is up and running. Wait for the water to be drained out.");

            while (pump.Item.CurrentHull.WaterVolume > 1000.0f)
                yield return(Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);

            infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("That was all there is to this tutorial! Now you should be able to handle " +
                                      "most of the basic tasks on board the submarine.");

            Completed = true;

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(4.0f));

            Controlled = null;
            GameMain.GameScreen.Cam.TargetPos = Vector2.Zero;
            GameMain.LightManager.LosEnabled  = false;

            var cinematic = new RoundEndCinematic(Submarine.MainSub, GameMain.GameScreen.Cam, 5.0f);

            while (cinematic.Running)
                yield return(Controlled != null && Controlled.IsDead ? CoroutineStatus.Success : CoroutineStatus.Running);


            yield return(CoroutineStatus.Success);
        public override void Start()

            captain          = Character.Controlled;
            radioSpeakerName = TextManager.Get("Tutorial.Radio.Watchman");
            GameMain.GameSession.CrewManager.AllowCharacterSwitch = false;

            var revolver = FindOrGiveItem(captain, "revolver");


            var captainscap =
                captain.Inventory.FindItemByIdentifier("captainscap1") ??
                captain.Inventory.FindItemByIdentifier("captainscap2") ??

            if (captainscap != null)

            var captainsuniform =
                captain.Inventory.FindItemByIdentifier("captainsuniform1") ??
                captain.Inventory.FindItemByIdentifier("captainsuniform2") ??

            if (captainsuniform != null)

            var steerOrder = Order.GetPrefab("steer");

            captain_steerIcon      = steerOrder.SymbolSprite;
            captain_steerIconColor = steerOrder.Color;

            // Room 2
            captain_equipmentObjectiveSensor = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("captain_equipmentobjectivesensor")).GetComponent <MotionSensor>();
            captain_equipmentCabinet         = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("captain_equipmentcabinet")).GetComponent <ItemContainer>();
            captain_firstDoor      = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("captain_firstdoor")).GetComponent <Door>();
            captain_firstDoorLight = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("captain_firstdoorlight")).GetComponent <LightComponent>();

            SetDoorAccess(captain_firstDoor, captain_firstDoorLight, true);

            // Room 3
            captain_medicObjectiveSensor = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("captain_medicobjectivesensor")).GetComponent <MotionSensor>();
            captain_medicSpawnPos        = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("captain_medicspawnpos")).WorldPosition;
            tutorial_submarineDoor       = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("tutorial_submarinedoor")).GetComponent <Door>();
            tutorial_submarineDoorLight  = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("tutorial_submarinedoorlight")).GetComponent <LightComponent>();
            var medicInfo = new CharacterInfo(CharacterPrefab.HumanSpeciesName, "", JobPrefab.Get("medicaldoctor"));

            captain_medic        = Character.Create(medicInfo, captain_medicSpawnPos, "medicaldoctor");
            captain_medic.TeamID = Character.TeamType.Team1;
            captain_medic.CanSpeak = captain_medic.AIController.Enabled = false;
            SetDoorAccess(tutorial_submarineDoor, tutorial_submarineDoorLight, false);

            // Submarine
            captain_enteredSubmarineSensor    = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("captain_enteredsubmarinesensor")).GetComponent <MotionSensor>();
            tutorial_submarineReactor         = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("engineer_submarinereactor")).GetComponent <Reactor>();
            captain_navConsole                = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("command")).GetComponent <Steering>();
            captain_navConsoleCustomInterface = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("command")).GetComponent <CustomInterface>();
            captain_sonar         = captain_navConsole.Item.GetComponent <Sonar>();
            captain_statusMonitor = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("captain_statusmonitor"));

            tutorial_submarineReactor.CanBeSelected = false;
            tutorial_submarineReactor.IsActive      = tutorial_submarineReactor.AutoTemp = false;

            tutorial_lockedDoor_1 = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("tutorial_lockeddoor_1")).GetComponent <Door>();
            tutorial_lockedDoor_2 = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("tutorial_lockeddoor_2")).GetComponent <Door>();
            SetDoorAccess(tutorial_lockedDoor_1, null, false);
            SetDoorAccess(tutorial_lockedDoor_2, null, false);

            var mechanicInfo = new CharacterInfo(CharacterPrefab.HumanSpeciesName, "", JobPrefab.Get("mechanic"));

            captain_mechanic        = Character.Create(mechanicInfo, WayPoint.GetRandom(SpawnType.Human, mechanicInfo.Job, Submarine.MainSub).WorldPosition, "mechanic");
            captain_mechanic.TeamID = Character.TeamType.Team1;

            var securityInfo = new CharacterInfo(CharacterPrefab.HumanSpeciesName, "", JobPrefab.Get("securityofficer"));

            captain_security        = Character.Create(securityInfo, WayPoint.GetRandom(SpawnType.Human, securityInfo.Job, Submarine.MainSub).WorldPosition, "securityofficer");
            captain_security.TeamID = Character.TeamType.Team1;

            var engineerInfo = new CharacterInfo(CharacterPrefab.HumanSpeciesName, "", JobPrefab.Get("engineer"));

            captain_engineer        = Character.Create(engineerInfo, WayPoint.GetRandom(SpawnType.Human, engineerInfo.Job, Submarine.MainSub).WorldPosition, "engineer");
            captain_engineer.TeamID = Character.TeamType.Team1;

            captain_mechanic.CanSpeak             = captain_security.CanSpeak = captain_engineer.CanSpeak = false;
            captain_mechanic.AIController.Enabled = captain_security.AIController.Enabled = captain_engineer.AIController.Enabled = false;
        public override void Start()
            if (!Initialized)

            injuredMember = null;
            objectiveTranslated = TextManager.Get("Objective");
            activeSegment       = null;
            tutorialTimer       = floodTutorialTimer = medicalTutorialTimer = 0.0f;
            subStartingPosition = Vector2.Zero;

            subStartingPosition = Submarine.MainSub.WorldPosition;
            navConsole          = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("command"))?.GetComponent <Steering>();
            sonar   = navConsole?.Item.GetComponent <Sonar>();
            reactor = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.HasTag("reactor"))?.GetComponent <Reactor>();

            if (reactor == null || navConsole == null || sonar == null)
                infoBox = CreateInfoFrame("Submarine not compatible with the tutorial:"
                                          + "\nReactor - " + (reactor != null ? "OK" : "Tag 'reactor' not found")
                                          + "\nNavigation Console - " + (navConsole != null ? "OK" : "Tag 'command' not found")
                                          + "\nSonar - " + (sonar != null ? "OK" : "Not found under Navigation Console"), true);
            if (disableTutorialOnDeficiencyFound)
                if (reactor == null || navConsole == null || sonar == null)
                if (navConsole == null)
                    segments[2].IsTriggered = true;                     // Disable navigation console usage tutorial
                if (reactor == null)
                    segments[5].IsTriggered = true;                  // Disable reactor usage tutorial
                if (sonar == null)
                    segments[6].IsTriggered = true;                // Disable enemy on sonar tutorial

            crew     = GameMain.GameSession.CrewManager.GetCharacters().ToList();
            mechanic = CrewMemberWithJob("mechanic");
            engineer = CrewMemberWithJob("engineer");

            Completed = true; // Trigger completed at start to prevent the contextual tutorial from automatically activating on starting new campaigns after this one
            started   = true;
    void Update()
            Input.GetAxis("EarthHorizontal") * (inverted ? -1f : 1f) * speedMultiplier * speed * Time.deltaTime

        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Anti-Radiowave"))
            renderer.material       = antiRadiowaveMaterial;
            gameObject.layer        = LayerMask.NameToLayer("RadiowaveShield");
            shield.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("RadiowaveShield");
            shield.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = Color.blue;
        else if (Input.GetButtonDown("Anti-Rocket"))
            renderer.material       = antiRocketMaterial;
            gameObject.layer        = LayerMask.NameToLayer("RocketShield");
            shield.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("RocketShield");
            shield.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = Color.yellow;
        else if (Input.GetButtonDown("Anti-Laser"))
            renderer.material       = antiLaserMaterial;
            gameObject.layer        = LayerMask.NameToLayer("LaserShield");
            shield.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("LaserShield");
            shield.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = Color.red;

        if (sonarTimer <= 0f)
            if (Input.GetButtonDown("EarthFire"))
                Sonar sonar = Instantiate(sonarPrefab).GetComponent <Sonar>();
                sonar.spawn = sonarSpawn;
                sonarTimer  = sonarCooldown;
            sonarTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

        if (speedIncreaseTimer > 0f)
            speedIncreaseTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
            if (speedIncreaseTimer <= 0f)
                speedMultiplier = 1f;

        if (scaleTimer > 0f)
            scaleTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
            if (scaleTimer <= 0f)
                Vector3 scale = transform.localScale;
                scale.x = baseScale;
                transform.localScale = scale;

        if (invertedTimer > 0f)
            invertedTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
            if (invertedTimer <= 0f)
                inverted = false;
 public override Bitmap View(Size framesize)
        private String invokeWorkflow(IBuildDetail BuildDetail,
                                      String SonarRunnerPath           = null,
                                      String LocalSolutionPath         = null,
                                      bool GeneratePropertiesIfMissing = false,
                                      String TemplatePropertiesPath    = null,
                                      bool FailBuildOnError            = true,
                                      bool FailBuildOnAlert            = false,
                                      String RunnerCmdFile             = "fake-runner.cmd",
                                      StringList SonarProperties       = null,
                                      String BinariesDirectory         = "BinDir")
            // Default values that work
            if (SonarRunnerPath == null)
                SonarRunnerPath = Path.Combine(TestContext.DeploymentDirectory, RunnerCmdFile);
            if (LocalSolutionPath == null)
                LocalSolutionPath = Path.Combine(TestContext.DeploymentDirectory, "Dummy.sln");
            if (TemplatePropertiesPath == null)
                TemplatePropertiesPath = Path.Combine(TestContext.DeploymentDirectory, "sonar-properties.template");

            ShimWorkspace workpace = new ShimWorkspace()
                GetLocalItemForServerItemString = (s) => LocalSolutionPath

            // constants (literals)
            var activity = new Sonar
                SonarRunnerPath             = SonarRunnerPath,
                FailBuildOnError            = FailBuildOnError,
                GeneratePropertiesIfMissing = GeneratePropertiesIfMissing,
                SonarPropertiesTemplatePath = TemplatePropertiesPath,
                FailBuildOnAlert            = FailBuildOnAlert,
                BinariesDirectory           = BinariesDirectory

            // object variables
            var parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "BuildWorkspace", workpace.Instance },
                { "ProjectsToAnalyze", new StringList("dummy.sln") }

            if (SonarProperties == null)
                SonarProperties = new StringList();
            if (SonarProperties != null)
                parameters.Add("SonarProperties", SonarProperties);

            var workflowLogger = new BuildMessageTrackingParticipant();
            // Create a WorkflowInvoker and add the IBuildDetail Extension
            WorkflowInvoker invoker = new WorkflowInvoker(activity);

 /// <summary>
 /// Método que espera a la finalización del proceso pasado como parámetro
 /// </summary>
 public static void WaitEnd(long idSticky)
     while (Sonar.ContainsKey(idSticky) || WorkUtils.ProcessInQueueIndex.Contains(idSticky))