        protected override void Initialise()
            //draw targets usually need a camera.
            Camera3D camera = new Camera3D();

            //look at the sphere, which will be at 0,0,0
            camera.LookAt(Vector3.Zero, new Vector3(0, 0, 4), Vector3.UnitY);

            //create the draw target.
            drawToScreen = new DrawTargetScreen(this, camera);
            drawToScreen.ClearBuffer.ClearColour = Color.CornflowerBlue;

            //create the sphere
            SphereDrawer sphere = new SphereDrawer(Vector3.Zero);

            //before adding the sphere, add a rect over half the background to show blending is active

            //element covers half the screen
            SolidColourElement element = new SolidColourElement(Color.DarkGray, new Vector2(0.5f, 1), true);

            //element is added before the sphere (so it draws first)

            //add it to be drawn to the screen
 public SolidColourElementState(SolidColourElementState existing, SolidColourElement other, RenderContext context)
     props = other.Props;
     brush = existing?.brush ?? new SharpDX.Direct2D1.SolidColorBrush(Renderer.AssertRendererType(context.Renderer).d2dTarget, new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawColor4
         R = other.Props.Colour.R,
         G = other.Props.Colour.G,
         B = other.Props.Colour.B,
         A = other.Props.Colour.A
     boundingBox = other.Props.Location != null?other.Props.Location(context.Bounds) : context.Bounds;
        public RenderConfigEditor(ContentRegister content)
            //setup the text elements
            this.stateText         = new List <TextElement>();
            this.visibleElementGap = new List <bool>();

#if XBOX360
            this.helpText = new TextElement("Use 'A' and the DPad to interact with the menu");
            this.helpText = new TextElement("Use the Arrow Keys and 'Enter' to interact with the menu");
            this.helpText.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            this.helpText.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
            this.helpText.Colour = Color.Black;

            this.backgroundContainer = new SolidColourElement(new Color(0, 0, 0, 200), new Vector2(0, 0));
            this.backgroundContainer.AlphaBlendState = Xen.Graphics.State.AlphaBlendState.Alpha;

            foreach (string name in ConfigProperties.Keys)
                //create the text
                TextElement text = new TextElement();

                //if it's a ediable value, then put a '[X]' infront
                if (ConfigProperties[name].CanRead)
                    text.Text.SetText("[ ] " + name);

                text.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;

                bool gap = false;
                if (ConfigProperties[name].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RenderConfiguration.GapAttribute), false).Length > 0)
                    gap = true;


            //select top instance
            this.editSelection = this.stateText.Count - 1;

            //sizes of the elements are setup in LoadContent()
        public void Initalise(IGameStateManager stateManager)
            this.stateManager = stateManager;

            //Put up a beautiful and intricate loading bar (a green box on top of a black box)
            this.loadingBar        = new SolidColourElement(Color.Lime, new Vector2(0, 0.15f), true);
            this.loadingBackground = new SolidColourElement(Color.Black, new Vector2(0.52f, 0.17f), true);

            this.loadingBar.Position        = new Vector2(0.25f, 0.35f);
            this.loadingBackground.Position = new Vector2(0.24f, 0.34f);

            //tell the next state (in this case, it'll be the game) to begin loading
        protected override void Initialise()
            //DrawStatisticsDisplay requires that resource tracking is enabled

            //Xen.Ex provides a very useful Camera3D called 'FirstPersonControlledCamera3D'.
            //This camera uses player input to act as a simple first-person style flythrough camera
            Xen.Ex.Camera.FirstPersonControlledCamera3D camera = null;

            //it uses player input, so the UpdateManager must be passed in
            camera = new Xen.Ex.Camera.FirstPersonControlledCamera3D(this.UpdateManager);

            //in this case, we want the z-axis to be the up/down axis (otherwise it's the Y-axis)
            camera.ZAxisUp = true;
            //also it's default is a bit too fast moving
            camera.MovementSensitivity *= 0.1f;
            camera.LookAt(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), new Vector3(), new Vector3(0, 0, 1));

            this.camera = camera;

            //create the draw target.
            drawToScreen = new DrawTargetScreen(this, camera);

            //create a large number of actor instance from tutorial 10..
            for (int n = 0; n <= 16; n++)
                //create in a half circle
                float   angle    = (n / 16.0f) * MathHelper.Pi;
                Vector3 position = new Vector3((float)Math.Sin(angle), (float)Math.Cos(angle), 0);

                //not too close together
                position *= 10;

                drawToScreen.Add(new Tutorial_10.Actor(this.Content, position));

            //this element will display the camera position
            positionDisplay = new TextElement();

            //TextElement (unlike other Elements) defaults to Top Left alignment
            //So, in order to bring it closer to the centre of the screen (due to potential overscan)
            //it's position needs to be set 'right' and 'down' from 'top left'
            //(this is just an example, see XNA docs for correct overscan compensation behaviour)
            positionDisplay.Position = new Vector2(40, -40);             //offset from top left corner alignment

            //add it to the screen

            Vector2 sizeInPixels = new Vector2(400, 200);

            //create the main block of yellow text
            this.yellowElement        = new TextElementRect(sizeInPixels);
            this.yellowElement.Colour = Color.Yellow;

            //first line of text... this will have a flashing 2D element embedded
            string embeddedText  = @"This is a text box with a large amount of custom text! It also includes an embedded 2D element: , which is a 16x16 SolidColourElement";
            uint   insertAtIndex = 96;           // Hard coded to insert a 2D element at character index 96               which is about here: ^

            //add a bunch of text...
            this.yellowElement.Text.AppendLine(@"This class is:");
            this.yellowElement.Text.AppendLine(@"It is located in assembly:");

            //add an embedded 2D element within the text
            //create it..
            this.embeddedElement = new SolidColourElement(Color.Red, new Vector2(16, 16));             // quite small
            this.embeddedElement.AlphaBlendState = AlphaBlendState.Alpha;
            //add it.
            this.yellowElement.AddInline(this.embeddedElement, insertAtIndex);

#if XBOX360
            this.yellowElement.Text.AppendLine(@"Press and hold both thumbsticks to show the debug overlay");
            this.yellowElement.Text.AppendLine(@"Press F12 to show the debug overlay");

            //align the element rectangle to the bottom centre of the screen
            this.yellowElement.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
            this.yellowElement.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Centre;

            //centre align the text
            this.yellowElement.TextHorizontalAlignment = TextHorizontalAlignment.Centre;
            //centre the text in the middle of the 400x200 area of the element rectangle
            this.yellowElement.TextVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Centre;

            //add it to the screen

            //create the statistics display
            //this class will query the DrawState for the previous frames DrawStatistics structure.
            //this structure provides a large number of statistics for the drawn frame.
            //The DrawStatisticsDisplay displays some of the more important statistics. It will also
            //display thread activity on the xbox.

            //DrawStatistics are only available in DEBUG xen builds
            //They can be accessed at runtime with DrawState GetPreviousFrameStatistics()

            //at runtime, pressing 'F12' will toggle the overlay (or holding both thumbsticks on x360)
            this.statisticsOverlay = new Xen.Ex.Graphics2D.Statistics.DrawStatisticsDisplay(this.UpdateManager);

            //As of xen 1.5, by default the DrawStatisticsDisplay displays a significantly reduced number of graphs.
            //To display the full set of graphs (which generally takes up the entire screen), set the following
            //property to 'true':
            //this.statisticsOverlay.DisplayFullGraphList = true;

            //then add it to the screen
 public ISolidColourElementState UpdateSolidColourElementState(IElementState existing, SolidColourElement b2, RenderContext context)
     return(new SolidColourElementState(existing as SolidColourElementState, b2, context));