public void JoinRoom(string room) { JsonData data = new JsonData(); = room; socket.Emit("joinRoom", JsonUtility.ToJson(data)); }
void Start() { io.On("connect", (SocketIOEvent e) => { Debug.Log("SocketIO connected"); io.Emit("test-event1"); TestObject t = new TestObject(); t.test = 123; t.test2 = "test1"; io.Emit("test-event2", JsonUtility.ToJson(t)); TestObject t2 = new TestObject(); t2.test = 1234; t2.test2 = "test2"; io.Emit("test-event3", JsonUtility.ToJson(t2), (string data) => { Debug.Log(data); }); }); io.Connect(); io.On("test-event", (SocketIOEvent e) => { Debug.Log(; }); }
public void CreateRoom() { Debug.Log("Create Room"); RoomOptions roomOptions = new RoomOptions(2, 2, "Mi sala"); socket.Emit("createRoom", JsonUtility.ToJson(roomOptions)); }
// The backend calls this function to open a socket connection. // Once this happens, the game starts. public void EstablishConnection() { io.Connect(); io.On("connect", (SocketIOEvent e) => { Debug.Log("SocketIO Connected."); }); io.On("world-init", (SocketIOEvent e) => { Debug.Log("World init."); // So that the server knows that requests have started // being processed. io.Emit("client-ready", Convert.ToString(currentAvatarID)); Debug.Log("Emitted response for the server for world initialisation."); }); io.On("game-state", (SocketIOEvent e) => { if ( == "") { return; } NewGameState(; }); }
public void Join() { Debug.Log("Join a room is clicked:" +; string roomName = GameObject.Find( <TextMeshProUGUI>().text; roomName = roomName.Split('\n')[0]; SocketIOController io = GameObject.Find("SocketIOController").GetComponent <SocketIOController>(); RoomName JSONobj = new RoomName(); JSONobj.roomName = roomName; // socket io emit {join, room name} io.Emit("joinRoom", JsonUtility.ToJson(JSONobj), (string data) => { Debug.Log(data); bool roomAvailable = JsonUtility.FromJson <RoomAvailability>(data).roomAvailable; Debug.Log(roomAvailable); if (roomAvailable == true) { SceneManager.LoadScene("Arena-1", LoadSceneMode.Single); } else { GameObject notAvailableTextMeshInstance = Instantiate(notAvailableTextMesh, new Vector3(411, 470, 0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; // wait 1 second and delete message //Start the coroutine we define below named ExampleCoroutine. StartCoroutine(ExampleCoroutine(notAvailableTextMeshInstance)); } }); }
void Start() { Instance = this; io = FindObjectOfType <SocketIOController>(); io.On("connect", e => { //We just connected to the socket server Debug.Log("Connected"); io.Emit("vieweronline"); }); io.On("reset", e => { SceneManager.LoadScene(0); }); io.On("enroll", e => { ScreenDetector.gameObject.SetActive(true); ScreenDetector.EnrollNewScreen(e); }); io.Connect(); }
public void SendName() { roomName = roomNameTextMesh.text; if (roomName != "") { SocketIOController io = GameObject.Find("SocketIOController").GetComponent <SocketIOController>(); Debug.Log("room name received: " + roomName); RoomName JSONobj = new RoomName(); JSONobj.roomName = roomName; Debug.Log("test:" + JSONobj.roomName + ":"); // then send the name to the server io.Emit("createRoom", JsonUtility.ToJson(JSONobj), (string data) => { Debug.Log(data); bool roomAvailable = JsonUtility.FromJson <RoomAvailability>(data).roomAvailable; Debug.Log(roomAvailable); if (roomAvailable == true) { SceneManager.LoadScene("Arena-1", LoadSceneMode.Single); } else { notAvailableTextMesh.gameObject.SetActive(true); } }); } }
// The backend calls this function to open a socket connection. // Once this happens, the game starts. public void EstablishConnection() { io.ResetSettings(); io.On("connect", (SocketIOEvent e) => { Debug.Log("SocketIO Connected."); }); io.Connect(); io.On("world-init", (SocketIOEvent e) => { Debug.Log("World init."); // So that the server knows that requests have started // being processed. io.Emit("client-ready", Convert.ToString(userId)); Debug.Log("Emitted response."); }); io.On("world-update", (SocketIOEvent e) => { WorldUpdate(; }); }
public void Log(string msg, string socketId = null) { if (socketId == null) { socketId = ""; } string data = "{ \"msg\": " + JsonConvert.ToString(msg); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(socketId)) { data += ", \"socketId\": \"" + socketId + "\""; } data += "}"; Debug.Log("Socket Log: " + data); io.Emit("log", data); }
//Method to send back current position from this player (and all others) to currently spawning player private void OnRequestPosition(SocketIOEvent e) { //Debug.Log ("Another player requested position " +; //Debug.Log ("My current position " + LocationToJson(myPlayer.transform.position)); //Will update my position on spawning player's screen //TODO: Add direction to this socket.Emit("updatePosition", LocationToJson(myPlayer.transform.position)); }
void Start() { //Server cost:!/relay-server //Web client: // // Server Commands // -Client to Server // 💬join (roomKey) // 💬leave (roomKey) // 💬whoami () // 💬whoslistening () // // -Server to Client // 💬youare (socketKey) // 💬joined // 💬peerjoin (socketKey) // 💬peerdrop (socketKey) // 💬listeners ([{ room: "theRoomKey", sockets: ["123", ...] }, ...]) //On Connected Event io.On("connect", e => { Debug.Log("Socket connected"); io.Emit("💬join", "\"exampleRoom\""); }); //Event notification when this client joins a room on the relay io.On("💬joined", e => { Debug.Log("Joined room: " +; //Broadcast a message for relay io.Emit("appSpecificMessage", "\"Hello from Unity\""); //Note the enclosing double quotes. IO is actually expecting JSON values, so strings need to be quoted }); //Event notification when we receive an app specific message io.On("appSpecificMessage", e => { Debug.Log("Received appSpecificMessage: " +; }); //Actually initiate the connection to the server io.Connect(); }
void HandleConnect(SocketIOEvent e) { Debug.Log("SocketIO connected"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GameManager.instance.LocalPlayerId)) { #if UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX io.Emit("getmockidentity"); GameManager.instance.OnAllPlayersReady(); #endif #if UNITY_WEBGL io.Emit("getidentity"); #endif } }
void Start() { sprite = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); io.On("connect", (SocketIOEvent e) => { Debug.Log("SocketIO connected"); io.Emit("test-event1"); TestObject t = new TestObject(); t.test = 123; t.test2 = "test1"; io.Emit("test-event2", JsonUtility.ToJson(t)); TestObject t2 = new TestObject(); t2.test = 1234; t2.test2 = "test2"; io.Emit("test-event3", JsonUtility.ToJson(t2), (string data) => { Debug.Log(data); }); }); io.Connect(); io.On("test-event", (SocketIOEvent e) => { Debug.Log(; sprite.color =; }); io.On("register", (SocketIOEvent e) => { Debug.Log("CORA"); }); /* * io.On("keyword", (SocketIOEvent e) => { * Debug.Log("registered"); * }); */ }
private void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D other) { if (isLeft) { if (scriptPlayerController.isAttackingLeft()) { if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player") { Debug.Log("Other character died on left"); Destroy(other.gameObject); // TODO: io send playerDeath string playerName =; string playerId = playerName.Remove(0, 6); //Player PlayerIdJSON obj = new PlayerIdJSON(); obj.playerId = playerId; io.Emit("playerKilled", JsonUtility.ToJson(obj)); } } } else { if (scriptPlayerController.isAttackingRight()) { if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player") { Debug.Log("Other character died on right"); Destroy(other.gameObject); // TODO: io send playerDeath Destroy(other.gameObject); // TODO: io send playerDeath string playerName =; string playerId = playerName.Remove(0, 6); //Player PlayerIdJSON obj = new PlayerIdJSON(); obj.playerId = playerId; io.Emit("playerKilled", JsonUtility.ToJson(obj)); } } } }
void Update() { if (totalEnergy < neededEnergy || collectedEnergy >= neededEnergy) { if (!disconnected) { socket.Emit("gameover"); socket.Close(); disconnected = true; } //print ("Game Over!"); anim.SetTrigger("IsGameOver"); restartTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (restartTimer >= restartDelay) { Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel); } } }
private void EmitNewPostion() { if (Time.time - lastEmitTime > timeToEmit) { lastEmitTime = Time.time; var currentMovement = new EnemyMovement(sessionId, enemy.position.x, enemy.position.z, enemy.rotation.eulerAngles.y); if (!currentMovement.Equals(lastMovement)) { lastMovement = currentMovement; socket.Emit("enemy", currentMovement.ToString()); } } }
public void RefreshRoomsList() { Debug.Log("refresh room list"); SocketIOController io = GameObject.Find("SocketIOController").GetComponent <SocketIOController>(); io.Emit("refreshRoomsList", JsonUtility.ToJson(""), (string data) => { Debug.Log(data); RoomsList roomsList = new RoomsList(); roomsList = JsonUtility.FromJson <RoomsList>(data); foreach (Room room in roomsList.Rooms) { Debug.Log(room.roomName); GameObject buttonPrefabInstance = Instantiate(buttonPrefab, content.transform, false) as GameObject; = "Button" + room.roomName; //buttonPrefabInstance.transform.parent = content.transform; buttonPrefabInstance.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = room.roomName + "\nnumber of players: " + room.numPlayers.ToString() + "/4"; } }); }
void FixedUpdate() { float lh = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"); float lv = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"); if (socket != null && playerRigidBody != null) { var currentMovement = new PlayerMovement(sessionId, playerRigidBody.position.x, playerRigidBody.position.z, playerRigidBody.rotation.eulerAngles.y, lh != 0f || lv != 0, lh, lv); if (!currentMovement.MovementIsEqual(lastMovement)) { lastMovement = currentMovement; socket.Emit("move", currentMovement.ToString()); } } characterMovement.Move(lh, lv); }
public void AttemptToJoinLobby() { io.Emit("joinGame"); }
// Import the JSLib as following. Make sure the // names match with the JSLib file we've just created. private void setupEvents() { io.On("connect", (e) => { io.Emit("addUnityUser"); }); io.On("register", (e) => { Player player = JsonUtility.FromJson <Player>(; ClientId =; Debug.LogFormat("pur client Id", ClientId); }); io.On("spawn", (SocketIOEvent e) => { Player newPlayer = JsonUtility.FromJson <Player>(; GameObject go = Instantiate(playerPrefab, networkContainer); = string.Format("Player ({0})",; NetworkIdentity ni = go.GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>(); ni.SetControllerId(; ni.SetSocketRefrence(io); serverObjects.Add(, ni); }); io.On("updatePosition", (e) => { Player player = JsonUtility.FromJson <Player>(; string id =; float x = player.position.x; float y = player.position.y; NetworkIdentity ni = serverObjects[id]; ni.transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, 0); }); // gets called if someone is playing on a difrent tab or browser io.On("duplicatePlayer", (e) => { Debug.Log("UNITY : duplicatePlayer"); io.Close(); SceneManager.LoadScene("test"); }); // gets called if someone signout of the react client io.On("disconnectFromReact", (e) => { Debug.Log("UNITY : disconnectFromReact"); Player player = JsonUtility.FromJson <Player>(; Debug.Log(player); string id =; GameObject go = serverObjects[id].gameObject; Destroy(go); serverObjects.Remove(id); }); //gets called if someonecloses a tab io.On("disconnected", (e) => { Debug.Log("UNITY : disconnect"); Player player = JsonUtility.FromJson <Player>(; Debug.Log(; string id =; GameObject go = serverObjects[id].gameObject; Destroy(go); serverObjects.Remove(id); }); io.Connect(); }
protected void Update() { if (GetComponent <LocalPlayer>().isLocalPlayer) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { anim.SetTrigger("Attack"); GetComponent <PlayerState>().isAttacking = true; // TODO: io send attack io.Emit("attack"); } targetedVelocity =; moveInput = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"); if (moveInput < 0) { targetedVelocity.x = -1 * maxSpeed; GetComponent <PlayerState>().isLookingToRight = false; eulerAngles.y = -120; transform.eulerAngles = eulerAngles; } else if (moveInput > 0) { targetedVelocity.x = maxSpeed; GetComponent <PlayerState>().isLookingToRight = true; eulerAngles.y = 120; transform.eulerAngles = eulerAngles; } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump")) { jump = true; Debug.Log("Need to jump"); io.Emit("jump"); } ComputeVelocity(targetedVelocity); if (GetComponent <LocalPlayer>().isLocalPlayer) { if (targetedVelocity != oldVelocity) { io.Emit("velocityChanged", JsonUtility.ToJson(targetedVelocity)); oldVelocity = targetedVelocity; } // sharing position if the position changed if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, oldPosition) > 0.02f) { Debug.Log(Vector3.Distance(transform.position, oldPosition)); io.Emit("playerMoved", JsonUtility.ToJson(transform.position)); oldPosition = transform.position; } if (transform.eulerAngles != oldEulerAngle) { Debug.Log("Player rotated"); io.Emit("playerRotated", JsonUtility.ToJson(transform.eulerAngles)); oldEulerAngle = transform.eulerAngles; } } } }
//Move the Character for other people public void SendMove(float x, float y) { //Debug.Log("sending position to node: " + Network.DirectionsToJson(x,y)); //Send position to server socket.Emit("move", Network.DirectionsToJson(x, y)); }
void OnApplicationQuit() { DisconnectedPacket packet = new DisconnectedPacket(); = localID; socket.Emit("disconnected", JsonUtility.ToJson(packet)); }
private void onConnect(SocketIOEvent e) { Debug.Log("Socket connected"); io.Emit("💬join", quote(RoomName)); io.Emit("💬whoami"); }
public void SendCheatCode() { socket.Emit("cheatcode"); }
void Start() { io = GameObject.Find("SocketIOController").GetComponent <SocketIOController>(); io.On("connect", (SocketIOEvent e) => { Debug.Log("SocketIO connected"); io.Emit("test-event1"); TestObject t = new TestObject(); t.test = 123; t.test2 = "test1"; io.Emit("test-event2", JsonUtility.ToJson(t)); TestObject t2 = new TestObject(); t2.test = 1234; t2.test2 = "test2"; io.Emit("test-event3", JsonUtility.ToJson(t2), (string data) => { Debug.Log(data); }); }); io.On("allPlayersPositions", (SocketIOEvent ev) => { Debug.Log("allPlayersPositions received"); Debug.Log(; PlayersList playersList = new PlayersList(); playersList = JsonUtility.FromJson <PlayersList>(; foreach (Players player in playersList.Players) { Debug.Log(player.playerId); Debug.Log(player.pos); string playerName = "Player" + player.playerId; GameObject playerInstance = Instantiate(playerPrefab, player.pos, Quaternion.identity); = playerName; playerInstance.tag = "Player"; /*LocalPlayer localPlayer = playerInstance.GetComponent<LocalPlayer>(); * localPlayer.playerId = player.playerId; */ } }); // delete an instance of the disconnected player io.On("playerDisconnected", (SocketIOEvent ev) => { string playerId = JsonUtility.FromJson <PlayerIdJSON>(; string playerName = "Player" + playerId; Destroy(GameObject.Find(playerName)); }); io.On("spawnPlayer", (SocketIOEvent ev) => { playerSpawn.GetComponent <SpawnPlayer>().spawnLocalPlayer(); }); io.On("moveInput", (SocketIOEvent ev) => { Debug.Log("moveInput received : " +; Movement movement = JsonUtility.FromJson <Movement>(; string playerName = "Player" + movement.playerId; GameObject.Find(playerName).GetComponent <PlayerState>().moveInput = movement.moveInput; }); io.On("playerMoved", (SocketIOEvent ev) => { Debug.Log("playerMoved received : " +; PlayerPos playerPos = JsonUtility.FromJson <PlayerPos>(; string playerId = playerPos.playerId; string playerName = "Player" + playerId; Debug.Log(playerName); GameObject playerToMove = GameObject.Find(playerName); if (playerToMove == null) { playerToMove = Instantiate(playerPrefab, playerPos.pos, Quaternion.identity); = playerName; playerToMove.tag = "Player"; playerToMove.GetComponent <LocalPlayer>().setPlayerId(playerId); } // TODO: playerToMove.Move(player.pos); playerToMove.transform.position = playerPos.pos; Debug.Log("playerPos.pos"); Debug.Log(playerPos.pos); /*if(playerToMove != null){ * playerToMove.transform.position = playerPos.pos; * } * else{ * Debug.Log("cannot find the playerToMove!"); * }*/ }); io.On("playerRotated", (SocketIOEvent ev) => { Debug.Log("playerRotated received : " +; PlayerPos playerPos = JsonUtility.FromJson <PlayerPos>(; string playerId = playerPos.playerId; string playerName = "Player" + playerId; Debug.Log(playerName); GameObject playerToMove = GameObject.Find(playerName); playerToMove.transform.eulerAngles = playerPos.pos; Debug.Log("playerPos.pos"); Debug.Log(playerPos.pos); }); io.On("velocityChanged", (SocketIOEvent ev) => { Debug.Log("velocityChanged received : " +; PlayerVelocity playerVelocity = JsonUtility.FromJson <PlayerVelocity>(; string playerId = playerVelocity.playerId; string playerName = "Player" + playerId; Debug.Log(playerName); GameObject playerToMove = GameObject.Find(playerName); playerToMove.GetComponent <PlayerController>().ComputeVelocity(playerVelocity.velocity); /*if (playerVelocity.velocity.x == 0) * { * playerToMove.GetComponent<Animator>.SetBool("IsRunning", false); * } * else * { * playerToMove.GetComponent<Animator>.SetBool("IsRunning", true); * }*/ Debug.Log("playerVelocity.velocity"); Debug.Log(playerVelocity.velocity); }); io.On("playerAttack", (SocketIOEvent ev) => { Debug.Log("playerAttack received"); string playerId = JsonUtility.FromJson <PlayerIdJSON>(; string playerName = "Player" + playerId; GameObject playerInstance = GameObject.Find(playerName); playerInstance.GetComponent <PlayerState>().isAttacking = true; playerInstance.GetComponent <Animator>().SetTrigger("Attack"); }); io.On("playerEndAttack", (SocketIOEvent ev) => { Debug.Log("playerAttack received"); string playerId = JsonUtility.FromJson <PlayerIdJSON>(; string playerName = "Player" + playerId; GameObject.Find(playerName).GetComponent <PlayerState>().isAttacking = false; }); io.On("jump", (SocketIOEvent ev) => { Debug.Log("jump received"); string playerId = JsonUtility.FromJson <PlayerIdJSON>(; string playerName = "Player" + playerId; GameObject.Find(playerName).GetComponent <PlayerState>().jump = true; }); io.On("playerKilled", (SocketIOEvent ev) => { Debug.Log("another player killed by a player"); string playerId = JsonUtility.FromJson <PlayerIdJSON>(; string playerName = "Player" + playerId; Destroy(GameObject.Find(playerName)); }); io.On("playerDeathByDeathFloor", (SocketIOEvent ev) => { Debug.Log("another player killed by death floor"); string playerId = JsonUtility.FromJson <PlayerIdJSON>(; string playerName = "Player" + playerId; Destroy(GameObject.Find(playerName)); }); /*io.On("anotherPlayerConnected", (SocketIOEvent e) => { * Debug.Log(; * Instantiate(myPrefab, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity); * });*/ io.Connect(); io.On("test-event", (SocketIOEvent e) => { Debug.Log(; }); }
//send data for validation public void SendAvatarData(AvatarData aData) { if(socket != null) socket.Emit("avatarData", JsonUtility.ToJson(aData)); }
public void requestPlayersPosition() { io.Emit("requestPlayersPos"); }
public virtual void StartNewGame(Action <string> onGameCreated) { socket.Emit("newgame", onGameCreated); }