private async Task UpdateInGame(SocketGuildUser user) { bool inGame = user.Game.HasValue; if (inGameRole == null) { inGameRole = _client.GetGuild(user.Guild.Id).Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "In Game"); } if (streamingRole == null) { streamingRole = _client.GetGuild(user.Guild.Id).Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Streaming"); } if (inGame) { if (user.Game.Value.StreamType != StreamType.NotStreaming) { await user.AddRoleAsync(streamingRole); } else { await user.RemoveRoleAsync(streamingRole); } await user.AddRoleAsync(inGameRole); } else { await user.RemoveRoleAsync(inGameRole); await user.RemoveRoleAsync(streamingRole); } }
public async Task MuteAsync([NoSelf] SocketGuildUser user) { var guildUser = Context.User as SocketGuildUser; if (!guildUser.GuildPermissions.ManageRoles) { string description = $"{Global.ENo} **|** You Need the **Manage Roles** Permission to do that {Context.User.Username}"; var errorEmbed = EmbedHandler.CreateEmbed(Context, "Error", description, EmbedHandler.EmbedMessageType.Exception); await ReplyAndDeleteAsync("", embed : errorEmbed); return; } var muteRole = await GetMuteRole(user.Guild); if (!user.Roles.Any(r => r.Id == muteRole.Id)) { await user.AddRoleAsync(muteRole).ConfigureAwait(false); } var gld = Context.Guild as SocketGuild; var muted = user.Guild.Roles.Where(input => input.Name.ToUpper() == "MUTED").FirstOrDefault() as SocketRole; var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(Global.NayuColor); embed.Title = $"**{user.Username}** was muted"; embed.Description = $"**Username: **{user.Username}\n**Muted by: **{Context.User.Username}"; await user.AddRoleAsync(muted); await SendMessage(Context, embed.Build()); }
private async Task userjoinGiveaway(SocketGuildUser arg) { if (arg.Guild.Id == currgiveaway.giveawayguild.guildID) { var role = _client.GetGuild(currgiveaway.giveawayguild.guildID).Roles.FirstOrDefault(r1 => r1.Name == "Admins"); var role2 = _client.GetGuild(currgiveaway.giveawayguild.guildID).Roles.FirstOrDefault(r2 => r2.Name == "Contestants"); var r = _client.GetGuild(SwissGuildId).GetUser(arg.Id).Roles; var adminrolepos = _client.GetGuild(SwissGuildId).Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Global.DeveloperRoleId).Position; var rolepos = r.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Position >= adminrolepos); if (rolepos != null) { await arg.AddRoleAsync(role); } else { await arg.AddRoleAsync(role2); GiveawayUser u = new GiveawayUser() { id = arg.Id, user = arg, bannedUsers = new List <GiveawayUser>(), bans = 0, DiscordName = arg.ToString() }; currgiveaway.giveawayguild.giveawayEntryMembers.Add(u); } } }
public static async Task JoinBaboonHouse(SocketReaction emoji) { SocketGuildUser user = emoji.User.Value as SocketGuildUser; IRole previousRole = (user as IGuildUser).Guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == Setup.AwakenedApeRole); IRole newRole = (user as IGuildUser).Guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == Setup.TribeMemberRole); IRole houseRole = (user as IGuildUser).Guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == Setup.HouseOfBaboonRole); await user.AddRoleAsync(newRole); await user.AddRoleAsync(houseRole); await user.RemoveRoleAsync(previousRole); EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder(); await emoji.User.Value.SendFileAsync(Setup.BaboonIconPicturePath); eb.Title = "**" + user.Guild.Name + "**"; string text = "You have been approved!" + "\n" + "Welcome to **House of Baboon**." + "\n" + "\n" + "__Type in server chat for list of commands:__ " + Setup.Client.CurrentUser.Mention + " help"; eb.WithDescription(text); eb.WithColor(Color.Green); await emoji.User.Value.SendMessageAsync("", false, eb.Build()); }
private async Task MuteUserGuildAsync(SocketGuildUser user, SocketRole muteRole, IEnumerable <OwnedRole> roles, SocketRole modMuteRole = null) { if (muteRole != null) { if (!user.Roles.Contains(muteRole)) { await user.AddRoleAsync(muteRole); } } if (modMuteRole != null) { if (!user.Roles.Contains(modMuteRole)) { await user.AddRoleAsync(modMuteRole); } } if (roles != null) { foreach (var role in roles) { var r = user.Guild.GetRole(role.Role); if (r != null) { if (user.Roles.Contains(r)) { await user.RemoveRoleAsync(r); } } } } }
public static async Task ReapplyDisciplinaryAction(DisciplinaryEventEnum eventType, SocketGuildUser user) { try { IRole role; switch (eventType) { case DisciplinaryEventEnum.MuteEvent: role = DiscordContextSeymour.GrabRole(MordhauRoleEnum.Muted); await user.AddRoleAsync(role); break; case DisciplinaryEventEnum.LimitedUserEvent: role = DiscordContextSeymour.GrabRole(MordhauRoleEnum.LimitedUser); await user.AddRoleAsync(role); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionManager.HandleException(ErrMessages.AutomaticDisciplinaryReapplication, ex); } }
public async Task MuteAsync(SocketGuildUser user) { var guser = Context.User as SocketGuildUser; if (guser.GuildPermissions.ManageRoles) { var muteRole = await GetMuteRole(user.Guild); if (!user.Roles.Any(r => r.Id == muteRole.Id)) { await user.AddRoleAsync(muteRole).ConfigureAwait(false); } var gld = Context.Guild as SocketGuild; var muted = user.Guild.Roles.Where(input => input.Name.ToUpper() == "MUTED").FirstOrDefault() as SocketRole; var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(37, 152, 255); embed.Title = $"**{user.Username}** was muted"; embed.Description = $"**Username: **{user.Username}\n**Muted by: **{Context.User.Username}"; await user.AddRoleAsync(muted); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : embed.Build()); } else { var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(37, 152, 255); embed.Title = $":x: | You need the Manange Roles Permission to do that {Context.User.Username}"; await ReplyAndDeleteAsync("", embed : embed.Build(), timeout : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); } }
private async Task OnUserJoin(SocketGuildUser user) { var invitesRole = (_discord.GetGuild(839016057901023263) as SocketGuild).Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToString() == "invites"); var userRole = (_discord.GetGuild(839016057901023263) as SocketGuild).Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToString() == "User"); await user.AddRoleAsync(invitesRole); await user.AddRoleAsync(userRole); }
private async Task UpdateInGame(SocketGuildUser user) { IActivity activity = user.Activity; if (inGameRole == null) { inGameRole = CurrentGuild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "In Game"); } if (streamingRole == null) { streamingRole = CurrentGuild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Streaming"); } if (starCitizenRole == null) { starCitizenRole = CurrentGuild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "In the Verse"); } if (activity != null) { if (activity.Type == ActivityType.Streaming) { await user.AddRoleAsync(streamingRole); } else { await user.RemoveRoleAsync(streamingRole); } if (activity.Type == ActivityType.Playing) { await user.AddRoleAsync(inGameRole); if (activity.Name == "Star Citizen") { await user.AddRoleAsync(starCitizenRole); } else { await user.RemoveRoleAsync(starCitizenRole); } } else { await user.RemoveRoleAsync(inGameRole); await user.RemoveRoleAsync(starCitizenRole); } } else { await user.RemoveRoleAsync(inGameRole); await user.RemoveRoleAsync(starCitizenRole); } }
private async Task OnUserJoin(SocketGuildUser user) { await Log(string.Format("{0} joined.", user.Username)); await user.AddRoleAsync(Games); await user.AddRoleAsync(Member); await Channel.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("Welcome {0}!", user.Mention)); }
private async Task Userjoin(SocketGuildUser user) { var guild = ConstVariables.CServer[user.Guild.Id]; EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder(); string addrole = ""; builder.WithTitle("Добро пожаловать!").WithColor(Color.DarkBlue); switch (user.Guild.Id) { case 435485527156981770: { //Тестер var role = user.Guild.GetRole(435486930885672970); if (role == null) { ConstVariables.Logger.Error("Роль не найдена! 435486930885672970"); break; } await user.AddRoleAsync(role); addrole = $" add role {role.Name}"; break; } case 461284473799966730: { //Житель легиона var role = user.Guild.GetRole(463829025169604630); if (role == null) { ConstVariables.Logger.Error("Роль не найдена! 463829025169604630"); break; } await user.AddRoleAsync(role); addrole = $" add role {role.Name}"; break; } default: { addrole = " default id:" + user.Guild.Id + " Name:" + user.Guild.Name; break; } } ConstVariables.CServer[user.Guild.Id].NumberNewUser++; builder.WithDescription($"{user.Mention}, добро пожаловать к нам! На сервер: {user.Guild.Name}") .WithFooter($"Вы {guild.NumberNewUser} который к нам сегодня зашел. Сегодня на сервере {user.Guild.MemberCount} пользователей", user.Guild.IconUrl) .WithImageUrl(""); await guild.GetDefaultChannel().SendMessageAsync("", false, builder.Build()); ConstVariables.Logger.Info($"is func 'UserJoin' is Guild '{user.Guild.Name}' is user '{user.Username}#{user.Discriminator}'" + addrole); }
public async Task RoleMeAsync(string role) { SocketGuildUser user = Context.Guild.GetUser(Context.User.Id); SocketRole rolo; Dictionary <string, SocketRole> guildRoles; string rolelower = role.ToLower(); IEnumerable <string> userroles = user.Roles.Select(r => r.Name.ToLower()); var userRolesList = userroles.ToList(); bool getGuildRolesBool = _guildinfo.GuildRoles.TryGetValue(Context.Guild.Id, out guildRoles); if (!getGuildRolesBool) { await ReplyAsync($"Something went wrong collecting the roles for {Context.Guild.Name}. Please try again in a moment."); // Some kinda function to retry guild role collection return; } if (userRolesList.Contains(rolelower)) { await ReplyAsync($"{Context.User.Mention} You are already assigned the role {role}."); return; } try { if (!(userRolesList.Contains("BorisGoon")) && !(userRolesList.Contains("BorisGang"))) { guildRoles.TryGetValue("borisgoon", out rolo); await user.AddRoleAsync(rolo); guildRoles.TryGetValue(rolelower, out rolo); await user.AddRoleAsync(rolo); } else { guildRoles.TryGetValue(rolelower, out rolo); await user.AddRoleAsync(rolo); } } catch (Discord.Net.HttpException e) { System.Net.HttpStatusCode sc = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden; if (e.HttpCode == sc) { await ReplyAsync($"{Context.User.Mention} You don't have permission to receive that role."); } return; } await ReplyAsync($"{Context.User.Mention} Your roles have been updated."); }
private async Task HandleUserJoin(SocketGuildUser user) { // If user isn't a bot, give them the user role and display a nice welcome message? if (!user.IsBot) { await user.AddRoleAsync(user.Guild.GetRole(567276137093398528)); } // If the user is a bot, give them the bot role if (user.IsBot) { await user.AddRoleAsync(user.Guild.GetRole(537509783767482381)); } }
async Task tryUpdateUserRegion(SocketGuildUser guildUser, UserData userData) { if (userData.Region == RegionType.None) { return; } foreach (SocketRole existingRole in guildUser.Roles) { if (existingRole.Name.StartsWith("Region: ")) { if (existingRole.Name.Equals("Region: " + userData.Region, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // If the user already has the correct role { return; } await guildUser.RemoveRoleAsync(existingRole); break; } } foreach (SocketRole role in guildUser.Guild.Roles) { if (role.Name.Equals("Region: " + userData.Region, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { await guildUser.AddRoleAsync(role); break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Check whether the user who joined was previously muted during the time where they left the guild, if true, re-add the muted role. /// </summary> /// <param name="arg">The user who joined the guild.</param> private async Task CheckForMutedAsync(SocketGuildUser arg) { MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(Global.MySQL.ConnStr); try { conn.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM MutedUsers WHERE userId = {arg.Id} AND guildId = {arg.Guild.Id}", conn); using MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); IRole role; while (reader.Read()) { role = (arg.Guild as IGuild).Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Muted"); await arg.AddRoleAsync(role); } conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Global.ConsoleLog(ex.Message); } finally { conn.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Joins an optin channel. /// </summary> /// <param name="guildConnection"> /// The connection to the guild the user is trying to join a channel in. May not be null. /// </param> /// <param name="guildData">Information about this guild. May not be null.</param> /// <param name="requestAuthor">The author of the join channel request. May not be null.</param> /// <param name="channelName">The name of the channel to join.</param> /// <returns>The result of the request.</returns> public static async Task <JoinResult> Join( SocketGuild guildConnection, Guild guildData, SocketGuildUser requestAuthor, string channelName) { if (!guildData.OptinParentCategory.HasValue) { return(JoinResult.NoOptinCategory); } var optinsCategory = guildData.OptinParentCategory.GetValueOrDefault(); var optinsCategoryConnection = guildConnection.GetCategoryChannel(optinsCategory.Value); var requestedChannel = optinsCategoryConnection.Channels .FirstOrDefault(x => string.Compare(x.Name, channelName, ignoreCase: false) == 0); if (requestedChannel == null) { return(JoinResult.NoSuchChannel); } var associatedRoleName = OptinChannel.GetRoleName(requestedChannel.Id); var role = guildConnection.Roles .FirstOrDefault(x => string.Compare(x.Name, associatedRoleName, ignoreCase: false) == 0); if (role == null) { return(JoinResult.RoleMissing); } await requestAuthor.AddRoleAsync(role).ConfigureAwait(false); return(JoinResult.Success); }
private async Task ClientUserJoined(SocketGuildUser arg) { var cfg = new Config().Bot.Guilds[arg.Guild.Id].Welcome; if (!cfg.Enabled) { return; } var baseRole = arg.Guild.Roles.First(x => x.Id == cfg.BaseRole); if (cfg.Time > 0) { await TimeoutResource.Instance.SetTimeout(arg, cfg.Time, new List <ulong> { baseRole.Id }); _ = Logger.Instance.WriteAsync(new LogCommand(arg, arg.Guild, $"Initial timeout({cfg.Time})", "HumanService:ClientUserJoined")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cfg.Message)) { _ = UserExtensions.SendMessageAsync(arg, cfg.Message); } } else { try { await arg.AddRoleAsync(baseRole); } catch (Exception e) { _ = Logger.Instance.WriteAsync(new LogException(e, "HumanService:ClientUserJoined")); } } }
protected virtual async Task AddPlayer(SocketReaction reaction, Team team) { if (Teams[Team.A].PlayerMessages.Values.Any(s => (s.avatar.ID == reaction.UserId))) { return; } if (Teams[Team.B].PlayerMessages.Values.Any(s => (s.avatar.ID == reaction.UserId))) { return; } SocketGuildUser player = (SocketGuildUser)reaction.User.Value; if (team == Team.B) { await player.AddRoleAsync(TeamBRole); playersWithBRole.Add(player); } var playerAvatar = UserAccounts.GetAccount(player); var factory = new PlayerFighterFactory() { LevelOption = LevelOption.SetLevel, SetLevel = 60 }; var p = factory.CreatePlayerFighter(player); await AddPlayer(p, team); }
private async Task AssignMemberAsync(SocketGuildUser guildUser) { var guild = guildUser.Guild; // get DGs role var role = guild.GetRole(732000303561441370); // Check if role exist in the guild. If not, do nothing. if (role == null) { return; } // Check if the bot user has sufficient permission if (!guild.CurrentUser.GuildPermissions.Has(Discord.GuildPermission.ManageRoles)) { return; } await guildUser.AddRoleAsync(role); var embedGuilduserAdded = new EmbedBuilder { Color = Color.Blue, ThumbnailUrl = guild.CurrentUser.GetAvatarUrl() }; // Send message to channel about the join and DGs add // TTS false needs to be passed to use embed argument await guild.CurrentUser.SendMessageAsync(guildUser.Username + " joined and added to group: DGs.", false, embedGuilduserAdded.Build()); }
public async Task AddPersonAsync([Summary("użytkownik")] SocketGuildUser user, [Summary("nazwa krainy(opcjonalne)")][Remainder] string name = null) { using (var db = new Database.GuildConfigContext(Config)) { var config = await db.GetCachedGuildFullConfigAsync(Context.Guild.Id); var land = _manager.DetermineLand(config.Lands, Context.User as SocketGuildUser, name); if (land == null) { await ReplyAsync("", embed : "Nie zarządzasz żadną krainą.".ToEmbedMessage(EMType.Error).Build()); return; } var role = Context.Guild.GetRole(land.Underling); if (role == null) { await ReplyAsync("", embed : "Nie odnaleziono roli członka!".ToEmbedMessage(EMType.Error).Build()); return; } if (!user.Roles.Contains(role)) { await user.AddRoleAsync(role); } await ReplyAsync("", embed : $"{user.Mention} dołącza do `{land.Name}`.".ToEmbedMessage(EMType.Success).Build()); } }
public async Task Approve(SocketGuildUser user) { // get visitor role SocketRole visitor = Context.Guild.Roles.Where(x => x.Name == "Visitor").First(); // check if user has visitor role (if can be approved) if (user.Roles.Contains(visitor)) { // add initiate role and remove visitor role await user.AddRoleAsync(Context.Guild.Roles.Where(x => x.Name == "Initiate").First()); await user.RemoveRoleAsync(visitor); // send a message signalig success string msg = $"**{HelperFunctions.NicknameOrUsername(user)}** is now member of the clan, welcome and have fun!"; await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(msg); // send a message to botlog channel var channel = _config[Context.Guild.Id].BotLogChannel; if (channel != null) { var builder = new EmbedBuilder(); builder.WithColor(Color.LightGrey); builder.WithCurrentTimestamp(); builder.WithAuthor(Context.User); builder.WithDescription($"User {HelperFunctions.UserIdentity(user)} was approved"); await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, builder.Build()); } } else { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("User is already approved"); } }
public async Task AssignAffiliation() { try { //Allowed in auditorium only. if (Context.Channel.Id != 784077924776017980) { return; } SocketGuildUser user = Context.User as SocketGuildUser; if (await IsAlreadyHasAffiliation(user)) { await SendMsg("이미 기숙사에 배정받았습니다!"); await AddLogD("Already Assigned: " + Context.User.Username + "(" + Context.User.Id + ")", LOG_LEVEL.INFO); return; } int dorCode = new Random().Next(0, 3); string dorName = Dormitories[dorCode]; var role = Context.Guild.GetRole(DormitoryRoles[dorName]); await user.AddRoleAsync(role); await student.UpdateDormitory(dorName, Context.User.Id); await AddLogD("Added " + dorName + " to user " + Context.User.Username + "(" + Context.User.Id + ")", LOG_LEVEL.INFO); await SendMsg(dorName + "!"); } catch (Exception e) { await AddLogD("Cannot add role to user " + Context.User.Username + "(" + Context.User.Id + "): " + e.Message, LOG_LEVEL.ERROR); await SendMsg("..."); } }
private async Task Client_UserJoined(SocketGuildUser user) { var guild = user.Guild; var guildConfig = _botConfiguration.GetGuildConfiguration(guild); if (guildConfig != null) { // assign the guest role to the user if configured if (guildConfig.AssignGuestRoleOnJoin) { var guestRole = guildConfig.GetGuildRole(Roles.RoleLevel.Guest); if (guestRole != null) { await user.AddRoleAsync(guestRole); } } // greet the user if configured if (guildConfig.GreetingOnJoin && guildConfig.GreetingChannel != null) { string message = guildConfig.Greeting.Replace("{user}", user.Mention); if (_discordClient.GetChannel(guildConfig.GreetingChannel.Id) is IMessageChannel channel) { await channel.SendMessageAsync(message); } } } }
public static async Task MuteAsync(SocketTextChannel channel, SocketGuildUser user, int seconds) { if (user.Id == 333285108402487297) { return; } // Logging, telling the user, and announcing in server. Logger.Info("System", $"Muting {user.Username}"); await user.SendMessageAsync($"You have been muted for {seconds} seconds"); Random r = new Random(); await channel.SendMessageAsync(String.Format(kickFlavorText[r.Next(kickFlavorText.Count)], user.Id)); Predicate <SocketRole> muteFinder; SocketRole mute; List <SocketRole> roles = channel.Guild.Roles.ToList(); // Set mute role muteFinder = (SocketRole sr) => { return(sr.Name == Roles.Mute); }; mute = roles.Find(muteFinder); await user.AddRoleAsync(mute); #pragma warning disable CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed Task.Run(async() => { Thread.Sleep(seconds * 1000); await user.RemoveRoleAsync(mute); }); #pragma warning restore CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed }
private async Task DoRoleCheckAsync(SocketGuildUser member, SparkyUser user, List <RoleLimit> roleLimits) { foreach (var roleLimit in roleLimits) { var role = member.Guild.Roles.First(r => Convert.ToInt64(r.Id) == roleLimit.Id); if (KarmaService.GetKarma(member.Id) >= roleLimit.KarmaRequirement && user.Points >= roleLimit.PointRequirement) { if (!member.Roles.Contains(role)) { await _botCore.LogAsync(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Info, nameof(Poller), $"{member.Username}#{member.Discriminator} fulfils requirement for {role.Name}, granting.")); await member.AddRoleAsync(role); } } else if (member.Roles.Contains(role)) { await _botCore.LogAsync(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Info, nameof(Poller), $"{member.Username}#{member.Discriminator} no longer fulfils requirement for {role.Name}, removing.")); await member.RemoveRoleAsync(role); } } }
public async Task HandleUserJoinedAsync(SocketGuildUser user) { var textChannels = user.Guild.TextChannels; var roles = user.Guild.Roles; var welcomeChannelPublic = textChannels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == this._config["public_welcome_channel_name"]); var welcomeChannelMod = textChannels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == this._config["mod_welcome_channel_name"]); var botsRole = roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == this._config["bot_role_name"]); var userWelcomeText = new StringBuilder(user.IsBot ? "The Bot " : string.Empty); userWelcomeText.Append($"[{user.Username}] joined the server!"); var roleAddedText = new StringBuilder($"[{botsRole.Name}]"); roleAddedText.Append($" has been assigned to [{user.Username}]!"); if (user.IsBot) { await user.AddRoleAsync(botsRole); } await welcomeChannelMod.SendMessageAsync(Format.Code(userWelcomeText.ToString(), FormatLang)); await welcomeChannelPublic.SendMessageAsync(Format.Code(userWelcomeText.ToString(), FormatLang)); if (user.IsBot) { await welcomeChannelMod.SendMessageAsync(Format.Code(roleAddedText.ToString(), FormatLang)); } }
/// <summary> /// Called when a user joins the server. Sends the guild's welcome message. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The user who joined the guild.</param> public async Task Client_UserJoin(SocketGuildUser user) { //Get the channel to send the message to SocketTextChannel channel = Client.GetChannel(Data.GetWelcomeChannel(user.Guild.Id)) as SocketTextChannel; try { string message = Data.GetWelcomeMessage(user.Guild.Id); //Get the welcome message if (message.Contains("@newuser")) //Parse for keyword { message = message.Replace("@newuser", user.Mention); //Mention the user that joined } message += "\n"; await channel.SendMessageAsync(message); //Welcomes the new user } catch (Exception) { await channel.SendMessageAsync($"The welcome message has not been specified. Please type !setwelcomemessage message to set it."); } IReadOnlyCollection <SocketRole> roles = user.Guild.Roles; //Get the guild roles foreach (SocketRole memberRole in roles) { if (memberRole.Name == "Member") //Assign the member role { await user.AddRoleAsync(memberRole); return; } } }
private async Task OnUserJoined(SocketGuildUser socketGuildUser) { var links = Config.GetValue(new List <InviteRoleLink>(), "Data", socketGuildUser.Guild.Id.ToString(), "InviteRoleLinks"); foreach (InviteRoleLink inviteLink in links) { var guild = socketGuildUser.Guild; var invites = await guild.GetInvitesAsync(); foreach (RestInviteMetadata restInviteMetadata in invites) { if (inviteLink.inviteUsageCount + 1 == restInviteMetadata.Uses && inviteLink.inviteCode == restInviteMetadata.Code) { SocketRole role = guild.GetRole(inviteLink.roleId); if (role.Name == inviteLink.roleName) { await socketGuildUser.AddRoleAsync(guild.GetRole(inviteLink.roleId)); inviteLink.inviteUsageCount = restInviteMetadata.Uses; Config.SetValue(links, "Data", socketGuildUser.Guild.Id.ToString(), "InviteRoleLinks"); return; } } } } }
private async Task UserJoinedGuild(SocketGuildUser user) { var g = user.Guild; var x = ServerList.getServer(g); var u = UserList.getUser(user); var output = ulong.TryParse(x.ServerLogChannel, out ulong LogID); var log = g.GetTextChannel(LogID); if (x.AutoRoleName == "nul") { Console.WriteLine($"[{g.Name}] A new user has joined. No Autorole is set."); return; } else { var role = g.GetRole(x.AutoRoleID); if (role == null) { EmbedBuilder e = Error.avb09(); await log.SendMessageAsync("", false, e.Build()); } else { await user.AddRoleAsync(role); Console.WriteLine($"[{g.Name}] A new user has joined. Assigned {user.Username} the {role.Name} role."); } } UserList.SaveUser(); ServerList.SaveServer(); }
public async Task Assign(SocketRole targetRole, SocketGuildUser targetUser) { var roleAssignations = await SearchTable <UserAssignableRoles>(uar => uar.PartitionKey == targetRole.Guild.Id.ToString() && uar.TargetRoleStorage == (long)targetRole.Id).GetCollectionAsync(); if (!roleAssignations.Any()) { this._telemetry.TrackEvent($"No existing role assignations for guild {targetRole.Guild.Name}:{targetRole.Guild.Id}"); return; } var callerRoles = this.Context.Guild.GetUser(this.Context.User.Id)?.Roles; if (callerRoles == null) { this._telemetry.TrackEvent($"Uknown user {targetUser.Nickname}:{targetUser.Id} on guild {targetRole.Guild.Name}:{targetRole.Guild.Id}"); return; } if (roleAssignations.Any(ra => callerRoles.Select(cr => cr.Id).Contains(ra.FromRoleId))) { await targetUser.AddRoleAsync(targetRole, RequestOptions.Default); return; } this._telemetry.TrackEvent($"Role {targetRole.Name}:{targetRole.Id} cannot be assigned by {this.Context.User.Username}# {this.Context.User.Discriminator}:{this.Context.User.Id}, missing role"); }