private static void ClientThread() { var transport = new SocketClientTransport("localhost", 4242); var client = new RpcClient(transport); var eventHandler = new SettingsEvents_Handler(); client.AddEventListener(eventHandler); eventHandler.Changed += Program.EventHandlerOnChanged; var settings = new SettingsService_Proxy(client); settings.Set( new SettingList { Item = { new Setting() { Key = "Setting 1", Value = "Value one" }, new Setting() { Key = "Setting 2", Value = "Value two" }, new Setting() { Key = "Setting 3", Value = "Value three" } } }); var settingsList = settings.Get(new SettingKeyList { Item = { "Setting 1", "Setting 2" } }); foreach (var setting in settingsList.Item) { Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", setting.Key, setting.Value); } for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (!client.PumpEvents()) { client.WaitForEvents(500); } } client.Shutdown(false); }
public void Run() { Console.CancelKeyPress += this.ConsoleOnCancelKeyPress; while (!this.exitRequested) { Console.WriteLine("Attempting to connect to the server..."); this.clientTransport = new SocketClientTransport("localhost", 3100); try { = this.clientTransport.Connect(); this.SendMessages();; } catch (SocketException) { } } }
private void Run() { this.log.Info("Application started."); Console.WriteLine("Application started."); this.isRunning = true; Console.CancelKeyPress += this.ConsoleOnCancelKeyPress; var transport = new SocketClientTransport("localhost", 3101); RpcClient client = null; while (this.isRunning) { try { var succeeded = true; this.log.Info("Connecting..."); client = new RpcClient(transport); this.log.Info("Connected. Sending messages..."); var pingPong = new PingPongProxy(client); for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { try { var result = pingPong.Ping(i); Console.Write("{0}.{1} \r", i, result); } catch (RpcException ex) { succeeded = false; if (ex.RpcStatus == RpcStatus.ChannelFailure) { this.log.Error("Connection lost."); break; } } } if (succeeded) { this.log.Info("All messages sent. Shutting down..."); this.isRunning = false; } else { this.log.Info("Shutting down and retrying after an error."); } client?.Shutdown(false); client = null; } catch (SocketException ex) { if (ex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.ConnectionRefused) { Thread.Sleep(1000); continue; } } } Console.WriteLine("Application exited."); this.log.Info("Application exited."); }