private bool LoadInfo()
                // Get the user
                IUser user = instagram.GetUserById(userLoaded.Id);

                if (user == null)

                IRelationship rd = instagram.GetFriendShipWith(user.Id);

                string name         = user.FullName;
                int    followersNum = user.FollowedBy;
                int    followingNum = user.Follows;
                string description  = user.Bio;

                Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Render, new Action(() =>
                    InfoAboutBox.Header  = "Acerca de " + user.Username;
                    UserName.Content     = name;
                    UserDescription.Text = description;
                    NumFollowers.Content = followersNum;
                    NumFollowing.Content = followingNum;

                    var link = new Hyperlink(new Run("@" + user.Username))
                        NavigateUri = new Uri("" + user.Username)

                    // Open the account uri on an externar browser
                    link.RequestNavigate += (o, e) =>
                        e.Handled = true;

                    LinkToProfile.Content = link;

                    if (rd.OutgoingRelation == OutgoingRelationshipStatus.Follows)
                        RelationshipInfo.Content = "TE SIGUE";
                        Unfollow.IsEnabled       = true;
                        Unfollow.Click          += (s, e) => InstagramUI_Users.Unfollow(userLoaded, instagram);
                        Follow.IsEnabled         = false;
                    else if (rd.OutgoingRelation == OutgoingRelationshipStatus.None)
                        if (rd.IngoingRelation == IngoingRelationshipStatus.RequestedBy)
                            RelationshipInfo.Content = "ESPERANDO TU RESPUESTA";

                            Follow.IsEnabled   = true;
                            Follow.Click      += (s, e) => InstagramUI_Users.Approve(userLoaded, instagram);
                            Unfollow.IsEnabled = false;

                            Unfollow.IsEnabled = true;
                            Unfollow.Click    += (s, e) => InstagramUI_Users.Ignore(userLoaded, instagram);
                            Follow.IsEnabled   = false;
                            Follow.IsEnabled   = true;
                            Follow.Click      += (s, e) => InstagramUI_Users.Follow(userLoaded, instagram);
                            Unfollow.IsEnabled = false;
                    else if (rd.OutgoingRelation == OutgoingRelationshipStatus.Requested)
                        RelationshipInfo.Content = "SOLICITUD ENVIADA";

            catch (Exception)