public void RegisterDetach(SnowBoard snowboard, Human human) { int num = Array.IndexOf(snowboards, snowboard); if (num >= 0) { SnowboardData snowboardData = this.snowboardData[num]; if (snowboardData.h0 == human) { snowboardData.h0 = null; snowboardData.passedFirstCheckpoint = false; } else if (snowboardData.h1 == human) { snowboardData.h1 = null; snowboardData.passedFirstCheckpoint = false; } else { Debug.LogWarning("Tried to detach a human that hadn't been attached to a snowboard"); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("Snowboard hasn't been registered in SnowboardAchievement object"); } }
private void Start() { instance = this; snowboardData = new SnowboardData[snowboards.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < snowboardData.Length; i++) { snowboardData[i] = new SnowboardData(); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { SnowBoard componentInParent = other.GetComponentInParent <SnowBoard>(); if (!(componentInParent != null)) { return; } int num = Array.IndexOf(snowboards, componentInParent); if (num >= 0) { SnowboardData data = snowboardData[num]; Human human; if (data.h0 != null && data.h1 == null) { human = data.h0; } else { if (!(data.h1 != null) || !(data.h0 == null)) { return; } human = data.h1; } int num2 = Array.FindIndex(snowboardData, (SnowboardData d) => d != data && (d.h0 == human || d.h1 == human)); if (num2 >= 0) { StatsAndAchievements.UnlockAchievement(Achievement.ACH_ICE_TRICKY); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("Snowboard hasn't been registered in SnowboardAchievement object"); } }