public static uint GetOrGetNext(this FixedSizeNode<SnapUInt32, SnapUInt32> tree, uint key)
     SnapUInt32 k = new SnapUInt32(key);
     SnapUInt32 v = new SnapUInt32();
     tree.GetOrGetNext(k, v);
     return v.Value;
 public static bool TryInsert(this FixedSizeNode<SnapUInt32, SnapUInt32> tree, uint key, uint value)
     SnapUInt32 k = new SnapUInt32(key);
     SnapUInt32 v = new SnapUInt32(value);
     bool rv = tree.TryInsert(k, v);
     return rv;
 public static void Insert(this FixedSizeNode<SnapUInt32, SnapUInt32> tree, uint key, uint value)
     SnapUInt32 k = new SnapUInt32(key);
     SnapUInt32 v = new SnapUInt32(value);
     if (!tree.TryInsert(k, v))
         throw new Exception();
 public static uint GetFirstValue(this FixedSizeNode<SnapUInt32, SnapUInt32> tree)
     SnapUInt32 k = new SnapUInt32();
     SnapUInt32 v = new SnapUInt32();
     tree.TryGetFirstRecord(k, v);
     return v.Value;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new sparse index. Be sure to initialize this class by calling <see cref="Initialize"/> before using this.
 /// </summary>
 public SparseIndex()
     m_initializer = Library.CreateTreeNode <TKey, SnapUInt32>(EncodingDefinition.FixedSizeCombinedEncoding, 0);
     m_tmpKey      = new TKey();
     m_keySize     = m_tmpKey.Size;
     m_tmpValue    = new SnapUInt32();
        public static bool TryInsert(this FixedSizeNode <SnapUInt32, SnapUInt32> tree, uint key, uint value)
            SnapUInt32 k  = new SnapUInt32(key);
            SnapUInt32 v  = new SnapUInt32(value);
            bool       rv = tree.TryInsert(k, v);

        public static uint GetOrGetNext(this FixedSizeNode <SnapUInt32, SnapUInt32> tree, uint key)
            SnapUInt32 k = new SnapUInt32(key);
            SnapUInt32 v = new SnapUInt32();

            tree.GetOrGetNext(k, v);
        public static uint GetFirstValue(this FixedSizeNode <SnapUInt32, SnapUInt32> tree)
            SnapUInt32 k = new SnapUInt32();
            SnapUInt32 v = new SnapUInt32();

            tree.TryGetFirstRecord(k, v);
 public static void GetLastKeyValue(this FixedSizeNode<SnapUInt32, SnapUInt32> tree, out uint key, out uint value)
     SnapUInt32 k = new SnapUInt32();
     SnapUInt32 v = new SnapUInt32();
     tree.TryGetLastRecord(k, v);
     key = k.Value;
     value = v.Value;
 public static bool TryGet(this FixedSizeNode<SnapUInt32, SnapUInt32> tree, uint key, out uint value)
     SnapUInt32 k = new SnapUInt32(key);
     SnapUInt32 v = new SnapUInt32();
     bool rv = tree.TryGet(k, v);
     value = v.Value;
     return rv;
 public static uint Get(this FixedSizeNode<SnapUInt32, SnapUInt32> tree, uint key)
     SnapUInt32 k = new SnapUInt32(key);
     SnapUInt32 v = new SnapUInt32();
     if (!tree.TryGet(k, v))
         throw new Exception();
     return v.Value;
        public static void GetLastKeyValue(this FixedSizeNode <SnapUInt32, SnapUInt32> tree, out uint key, out uint value)
            SnapUInt32 k = new SnapUInt32();
            SnapUInt32 v = new SnapUInt32();

            tree.TryGetLastRecord(k, v);
            key   = k.Value;
            value = v.Value;
        public static bool TryGet(this FixedSizeNode <SnapUInt32, SnapUInt32> tree, uint key, out uint value)
            SnapUInt32 k  = new SnapUInt32(key);
            SnapUInt32 v  = new SnapUInt32();
            bool       rv = tree.TryGet(k, v);

            value = v.Value;
        public static void Insert(this FixedSizeNode <SnapUInt32, SnapUInt32> tree, uint key, uint value)
            SnapUInt32 k = new SnapUInt32(key);
            SnapUInt32 v = new SnapUInt32(value);

            if (!tree.TryInsert(k, v))
                throw new Exception();
        public static uint Get(this FixedSizeNode <SnapUInt32, SnapUInt32> tree, uint key)
            SnapUInt32 k = new SnapUInt32(key);
            SnapUInt32 v = new SnapUInt32();

            if (!tree.TryGet(k, v))
                throw new Exception();
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the value for the provided key.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key"></param>
 /// <param name="value"></param>
 /// <param name="level"></param>
 public void UpdateValue(TKey key, SnapUInt32 value, byte level)
     if (level <= RootNodeLevel)
         GetNode(level).UpdateValue(key, value);
         throw new Exception("Cannot update value of root");
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the following node pointer to the sparse index.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nodeKey">the first key in the <see cref="pointer"/>. Only uses the key portion of the TKeyValue</param>
 /// <param name="pointer">the index of the later node</param>
 /// <param name="level">the level of the node being added</param>
 /// <remarks>This class will add the new node data to the parent node,
 /// or create a new root if the current root is split.</remarks>
 public void Add(TKey nodeKey, uint pointer, byte level)
     if (level <= RootNodeLevel)
         SnapUInt32 value = new SnapUInt32(pointer);
         GetNode(level).TryInsert(nodeKey, value);
     else //A new root node needs to be created.
         CreateNewRootNode(nodeKey, pointer);
        public unsafe void TestRandom(int count)
            int loopCount = 200;

            uint[] items      = new uint[count];
            uint[] lookupList = new uint[count];

            for (uint x = 0; x < items.Length; x++)
                items[x]      = 2 * x;
                lookupList[x] = 2 * x + 1;
            Shuffle(lookupList, 3, 10);

            for (int cnt = 0; cnt < loopCount; cnt++)

                //items = (uint[])items.Clone();


                SnapCustomMethodsUInt32 bin = new SnapCustomMethodsUInt32();
                fixed(uint *lp = items)
                    byte *     lpp = (byte *)lp;
                    SnapUInt32 box = new SnapUInt32();

                    StepTimer.ITimer timer = StepTimer.Start("Lookup");
                    for (int x = 0; x < lookupList.Length; x++)
                        box.Value = lookupList[x];
                        bin.BinarySearch(lpp, box, count, 4);
                        //BoxKeyMethodsUint32.BinarySearchTest(lpp, box, count, 4);

            StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder();

            //SB.Append((count * 4).ToString("0\t") + (count / StepTimer.GetAverage("Lookup") / 1000000).ToString("0.000\t"));
            //SB.Append((count * 4.0 / 1024).ToString("0.###\t") + ((StepTimer.GetAverage("Lookup") / Math.Log(count, 2)) / count * 1000000000).ToString("0.00\t"));
            SB.Append(((StepTimer.GetSlowest("Lookup") / Math.Log(count, 2)) / count * 1000000000).ToString("0.00\t"));
            //SB.Append(((StepTimer.GetAverage("Lookup") / Math.Log(count, 2)) / count * 1000000000).ToString("0.00\t"));
 protected override bool ReadNext(TKey key, SnapUInt32 value)
     if (!m_isReading)
         throw new Exception("Must call SwitchToReading() first.");
     if (m_readingCount < m_count)
 public static bool KeyInsideBounds(this FixedSizeNode<SnapUInt32, SnapUInt32> tree, uint key)
     SnapUInt32 k = new SnapUInt32(key);
     return tree.IsKeyInsideBounds(k);
        public static bool KeyInsideBounds(this FixedSizeNode <SnapUInt32, SnapUInt32> tree, uint key)
            SnapUInt32 k = new SnapUInt32(key);
