// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { snakeController = this.transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <SnakePart>(); if (snakeController == null) { Debug.Log("No snake"); Destroy(this); } else { snakeController.speed = initialSpeed; } getGrid(); //Initialise grid //Grid(Vector3 c, Vector3 g, List<Boundary> b) //Set the initial Direction direction = new Vector3(0, 0, 1); currentGridPoint = this.transform.position + (direction * grid.gridSpacing.z); snakeController.UpdateWayPoints(currentGridPoint); //Should probably do this based on which direction is forward //gridTest(); }
private void snakeBody(Vector3 nextGridPoint) { //sends information on the new waypoint to the rest of the snake snakeController.UpdateWayPoints(nextGridPoint); }