        public ActionResult InviteFriends(InviteFriends inviteFriends)
            string[]       emails = inviteFriends.FriendsEmails.Split(',');
            RegisteredUser user   = GetUser();
            ClosetOutfit   co     = closetOutfitRepository.Get(Convert.ToInt32(inviteFriends.OutfitId));
            SmtpMailing    mail   = new SmtpMailing();

            foreach (string email in emails)
                string subject = user.FullName + " want that you rate her outfit";
                string body    = "";
                foreach (Garment garment in co.Components)
                    body += "<img src='" + inviteFriends.SiteURL + "/" + Resources.GetGarmentPath(garment) + "' alt='" + garment.Title + "' /> ";

                string key = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                body += "<br /><br />Rate it NOW <a href='" + inviteFriends.SiteURL + "/rating/index/" + key + "/default.aspx' style='color: #F38333;' >here</a>!";

                FriendRatingInvitation invitation = new FriendRatingInvitation();
                invitation.FriendEmail      = email;
                invitation.InvitationSentOn = DateTime.Now;
                invitation.FriendRateOn     = invitation.InvitationSentOn;
                invitation.KeyCode          = key;
                invitation.Message          = inviteFriends.Message;
                invitation.User             = user;
                invitation.ClosetOutfit     = co;

                mail.SendMail(email, "Rate my outfit", subject, body, false);

            if (inviteFriends.SendMe)
                string subject = user.FullName + " want that you rate her outfit";
                string body    = "";
                foreach (Garment garment in co.Components)
                    body += "<img src='" + inviteFriends.SiteURL + "/" + Resources.GetGarmentPath(garment) + "' alt='" + garment.Title + "' /> ";

                body += "<br /><br />Rate it NOW <span style='color: #F38333;' >here</span>! <span style='font-size=10px;'>(only your friends get the rating link)</span>";
                mail.SendMail(user.EmailAddress, "Rate my outfit", subject, body, false);

            return(Json(new { Success = true }));
        protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
#if !DEBUG
            string      error = Server.GetLastError().ToString();
            SmtpMailing wm    = new SmtpMailing();
            wm.SendMail(Config.SupportEmail, "", "Error en Despiece", error, false);
            Utils.GetLogger().Error(Server.GetLastError().Message, Server.GetLastError().GetBaseException());
        private void SendMail(string fullName, SmtpMailing mail, string email, string siteURL)
            string subject = fullName + " want to invite you to build your closet";
            string body    = "";

            body += "<br /><br />Join NOW <a href='" + siteURL + "/' style='color: #F38333;' >here</a>!";

            mail.SendMail(email, "Crate your own virtual closet", subject, body, false);
        public RedirectToRouteResult PasswordRecovery(string UserName, string Answer)
            MembershipUser mu = Membership.GetUser(UserName);

                string      newpassword = mu.ResetPassword(Answer);
                SmtpMailing mail        = new SmtpMailing();
                string      body        = newpassword + "<br /><br /><h2 style='font-family:Century Gothic; color:#4D679B; font-weight:bold; font-size:14px; margin:0 0 0 30px; padding-bottom:2px;'>Please use it to login and change it in PROFILE page.</h2>";
                mail.SendMail(mu.Email, "Password Reset", "Your new password is", body, false);
                Session["Errors"] = "Your new password has been sent by email, please check your inbox.";
            catch (Exception e)
                Session["Errors"] = e.Message;
