public AuthModule() : base("Auth") { Get["/GetLog/{date}"] = _ => { try { int d =; var response = new Response(); response.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=log.txt"); response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; string dir = Path.Combine(AppPath.LogFolder, d.ToString()); if (Directory.Exists(dir)) { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.txt"); if (files.Length > 0) { byte[] buffer = File.ReadAllBytes(files[0]); response.Contents = stream => { using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(stream)) { bw.Write(buffer); } }; return(response); } else { return(null); } } else { return(null); } } catch { return(null); } }; Post["/Login"] = _ => { dynamic data = FetchFormData(); string loginname = data.LoginName; string pwd = data.Pwd; string msg = string.Empty; bool state = authobj.CheckUserExist(loginname); if (!state) { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity> > .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity>() { Status = 0, Msg = "你所登录的账号不存在!" })); } UserSessionEntity ue = authobj.TryLogin(loginname, pwd, out msg); if (ue != null) { string sessionid = SessionCenter.AddSessionIdentity(ue); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionid)) { ue.SessionID = sessionid; return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity> > .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity>() { Status = 1, Msg = "登录成功", Value = ue })); } else { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity> > .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity>() { Status = 0, Msg = "创建登录会话失败,请稍后重试!" })); } } else { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity> > .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity>() { Status = 0, Msg = msg })); } }; Post["/LoginX"] = _ => { dynamic data = FetchFormData(); string thirdid = data.ThirdID; //Request.Form.ThirdID; string username = data.ThirdUserName; //Request.Form.ThirdUserName; int type = data.ThirdType; //Request.Form.ThirdType; string picurl = data.Url; UserSessionEntity ue = authobj.TryLoginX(username, thirdid, type, picurl); if (ue != null) { string sessionid = SessionCenter.AddSessionIdentity(ue); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionid)) { ue.SessionID = sessionid; return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity> > .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity>() { Status = 1, Msg = "登录成功", Value = ue })); } else { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity> > .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity>() { Status = 0, Msg = "创建登录会话失败,请稍后重试!" })); } } else { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity> > .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity>() { Status = 0, Msg = "登录失败" })); } }; Post["/Register"] = _ => { try { dynamic data = FetchFormData(); string phone = data.Phone; string code = data.VCode; string pwd = data.Pwd; string msg = string.Empty; string nickName = string.Empty; int userid = authobj.RegesiterNewUser(phone, pwd, code, out msg, out nickName); if (userid > 0) { UserSessionEntity ue = new UserSessionEntity(); ue.UserID = userid; ue.ZoneID = 0; ue.PicturePath = AppUtil.UserDefaultHeader + AppUtil.ConvertJpg; string sessionid = SessionCenter.AddSessionIdentity(ue); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionid)) { ue.SessionID = sessionid; ue.NickName = nickName; return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity> > .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity>() { Status = 1, Msg = "注册成功", Value = ue })); } else { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity> > .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity>() { Status = 0, Msg = "创建登录会话失败,请稍后重试!" })); } } else { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity> > .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity>() { Status = 0, Msg = msg })); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.WriteLog(ex); return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity> > .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase <UserSessionEntity>() { Status = 0, Msg = "注册失败" })); } }; Post["/CheckUserExist"] = _ => { try { dynamic data = FetchFormData(); string loginname = data.LoginName; bool state = authobj.CheckUserExist(loginname); return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 1, Msg = "检测成功", Tag = state.ToString() })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 0, Msg = ex.Message })); } }; Post["/SendVCode"] = _ => { try { dynamic data = FetchFormData(); string phone = data.Phone; string msg = string.Empty; if (SmsMananger.SendCode(phone, out msg)) { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 1, Msg = msg })); } else { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 0, Msg = msg })); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 0, Msg = ex.Message })); } }; Post["/ResetMyPassword"] = _ => { try { dynamic data = FetchFormData(); string phone = data.Phone; string vcode = data.VCode; string pwd = data.Pwd; string msg = string.Empty; if (authobj.ResetPassword(phone, vcode, pwd, out msg)) { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 1, Msg = "重置密码成功" })); } else { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 0, Msg = string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg) ? "重置失败" : msg })); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.WriteLog(ex); return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 0, Msg = ex.Message })); } }; Get["/CheckAppUpdateState"] = _ => { try { var data = FecthQueryData(); int appid = data.AppType; string ver = data.Version; int versionType = 0; try { versionType = data.VersionType; } catch { versionType = 0; } AppUpdateEntity info = new AppUpdateEntity(); bool state = false; if (versionType == 0) { state = commonobj.CheckAppUpdateState(appid, ver, out info); } else { state = commonobj.CheckAppUpdateState(appid, ver, versionType, out info); } if (state) { info.NeedUpdate = true; return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase <AppUpdateEntity> > .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase <AppUpdateEntity>() { Status = 1, Msg = "有新版本", Tag = "1", Value = info })); } else { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase <AppUpdateEntity> > .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase <AppUpdateEntity>() { Status = 1, Msg = "程序为最新版不需要更新", Tag = "0", Value = new AppUpdateEntity() })); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase <AppUpdateEntity> > .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase <AppUpdateEntity>() { Status = 0, Msg = ex.Message, Value = new AppUpdateEntity() })); } }; #region 改变客户签到状态 2015/11/12 Get["UpdateSignState"] = _ => { dynamic data = FecthQueryData(); string customerKey = data.CustomerKey; string stateStr = data.State; int state = 0; int.TryParse(stateStr, out state); IList <SignBookEntity> entity = BCtrl_SignBook.Instance.SignBook_Get(customerKey); if (entity == null) { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 0, Msg = "数据查询异常,无法连接服务器" })); } else if (entity.Count == 0) { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 0, Msg = "不是有效报名用户,不能签到!" })); } else if (entity[0].IsSign == 1) { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 0, Msg = " 重复签到 " + entity[0].Company + " " + entity[0].Customer })); } bool flag = BCtrl_SignBook.Instance.SignBook_Update(customerKey, state); if (!flag) { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 0, Msg = "数据查询异常,无法连接服务器" })); } return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 1, Msg = entity[0].Company + " " + entity[0].Customer + " 签到成功!" })); }; #endregion }
public CommonModule() : base("/Common") { BCtrl_Common commonobj = new BCtrl_Common(); //获取服务器时间 Get["FetchServerTime"] = _ => { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 1, Tag = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") })); }; Post["/BindPhone"] = _ => { try { dynamic data = FetchFormData(); string phone = data.Phone; string vcode = data.VCode; string pwd = data.Pwd; string msg = string.Empty; if (CurrentUser != null && SmsMananger.BindPhone(phone, vcode, CurrentUser.UserID, pwd, out msg)) { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 1, Msg = "绑定成功!!" })); } else { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 0, Msg = string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg) ? "当前用户无效" : msg })); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.WriteLog(ex); return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 0, Msg = ex.Message })); } }; Post["AddFeedback"] = _ => { try { FeedbackEntity e = FetchFormData <FeedbackEntity>(); e.UserID = CurrentUser.UserID; bool state = commonobj.AddFeedback(e); if (state) { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 1, Msg = "保存成功" })); } else { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 0, Msg = "保存失败" })); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 0, Msg = ex.Message })); } }; Post["/BindSns"] = _ => { try { dynamic data = FetchFormData(); string thirdid = data.ThirdID; //Request.Form.ThirdID; string username = data.ThirdUserName; //Request.Form.ThirdUserName; int type = data.ThirdType; //Request.Form.ThirdType; string picurl = data.Url; BCtrl_Auth authobj = new BCtrl_Auth(); UserSessionEntity ue = authobj.IsThereExistUser(username, thirdid, type, picurl); if (ue != null) { return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 0, Msg = username + " 已是APP用户,无需再次绑定!" })); } bool rt = new BCtrl_Auth().AddSnsBinding(CurrentUser.UserID, username, thirdid, type, picurl); return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = rt ? 1 : 0, Msg = rt ? "绑定成功!" : "绑定失败!请稍后重试" })); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.WriteLog(ex); return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 0, Msg = "服务器连接失败,请稍后重试" })); } //UserSessionEntity ue = authobj.TryLoginX(username, thirdid, type, picurl); //if (ue != null) //{ // string sessionid = SessionCenter.AddSessionIdentity(ue); // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionid)) // { // ue.SessionID = sessionid; // return JsonObj<JsonMessageBase<UserSessionEntity>>.ToJson(new JsonMessageBase<UserSessionEntity>() { Status = 1, Msg = "登录成功", Value = ue }); // } // else // { // return JsonObj<JsonMessageBase<UserSessionEntity>>.ToJson(new JsonMessageBase<UserSessionEntity>() { Status = 0, Msg = "创建登录会话失败,请稍后重试!" }); // } //} //else //{ // return JsonObj<JsonMessageBase<UserSessionEntity>>.ToJson(new JsonMessageBase<UserSessionEntity>() { Status = 0, Msg = "登录失败" }); //} }; #region 根据版本号,获取到时候可以打开内容 Get["/CheckState"] = _ => { try { dynamic data = FetchFormData(); string verCode = data.VerCode; //Request.Form.ThirdID; BCtrl_Common commonBll = new BCtrl_Common(); bool isCheck = commonBll.IsVersionCheck(verCode); return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase <bool> > .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase <bool>() { Status = 1, Msg = "数据传输完成!!", Value = isCheck })); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.WriteLog(ex); return(JsonObj <JsonMessageBase> .ToJson(new JsonMessageBase() { Status = 0, Msg = "服务器连接失败,请稍后重试" })); } }; #endregion }
public string Add(HttpContext context) //发送短消息 send { try { string isExcel = context.Request.Form["isExcel"]; string txtPhone = context.Request.Form["txtPhone"]; string txtCustomer = context.Request.Form["txtCustomer"]; string txtContent = context.Request.Form["txtContent"]; string sysUserID = context.Request.Form["sUserID"]; string modelKey = context.Request.Form["modelKey"]; string sendContent = string.Empty; int sysID = 0; int.TryParse(sysUserID, out sysID); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtContent)) { return("false"); } //获取和设置消息模板 OperationResult <IList <SMSModeEntity> > result = BCtrl_SignSMSModel.Instance.SignSMSModel_GetWhere(" AND ModelKey='" + modelKey + "' "); if (result.ResultType == OperationResultType.Success) { IList <SMSModeEntity> entitys = result.AppendData; if (entitys != null && entitys.Count != 0) { sendContent = entitys[0].ModelContent; } else { return("false"); } } if (isExcel == "0") //如果是单条信息 { SMSEntity entity = new SMSEntity(); entity.Customer = txtCustomer; entity.Moblie = txtPhone; entity.IsSend = 1; entity.SysUserID = sysID; entity.Content = txtContent.Trim(); entity.SendTime = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); sendContent = sendContent.Replace("{1}", entity.Customer); sendContent = sendContent.Replace("{2}", entity.Content); bool isSend = SmsMananger.SendContent(entity.Moblie, modelKey, entity.Customer, entity.Content); entity.Content = sendContent; if (isSend) { BCtrl_SMS.Instance.SMS_Insert(entity); } } else { //查询出所有需要发送的数据 string strWhere = string.Empty; strWhere = " AND IsSend=0 AND SendTime IS NULL AND Content IS NULL AND SysUserID= " + sysUserID + " "; IList <SMSEntity> entityList = BCtrl_SMS.Instance.SMS_GetALL(strWhere); for (int i = 0; i < entityList.Count; i++) { //调用短信接口 string saveSend = sendContent.Replace("{1}", entityList[i].Customer); saveSend = saveSend.Replace("{2}", txtContent.Trim()); bool isSend = SmsMananger.SendContent(entityList[i].Moblie, modelKey, entityList[i].Customer, txtContent.Trim()); entityList[i].Content = saveSend; if (isSend) { //改变据库发送状态 BCtrl_SMS.Instance.SMS_Update(entityList[i].Content, 1, modelKey, entityList[i].SmsID); } else { BCtrl_SMS.Instance.SMS_Update(entityList[i].Content, 0, modelKey, entityList[i].SmsID); } } } return("true"); } catch { return("false"); } }