private string ProcessFile(int fileType, string fileDesc, HttpPostedFile file) { SmartflowLite.UploadDoc doc = new SmartflowLite.UploadDoc(FileNo); if (file.FileName.Trim().Equals("")) { return(""); } int count = doc.SaveFile(file, fileType, fileDesc, this.userID, true); this.FileId = doc.FileId; if (count == 0) { return(""); } if (count == -1) { return("Error in saving File " + doc.FileName + "."); } else if (count == -3) { return("Error in PDF Conversion of File " + doc.FileName + " "); } else { return("Error in saving File Information of File " + doc.FileName + " "); } }
protected void btnUpload_Click() { this.WfId = Convert.ToInt32((string)Request.QueryString["wfid"]); this.FileNo = GetFileNo(WfId); if (dllFileType.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Invoice") { if (CheckInput()) { return; } } if (dllFileType.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Other") { if (txtDesc.Text.Trim() == "") { lblmsg.Text = "Description is required for document type of 'Other'"; } this.descRow.Style.Add("display", ""); } if (this.FileUpload.PostedFile.FileName.Trim().Equals("")) { lblmsg.Text = "Please select 'Choose Files' before clicking Upload Files."; lblmsg.Visible = true; return; } int lastPos = FileUpload.PostedFile.FileName.Trim().LastIndexOf(@"."); string suffix = FileUpload.PostedFile.FileName.Trim().Substring(lastPos); if (suffix.ToLower() == ".pdf" || suffix.ToLower() == ".jpg" || suffix.ToLower() == ".jpeg") { lblmsg.Text = ""; } else { lblmsg.Text = "Please upload only PDF or images"; lblmsg.Visible = true; return; } if (lblmsg.Text == "") { HttpFileCollection uploadedFiles = Request.Files; string errorList = ""; DataAccess dba = new DataAccess(); for (int i = 0; i < uploadedFiles.Count; i++) { HttpPostedFile file = uploadedFiles[i]; try { if (file.ContentLength > 0) { if (!file.FileName.Trim().Equals("")) { string descriptor = this.txtDesc.Text; if (descriptor == "") { descriptor = this.dllFileType.SelectedItem.ToString(); } int ftyp = Convert.ToInt32(this.dllFileType.SelectedValue); errorList += this.ProcessFile(ftyp, descriptor, file); } } } catch (Exception Ex) { //Span1.Text += "Error: <br>" + Ex.Message; } } if (errorList == "") { if (uploadedFiles.Count > 1) { string strDBfilePath = dba.dxGetSPString("wfGetFilesRootPath"); string File; string filePath; filePath = strDBfilePath; if (WfId > 0) { filePath += WfId + @"\"; } for (int i = 1; i < uploadedFiles.Count; i++) { HttpPostedFile file = uploadedFiles[i]; string File1 = filePath + SetFileName(file); File = filePath + SetFileName(uploadedFiles[0]); MergeFile(File, File1); int filekeyId = dba.dxGetIntData("select top 1 keyId from StrFilesDet where wfid=" + this.WfId + " and filename = '" + SetFileName(file) + "'"); if (filekeyId > 0) { SmartflowLite.UploadDoc doc = new SmartflowLite.UploadDoc(filekeyId); string message = ""; int delCount = doc.DeleteFile(ref message); } } File = filePath + SetFileName(uploadedFiles[0]); System.IO.File.Delete(File.Replace(".pdf", ".jpg")); } HttpPostedFile firstfile = uploadedFiles[0]; string fileonly = firstfile.FileName.Trim().Substring(firstfile.FileName.Trim().LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); int OAid = dba.dxGetIntData("select projmanagerid from claimvalues where wfid=" + this.WfId.ToString() + " and subprocessid=" + SubProcessId.ToString()); if (dllFileType.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Inspection Report/Estimate") { createGeneralTask(OAid); } if (dllFileType.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Customer Authorization (Emergency)") { Smartflow.BLL.Claim.PreliminaryReportsf pr = new Smartflow.BLL.Claim.PreliminaryReportsf(9999); pr.CreateTasks(WfId, SubProcessId, 22435, userID); int KeyId = dba.dxGetIntData("select top 1 keyId from StrFilesDet where wfid=" + this.WfId + " and filename = '" + fileonly + "'"); dba.dxExecuteNonQuery("update wfdet set sindexid=" + KeyId + " where actionid=22436 and wfid=" + this.WfId.ToString() + " and subprocessid=" + SubProcessId.ToString()); } if (dllFileType.SelectedItem.ToString().Contains("Scope Document")) { Smartflow.BLL.Claim.PreliminaryReportsf pr = new Smartflow.BLL.Claim.PreliminaryReportsf(9999); if (dllFileType.SelectedItem.ToString().Contains("Emergency")) { pr.CreateTasks(WfId, 1, 22395, userID); } else { pr.CreateTasks(WfId, 2, 22395, userID); } } int keyId = dba.dxGetIntData("select top 1 keyId from StrFilesDet where wfid=" + this.WfId + " and filename = '" + fileonly + "'"); if (keyId < 0) { lastPos = fileonly.LastIndexOf(@"."); suffix = fileonly.Substring(lastPos); fileonly = fileonly.Replace(suffix, ".pdf"); keyId = dba.dxGetIntData("select top 1 keyId from StrFilesDet where wfid=" + this.WfId + " and filename = '" + fileonly + "'"); } //this.FileId = keyId; dba.dxExecuteNonQuery("update StrFilesDet set refId=" + this.schId + " where keyId=" + FileId.ToString()); if (dllFileType.SelectedItem.ToString().Contains("Invoice")) { dba.dxExecuteNonQuery("update StrFilesDet set FileId=20, Comments='AP Invoice' where keyId=" + FileId.ToString()); Save(); } string myStringVariable = "File upload and conversion succesfull"; ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "myalert", "alert('" + myStringVariable + "');", true); //Response.Redirect("Claims.aspx"); } else { lblmsg.Text = errorList; } } }