public override string UpdateServer(Entity entity) { SmartMonster smartMonster = (SmartMonster)entity; if (smartMonster.state == "IDLE") { return(UpdateServer_IDLE(smartMonster)); } if (smartMonster.state == "MOVING") { return(UpdateServer_MOVING(smartMonster)); } if (smartMonster.state == "CASTING") { return(UpdateServer_CASTING(smartMonster)); } if (smartMonster.state == "STUNNED") { return(UpdateServer_STUNNED(smartMonster)); } if (smartMonster.state == "DEAD") { return(UpdateServer_DEAD(smartMonster)); } Debug.LogError("invalid state:" + smartMonster.state); return("IDLE"); }
public override void UpdateClient(Entity entity) { SmartMonster smartMonster = (SmartMonster)entity; if (smartMonster.state == "CASTING") { // keep looking at the target for server & clients (only Y rotation) if ( { smartMonster.movement.LookAtY(; } } }
string UpdateServer_STUNNED(SmartMonster smartMonster) { // events sorted by priority (e.g. target doesn't matter if we died) if (EventDied(smartMonster)) { // we died. return("DEAD"); } if (EventStunned(smartMonster)) { return("STUNNED"); } // go back to idle if we aren't stunned anymore and process all new // events there too return("IDLE"); }
patrolPath; //&& smartMonster.timeSinceArrivedAtWaypoint > waypointDwellTime; // states ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string UpdateServer_IDLE(SmartMonster smartMonster) { // events sorted by priority (e.g. target doesn't matter if we died) if (EventDied(smartMonster)) { // we died. return("DEAD"); } if (EventStunned(smartMonster)) { smartMonster.movement.Reset(); return("STUNNED"); } if (EventTargetDied(smartMonster)) { // we had a target before, but it died now. clear it. = null; smartMonster.skills.CancelCast(); return("IDLE"); } if (EventTargetTooFarToFollow(smartMonster)) { // we had a target before, but it's out of follow range now. // clear it and go back to start. don't stay here. = null; smartMonster.skills.CancelCast(); smartMonster.movement.Navigate(smartMonster.startPosition, 0); return("MOVING"); } if (EventTargetTooFarToAttack(smartMonster)) { // we had a target before, but it's out of attack range now. // follow it. (use collider point(s) to also work with big entities) float stoppingDistance = ((MonsterSkills)smartMonster.skills).CurrentCastRange() * attackToMoveRangeRatio; Vector3 destination = Utils.ClosestPoint(, smartMonster.transform.position); smartMonster.movement.Navigate(destination, stoppingDistance); return("MOVING"); } if (EventTargetEnteredSafeZone(smartMonster)) { // if our target entered the safe zone, we need to be really careful // to avoid kiting. // -> players could pull a smartMonster near a safe zone and then step in // and out of it before/after attacks without ever getting hit by // the smartMonster // -> running back to start won't help, can still kit while running // -> warping back to start won't help, we might accidentally placed // a smartMonster in attack range of a safe zone // -> the 100% secure way is to die and hide it immediately. many // popular MMOs do it the same way to avoid exploits. // => call Entity.OnDeath without rewards etc. and hide immediately smartMonster.OnDeath(); // no looting smartMonster.respawnTimeEnd = NetworkTime.time + smartMonster.respawnTime; // respawn in a while return("DEAD"); } if (EventSkillRequest(smartMonster)) { // we had a target in attack range before and trying to cast a skill // on it. check self (alive, mana, weapon etc.) and target Skill skill = smartMonster.skills.skills[smartMonster.skills.currentSkill]; if (smartMonster.skills.CastCheckSelf(skill)) { if (smartMonster.skills.CastCheckTarget(skill)) { // start casting smartMonster.skills.StartCast(skill); return("CASTING"); } else { // invalid target. clear the attempted current skill. = null; smartMonster.skills.currentSkill = -1; return("IDLE"); } } else { // we can't cast this skill at the moment (cooldown/low mana/...) // -> clear the attempted current skill, but keep the target to // continue later smartMonster.skills.currentSkill = -1; return("IDLE"); } } if (EventAggro(smartMonster)) { // target in attack range. try to cast a first skill on it if (smartMonster.skills.skills.Count > 0) { smartMonster.skills.currentSkill = ((MonsterSkills)smartMonster.skills).NextSkill(); } else { Debug.LogError(name + " has no skills to attack with."); } return("IDLE"); } if (EventMoveRandomly(smartMonster)) { // walk to a random position in movement radius (from 'start') // note: circle y is 0 because we add it to start.y Vector2 circle2D = Random.insideUnitCircle * moveDistance; smartMonster.movement.Navigate(smartMonster.startPosition + new Vector3(circle2D.x, 0, circle2D.y), 0); return("MOVING"); } if (EventPatrolPath(smartMonster)) { Vector3 currentWaypoint = smartMonster.patrolPath.GetWaypoint(smartMonster.currentWaypointIndex); float distanceToWaypoint = Vector3.Distance(smartMonster.transform.position, currentWaypoint); bool atWaypoint = distanceToWaypoint < waypointTolerance; if (atWaypoint) { //smartMonster.SetTimeSinceArrivedAtWaypoint(0); smartMonster.CycleWaypoint(); Vector3 nextPosition = smartMonster.patrolPath.GetWaypoint(smartMonster.currentWaypointIndex); smartMonster.movement.Navigate(nextPosition, 0); return("MOVING"); } smartMonster.movement.Navigate(currentWaypoint, 0); return("MOVING"); } if (EventDeathTimeElapsed(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventRespawnTimeElapsed(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventMoveEnd(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventSkillFinished(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventTargetDisappeared(smartMonster)) { } // don't care return("IDLE"); // nothing interesting happened }
string UpdateServer_DEAD(SmartMonster smartMonster) { // events sorted by priority (e.g. target doesn't matter if we died) if (EventRespawnTimeElapsed(smartMonster)) { // respawn at the start position with full health, visibility, no loot = 0; smartMonster.inventory.slots.Clear(); smartMonster.Show(); smartMonster.movement.Warp(smartMonster.startPosition); // recommended over transform.position smartMonster.Revive(); return("IDLE"); } if (EventDeathTimeElapsed(smartMonster)) { // we were lying around dead for long enough now. // hide while respawning, or disappear forever if (smartMonster.respawn) { smartMonster.Hide(); } else { NetworkServer.Destroy(smartMonster.gameObject); } return("DEAD"); } if (EventSkillRequest(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventSkillFinished(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventMoveEnd(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventTargetDisappeared(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventTargetDied(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventTargetTooFarToFollow(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventTargetTooFarToAttack(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventTargetEnteredSafeZone(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventAggro(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventMoveRandomly(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventStunned(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventDied(smartMonster)) { } // don't care, of course we are dead return("DEAD"); // nothing interesting happened }
public bool EventTargetTooFarToFollow(SmartMonster smartMonster) => != null && Vector3.Distance(smartMonster.startPosition, Utils.ClosestPoint(, smartMonster.transform.position)) > followDistance;
public bool EventPatrolPath(SmartMonster smartMonster) => patrolPath; //&& smartMonster.timeSinceArrivedAtWaypoint > waypointDwellTime;
public bool EventRespawnTimeElapsed(SmartMonster smartMonster) => smartMonster.state == "DEAD" && smartMonster.respawn && NetworkTime.time >= smartMonster.respawnTimeEnd;
string UpdateServer_CASTING(SmartMonster smartMonster) { // keep looking at the target for server & clients (only Y rotation) if ( { smartMonster.movement.LookAtY(; } // events sorted by priority (e.g. target doesn't matter if we died) if (EventDied(smartMonster)) { // we died. return("DEAD"); } if (EventStunned(smartMonster)) { smartMonster.skills.CancelCast(); smartMonster.movement.Reset(); return("STUNNED"); } if (EventTargetDisappeared(smartMonster)) { // cancel if the target matters for this skill if (smartMonster.skills.skills[smartMonster.skills.currentSkill].cancelCastIfTargetDied) { smartMonster.skills.CancelCast(); = null; return("IDLE"); } } if (EventTargetDied(smartMonster)) { // cancel if the target matters for this skill if (smartMonster.skills.skills[smartMonster.skills.currentSkill].cancelCastIfTargetDied) { smartMonster.skills.CancelCast(); = null; return("IDLE"); } } if (EventTargetEnteredSafeZone(smartMonster)) { // cancel if the target matters for this skill if (smartMonster.skills.skills[smartMonster.skills.currentSkill].cancelCastIfTargetDied) { // if our target entered the safe zone, we need to be really careful // to avoid kiting. // -> players could pull a smartMonster near a safe zone and then step in // and out of it before/after attacks without ever getting hit by // the smartMonster // -> running back to start won't help, can still kit while running // -> warping back to start won't help, we might accidentally placed // a smartMonster in attack range of a safe zone // -> the 100% secure way is to die and hide it immediately. many // popular MMOs do it the same way to avoid exploits. // => call Entity.OnDeath without rewards etc. and hide immediately smartMonster.OnDeath(); // no looting smartMonster.respawnTimeEnd = NetworkTime.time + smartMonster.respawnTime; // respawn in a while return("DEAD"); } } if (EventSkillFinished(smartMonster)) { // finished casting. apply the skill on the target. smartMonster.skills.FinishCast(smartMonster.skills.skills[smartMonster.skills.currentSkill]); // did the target die? then clear it so that the smartMonster doesn't // run towards it if the target respawned // (target might be null if disappeared or targetless skill) if ( != null && == 0) { = null; } // go back to IDLE, reset current skill ((MonsterSkills)smartMonster.skills).lastSkill = smartMonster.skills.currentSkill; smartMonster.skills.currentSkill = -1; return("IDLE"); } if (EventDeathTimeElapsed(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventRespawnTimeElapsed(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventMoveEnd(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventTargetTooFarToAttack(smartMonster)) { } // don't care, we were close enough when starting to cast if (EventTargetTooFarToFollow(smartMonster)) { } // don't care, we were close enough when starting to cast if (EventAggro(smartMonster)) { } // don't care, always have aggro while casting if (EventSkillRequest(smartMonster)) { } // don't care, that's why we are here if (EventMoveRandomly(smartMonster)) { } // don't care return("CASTING"); // nothing interesting happened }
public bool EventMoveRandomly(SmartMonster smartMonster) => Random.value <= moveProbability * Time.deltaTime;
// events ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public bool EventDeathTimeElapsed(SmartMonster smartMonster) => smartMonster.state == "DEAD" && NetworkTime.time >= smartMonster.deathTimeEnd;
string UpdateServer_MOVING(SmartMonster smartMonster) { // events sorted by priority (e.g. target doesn't matter if we died) if (EventDied(smartMonster)) { // we died. smartMonster.movement.Reset(); return("DEAD"); } if (EventStunned(smartMonster)) { smartMonster.movement.Reset(); return("STUNNED"); } if (EventMoveEnd(smartMonster)) { // we reached our destination. return("IDLE"); } if (EventTargetDied(smartMonster)) { // we had a target before, but it died now. clear it. = null; smartMonster.skills.CancelCast(); smartMonster.movement.Reset(); return("IDLE"); } if (EventTargetTooFarToFollow(smartMonster)) { // we had a target before, but it's out of follow range now. // clear it and go back to start. don't stay here. = null; smartMonster.skills.CancelCast(); smartMonster.movement.Navigate(smartMonster.startPosition, 0); return("MOVING"); } if (EventTargetTooFarToAttack(smartMonster)) { // we had a target before, but it's out of attack range now. // follow it. (use collider point(s) to also work with big entities) float stoppingDistance = ((MonsterSkills)smartMonster.skills).CurrentCastRange() * attackToMoveRangeRatio; Vector3 destination = Utils.ClosestPoint(, smartMonster.transform.position); smartMonster.movement.Navigate(destination, stoppingDistance); return("MOVING"); } if (EventTargetEnteredSafeZone(smartMonster)) { // if our target entered the safe zone, we need to be really careful // to avoid kiting. // -> players could pull a smartMonster near a safe zone and then step in // and out of it before/after attacks without ever getting hit by // the smartMonster // -> running back to start won't help, can still kit while running // -> warping back to start won't help, we might accidentally placed // a smartMonster in attack range of a safe zone // -> the 100% secure way is to die and hide it immediately. many // popular MMOs do it the same way to avoid exploits. // => call Entity.OnDeath without rewards etc. and hide immediately smartMonster.OnDeath(); // no looting smartMonster.respawnTimeEnd = NetworkTime.time + smartMonster.respawnTime; // respawn in a while return("DEAD"); } if (EventAggro(smartMonster)) { // target in attack range. try to cast a first skill on it // (we may get a target while randomly wandering around) if (smartMonster.skills.skills.Count > 0) { smartMonster.skills.currentSkill = ((MonsterSkills)smartMonster.skills).NextSkill(); } else { Debug.LogError(name + " has no skills to attack with."); } smartMonster.movement.Reset(); return("IDLE"); } if (EventDeathTimeElapsed(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventRespawnTimeElapsed(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventSkillFinished(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventTargetDisappeared(smartMonster)) { } // don't care if (EventSkillRequest(smartMonster)) { } // don't care, finish movement first if (EventMoveRandomly(smartMonster)) { } // don't care return("MOVING"); // nothing interesting happened }