private void StartDraggingItem(SlotButton button) { myDraggingItem = true; myDragOriginButton = button; myDraggedItem = button.Slot.Item; myDragCount = button.Slot.Count; myDragSprite = new UISprite(myDraggedItem.ItemSprite); myDragSprite.Position = MousePosition - myDragSprite.Size * 0.5f - new Vector2(PaddingLeft, PaddingTop); AddChild(myDragSprite); button.Slot.Clear(); foreach (SlotButton btn in myPlayerView.Slots) { btn.Enable(); } if (myEntityView != null) { foreach (SlotButton btn in myEntityView.Slots) { btn.Enable(); } } }
/// <summary> /// 加载背包中物品中的信息 /// </summary> private void LoadSlot() { for (int i = 0; i < slotsList.Count; i++) { SlotButton sb = (SlotButton)UIPackage.CreateObject("BagMenu", "SlotButton"); sb.SlotInfo = slotsList[i]; sb.Item = ItemManager.Instance.GetItemByID(sb.SlotInfo.ItemID); sb.draggable = true; = i; sb.onClick.Add(OnMouseButtonDown); sb.onDragStart.Add(OnDragStart); sb.onDrop.Add(OnDrop); if (sb.Item != null) { sb.icon = sb.Item.Sprite; if (sb.Item.Capacity != 1) { sb.title = sb.SlotInfo.ItemCount.ToString(); } sb.tooltips = sb.Item.GetToolTipText(); } else { sb.tooltips = dToolTips; } buttonList.Add(sb); } }
private void closeSlotIfNot(SlotButton sb, int slot) { if (sb.slot != slot) { sb.close(); } }
public void OnSlotsEnter(SlotButton button) { //Change alpha var tempColor = button.background.color; tempColor.a = 0.5f; button.background.color = tempColor; }
public void Subscribe(SlotButton button) { if (slotButtons == null) { slotButtons = new List <SlotButton>(); } slotButtons.Add(button); }
/// <summary> /// 开始拖拽 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> private void OnDragStart(EventContext context) { SlotButton sb = (SlotButton)context.sender; startSlotId = sb.SlotInfo.SlotID; context.PreventDefault(); //DragDropManager.inst.StartDrag(sb, sb.icon, sb.icon, (int); DragDropManager.inst.StartDrag(sb, sb.icon, sb, (int); }
void DisableOtherButtons ( SlotButton slotButton ) { for (int i = 0; i < slotButtons.Count; i++) { if ( slotButtons[i] != slotButton ) { //Debug.Log (slotButtons[i]; slotButtons[i].IsSelected = false; } } }
/// <summary> /// 拖拽释放 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> private void OnDrop(EventContext context) { try { SlotButton sb = (SlotButton)context.sender; if (sb.Item == null) { //对当前格子进行赋值 sb.Item = buttonList[startSlotId].Item; sb.SlotInfo.ItemID = buttonList[startSlotId].SlotInfo.ItemID; sb.SlotInfo.ItemCount = buttonList[startSlotId].SlotInfo.ItemCount; //对格子的显示属性赋值 sb.title = buttonList[startSlotId].title; sb.icon = (string); sb.tooltips = buttonList[startSlotId].tooltips; //置空原始格子 buttonList[startSlotId].Item = null; buttonList[startSlotId].SlotInfo.ItemID = -1; buttonList[startSlotId].SlotInfo.ItemCount = 0; //清除原始格子的显示属性 buttonList[startSlotId].icon = null; buttonList[startSlotId].title = ""; buttonList[startSlotId].tooltips = dToolTips; } else { //创建临时格子 SlotButton temp = new SlotButton(); temp.SlotInfo = new SlotInfo(); //将要当前的格子信息赋值到临时格子 temp.Item = sb.Item; temp.SlotInfo.ItemID = sb.SlotInfo.ItemID; temp.SlotInfo.ItemCount = sb.SlotInfo.ItemCount; temp.title = sb.title; temp.icon = sb.icon; temp.tooltips = sb.tooltips; //将拖拽格子复制到当前格子 sb.Item = buttonList[startSlotId].Item; sb.SlotInfo.ItemID = buttonList[startSlotId].SlotInfo.ItemID; sb.SlotInfo.ItemCount = buttonList[startSlotId].SlotInfo.ItemCount; sb.title = buttonList[startSlotId].title; sb.icon = buttonList[startSlotId].icon; sb.tooltips = buttonList[startSlotId].tooltips; //将临时格子中的信息赋值到拖拽格子 buttonList[startSlotId].Item = temp.Item; buttonList[startSlotId].SlotInfo.ItemID = temp.SlotInfo.ItemID; buttonList[startSlotId].SlotInfo.ItemCount = temp.SlotInfo.ItemCount; buttonList[startSlotId].title = temp.title; buttonList[startSlotId].icon = temp.icon; buttonList[startSlotId].tooltips = temp.tooltips; } } catch (Exception) { } }
void DisableOtherButtons(SlotButton slotButton) { for (int i = 0; i < slotButtons.Count; i++) { if (slotButtons[i] != slotButton) { //Debug.Log (slotButtons[i]; slotButtons[i].IsSelected = false; } } }
public void OnSlotsSelected(SlotButton button) { // Check if selection is the same that actual selected object if (selectedSlot == button) { return; } selectedSlot = button; ResetSlots(); button.background.sprite = slotActive; //Add Observer event if (OnSlotSelectedTrigger != null) { OnSlotSelectedTrigger(button.carEquipmentData); } }
public void ResetSlotsVBox() { foreach (Node Child in SlotsVBox.GetChildren()) { Child.QueueFree(); } Directory SaveDir = new Directory(); List <string> Names = new List <string>(); if (SaveDir.DirExists("user://Saves")) { SaveDir.Open("user://Saves"); SaveDir.ListDirBegin(skipNavigational: true, skipHidden: true); while (true) { string SaveName = SaveDir.GetNext(); if (SaveName == "") { break; } Names.Add(SaveName); } Names.Sort(); foreach (string Name in Names) { SlotButton Instanced = SlotButtonScene.Instance() as SlotButton; Instanced.HostMenuInstance = this; Instanced.Text = Name; SlotsVBox.AddChild(Instanced); } } if (Names.Count <= 0) { Label Message = LabelPieceScene.Instance() as Label; Message.Text = "No saves to load"; SlotsVBox.AddChild(Message); } }
public ItemInfoView(SlotButton btn) : base(new Vector2(192.0f, 128.0f)) { Button = btn; Item = btn.Slot.Item; Colour = new Color4(0, 0, 0, 223); UILabel name = new UILabel(Font.Large, 1.5f) { Colour = Color4.White, Text = Item.ItemName, Position = new Vector2(4.0f, 4.0f), WrapWidth = 184.0f }; AddChild(name); UILabel value = new UILabel(Font.Large, 1.0f) { Colour = new Color4(191, 191, 191, 255), Text = "Value: " + Item.ItemValue.ToString(), Position = new Vector2(4.0f, name.Position.Y + name.Height + 4.0f) }; AddChild(value); UILabel desc = new UILabel(Font.Large, 1.0f) { Colour = new Color4(191, 191, 191, 255), Text = Item.ItemDescription, Position = new Vector2(4.0f, value.Position.Y + value.Height + 4.0f), WrapWidth = 184.0f }; AddChild(desc); Height = name.Height + value.Height + desc.Height + 16.0f; Disable(); }
private void StopDraggingItem(SlotButton button) { myDragOriginButton.Slot.Item = myDraggedItem; myDragOriginButton.Slot.Count = myDragCount; RemoveChild(myDragSprite); myDragSprite = null; if (myDragOriginButton != button) { myDraggingItem = false; button.Slot.Swap(myDragOriginButton.Slot); InventorySingleView invViewA = myDragOriginButton.Parent as InventorySingleView; InventorySingleView invViewB = button.Parent as InventorySingleView; GameClient.SendTransferItem(invViewA.Inventory.Owner, invViewB.Inventory.Owner, myDragOriginButton.Slot, button.Slot); } foreach (SlotButton btn in myPlayerView.Slots) { if (!btn.Slot.HasItem) { btn.Disable(); } } if (myEntityView != null) { foreach (SlotButton btn in myEntityView.Slots) { if (!btn.Slot.HasItem) { btn.Disable(); } } } }
public InventorySingleView(InventoryView parent, Inventory inventory, Vector2 size) : base(size) { myInventoryView = parent; Inventory = inventory; mySlots = new SlotButton[Inventory.Capacity]; InventorySlot[] slots = Inventory.Slots; int x = 0, y = 0; int cols = (int)((size.X - 4.0f) / 44.0f); for (int i = 0; i < mySlots.Length; ++i) { SlotButton btn = new SlotButton(slots[i]) { Position = new Vector2(x * 44.0f + 4.0f, y * 44.0f + 4.0f) }; mySlots[i] = btn; btn.Click += delegate(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (SlotButtonClicked != null) { SlotButtonClicked(sender, new SlotButtonClickedEventArgs(Inventory, (sender as SlotButton).Slot)); } }; btn.MouseUp += delegate(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (myInventoryView.IsDraggingItem) { myInventoryView.StopDraggingItem(btn); } }; btn.MouseEnter += delegate(object sender, MouseMoveEventArgs e) { if (btn.Slot.HasItem && !myInventoryView.IsDraggingItem && (ItemView == null || ItemView.Item != btn.Slot.Item)) { if (ItemView != null) { Parent.RemoveChild(ItemView); } ItemView = new ItemInfoView(btn); ItemView.Flipped = Parent.Parent.MousePosition.X + 224.0f > Parent.Parent.InnerWidth; ItemView.Position = Parent.MousePosition + new Vector2(ItemView.Flipped ? -208.0f : 16.0f, 0.0f); Parent.AddChild(ItemView); } }; btn.MouseMove += delegate(object sender, MouseMoveEventArgs e) { if (btn.Slot.HasItem && ItemView != null && ItemView.Item == btn.Slot.Item) { ItemView.Flipped = Parent.Parent.MousePosition.X + 224.0f > Parent.Parent.InnerWidth; ItemView.Position = Parent.MousePosition + new Vector2(ItemView.Flipped ? -208.0f : 16.0f, 0.0f); } }; btn.MouseLeave += delegate(object sender, MouseMoveEventArgs e) { if (btn.Slot.HasItem && ItemView != null && ItemView.Item == btn.Slot.Item) { Parent.RemoveChild(ItemView); ItemView = null; } if (btn.MouseButtonPressed && btn.Slot.HasItem) { myInventoryView.StartDraggingItem(btn); } }; btn.Slot.SlotContentsChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ItemView != null && ItemView.Button == btn && btn.Slot.Item != ItemView.Item) { Parent.RemoveChild(ItemView); ItemView = null; if (btn.IsEnabled && btn.Slot.HasItem) { ItemView = new ItemInfoView(btn); ItemView.Flipped = Parent.Parent.MousePosition.X + 224.0f > Parent.Parent.InnerWidth; ItemView.Position = Parent.MousePosition + new Vector2(ItemView.Flipped ? -208.0f : 16.0f, 0.0f); Parent.AddChild(ItemView); } } }; AddChild(btn); ++x; if (x >= cols) { x = 0; ++y; } } }
public void Display(SlotButton slotButton) { slotButton.SetItemImage(Sprite); }
void ISlotButtonHandler.Handle(SlotButton button) { }
public void OnSlotsExit(SlotButton button) { ResetSlots(); }
void ISlotButtonHandler.Handle(SlotButton button) { Interact(Structs.IndexOf(slots, button)); }