 void OnMouseDown()
     beingDragged = true;                                                                                  // Start dragging.
     touchOffset  = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition) - transform.position;              //offset between the cursor and the block centre
     lastSnap     = transform.position;                                                                    // this is obviously where we snapped the last time
     bounds       = SlidingPuzzleExample.CalculateSlidingBounds(transform.position, transform.lossyScale); // create default bounds
     SlidingPuzzleExample.RegisterObstacle(transform, true);                                               // marks this space as free in the matrix (or else we won't be able to return back here)
    ///<summary>This is where the dragging logic takes places.</summary>
    void Drag()
        // the destination is where the cursor points (minus the offset) clamped by the bounds
        Vector3 destination = ClampPosition(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition) - touchOffset);

        destination.z = transform.position.z;

        // now use that information to get the new bounds
        bounds = SlidingPuzzleExample.CalculateSlidingBounds(lastSnap, transform.lossyScale);

        // simulate a snap to the grid so we can get potentially new bounds in the next step
        lastSnap = ClampPosition(SlidingPuzzleExample.mainGrid.AlignVector3(destination, transform.lossyScale));

        // move to the destination!
        transform.position = destination;