public override IEnumerable <Insight> Update(QCAlgorithm algorithm, Slice data) { var insights = new List <Insight>(); // Check for all Quandl Symbols in current data Slice if (!(data.ContainsKey(_highs) && data.ContainsKey(_lows))) { return(insights); } // Higher numbers of stocks at their 52-week low naturally correlate with recessions or // large stock market corrections, and the opposite can be said of large numbers of stocks // reaching their 52-week highs at the same time. When viewed like this, the spread between // the two numbers can tell us a lot about the overall direction of the US equities // market. If the spread between High and Low decreases and/or inverts, this is likely a // significant indicator of a bear market. This and other metrics can be used to generate // valuable Insights // More URC market data can be found at Quandl // // Generate Insights here! return(insights); }
public override void OnData(Slice data) { if (!data.ContainsKey(Usdinr) || !data.ContainsKey(Nifty)) { return; } _today = new CorrelationPair(data.Time); _today.Add(Usdinr, data[Usdinr].Price); try { _today.Add(Nifty, data[Nifty].Close); if (_today.Date == data.Time) { Log("Date: " + data.Time + " Price: " + data[Nifty].Price); _prices.Add(_today); if (_prices.Count > MinimumCorrelationHistory) { _prices.RemoveAt(0); } } if (_prices.Count < 2) { return; } var maxAsset = string.Empty; var maxGain = double.MinValue; foreach (var symbol in _today.Prices.Keys) { var last = (from pair in _prices select pair.Prices[symbol]).Last(); var first = (from pair in _prices select pair.Prices[symbol]).First(); var gain = (last - first) / first; if (!(gain > maxGain)) { continue; } maxAsset = symbol; maxGain = gain; } if (!maxAsset.Equals(string.Empty)) { CustomSetHoldings(maxAsset, 1, true); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug("Exception: " + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Event Handler for Nifty Data Events: These Nifty objects are created from our /// "Nifty" type below and fired into this event handler. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">One(1) Nifty Object, streamed into our algorithm synchronised in time with our other data streams</param> public void OnData(Slice data) { if (data.ContainsKey("USDINR")) { _today = new CorrelationPair(Time) { CurrencyPrice = Convert.ToDouble(data["USDINR"].Close) }; } if (!data.ContainsKey("NIFTY")) { return; } try { _today.NiftyPrice = Convert.ToDouble(data["NIFTY"].Close); if (_today.Date == data["NIFTY"].Time) { _prices.Add(_today); if (_prices.Count > _minimumCorrelationHistory) { _prices.RemoveAt(0); } } //Strategy var quantity = (int)(Portfolio.MarginRemaining * 0.9m / data["NIFTY"].Close); var highestNifty = (from pair in _prices select pair.NiftyPrice).Max(); var lowestNifty = (from pair in _prices select pair.NiftyPrice).Min(); if (Time.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Wednesday) //prices.Count >= minimumCorrelationHistory && { //List<double> niftyPrices = (from pair in prices select pair.NiftyPrice).ToList(); //List<double> currencyPrices = (from pair in prices select pair.CurrencyPrice).ToList(); //double correlation = Correlation.Pearson(niftyPrices, currencyPrices); //double niftyFraction = (correlation)/2; if (Convert.ToDouble(data["NIFTY"].Open) >= highestNifty) { var code = Order("NIFTY", quantity - Portfolio["NIFTY"].Quantity); Debug("LONG " + code + " Time: " + Time.ToShortDateString() + " Quantity: " + quantity + " Portfolio:" + Portfolio["NIFTY"].Quantity + " Nifty: " + data["NIFTY"].Close + " Buying Power: " + Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue); } else if (Convert.ToDouble(data["NIFTY"].Open) <= lowestNifty) { var code = Order("NIFTY", -quantity - Portfolio["NIFTY"].Quantity); Debug("SHORT " + code + " Time: " + Time.ToShortDateString() + " Quantity: " + quantity + " Portfolio:" + Portfolio["NIFTY"].Quantity + " Nifty: " + data["NIFTY"].Close + " Buying Power: " + Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue); } } } catch (Exception err) { Debug("Error: " + err.Message); } }
public override void OnData(Slice slice) { if (!slice.ContainsKey(Securities[_symbol1].Symbol)) { Console.WriteLine("No " + _symbol1 + " data on " + slice.Time); return; } if (!slice.ContainsKey(Securities[_symbol2].Symbol)) { Console.WriteLine("No " + _symbol2 + " data on " + slice.Time); return; } if (slice.Time.DayOfYear == _dayOfYear) return; else _dayOfYear = slice.Time.DayOfYear; var price1 = slice.Bars[_symbol1].Close; var price2 = slice.Bars[_symbol2].Close; if (_initialized) { var return1 = price1 / _lastPrice1 - 1; var return2 = price2 / _lastPrice2 - 1; if (return1 > return2) { int shortQuantity = Portfolio.Securities[_symbol1].Holdings.Quantity; if (shortQuantity > 0) Order(Securities[_symbol1].Symbol, -shortQuantity); decimal actualCash = Portfolio.Cash - Portfolio.Securities[_symbol1].Holdings.Quantity * price1; int longQuantity = Decimal.ToInt32(Math.Floor(actualCash / price2)); if (longQuantity > 0) Order(Securities[_symbol2].Symbol, longQuantity); } else if (return2 > return1) { int shortQuantity = Portfolio.Securities[_symbol2].Holdings.Quantity; if (shortQuantity > 0) Order(Securities[_symbol2].Symbol, -shortQuantity); decimal actualCash = Portfolio.Cash - Portfolio.Securities[_symbol1].Holdings.Quantity * price1; Console.WriteLine("2>1: " + actualCash); int longQuantity = Decimal.ToInt32(Math.Floor(actualCash / price1)); if (longQuantity > 0) Order(Securities[_symbol1].Symbol, longQuantity); } } else _initialized = true; _lastPrice1 = price1; _lastPrice2 = price2; }
public override void OnData(Slice slice) { if (!slice.ContainsKey(_spx)) { return; } if (_addOption) { var contracts = OptionChainProvider.GetOptionContractList(_spx, Time); contracts = contracts.Where(x => x.ID.OptionRight == OptionRight.Put && x.ID.Date.Date == new DateTime(2021, 1, 15)); var option = AddIndexOptionContract(contracts.First(), Resolution.Minute); _optionExpiry = option.Expiry; _optionSymbol = option.Symbol; _addOption = false; } if (slice.ContainsKey(_optionSymbol)) { if (!Portfolio.Invested) { SetHoldings(_optionSymbol, 0.25); } // Verify the order of delisting; warning then delisting Delisting delisting; if (slice.Delistings.TryGetValue(_optionSymbol, out delisting)) { switch (delisting.Type) { case DelistingType.Warning: _receivedWarning = true; break; case DelistingType.Delisted: if (!_receivedWarning) { throw new Exception("Did not receive warning before delisting"); } break; } } // Verify we aren't receiving expired option data. if (_optionExpiry < Time.Date) { throw new Exception($"Received expired contract {_optionSymbol} expired: {_optionExpiry} current time: {Time}"); } } }
public override void OnData(Slice data) { if (data.ContainsKey(_cboeVix)) { var vix = data.Get <CBOE>(_cboeVix); Log($"VIX: {vix}"); } if (data.ContainsKey(_usEnergy)) { var inputIntoRefineries = data.Get <USEnergy>(_usEnergy); Log($"U.S. Input Into Refineries: {Time}, {inputIntoRefineries.Value}"); } }
/// <summary> /// OnData event is the primary entry point for your algorithm. Each new data point will be pumped in here. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">Slice object keyed by symbol containing the stock data</param> public override void OnData(Slice data) { if (!_equityBought && data.ContainsKey(_spy)) { //Buy our Equity var quantity = CalculateOrderQuantity(_spy, .1m); _equityBuy = MarketOrder(_spy, quantity, asynchronous: true); _equityBought = true; } if (!_optionBought) { // Buy our option OptionChain chain; if (data.OptionChains.TryGetValue(_optionSymbol, out chain)) { // Find the second call strike under market price expiring today var contracts = ( from optionContract in chain.OrderByDescending(x => x.Strike) where optionContract.Right == OptionRight.Call where optionContract.Expiry == Time.Date where optionContract.Strike < chain.Underlying.Price select optionContract ).Take(2); if (contracts.Any()) { var optionToBuy = contracts.FirstOrDefault(); _optionStrikePrice = optionToBuy.Strike; _optionBuy = MarketOrder(optionToBuy.Symbol, 1); _optionBought = true; } } } }
/// <summary> /// OnData event is the primary entry point for your algorithm. Each new data point will be pumped in here. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">Slice object keyed by symbol containing the stock data</param> public override void OnData(Slice data) { if (!data.ContainsKey("SPY")) { return; } // After an order is placed, it will decrease in quantity by one for each minute, being cancelled altogether // if not filled within 10 minutes. if (Transactions.GetOpenOrders().Count == 0) { var goLong = Time.Day < 9; _negative = goLong ? 1 : -1; var orderRequest = new SubmitOrderRequest(OrderType.LimitIfTouched, SecurityType.Equity, "SPY", _negative * 10, 0, data["SPY"].Price - (decimal)_negative, data["SPY"].Price - (decimal)0.25 * _negative, UtcTime, $"LIT - Quantity: {_negative * 10}"); _request = Transactions.AddOrder(orderRequest); return; } // Order updating if request exists if (_request != null) { if (_request.Quantity == 1) { Transactions.CancelOpenOrders(); _request = null; return; } var newQuantity = _request.Quantity - _negative; _request.UpdateQuantity(newQuantity, $"LIT - Quantity: {newQuantity}"); } }
public void EquitiesIgnoreQuoteBars() { var quoteBar = new QuoteBar { Symbol = Symbols.SPY, Time = DateTime.Now }; var slice = new Slice(DateTime.Now, new[] { quoteBar }); Assert.IsFalse(slice.HasData); Assert.IsTrue(slice.ToList().Count == 0); Assert.IsFalse(slice.ContainsKey(Symbols.SPY)); Assert.Throws <KeyNotFoundException>(() => { var data = slice[Symbols.SPY]; }); Assert.AreEqual(0, slice.Count); var tickQuoteBar = new Tick { Symbol = Symbols.SPY, Time = DateTime.Now, TickType = TickType.Quote }; slice = new Slice(DateTime.Now, new[] { tickQuoteBar }); Assert.IsFalse(slice.HasData); Assert.IsTrue(slice.ToList().Count == 0); Assert.IsFalse(slice.ContainsKey(Symbols.SPY)); Assert.Throws <KeyNotFoundException>(() => { var data = slice[Symbols.SPY]; }); Assert.AreEqual(0, slice.Count); }
public override void OnData(Slice data) { // Make sure we have an interest rate calendar event if (!data.ContainsKey(_interestRate)) { return; } var announcement = data.Get <TradingEconomicsCalendar>(_interestRate); // Confirm it's a FED Rate Decision if (announcement.Event != "Fed Interest Rate Decision") { return; } // In the event of a rate increase, rebalance 50% to Bonds. var interestRateDecreased = announcement.Actual <= announcement.Previous; if (interestRateDecreased) { SetHoldings("SPY", 1); SetHoldings("AGG", 0); } else { SetHoldings("SPY", 0.5); SetHoldings("AGG", 0.5); } }
/// <summary> /// OnData event is the primary entry point for your algorithm. Each new data point will be pumped in here. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">Slice object keyed by symbol containing the stock data</param> public override void OnData(Slice data) { //foreach (string symbol in Securities.Keys) //{ // if (Securities[symbol].Holdings.UnrealizedProfit > 0) // { // Order(symbol, -Securities[symbol].Holdings.Quantity); // } //} //if (Portfolio["SPY"].UnrealizedProfit > 0) //{ //} if (!data.ContainsKey(securityName)) { return; } TradeBar bar = data.Bars[securityName]; if (!Portfolio.Invested) { //SetHoldings(securityName, 10); OrderTicket ticket = Order(securityName, 100); WriteTicketInfo(ticket); Debug("Purchased Stock"); WriteBarInfo(bar); WritePortfolioInfo(); } }
public override void OnData(Slice data) { if (_contractSymbol != null) { return; } // Buy the underlying for our covered put if (data.ContainsKey(_equity) && !_purchasedUnderlying) { MarketOrder(_equity, 100 * quantity); } // Buy a contract and exercise it immediately if (_purchasedUnderlying && data.OptionChains.TryGetValue(_option, out OptionChain chain)) { var contract = chain .Where(x => x.Right == OptionRight.Put) .OrderByDescending(x => x.Strike - data[_equity].Price) .FirstOrDefault(); _contractSymbol = contract.Symbol; MarketOrder(_contractSymbol, quantity); // Exercise option Log("Quantity before: " + Portfolio[_equity].Quantity); ExerciseOption(_contractSymbol, quantity); Log("Quantity after: " + Portfolio[_equity].Quantity); } }
/// <summary> /// Updates this alpha model with the latest data from the algorithm. /// </summary> /// <param name="algorithm">The algorithm instance</param> /// <param name="data">The new data available</param> /// <returns>The new insights generated</returns> public override IEnumerable <Insight> Update(QCAlgorithm algorithm, Slice data) { if (!data.ContainsKey(_calendar)) { return(Enumerable.Empty <Insight>()); } var insights = new List <Insight>(); // Forecast Interest Rate var foreIR = System.Convert.ToDecimal(data[_calendar].Forecast.Replace("%", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // Previous released actual Interest Rate var prevIR = System.Convert.ToDecimal(data[_calendar].Previous.Replace("%", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var usdValueUp = foreIR >= prevIR; foreach (var pair in _pairs) { var direction = pair.Value.StartsWith("USD") && usdValueUp || pair.Value.EndsWith("USD") && !usdValueUp ? InsightDirection.Up : InsightDirection.Down; insights.Add(Insight.Price(pair, _predictionInterval, direction)); } return(insights); }
/// <summary> /// Updates this alpha model with the latest data from the algorithm. /// This is called each time the algorithm receives data for subscribed securities /// </summary> /// <param name="algorithm">The algorithm instance</param> /// <param name="data">The new data available</param> /// <returns>The new insights generated</returns> public override IEnumerable <Insight> Update(QCAlgorithmFramework algorithm, Slice data) { var insights = new List <Insight>(); int mag = 0; var symbol = _symbolDataBySymbol.Keys.First(); if (data.ContainsKey(symbol)) { for (int i = 0; i < _prices.Length; i++) { if (_magnitudes[i] > 0) { if ((double)((TradeBar)data[symbol]).Price > _prices[i]) { mag = _magnitudes[i]; } } else { if ((double)((TradeBar)data[symbol]).Price < _prices[i]) { mag = _magnitudes[i]; } } if ((mag > 0 && mag > _lastMag) || (mag < 0 && mag < _lastMag)) { _lastMag = mag; insights.Add(Insight.Price(symbol, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15), ((mag < 0 && _inverted) || (mag > 0 && !_inverted)) ? InsightDirection.Up : InsightDirection.Down, mag)); } } /* * OptionChain chain; * if (!TryGetOptionChain(algorithm, symbol, out chain)) * return insights; * * var options = chain.Where((o) => Math.Abs((o.Expiry - data.Time).TotalDays) <= _period); * if (options.Count()>0) * { * if (!_symbolDataBySymbol[symbol]) * { * _symbolDataBySymbol[symbol] = true; //debounce * //indicate a 'short' signal for expiring options * insights.Add(Insight.Price(symbol, TimeSpan.FromDays(_period + 1), _inverted ? InsightDirection.Up : InsightDirection.Down, 1)); * } * } * else if (_symbolDataBySymbol[symbol]) * { * _symbolDataBySymbol[symbol] = false; //debounce * insights.Add(Insight.Price(symbol, TimeSpan.FromDays(_period + 1), InsightDirection.Flat)); * } */ } return(insights); }
public override void OnData(Slice data) { if (!data.HasData) { return; } _onDataReached = true; var hasOptionQuoteBars = false; foreach (var qb in data.QuoteBars.Values) { if (qb.Symbol.SecurityType != SecurityType.FutureOption) { continue; } hasOptionQuoteBars = true; _symbolsReceived.Add(qb.Symbol); if (!_dataReceived.ContainsKey(qb.Symbol)) { _dataReceived[qb.Symbol] = new List <QuoteBar>(); } _dataReceived[qb.Symbol].Add(qb); } if (_invested || !hasOptionQuoteBars) { return; } if (data.ContainsKey(_es20h20) && data.ContainsKey(_es19m20)) { SetHoldings(_es20h20, 0.2); SetHoldings(_es19m20, 0.2); _invested = true; } }
public override void OnData(Slice data) { if (data.ContainsKey(_cboeVix)) { var vix = data.Get <CBOE>(_cboeVix); Log($"VIX: {vix}"); } if (data.ContainsKey(_usEnergy)) { var inputIntoRefineries = data.Get <USEnergy>(_usEnergy); Log($"U.S. Input Into Refineries: {Time}, {inputIntoRefineries.Value}"); } if (data.ContainsKey(_fredPeakToTrough)) { var peakToTrough = data.Get <Fred>(_fredPeakToTrough); Log($"OECD based Recession Indicator for the United States from the Peak through the Trough: {peakToTrough}"); } }
public override void OnData(Slice data) { // if (Time > new DateTime(2018,1,18,0,0,0) && stocks.Contains("VXX.1") ) // { // stocks.Remove("VXX.1"); // stocks.Add("VXX"); // } if (allocationTime) { Log("OnDataVarOptimised allocationTime"); if (canAllocate && (data.ContainsKey("VXX.1") && bb1.IsReady && data["VXX.1"].Close > bb1.UpperBand || data.ContainsKey("VXX") && bb.IsReady && data["VXX"].Close > bb.UpperBand)) { Log("VXX Burst Liquidating"); Liquidate("UPRO"); Liquidate("TMF"); canAllocate = false; } else if (canAllocate) { Log($"canAllocate"); Allocate(data); } else { Log($"canNOTAllocate"); var spreadToRecovery1 = 0.25m * (bb1.UpperBand - bb1.MiddleBand); var spreadToRecovery = 0.25m * (bb.UpperBand - bb.MiddleBand); if (data.ContainsKey("VXX.1") && bb1.IsReady && data["VXX.1"].Close < bb1.UpperBand - spreadToRecovery1 || data.ContainsKey("VXX") && bb.IsReady && data["VXX"].Close < bb.UpperBand - spreadToRecovery) { Log($"Recovery Threashold reached: Allocating"); Allocate(data); canAllocate = true; } } Plot("CAN_ALLOCATE", "CA", (canAllocate) ? 1m : 0); allocationTime = false; } }
/// <summary> /// OnData event is the primary entry point for your algorithm. Each new data point will be pumped in here. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">TradeBars IDictionary object with your stock data</param> public override void OnData(Slice data) { if (data.ContainsKey("SPY")) { if (Time.Second == 0 && Time.Minute == 0) { var goLong = Time < StartDate.AddDays(2); var negative = goLong ? 1 : -1; LimitOrder("SPY", negative * 10, data["SPY"].Price); } } }
/// <summary> /// Updates this alpha model with the latest data from the algorithm. /// This is called each time the algorithm receives data for subscribed securities /// </summary> /// <param name="algorithm">The algorithm instance</param> /// <param name="data">The new data available</param> /// <returns>The new insights generated</returns> public override IEnumerable <Insight> Update(QCAlgorithmFramework algorithm, Slice data) { var insights = new List <Insight>(); foreach (var kvp in _symbolDataBySymbol) { if (!data.ContainsKey(kvp.Key) || data[kvp.Key] == null) { continue; } var symbol = kvp.Key; kvp.Value.Update(data[kvp.Key]); var std = kvp.Value.STD; if (!std.IsReady) { continue; } var previousState = kvp.Value.State; var previousMag = kvp.Value.Mag; double mag; var state = GetState(kvp.Value.Indicator.Current.Value, std, out mag); if ((state != previousState || mag > previousMag) && std.IsReady) { var insightPeriod = _resolution.Multiply(_period); switch (state) { case State.Neutral: insights.Add(Insight.Price(symbol, insightPeriod, InsightDirection.Flat)); break; case State.TrippedHigh: insights.Add(Insight.Price(symbol, insightPeriod, _inverted ? InsightDirection.Up : InsightDirection.Down, mag)); break; case State.TrippedLow: insights.Add(Insight.Price(symbol, insightPeriod, _inverted ? InsightDirection.Down : InsightDirection.Up, mag)); break; } kvp.Value.State = state; kvp.Value.Mag = mag; } } return(insights); }
private IEnumerable <Insight> GetInsights(Slice slice) { try { var candidateLongs = RankSymbols(ActiveSecurities .Where(x => x.Value.IsTradable && slice.ContainsKey(x.Key) && _longCandidates.Contains(x.Key) && _indicators.ContainsKey(x.Key) && _indicators[x.Key].IsReady && _indicators[x.Key].Momentum > MinLongMomentum && !_indicators[x.Key].ExcludedBySma && !_indicators[x.Key].ExcludedBySpread && (slice[x.Key] as BaseData).Price >= MinPrice) .Select(x => x.Key)) .ToList(); var holdingRanks = Portfolio .Where(x => x.Value.Invested) .ToDictionary( x => x.Key, x => candidateLongs.FindIndex(y => y == x.Key)); var rankThreshold = 2.5 * NumLong; var toSell = holdingRanks .Where(x => x.Value <0 || x.Value> rankThreshold) .Select(x => x.Key); var toHold = holdingRanks.Keys.Except(toSell); var toBuy = candidateLongs .Where(x => !toHold.Contains(x)) .OrderByDescending(x => _indicators[x].Momentum) .Take(NumLong - toHold.Count()); var toOwn = toBuy .Union(toHold) .Select(x => new Insight( x, RebalancePeriod, InsightType.Price, InsightDirection.Up)); return(toOwn); } catch (Exception e) { var msg = $"Exception: GetInsights: {e.Message}, {e.StackTrace}"; Log(msg); SendEmailNotification(msg); throw; } }
public override IEnumerable <Insight> Update(QCAlgorithmFramework algorithm, Slice data) { var insights = new List <Insight>(); var period = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5); var magnitude = 0.0005; // We will create our insights when we recieve news if (data.ContainsKey("DFX")) { var calendar = data.Get <DailyFx>("DFX"); // Only act if this is important news. if (calendar.Importance != FxDailyImportance.High) { return(insights); } if (calendar.Meaning == FxDailyMeaning.None) { return(insights); } // Create insights for all active currencies in our universe when country matches currency foreach (var kvp in algorithm.ActiveSecurities.Where(kvp => kvp.Value.Symbol.SecurityType == SecurityType.Forex)) { var symbol = kvp.Key; var pair = (Forex)kvp.Value; var direction = InsightDirection.Flat; if (pair.BaseCurrencySymbol == calendar.Currency.ToUpper()) { direction = (calendar.Meaning == FxDailyMeaning.Better) ? InsightDirection.Up : InsightDirection.Down; } else if (pair.QuoteCurrency.Symbol == calendar.Currency.ToUpper()) { direction = (calendar.Meaning == FxDailyMeaning.Better) ? InsightDirection.Down : InsightDirection.Up; } if (direction != InsightDirection.Flat) { insights.Add(Insight.Price(symbol, period, direction, magnitude)); } } } return(insights); }
public override void OnData(Slice data) { if (!data.ContainsKey(securityName)) { return; } TradeBar bar = data.Bars[securityName]; WriteBarInfo(bar); Plot("Custom chart", "Custom Series", i++); Plot("Plotter", securityName, bar.Price); Plot("Assets", securityName, bar.Price); }
/// <summary> /// Purchase a contract when we are not invested, liquidate otherwise /// </summary> public override void OnData(Slice slice) { if (!Portfolio.Invested) { // SPX Index is not tradable, but we can trade an option MarketOrder(SpxOption, 1); } else { Liquidate(); } // Count how many slices we receive with SPX data in it to assert later if (slice.ContainsKey(Spx)) { BarCounter++; } }
/// <summary> /// OnData event is the primary entry point for your algorithm. Each new data point will be pumped in here. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">Slice object keyed by symbol containing the stock data</param> public override void OnData(Slice data) { if (data.SymbolChangedEvents.Count != 0) { foreach (var symbolChanged in data.SymbolChangedEvents.Values) { if (symbolChanged.Symbol != _qqq) { throw new Exception($"Mapped symbol is not QQQ. Instead, found: {symbolChanged.Symbol}"); } if (symbolChanged.OldSymbol != "QQQQ") { throw new Exception($"Old QQQ Symbol is not QQQQ. Instead, found: {symbolChanged.OldSymbol}"); } if (symbolChanged.NewSymbol != "QQQ") { throw new Exception($"New QQQ Symbol is not QQQ. Instead, found: {symbolChanged.NewSymbol}"); } _mappingEventOccurred = true; } } if (data.Keys.Count == 1 && data.ContainsKey(_qqq)) { return; } if (!_constituentDataEncountered.ContainsKey(UtcTime.Date)) { _constituentDataEncountered[UtcTime.Date] = false; } if (_constituentSymbols.Intersect(data.Keys).Any()) { _constituentDataEncountered[UtcTime.Date] = true; } if (!Portfolio.Invested) { SetHoldings(_aapl, 0.5m); } }
private void UpdateIndicatorOpen(Slice slice) { Parallel.ForEach(_indicators, (indicator) => { try { if (slice.ContainsKey(indicator.Key)) { indicator.Value.UpdateOpen(slice[indicator.Key]); } } catch (Exception e) { var msg = $"Exception: UpdateIndicatorOpen: {e.Message}, {e.StackTrace}"; Log(msg); SendEmailNotification(msg); } }); }
/// <summary> /// OnData event is the primary entry point for your algorithm. Each new data point will be pumped in here. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">Slice object keyed by symbol containing the stock data</param> public override void OnData(Slice data) { if (!data.ContainsKey(_spy) || !data.Bars.ContainsKey(_spy)) { return; } var c = this.OptionChainProvider.GetOptionContractList(_spy, data.Bars[_spy].EndTime); if (c != null) { var con = new List <QuantConnect.Symbol>(c); Debug("OPTION COUNT:" + con.Count); } if (!Portfolio.Invested) { SetHoldings(_spy, 1); Debug("Purchased Stock"); } }
public override void OnData(Slice data) { if (!data.ContainsKey(_yieldCurve)) { return; } // Preserve null values by getting the data with `slice.Get<T>` // Accessing the data using `data[_yieldCurve]` results in null // values becoming `default(decimal)` which is equal to 0 var rates = data.Get <USTreasuryYieldCurveRate>().Values.First(); // Check for null before using the values if (!rates.TenYear.HasValue || !rates.TwoYear.HasValue) { return; } // Only advance if a year has gone by if (Time - _lastInversion < TimeSpan.FromDays(365)) { return; } // if there is a yield curve inversion after not having one for a year, short SPY for two years if (!Portfolio.Invested && rates.TwoYear > rates.TenYear) { Debug($"{Time} - Yield curve inversion! Shorting the market for two years"); SetHoldings(_spy, -0.5); _lastInversion = Time; return; } // If two years have passed, liquidate our position in SPY if (Time - _lastInversion >= TimeSpan.FromDays(365 * 2)) { Liquidate(_spy); } }
public override IEnumerable <Insight> Update(QCAlgorithm algorithm, Slice data) { var insights = new List <Insight>(); // Check for all Quandl Symbols in current data Slice if (!data.ContainsKey(_compensationDelta)) { return(insights); } // Employee compensation levels and cost of living are important // factors in determining how much consumers will be able or want to spend on discretionary // items. The Consumer Price Index measures changes in the price level of a market basket of // consumer goods and services purchased by households. If the cost of living and/or the // inflation rate increases faster than compensation levels, this will likely put downward // pressure on consumer discretionary industries -- retail, automobile manufacturing, luxury/travel, etc. // Generate Insights here! return(insights); }
private void UpdateIndicatorData(Slice currentSlice) { var localHistories = History(slowSmaDays, Resolution.Daily).ToList(); foreach (var symbol in universe) { if (!currentSlice.ContainsKey(symbol)) { continue; } histories[symbol] = localHistories .Where(x => x.ContainsKey(symbol)) .Select(x => x[symbol] as BaseData) .Union(new[] { currentSlice[symbol] as BaseData }) .OrderByDescending(x => x.Time) .ToList(); macds[symbol] = MacdHistogram(symbol); var stoHistories = History <TradeBar>(symbol, stoLookbackPeriod, Resolution.Daily) .Union(new[] { currentSlice[symbol] as TradeBar }); stos[symbol] = Sto(stoHistories); } }
private void HandleVixData(Slice slice) { if (!slice.ContainsKey(_cboeVix)) { return; } if (_vix != null && (_vix as TradeBar).Time.Day == slice.Time.Day) { return; } _vix = slice.Get <CBOE>(_cboeVix); var vixHistories = History <CBOE>(_cboeVix, 35, Resolution.Daily) .Cast <TradeBar>(); if (vixHistories.Any()) { var momentum = vixHistories .OrderByDescending(x => x.Time) .Take(5) .Select(x => x.Price) .Average() / vixHistories .OrderBy(x => x.Time) .Take(5) .Select(x => x.Price) .Average(); _tooVolatile = momentum > 2; Plot("VIX-momentum", "momentum", momentum); } Plot("VIX", "price", _vix.Price); }
public override void OnData(Slice data) { //Confirm that the data is in the collection if (!data.ContainsKey(_tiingoSymbol)) { return; } // Gets the first piece of data from the Slice var article = data.Get <TiingoNews>(_tiingoSymbol); // Article descriptions come in all caps. Lower and split by word var descriptionWords = article.Description.ToLowerInvariant().Split(' '); // Take the intersection of predefined words and the words in the // description to get a list of matching words var intersection = _words.Keys.Intersect(descriptionWords); // Get the sum of the article's sentiment, and go long or short // depending if it's a positive or negative description var sentiment = intersection.Select(x => _words[x]).Sum(); SetHoldings(article.Symbol.Underlying, sentiment); }