public AddCommand( ICloudObjectsContainer <SlamPoint> pointsContainer, ICloudObjectsContainer <SlamLine> linesContainer, ICloudObjectsContainer <SlamObservation> observationsContainer, SlamPackage slamEvent) { m_pointsContainer = pointsContainer; m_linesContainer = linesContainer; m_observationsContainer = observationsContainer; if (slamEvent.Points != null) { m_addedPoints = slamEvent.Points.Where(p => p.isNew).ToArray(); } if (slamEvent.Lines != null) { m_addedLines = slamEvent.Lines.Where(l => !m_linesContainer.Exists(l)).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < m_addedLines.Length; ++i) { m_addedLines[i].isRemoved = true; m_addedLines[i].vert1 = m_pointsContainer[m_addedLines[i].pointId1].position; m_addedLines[i].vert2 = m_pointsContainer[m_addedLines[i].pointId2].position; } } if (slamEvent.Observations != null) { m_addedObservations = slamEvent.Observations.Where(o => o.Point.isNew && != -1).ToArray(); } }
public SlamPackage GetPackage() { int countOfBytes = -1; SlamPackage receivedPackage = null; Debug.LogFormat("[PackagesReceiver.GetPackage] Buffer size {0}", m_packagesBuffer.Count); Debug.LogFormat("[PackagesReceiver.GetPackage] Buffer check"); if (m_packagesBuffer.Count > 0 && m_packagesBuffer.First().Key == m_packageNum) { receivedPackage = m_packagesBuffer[m_packageNum]; Debug.LogFormat("[PackagesReceiver.GetPackage] Buffer removing"); m_packagesBuffer.Remove(m_packageNum); Debug.LogFormat("[PackagesReceiver.GetPackage] Buffer removed"); Debug.LogFormat("[PackagesReceiver.GetPackage] Buffer checked"); m_packageNum += 1; return(receivedPackage); } Debug.LogFormat("[PackagesReceiver.GetPackage] Socket check"); if (m_network.Available > 8) { Debug.LogFormat("[PackagesReceiver.GetPackage] Receive"); byte[] datagram = m_network.Receive(ref endPoint); Debug.LogFormat("[PackagesReceiver.GetPackage] Received"); uint packageNum = BitConverter.ToUInt32(datagram, 0); countOfBytes = BitConverter.ToInt32(datagram, sizeof(int)); if (countOfBytes != datagram.Length - 2 * sizeof(int)) { Debug.LogWarningFormat("Bad package! Read bytes count = {0}; Actual bytes count {1}", countOfBytes, datagram.Length - sizeof(int)); } else { byte[] rawPackage = new byte[countOfBytes]; Array.Copy(datagram, sizeof(int) * 2, rawPackage, 0, countOfBytes); Debug.LogFormat("[PackagesReceiver.GetPackage] Parse"); SlamPackage.Parse(rawPackage, 0, out receivedPackage); Debug.LogFormat("[PackagesReceiver.GetPackage] Parsed"); } if (packageNum == m_packageNum) { m_packageNum += 1; } else { Debug.LogFormat("[PackagesReceiver.GetPackage] Add to buffer"); Debug.LogFormat("[PackagesReceiver.GetPackage] Package Num = {0}, receivedPackage = {1}", packageNum, receivedPackage); Debug.LogFormat("[PackagesReceiver.GetPackage] Already in list = {0}", m_packagesBuffer.ContainsKey(packageNum)); m_packagesBuffer.Add(packageNum, receivedPackage); Debug.LogFormat("[PackagesReceiver.GetPackage] Added to buffer"); receivedPackage = null; } } Debug.LogFormat("[PackagesReceiver.GetPackage] Socket checked"); // Wi-Fi pass: 5251166525 :) return(receivedPackage); }
public void UpdateInfo( SlamPackage package, ICloudObjectsContainer <SlamPoint> pointsMap, ICloudObjectsContainer <SlamObservation> graph) { listBoxWithSpecializedObjects.Clear(); if (package == null) { commonIformation.text = ""; return; } commonIformation.text = package.ToString(); SlamPoint[] specialPts = package.Points.Where(p => != -1).Where(p => p.message != null).ToArray(); Vector3[] ptsPositionsFromMap = specialPts.Select(p => pointsMap[p].position).ToArray(); SlamObservation[] specialObs = package.Observations .Where(o => != -1) .Where(o => o.Point.message != null) .ToArray(); Vector3[] obsPositionsFromMap = specialObs.Select(o => graph[o].Point.position).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < specialPts.Length; ++i) { var item = listBoxWithSpecializedObjects.Add() as SpecialInfoListBoxItem; item.SetObject(specialPts[i].id, specialPts[i].ToString(), ptsPositionsFromMap[i], specialPts[i].message); } for (int i = 0; i < specialObs.Length; ++i) { var item = listBoxWithSpecializedObjects.Add() as SpecialInfoListBoxItem; item.SetObject(specialObs[i], specialObs[i].ToString(), obsPositionsFromMap[i], specialObs[i].Point.message); } }
public RemoveCommand( ICloudObjectsContainer <SlamPoint> pointsContainer, ICloudObjectsContainer <SlamLine> linesContainer, ICloudObjectsContainer <SlamObservation> observationsContainer, SlamPackage slamEvent) { m_pointsContainer = pointsContainer; m_linesContainer = linesContainer; m_observationsContainer = observationsContainer; if (slamEvent.Points != null) { m_points2Remove = slamEvent.Points .Where(p => != -1) .Where(p => p.isRemoved) .Select(p => m_pointsContainer[p]) .ToArray(); } if (slamEvent.Lines != null) { m_lines2Remove = slamEvent.Lines .Where(l => l.isRemoved) .Select(l => m_linesContainer[l]) .ToArray(); } if (slamEvent.Observations != null) { m_observations2Remove = slamEvent.Observations .Where(o => != -1) .Where(o => o.Point.isRemoved) .Select(o => m_observationsContainer[o]) .ToArray(); } }
private void PostProcessMaps(SlamPackage pkg) { if (pkg.Points != null) { SlamPoint[] updatedPoints = pkg.Points .AsParallel() .Where(p => != -1) .Where(p => !p.isRemoved) .Select(p => { var mp = map.PointsContainer[p]; mp.color = mp.defaultColor; return(mp); }) .ToArray(); lock (map.PointsContainer) UpdateMap( updatedPoints, /*isNew*/ _ => false, /*isRemoved*/ _ => false, /*justColored*/ _ => true, /*isValid*/ p => != -1, map.PointsContainer); } if (pkg.Lines != null) { lock (map.LinesContainer) UpdateMap( pkg.Lines, /*isNew*/ _ => false, /*isRemoved*/ _ => true, /*justColored*/ _ => false, /*isValid*/ _ => true, map.LinesContainer); } }
public override void Present(IPackage package) { if (package.Type != PackageType.SLAMPackage) { m_presenter?.Present(package); return; } SlamPackage slamPkg = package as SlamPackage; UpdateMaps(slamPkg); PostProcessMaps(slamPkg); }
public override int Parse(byte[] data, int startIdx, out IPackage result) { result = null; if ((PackageType)data[startIdx] != PackageType.SLAMPackage) { return(m_successor?.Parse(data, startIdx, out result) ?? 0); } int readBytes = SlamPackage.Parse(data, startIdx, out SlamPackage slamPkg); Convert(ref slamPkg); result = slamPkg; return(readBytes); }
public override void Present(IPackage package) { if (package.Type != PackageType.SLAMPackage) { m_presenter?.SetSuccessor(m_presenter); return; } if (!package.IsKey) { return; } m_pkg2Present = package as SlamPackage; }
private void UpdateMaps(SlamPackage pkg) { lock (map.PointsContainer) UpdateMap(pkg.Points, p => p.isNew, p => p.isRemoved, p => p.justColored, p => != -1, map.PointsContainer); lock (map.LinesContainer) UpdateMap( pkg.Lines, /*isNew*/ _ => true, /*isRemoved*/ _ => false, /*justColored*/ _ => false, /*isValid*/ _ => true, map.LinesContainer); lock (map.ObservationsContainer) UpdateMap( pkg.Observations, o => o.Point.isNew, o => o.Point.isRemoved, o => o.Point.justColored, o => != -1, map.ObservationsContainer); }
public static void TestExistent( this SlamPackage package, Func <SlamPoint, bool> filter, ICloudObjectsContainer <SlamPoint> pointsContainer, ICloudObjectsContainer <SlamObservation> graph) { if (package.Points != null) { var existentPoints = SlamObjectQuery(package.Points.Where(p => filter(p)), id => pointsContainer.Exists(id)); Test(package, existentPoints, "Point id {0} already exists. New: '{1}'. Removed: '{2}'"); } if (package.Observations != null) { var existentObs = SlamObjectQuery(package.Observations.Select(o => (SlamPoint)o).Where(o => filter(o)), id => graph.Exists(id)); Test(package, existentObs, "Observation id {0} already exists. New: '{1}'. Removed: '{2}'"); } }
public static void Test( SlamPackage package, IEnumerable <SlamPoint> objects, string messageTemplate) { var objArray = objects.ToArray(); if (objArray.Length != 0) { ElektronikLogger.Log(package.ToString(), "", LogType.Error); foreach (var obj in objArray) { string msg = String.Format(messageTemplate,, obj.isNew, obj.isRemoved); ElektronikLogger.Log(msg, "", LogType.Error); } } }
public PostProcessingCommand( ICloudObjectsContainer <SlamPoint> pointsContainer, ICloudObjectsContainer <SlamLine> linesContainer, ICloudObjectsContainer <SlamObservation> observationsContainer, SlamPackage slamEvent) { IEnumerable <SlamPoint> points = null; if (slamEvent.Points != null) { points = slamEvent.Points .Where(p => != -1) .Select(p => pointsContainer[p]) .Select(p => { p.color = p.defaultColor; return(p); }); m_commands.Add(new UpdateCommand(pointsContainer, observationsContainer, points, null)); m_commands.Add(new RemoveCommand(pointsContainer, linesContainer, observationsContainer, slamEvent)); } }
public static void TestNonExistent( this SlamPackage package, Func <SlamPoint, bool> filter, ICloudObjectsContainer <SlamPoint> pointsContainer, ICloudObjectsContainer <SlamObservation> graph) { #if DEBUG if (package.Points != null) { var existentPoints = SlamObjectQuery(package.Points.Where(p => filter(p)), id => !pointsContainer.Exists(id)); ElektronikLogger.WrapDebug(() => Test(package, existentPoints, "Point id {0} doesn't exists. New: '{1}'. Removed: '{2}'")); } if (package.Observations != null) { var existentObs = SlamObjectQuery(package.Observations.Select(o => (SlamPoint)o).Where(o => filter(o)), id => !graph.Exists(id)); ElektronikLogger.WrapDebug(() => Test(package, existentObs, "Observation id {0} doesn't exists. New: '{1}'. Removed: '{2}'")); } #endif }
private void Convert(ref SlamPackage pkg) { List <SlamObservation> observations = pkg.Observations; Parallel.For(0, pkg.Observations.Count, (i) => { SlamPoint point = observations[i]; Quaternion rot = observations[i].Orientation; m_converter.Convert(ref point.position, ref rot); observations[i].Point = point; observations[i].Orientation = rot; }); List <SlamPoint> points = pkg.Points; Parallel.For(0, pkg.Points.Count, (i) => { SlamPoint pt = points[i]; Quaternion stub = Quaternion.identity; m_converter.Convert(ref pt.position, ref stub); points[i] = pt; }); }
public UpdateCommand( ICloudObjectsContainer <SlamPoint> pointsContainer, ICloudObjectsContainer <SlamObservation> graph, SlamPackage slamEvent) : this(pointsContainer, graph, slamEvent.Points, slamEvent.Observations) { }
public void Convert(ref SlamPackage srcEvent) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }