public SlackSink(string webHookUrl, string channel, string userName, string iconUrl, string iconEmoji, ITextFormatter textFormatter) { if (textFormatter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("textFormatter"); } = channel; this.userName = userName; this.iconUrl = iconUrl; this.iconEmoji = iconEmoji; this.textFormatter = textFormatter; client = new SlackClientWebhooks(webHookUrl); }
public static void PostResultsToSlack(string bvtResult, string testTester, string testCaseId, string testProject, string testTitle, string testDesc, string _resultsFile, string _jiraTicketNumberWithAutomationResults, string _url, string _urlWithAccessToken, string _slackChannel) { const string _pass = "******"; const string _fail = "Fail"; const string _warning = "Warning"; var _message = string.Empty; // START OF SLACK INTEGRATION int numberOfFails = SlackActions.CountTheNumberOfX(_resultsFile, _fail); int numberOfWarnings = SlackActions.CountTheNumberOfX(_resultsFile, _warning); int numberOfPasses = SlackActions.CountTheNumberOfX(_resultsFile, _pass); var addedInfo = string.Empty; int numberToIncludeInResults = 0; if (numberOfWarnings == 0 && numberOfFails == 0) { bvtResult = _pass; addedInfo = "passing"; numberToIncludeInResults = numberOfPasses; } else if (numberOfWarnings > 0 && numberOfFails == 0) { bvtResult = _warning; addedInfo = "failing to run - please debug and re-try"; numberToIncludeInResults = numberOfWarnings; } else if (numberOfFails > 0) { bvtResult = _fail; addedInfo = "failing"; numberToIncludeInResults = numberOfFails; } var testOrTests = numberToIncludeInResults == 1 ? "test" : "tests"; var bvtResultAddedInfo = string.Format("{0} with {1} {2} {3}", bvtResult, numberToIncludeInResults, testOrTests, addedInfo); try { var testTesterFromAlias = string.Format("{0} {1}", testTester, bvtResult); SlackActions.CalculateColorOfResult(bvtResult); var iconOfResult = SlackActions.iconOfResult; var colorOfResult = SlackActions.colorOfResult; var fileNameOnly = Path.GetFileName(_resultsFile); string messageToSendToSlack = SlackActions.CreateMessageToSendToSlack(testCaseId, testProject, testTitle, testDesc, _jiraTicketNumberWithAutomationResults, testTester, bvtResultAddedInfo, "Live", fileNameOnly, _url); const string pretextText = "Results of Smoke Test"; SlackClientWebhooks client = new SlackClientWebhooks(_urlWithAccessToken); Arguments p = new Arguments(); p.Channel = _slackChannel; p.Username = testTesterFromAlias; p.Text = ""; p.Token = _urlWithAccessToken; p.IconEmoji = iconOfResult; Attachment a = new Attachment(); a.Fallback = testProject; a.Color = colorOfResult; a.Pretext = pretextText; AttachmentFields af = new AttachmentFields(); af.Title = "Field 1"; af.Value = "Value 1"; af.Short = false; a.Fields.Add(af); AttachmentFields af2 = new AttachmentFields(); af.Title = "BVT Result"; af.Value = messageToSendToSlack; af2.Short = true; a.Fields.Add(af2); p.Attachments.Add(a); client.PostMessage(p); } catch (Exception) { _message = "Unable to post to Slack"; Thread.Sleep(500); using (var file = new StreamWriter(_resultsFile, true)) { file.WriteLine(_message); } } // END OF SLACK INTEGRATION }
public void Dispose() { client = null; }