public void GetBoneMatrix(string name, out Matrix mat)
            SkinningModelLibrary.SkinningData data = (SkinningModelLibrary.SkinningData)((object[])this.LODs[0].Tag)[0];
            if (data == null)
                mat = Matrix.Identity;
                Debug.Log("CUSTOMMODEL: Error, trying to get bone matrix for non-skinned model.");

            Dictionary <string, int> dic = data.BoneNameToID;
            int  id;
            bool result = dic.TryGetValue(name, out id);

            if (!result)
                mat = Matrix.Identity;
                Debug.Log("CUSTOMMODEL: Given bone name not present in bone dictionary.");

            if (MyObject.MyAnimator == null)
                mat = data.BindPose[id];
                mat = MyObject.MyAnimator.GetWorldTransforms()[id];
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads animation clip from Model object, when we load just an animated skeleton from Animations folder
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <param name="animation"></param>
        /// <param name="newName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public KeyValuePair <string, SkinningModelLibrary.AnimationClip> LoadAnimationFromModel(Model model, Model animation, string newName)
            // need to extract AnimationClips from animation and save it into new SkinningData with the rest
            // of the data from original skinned Model.
            if ((model.Tag as object[])[0] == null || (animation.Tag as object[])[0] == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Either destination model or animation is not a skinned model");
            SkinningModelLibrary.SkinningData modelData     = (model.Tag as object[])[0] as SkinningModelLibrary.SkinningData;
            SkinningModelLibrary.SkinningData animationData = (animation.Tag as object[])[0] as SkinningModelLibrary.SkinningData;
            if (modelData.SkeletonHierarchy.Count != animationData.SkeletonHierarchy.Count)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Model hierarchy is not the same as the animation's");

            return(new KeyValuePair <string, SkinningModelLibrary.AnimationClip>(newName, animationData.AnimationClips.Values.ElementAt(0)));