private void OnSkinChanged() { // Backup the buttons, needed later BackupButtons(); // Set the skin to the selected skin and reload GUI GUIGraphicsContext.Skin = _btnSkin.Label; SaveSettings(); GUITextureManager.Clear(); GUITextureManager.Init(); SkinSettings.Load(); GUIFontManager.LoadFonts(GUIGraphicsContext.GetThemedSkinFile(@"\fonts.xml")); GUIFontManager.InitializeDeviceObjects(); GUIExpressionManager.ClearExpressionCache(); GUIControlFactory.ClearReferences(); GUIControlFactory.LoadReferences(GUIGraphicsContext.GetThemedSkinFile(@"\references.xml")); GUIWindowManager.OnResize(); GUIWindowManager.ActivateWindow(GetID); GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, _btnSkin.GetID); // Apply the selected buttons again, since they are cleared when we reload RestoreButtons(); using (Settings xmlreader = new MPSettings()) { xmlreader.SetValue("general", "skinobsoletecount", 0); if (!GUIGraphicsContext.Fullscreen) { try { var border = new Size(GUIGraphicsContext.form.Width - GUIGraphicsContext.form.ClientSize.Width, GUIGraphicsContext.form.Height - GUIGraphicsContext.form.ClientSize.Height); if (GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Width + border.Width <= GUIGraphicsContext.currentScreen.WorkingArea.Width && GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Height + border.Height <= GUIGraphicsContext.currentScreen.WorkingArea.Height) { GUIGraphicsContext.form.ClientSize = new Size(GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Width, GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Height); } else { double ratio = Math.Min((double)(GUIGraphicsContext.currentScreen.WorkingArea.Width - border.Width) / GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Width, (double)(GUIGraphicsContext.currentScreen.WorkingArea.Height - border.Height) / GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Height); GUIGraphicsContext.form.ClientSize = new Size((int)(GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Width * ratio), (int)(GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Height * ratio)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("OnSkinChanged exception:{0}", ex.ToString()); Log.Error(ex); } } } if (BassMusicPlayer.Player != null && BassMusicPlayer.Player.VisualizationWindow != null) { BassMusicPlayer.Player.VisualizationWindow.Reinit(); } // Send a message that the skin has changed. var msg = new GUIMessage(GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_SKIN_CHANGED, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null); GUIGraphicsContext.SendMessage(msg); }
public override void Load() { _themes.Clear(); SkinManager skinManager = ServiceRegistration.Get <ISkinResourceManager>() as SkinManager; if (skinManager == null) { return; } SkinSettings settings = SettingsManager.Load <SkinSettings>(); string currentSkinName = settings.Skin; SkinManagement.Skin currentSkin; if (!skinManager.Skins.TryGetValue(currentSkinName, out currentSkin)) { return; } _currentThemeName = settings.Theme; foreach (Theme theme in currentSkin.Themes.Values) { if (!theme.IsValid) { continue; } _themes.Add(theme); } }
public void RevertSkin() { //int ActiveWindowID = GUIWindowManager.ActiveWindow; // Change skin back to OutdatedSkinName GUIGraphicsContext.Skin = _userSkin; GUITextureManager.Clear(); GUITextureManager.Init(); SkinSettings.Load(); GUIFontManager.LoadFonts(GUIGraphicsContext.GetThemedSkinFile(@"\fonts.xml")); GUIFontManager.InitializeDeviceObjects(); GUIExpressionManager.ClearExpressionCache(); GUIControlFactory.ClearReferences(); GUIControlFactory.LoadReferences(GUIGraphicsContext.GetThemedSkinFile(@"\references.xml")); GUIWindowManager.OnResize(); //GUIWindowManager.ActivateWindow(ActiveWindowID); using (Settings xmlreader = new MPSettings()) { xmlreader.SetValue("general", "skinobsoletecount", 0); if (!GUIGraphicsContext.Fullscreen) { try { GUIGraphicsContext.form.ClientSize = new Size(GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Width, GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Height); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("OnSkinChanged exception:{0}", ex.ToString()); Log.Error(ex); } } } }
public void setHair() { if (SkinSettings.SkinsCheck(SkinSettings.TitanSkins) && SkinSettings.TitanSet.Value != Anarchy.Configuration.StringSetting.NotDefine) { Anarchy.Configuration.Presets.TitanSkinPreset set = new Anarchy.Configuration.Presets.TitanSkinPreset(SkinSettings.TitanSet.Value); set.Load(); int num = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 9); if (num == 3) { num = 9; } skin = set.RandomizePairs ? Random.Range(0, 5) : skin; if (set.HairTypes[skin] >= 0) { num = (int)set.HairTypes[skin]; } string hair = set.Hairs[skin]; int num3 = Random.Range(1, 8); if (hasEye) { num3 = 0; } if (hair.EndsWith(".png") || hair.EndsWith(".jpg") || hair.EndsWith(".jpeg")) { ApplyHairSkin(num, num3, hair); if (IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA.GameType == GameType.MultiPlayer && PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient && SkinSettings.TitanSkins.Value != 2) { BasePV.RPC("setHairRPC2", PhotonTargets.OthersBuffered, new object[] { num, num3, hair }); } } else { if (IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA.GameType == GameType.MultiPlayer) { Color hair_color = HeroCostume.costume[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, HeroCostume.costume.Length - 5)].hair_color; object[] parameters = new object[] { num, num3, hair_color.r, hair_color.g, hair_color.b }; BasePV.RPC("setHairPRC", PhotonTargets.AllBuffered, parameters); } else { Color hair_color = HeroCostume.costume[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, HeroCostume.costume.Length - 5)].hair_color; this.setHairPRC(num, num3, hair_color.r, hair_color.g, hair_color.b); } } } else if (IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA.GameType == GameType.Single || BasePV.IsMine) { setHairVanilla(); } }
private void OnSkinChanged() { // Backup the buttons, needed later BackupButtons(); // Set the skin to the selected skin and reload GUI GUIGraphicsContext.Skin = btnSkin.Label; SaveSettings(); GUITextureManager.Clear(); GUITextureManager.Init(); SkinSettings.Load(); GUIFontManager.LoadFonts(GUIGraphicsContext.GetThemedSkinFile(@"\fonts.xml")); GUIFontManager.InitializeDeviceObjects(); GUIExpressionManager.ClearExpressionCache(); GUIControlFactory.ClearReferences(); GUIControlFactory.LoadReferences(GUIGraphicsContext.GetThemedSkinFile(@"\references.xml")); GUIWindowManager.OnResize(); GUIWindowManager.ActivateWindow(GetID); GUIControl.FocusControl(GetID, btnSkin.GetID); // Apply the selected buttons again, since they are cleared when we reload RestoreButtons(); using (Settings xmlreader = new MPSettings()) { xmlreader.SetValue("general", "skinobsoletecount", 0); bool autosize = xmlreader.GetValueAsBool("gui", "autosize", true); if (autosize && !GUIGraphicsContext.Fullscreen) { try { GUIGraphicsContext.form.ClientSize = new Size(GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Width, GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Height); //Form.ActiveForm.ClientSize = new Size(GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Width, GUIGraphicsContext.SkinSize.Height); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("OnSkinChanged exception:{0}", ex.ToString()); Log.Error(ex); } } } if (BassMusicPlayer.Player != null && BassMusicPlayer.Player.VisualizationWindow != null) { BassMusicPlayer.Player.VisualizationWindow.Reinit(); } // Send a message that the skin has changed. GUIMessage msg = new GUIMessage(GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_SKIN_CHANGED, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null); GUIGraphicsContext.SendMessage(msg); }
private void fifteenMinuteUpdate() { if (active) { times = displayManager.currentTime.ToString("h:mm:ss").Split(':'); //times = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss").Split(':'); minute = 59 - int.Parse(times[1]); second = 59 - int.Parse(times[2]); hr = 0; if (minute >= 0 && minute <= 14) { minute = minute - 0; } if (minute >= 15 && minute <= 29) { minute = minute - 15; } if (minute >= 30 && minute <= 44) { minute = minute - 30; } if (minute >= 45 && minute <= 59) { minute = minute - 45; } string mnt = minute.ToString(); string scd = second.ToString(); string color = "ffffff"; if (minute.ToString().Length < 2) { mnt = "0" + minute; } if (second.ToString().Length < 2) { scd = "0" + second; } if (IsOdd(second) && minute == 0 && second < 10) { //Debug.Log("Is Less"); color = "ff0000"; } TimeRemainingTM.color = SkinSettings.HexToColor(color); setTimeRemaining(mnt.ToString() + ":" + scd.ToString()); } else { setTimeRemaining("--:--"); } }
// IGUIPAGEPLAYERSTATS INTERFACE void IGuiPagePlayerStats.Refresh(PlayerPersistantInfo ppi) { PPIWeaponData weaponData; // collected values WeaponSettings weapon = ChooseWeapon(ppi, out weaponData); ItemSettings item = ChooseItem(ppi); PerkSettings perk = ChoosePerk(ppi); HatSettings hat = ChooseHat(ppi); SkinSettings skin = ChooseSkin(ppi); float totalShots = weaponData.StatsFire; float totalKills = weaponData.StatsKills; int killsTextId = totalKills == 1 ? 01160034 : 01160026; int computedAccurancy = totalShots > 0 ? Mathf.RoundToInt((weaponData.StatsHits / (float)totalShots) * 100) : 0; // weapon SetImage("WeaponImage", weapon != null ? weapon.ResearchWidget : null); SetText("WeaponName", weapon != null && weapon.Name != 0 ? TextDatabase.instance[weapon.Name] : ""); SetText("Kills_Enum", string.Format(TextDatabase.instance[killsTextId], totalKills)); SetText("Accuracy_Enum", computedAccurancy.ToString()); SetText("Headshots_Enum", "N/A" /*weaponData.StatsHeadShots.ToString()*/); SetText("Shotsfired_Enum", weaponData.StatsFire.ToString()); SetText("TotalTime_Enum", "N/A"); SetText("TotalTime_Units", TextDatabase.instance[01160014]); // item SetImage("ItemImage", item != null ? item.ShopWidget : null); SetText("ItemName", item != null && item.Name != 0 ? TextDatabase.instance[item.Name] : ""); // perk SetImage("PerkImage", perk != null ? perk.ShopWidget : null); SetText("PerkName", perk != null && perk.Name != 0 ? TextDatabase.instance[perk.Name] : ""); // hat SetImage("HatImage", hat != null ? hat.ShopWidget : null); SetText("HatName", hat != null && hat.Name != 0 ? TextDatabase.instance[hat.Name] : ""); // skin SetImage("SkinImage", skin != null ? skin.ScrollerWidget : null); SetText("SkinName", skin != null && skin.Name != 0 ? TextDatabase.instance[skin.Name] : ""); }
int CompareSkin(int otherId) { SkinSettings otherWs = SkinSettingsManager.Instance.Get((E_SkinID)(otherId)); SkinSettings myWs = SkinSettingsManager.Instance.Get((E_SkinID)(Id)); //1. gold int res = myWs.GoldCost.CompareTo(otherWs.GoldCost); if (res != 0) { return(res); } //2. money res = myWs.MoneyCost.CompareTo(otherWs.MoneyCost); return(myWs.ID.CompareTo(otherWs.ID)); }
private void LoadSkin() { if (SkinSettings.SkinsCheck(SkinSettings.TitanSkins)) { if (SkinSettings.TitanSet.Value != Anarchy.Configuration.StringSetting.NotDefine) { TitanSkinPreset set = new TitanSkinPreset(SkinSettings.TitanSet.Value); set.Load(); if (set.Colossal.IsImage()) { StartCoroutine(LoadMySkin(set.Colossal)); if (IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA.GameType == GameType.MultiPlayer && PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient && SkinSettings.TitanSkins.Value != 2) { BasePV.RPC("loadskinRPC", PhotonTargets.OthersBuffered, new object[] { set.Colossal }); } } } } }
public override void Load() { _skins.Clear(); SkinManager skinManager = ServiceRegistration.Get <ISkinResourceManager>() as SkinManager; if (skinManager == null) { return; } SkinSettings settings = SettingsManager.Load <SkinSettings>(); _currentSkinName = settings.Skin; foreach (SkinManagement.Skin skin in skinManager.Skins.Values) { if (!skin.IsValid) { continue; } _skins.Add(skin); } }
private void LoadSkinCheck() { if (Level.Name.Contains("City")) { if (SkinSettings.SkinsCheck(SkinSettings.CitySkins)) { if (SkinSettings.CitySet.Value != StringSetting.NotDefine) { var set = new CityPreset(SkinSettings.CitySet); set.Load(); var n = ""; for (var i = 0; i < 250; i++) { var val = Random.Range(0, 8); n += val.ToString(); } var urls = string.Join(",", set.Houses) + ","; var urls2 = $"{set.Ground},{set.Wall},{set.Gate}"; var box = new string[6].Select(x => "").ToArray(); if (set.LinkedSkybox != StringSetting.NotDefine) { var boxSet = new SkyboxPreset(set.LinkedSkybox); boxSet.Load(); box = boxSet.ToSkinData(); } LoadMapSkin(n, urls, urls2, box); if (IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA.GameType == GameType.MultiPlayer && PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient && SkinSettings.CitySkins.Value != 2) { BasePV.RPC("loadskinRPC", PhotonTargets.OthersBuffered, n, urls, urls2, box); } } } } else if (Level.MapName.Contains("Forest")) { if (SkinSettings.SkinsCheck(SkinSettings.ForestSkins)) { if (SkinSettings.ForestSet.Value != StringSetting.NotDefine) { var set = new ForestPreset(SkinSettings.ForestSet); set.Load(); var n = ""; for (var i = 0; i < 150; i++) { var val = Random.Range(0, 8); n += val.ToString(); if (set.RandomizePairs) { n += Random.Range(0, 8).ToString(); } else { n += val.ToString(); } } var urls = string.Join(",", set.Trees) + ","; var urls2 = string.Join(",", set.Leaves); urls2 += "," + set.Ground; var box = new string[6].Select(x => "").ToArray(); if (set.LinkedSkybox != StringSetting.NotDefine) { var boxSet = new SkyboxPreset(set.LinkedSkybox); boxSet.Load(); box = boxSet.ToSkinData(); } LoadMapSkin(n, urls, urls2, box); if (IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA.GameType == GameType.MultiPlayer && PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient && SkinSettings.ForestSkins.Value != 2) { BasePV.RPC("loadskinRPC", PhotonTargets.OthersBuffered, n, urls, urls2, box); } } } } }
public static void Load(ContentManager p_loader) { Wardrobe.wardrobeItems = new List <WardrobeItem>(); Wardrobe.collectionItems = new List <WardrobeItem>(); if (File.Exists(p_loader.RootDirectory + "/mods/king/base.xnb")) { JKContentManager.PlayerTexture = p_loader.Load <Texture2D>("mods/king/base"); } else { JKContentManager.PlayerTexture = p_loader.Load <Texture2D>("king/base"); } JKContentManager.PlayerSprites._CurrentSprites = new LayeredKingSprites(JKContentManager.PlayerTexture); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles("Content/wardrobe", "*.xml"); for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { WardrobeItem wardrobeItem = new WardrobeItem(files[i]); WardrobeItem.WardrobeSettings wItemSettings = wardrobeItem._wItemSettings; bool isCollection = wItemSettings.isCollection; if (isCollection) { Wardrobe.collectionItems.Add(wardrobeItem); } else { Wardrobe.wardrobeItems.Add(wardrobeItem); } } SkinSettings skinSettings = XmlSerializerHelper.Deserialize <SkinSettings>("Content/mods/king/skin_settings.xml"); SkinManager.SetSettings(skinSettings); Skin[] skins = skinSettings.skins; for (int j = 0; j < skins.Length; j++) { Skin skin = skins[j]; WardrobeItem wardrobeItem2 = Wardrobe.collectionItems.Find((WardrobeItem c) => Wardrobe.HasSkin(c._wItemSettings.collection.Value.Reskins, skin.item) && c._wItemSettings.collection.Value.enabled); bool flag = wardrobeItem2 == null; if (flag) { WardrobeItem wardrobeItem3 = Wardrobe.wardrobeItems.Find((WardrobeItem x) => && x._wItemSettings.enabled.Value); bool flag2 = wardrobeItem3 != null; if (flag2) { Texture2D p_tex = p_loader.Load <Texture2D>("wardrobe/" +; SkinManager.AddSkinSprite(skin.item, new KingSprites(p_tex)); } else { bool flag3 = !File.Exists(p_loader.RootDirectory + "/mods/king/" + skin.texture + ".xnb"); if (flag3) { Texture2D p_tex2 = p_loader.Load <Texture2D>("king/" + skin.texture); SkinManager.AddSkinSprite(skin.item, new KingSprites(p_tex2)); } else { Texture2D p_tex3 = p_loader.Load <Texture2D>("mods/king/" + skin.texture); SkinManager.AddSkinSprite(skin.item, new KingSprites(p_tex3)); } } } else { WardrobeItem.Reskin skinsEnabled = Wardrobe.GetSkinsEnabled(wardrobeItem2._wItemSettings.collection.Value, skin.item); Texture2D p_tex4 = p_loader.Load <Texture2D>("wardrobe/" +; SkinManager.AddSkinSprite(, new KingSprites(p_tex4)); } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Save(SkinSettings settings) { var result = await GetRequiredService <ISettingsManager>().SaveSettingsAsync(settings); return(Json(result, Gentings.Extensions.DataAction.Updated, "皮肤")); }