private Sitecore6xItem(XmlNode itemNode, Sitecore6xItem parent, Sitecore61.VisualSitecoreService sitecoreApi, Sitecore61.Credentials credentials, ConverterOptions Options, bool bAllFields = false) { _Parent = parent; _sitecoreApi = sitecoreApi; _credentials = credentials; _Options = Options; _ID = new Guid(itemNode.Attributes["id"].Value); _sName = itemNode.Attributes["name"].Value; _sKey = itemNode.Attributes["key"].Value; _TemplateID = new Guid(itemNode.Attributes["tid"].Value); _sTemplateName = itemNode.Attributes["template"].Value; // If basetemplate isn't defined use _TemplateID otherwise extract list of inherited templates XmlNode baseTemplateNode = itemNode.SelectSingleNode("//field[@key='__base template']/content"); if (baseTemplateNode == null) { _sTemplateIDs = new string[1]; _sTemplateIDs[0] = Util.GuidToSitecoreID(_TemplateID); } else _sTemplateIDs = baseTemplateNode.InnerText.Split('|'); // _sParentID = itemNode.Attributes["parentid"].Value; _sSortOrder = itemNode.Attributes["sortorder"].Value; if ((itemNode.Attributes["haschildren"] != null) && (itemNode.Attributes["haschildren"].Value == "1")) _bHasChildren = true; _sPath = ""; string sItemVersion = GetItemVersion(itemNode); XmlNode contentNode = _sitecoreApi.GetItemFields(Util.GuidToSitecoreID(_ID), this.Options.Language, sItemVersion, bAllFields, Util.CurrentDatabase, _credentials); XmlNodeList paths = contentNode.SelectNodes("/path/item"); foreach (XmlNode path in paths) { if (_sPath == "") _sPath = "/" + path.Attributes["name"].Value; else _sPath = "/" + path.Attributes["name"].Value + _sPath; } if (bAllFields) { foreach (XmlNode node in contentNode.SelectNodes("field")) { Sitecore6xField field = new Sitecore6xField(node); _fields.Add(field); } } // Add missing fields from other language versions, this is nessesary because new templates // are created from an items fields. // The program always assumes that all fields exists, so the fieldvalues could be empty in // order to prevent copying to another language. XmlNodeList fieldList = itemNode.SelectNodes("version[@language='" + this.Options.Language + "']/fields/field"); foreach (XmlNode node in fieldList) { Sitecore6xField field = new Sitecore6xField(node); var existingfields = from f in _fields where f.TemplateFieldID == field.TemplateFieldID select f; if (existingfields.Count() == 0) { if ((field.Name.ToLower() == "__icon") && (field.Content.Length > 0)) _sIcon = field.Content; if (field.Name.ToLower() == "__sortorder") _sSortOrder = field.Content; if ((field.Name.ToLower() == "__display name") && (field.Content != "")) _sName = field.Content; // Caching of template fields items XmlNode templateFieldNode = null; if (!_Options.ExistingTemplateFields.TryGetValue(field.TemplateFieldID, out templateFieldNode)) { lock (_Options.ExistingTemplateFields) { try { templateFieldNode = GetItemXml(field.TemplateFieldID); _Options.ExistingTemplateFields.Add(field.TemplateFieldID, templateFieldNode); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.ToLower().IndexOf("object reference not set to an instance of an object.") > -1) { // Do nothing this happens when there is content that is missing it's template field (probably the whole template) continue; } else throw new Exception("Error retrieving sitecore Field.", ex); } } } // Get name and field sortorder, unfortunately we have to retrieve the field item which is slow field.SortOrder = templateFieldNode.Attributes["sortorder"].Value; field.Name = templateFieldNode.Attributes["name"].Value; // Get section from contentNode XmlNode fieldNode = contentNode.SelectSingleNode("/field[@fieldid='" + field.TemplateFieldID + "']"); if ((fieldNode != null) && (fieldNode.Attributes["section"] != null)) field.Section = fieldNode.Attributes["section"].Value; _fields.Add(field); } } // This is a template itemm if ((_sPath.ToLower().IndexOf("/sitecore/templates") > -1) && (_sName != "__Standard Values")) { XmlNode childrenNode = _sitecoreApi.GetChildren("{" + _ID.ToString().ToUpper() + "}", Util.CurrentDatabase, _credentials); XmlNodeList nodeList = childrenNode.SelectNodes("./item"); foreach (XmlNode node in nodeList) { // Get full-blown item XmlNode item = GetItemXml(node.Attributes["id"].Value); string sSection = ""; if (item.Attributes["template"].Value == "template section") { sSection = item.Attributes["name"].Value; XmlNode sectionChildNodes = _sitecoreApi.GetChildren(node.Attributes["id"].Value, Util.CurrentDatabase, _credentials); foreach (XmlNode tempNode in sectionChildNodes.SelectNodes("./item")) { XmlNode templateFieldNode = GetItemXml(tempNode.Attributes["id"].Value); Sitecore6xField field = new Sitecore6xField( templateFieldNode.Attributes["name"].Value, templateFieldNode.Attributes["name"].Value.ToLower(), Util.GetNodeFieldValue(templateFieldNode, "//field[@key='type']/content"), new Guid(templateFieldNode.Attributes["id"].Value), "", Util.GetNodeFieldValue(templateFieldNode, "//field[@key='__sortorder']/content"), sSection); field.Source = Util.GetNodeFieldValue(templateFieldNode, "//field[@key='source']/content"); field.LanguageTitle = Util.GetNodeFieldValue(templateFieldNode, "//field[@key='title']/content"); var existingfields = from f in _fields where f.TemplateFieldID == field.TemplateFieldID select f; if (existingfields.Count() == 0) { _fields.Add(field); } } } } // Fill template field values with standard values Sitecore6xItem standardValueItem = GetSitecore61Item(_sPath + "/__Standard Values"); if (standardValueItem != null) { foreach (Sitecore6xField standardField in standardValueItem._fields) { // Add field values from this and inherited templates Sitecore6xField curField = Util.GetFieldByID(standardField.TemplateFieldID, Fields) as Sitecore6xField; // Prevent lock from being copied, known to cause problems if ((curField != null) && (curField.Name == "lock")) continue; if (curField == null) _fields.Add(standardField); else curField.Content = standardField.Content; } } } // This is a "__Standard Values" item for the current language layer else if ((_sPath.ToLower().IndexOf("/sitecore/templates") > -1) && (_sName == "__Standard Values")) { } _sXmlNode = itemNode.OuterXml; }
public void SetAPIConnection(Sitecore61.VisualSitecoreService sitecoreApi, Sitecore61.Credentials credentials) { _sitecoreApi = sitecoreApi; _credentials = credentials; }
public static Sitecore6xItem GetItem(string sItemPath, Sitecore61.VisualSitecoreService sitecoreApi, Sitecore61.Credentials credentials, ConverterOptions Options) { XmlNode node = sitecoreApi.GetXML(sItemPath, false, Util.CurrentDatabase, credentials); Sitecore6xItem item = new Sitecore6xItem(node.SelectSingleNode("//item"), null, sitecoreApi, credentials, Options); return item; }