     *  Much math isn't it. Well here is what it does.
     *  We can't use Sins.GetVertexHeight to get height info because it is used for vertex and a joint have a very big probability of not perpeticular on a vertice.
     *  First find which triangle the joint falls under. To do that we floor and ceil both x and z coordinates of joint's position.
     *  p1 and p2 of triangle always will be (xFloor, y, zCeil) and (xCeil, y, zFloor). p3 will be closest one of (xFloor, y, zFloor) or (xCeil, y, zFloor)
     *  Then find which point on triangle joint falls under. Just find out of triangle's plane equation using triangle's normal then using these equation and x, z positions find out y position.

    public static float CalculateTrianglePointHeight(Vector3 position)
        float xFloor = MathfExtension.Floor(position.x, 1);
        float zFloor = MathfExtension.Floor(position.z, 1);
        float xCeil  = MathfExtension.Ceil(position.x, 1);
        float zCeil  = MathfExtension.Ceil(position.z, 1);

        Vector3 p3Floor = new Vector3(xFloor, position.y, zFloor);
        Vector3 p3Ceil  = new Vector3(xCeil, position.z, zCeil);
        Vector3 p3      = Vector3.Distance(position, p3Floor) < Vector3.Distance(position, p3Ceil) ? p3Floor : p3Ceil;

        p3.y = Sins.GetVertexHeight(p3.x, p3.z);

        Vector3 p1 = new Vector3(xFloor, Sins.GetVertexHeight(xFloor, zCeil), zCeil);
        Vector3 p2 = new Vector3(xCeil, Sins.GetVertexHeight(xCeil, zFloor), zFloor);

        Vector3 triangleNormal = Vector3.Cross(p2 - p1, p3 - p1).normalized;
        float   d = Vector3.Dot(p1, triangleNormal) * -1;

        if (Mathf.Approximately(triangleNormal.y, 0))

        return((triangleNormal.x * position.x + triangleNormal.z * position.z + d) / triangleNormal.y * -1);
        public void FlagellationHit(ParticleSystem particleSystem)

            AudioManager.PlayAudioClip(1.0f, 1.4f);

    public void Start()
        // get a sin database
        var database = GameObject.Find("SinDatabase").GetComponent <SinDatabase>();
        // get level manager
        var levelManager = GameObject.Find("LevelManager").GetComponent <LevelManager>();

        // get a random number of random sins
        var numberOfSins = Random.Range((int)levelManager.MinSins, (int)levelManager.MaxSins);

        for (var i = 0; i < numberOfSins; ++i)
            var sin = database.GetRandomSin();

            // add if not there already
            if (!Sins.Exists(s => s.SayLine == sin.SayLine))