public async Task Singles(string statement)
            (var defaultCollection, var docId, var sampleDoc) = await TestUtil.PrepSampleDoc(_fixture, _outputHelper);

            var loggerFactory = new ClusterFixture.TestOutputLoggerFactory(_outputHelper);
            await defaultCollection.InsertAsync(docId, sampleDoc);

            var txnCfg = TransactionConfigBuilder.Create().LoggerFactory(loggerFactory);
            var txn    = TestUtil.CreateTransaction(_fixture.Cluster, KeyValue.DurabilityLevel.None, _outputHelper);
            var config = new SingleQueryTransactionConfigBuilder();

            config.QueryOptionsValue.Parameter("docId", docId);
            var results = await txn.QueryAsync <object>(statement, config);

            await foreach (var r in results.QueryResult.Rows)
                _outputHelper.WriteLine($"result = {r}");
        async Task QueryExamples()
            // this isn't meant to run, merely to compile correctly.
            ICluster cluster      = null;
            var      transactions = Transactions.Create(cluster);
                // tag::queryExamplesSelect[]
                var st = "SELECT * FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.hotel WHERE country = $1";
                var transactionResult = await transactions.RunAsync(async ctx => {
                    IQueryResult <object> qr = await ctx.QueryAsync <object>(st,
                                                                             new TransactionQueryOptions().Parameter("United Kingdom"));

                    await foreach (var result in qr.Rows)
                        Console.Out.WriteLine($"result = {result}", result);

                // end::queryExamplesSelect[]

                // tag::queryExamplesSelectScope[]
                IBucket travelSample = await cluster.BucketAsync("travel-sample");

                IScope inventory = travelSample.Scope("inventory");

                var transactionResult = await transactions.RunAsync(async ctx =>
                    var st = "SELECT * FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.hotel WHERE country = $1";
                    IQueryResult <object> qr = await ctx.QueryAsync <object>(st,
                                                                             options: new TransactionQueryOptions().Parameter("United Kingdom"),
                                                                             scope: inventory);

                // end::queryExamplesSelectScope[]

                IBucket travelSample = await cluster.BucketAsync("travel-sample");

                IScope inventory = travelSample.Scope("inventory");
                // tag::queryExamplesUpdate[]
                var hotelChain = "http://marriot%";
                var country    = "United States";

                await transactions.RunAsync(async ctx => {
                    var qr = await ctx.QueryAsync <object>(
                        statement: "UPDATE hotel SET price = $price WHERE url LIKE $url AND country = $country",
                        configure: options => options.Parameter("price", 99.99m)
                        .Parameter("url", hotelChain)
                        .Parameter("country", country),
                        scope: inventory);

                    Console.Out.WriteLine($"Records Updated = {qr?.MetaData.Metrics.MutationCount}");

                // end::queryExamplesUpdate[]

                IBucket travelSample = await cluster.BucketAsync("travel-sample");

                IScope inventory  = travelSample.Scope("inventory");
                var    hotelChain = "http://marriot%";
                var    country    = "United States";
                //private class Review { };
                // tag::queryExamplesComplex[]
                await transactions.RunAsync(async ctx => {
                    // Find all hotels of the chain
                    IQueryResult <Review> qr = await ctx.QueryAsync <Review>(
                        statement: "SELECT reviews FROM hotel WHERE url LIKE $1 AND country = $2",
                        configure: options => options.Parameter(hotelChain).Parameter(country),
                        scope: inventory);

                    // This function (not provided here) will use a trained machine learning model to provide a
                    // suitable price based on recent customer reviews.
                    var updatedPrice = PriceFromRecentReviews(qr);

                    // Set the price of all hotels in the chain
                    await ctx.QueryAsync <object>(
                        statement: "UPDATE hotel SET price = $1 WHERE url LIKE $2 AND country = $3",
                        configure: options => options.Parameter(hotelChain, country, updatedPrice),
                        scope: inventory);

                // end::queryExamplesComplex[]

                // tag::queryInsert[]
                await transactions.RunAsync(async ctx => {
                    await ctx.QueryAsync <object>("INSERT INTO `default` VALUES ('doc', {'hello':'world'})", TransactionQueryConfigBuilder.Create());  // <1>

                    // Performing a 'Read Your Own Write'
                    var st = "SELECT `default`.* FROM `default` WHERE META().id = 'doc'"; // <2>
                    IQueryResult <object> qr = await ctx.QueryAsync <object>(st, TransactionQueryConfigBuilder.Create());
                    Console.Out.WriteLine($"ResultCount = {qr?.MetaData.Metrics.ResultCount}");

                // end::queryInsert[]

                // tag::querySingle[]
                var bulkLoadStatement = "<a bulk-loading N1QL statement>";

                    SingleQueryTransactionResult <object> result = await transactions.QueryAsync <object>(bulkLoadStatement);

                    IQueryResult <object> queryResult = result.QueryResult;
                catch (TransactionCommitAmbiguousException e)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Transaction possibly committed");
                    foreach (var log in e.Result.Logs)
                catch (TransactionFailedException e)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Transaction did not reach commit point");
                    foreach (var log in e.Result.Logs)
                // end::querySingle[]

                string bulkLoadStatement = null /* your statement here */;

                // tag::querySingleScoped[]
                IBucket travelSample = await cluster.BucketAsync("travel-sample");

                IScope inventory = travelSample.Scope("inventory");

                await transactions.QueryAsync <object>(bulkLoadStatement, scope : inventory);

                // end::querySingleScoped[]

                string bulkLoadStatement = null; /* your statement here */

                // tag::querySingleConfigured[]
                // with the Builder pattern.
                await transactions.QueryAsync <object>(bulkLoadStatement, SingleQueryTransactionConfigBuilder.Create()
                                                       // Single query transactions will often want to increase the default timeout

                // using the lambda style
                await transactions.QueryAsync <object>(bulkLoadStatement, config => config.ExpirationTime(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(360)));

                // end::querySingleConfigured[]

                ICouchbaseCollection collection = null;
                // tag::queryRyow[]
                await transactions.RunAsync(async ctx => {
                    _ = await ctx.InsertAsync(collection, "doc", new { Hello = "world" }); // <1>

                    // Performing a 'Read Your Own Write'
                    var st = "SELECT `default`.* FROM `default` WHERE META().id = 'doc'"; // <2>
                    var qr = await ctx.QueryAsync <object>(st);
                    Console.Out.WriteLine($"ResultCount = {qr?.MetaData.Metrics.ResultCount}");

                // end::queryRyow[]

                // tag::queryOptions[]
                await transactions.RunAsync(async ctx => {
                    await ctx.QueryAsync <object>("INSERT INTO `default` VALUES ('doc', {'hello':'world'})",
                                                  new TransactionQueryOptions().FlexIndex(true));

                // end::queryOptions[]

                // tag::custom-metadata[]
                ICouchbaseCollection metadataCollection = null; // this is a Collection opened by your code earlier
                Transactions         transactionsWithCustomMetadataCollection = Transactions.Create(cluster,
                // end::custom-metadata[]